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Created January 23, 2015 05:49
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udacity eulerian path
#lang racket
(define (can-have-eulerian-path? adj-hash)
(define vertex-counts (map (λ (adjs) (length adjs)) (hash-values adj-hash)))
(or (andmap even? vertex-counts)
(= 2 (length (filter odd? vertex-counts)))))
(define (find-eulerian-path edges)
(define adj-hash (build-adj-hash edges))
(if (not (can-have-eulerian-path? adj-hash)) #f
(let* ([verticies (hash-keys adj-hash)]
[odd-verticies (filter (λ (v) (odd? (length (hash-ref adj-hash v)))) verticies)]
[start-vertex (if (empty? odd-verticies) (first (first edges)) (first odd-verticies))])
(define (seek-path remaining path current)
(if (empty? remaining) (cons current path)
(let ([edges-from-current (filter (λ (e) (member current e)) remaining)])
; (displayln (format "~a: ~a" current remaining))
(if (empty? edges-from-current) #f
(for/or ([e edges-from-current])
(seek-path (remove e remaining) (cons current path) (if (= (first e) current) (second e) (first e))))
(seek-path edges '() start-vertex)
(define test-graph-1 '((0 1) (1 2) (2 3) (3 0)))
(define test-graph-2
'((0 1) (1 5) (1 7) (4 5)
(4 8) (1 6) (3 7) (5 9)
(2 4) (0 4) (2 5) (3 6) (8 9)))
(define test-graph-3
'((1 13) (1 6) (6 11) (3 13)
(8 13) (0 6) (8 9)(5 9) (2 6) (6 10) (7 9)
(1 12) (4 12) (5 14) (0 1) (2 3) (4 11) (6 9)
(7 14) (10 13)
(define test-graph-4
'((8 16) (8 18) (16 17) (18 19)
(3 17) (13 17) (5 13)(3 4) (0 18) (3 14) (11 14)
(1 8) (1 9) (4 12) (2 19)(1 10) (7 9) (13 15)
(6 12) (0 1) (2 11) (3 18) (5 6) (7 15) (8 13) (10 17)
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