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Created May 26, 2017 04:23
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(ns objtest.core
(:require [goog.object :as gobj]))
(defrecord Result [title time])
(defn run-all [& tests]
(for [[title f] tests]
(let [start (js/Date.)]
(println "running:" title)
(dotimes [n 1000] (assert (= {:a 49995000} (f))))
(Result. title (- (js/Date.) start))))
(sort-by :time)
(.table js/console)))
(defn init []
["get and set!"
(fn []
(let [obj #js{:a 0}]
(dotimes [x 10000]
(set! (.-a obj) (+ (.-a obj) x)))
(js->clj obj :keywordize-keys true)))]
["reduce immutable assoc"
(fn []
(reduce #(assoc % :a (+ (:a %) %2))
{:a 0}
(range 10000)))]
["reduce immutable update"
(fn []
(reduce #(update % :a + %2)
{:a 0}
(range 10000)))]
["dotimes volatile vswap!"
(fn []
(let [vol (volatile! {:a 0})]
(dotimes [x 10000]
(vswap! vol (fn [v] (update v :a + x))))
["reduce volatile vreset!"
(fn []
(let [vol (volatile! {:a 0})]
(dotimes [x 10000]
(vreset! vol {:a (+ (:a @vol) x)}))
["reduce volatile vreset! destructure"
(fn []
(let [vol (volatile! {:a 0})]
(dotimes [x 10000]
(let [{:keys [a]} @vol]
(vreset! vol {:a (+ a x)})))
["gobj get and set!"
(fn []
(let [obj #js{:a 0}]
(dotimes [x 10000]
(gobj/set obj "a" (+ (gobj/get obj "a") x)))
(js->clj obj :keywordize-keys true)))]
(fn []
(let [obj (transient {:a 0})]
(dotimes [x 10000]
(assoc! obj :a (+ (:a obj) x)))
(persistent! obj)))]
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