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Created March 19, 2015 02:36
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Daily Programmer #206
#lang racket
(define width 91)
(define height 51)
(define radius 9)
(define test-input #<<GRID
(define test-grid (map string->list (string-split test-input "\n")))
(define (get-circle-points w h cx cy r)
(for*/list ([x (stream-map (λ (i) (+ cx i))
(in-range (- r) (add1 r)))]
[y (stream-map (λ (i) (+ cy i))
(in-range (- r) (add1 r)))]
#:unless (or
(> 0 x)(> 0 y)
(<= w x) (<= h y)
(< r (sqrt (+ (expt (- cx x) 2)
(expt (- cy y) 2))))))
(list x y)))
(define (lookup grid point)
(match-define (list x y) point)
(list-ref (list-ref grid y) x))
(define (count-wartered-crops grid w h cx cy r)
(define points (get-circle-points w h cx cy r))
(for/fold ([n 0])
([p points]
#:unless (eq? p (list cx cy)))
(if (char=? (lookup grid p) #\x)
(add1 n)
(define (find-max-point grid w h r)
(define (loop cx cy max max-point)
(if (and (= (- w 1) cx)
(= (- h 1) cy))
(values max max-point)
(count-wartered-crops grid w h cx cy r)]
[new-x (modulo (+ cx 1) w)]
[new-y (if (zero? new-x) (+ cy 1) cy)])
(if (< max wartered-at-point)
(loop new-x new-y wartered-at-point (list cx cy))
(loop new-x new-y max max-point))))))
(loop 0 0 -1 #f))
(define (display-wartered-grid grid w h r max-point)
(define wartered-points (get-circle-points w h (first max-point) (second max-point) r))
(for* ([x (range h)]
[y (range w)])
(let ([char-at-point (lookup grid (list y x))])
(if (and
(member (list x y) wartered-points)
(char=? #\. char-at-point))
(display "~")
(display char-at-point)))
(when (= y (- w 1)) (newline))))
(define (dailyprogrammer-206)
(define-values [max max-point]
(find-max-point test-grid width height radius))
(displayln (format "Max point is (~a, ~a) with ~a wartered."
(first max-point)
(second max-point)
(display-wartered-grid test-grid width height radius max-point))
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> (dailyprogrammer-206)
Max point is (11, 10) with 35 wartered.

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