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Last active December 21, 2015 23:19
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tdiary-core, tdiary-contrib を git clone して、ローカルのtdiary-coreとtdiary-contribで tdiary を Rack で動かしたい。

/tmp/tdiary に、tdiary-core と tdiary-contrib を git clone する。

% mkdir /tmp/tdiary
% cd /tmp/tdiary
% git clone
% git clone


├── tdiary-contrib
└── tdiary-core

/tmp/tdiary/tdiary-core/Gemfile.local を以下の内容で作成する。

gem 'tdiary', :path => '.'
gem 'tdiary-contrib', :path => '../tdiary-contrib'

bundle install は成功するが、rakeやrackup時に例外が発生する。

% cd /tmp/tdiary/tdiary-core
% mkdir -p vendor/bundle
% bundle install --path vendor/bundle --without coffee memcached redis gfm development test
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching gem metadata from
Resolving dependencies...
Using bundler (1.3.5) 
Installing daemons (1.1.9) 
Installing eventmachine (1.0.3) 
Installing fastimage (1.5.0) 
Installing hike (1.2.3) 
Installing hikidoc (0.0.6) 
Installing multi_json (1.7.9) 
Installing rack (1.5.2) 
Installing rdtool (0.6.38) 
Installing tilt (1.4.1) 
Installing sprockets (2.10.0) 
Installing thor (0.18.1) 
Using tdiary (4.0.1) from source at . 
Using tdiary-contrib (4.0.1) from source at ../tdiary-contrib 
Installing thin (1.5.1) 
Your bundle is complete!
Gems in the groups coffee, memcached, redis, gfm, development and test were not installed.
It was installed into ./vendor/bundle
% bundle exec rake -vT
There was a LoadError while loading tdiary-contrib.gemspec: 
cannot load such file -- tdiary/version from
  /tmp/tdiary/tdiary-contrib/tdiary-contrib.gemspec:4:in `<main>'

Does it try to require a relative path? That's been removed in Ruby 1.9.
% bundle exec rackup 
There was a LoadError while loading tdiary-contrib.gemspec: 
cannot load such file -- tdiary/version from
  /tmp/tdiary/tdiary-contrib/tdiary-contrib.gemspec:4:in `<main>'

Does it try to require a relative path? That's been removed in Ruby 1.9.

一応、環境変数 RUBYLIB をセットすると動くみたい

% RUBYLIB=`pwd` bundle exec rake -vT
% RUBYLIB=`pwd` bundle exec rackup

本当にこれでいいの?Gemfile.localの書き方に問題がある? あるいはこういった(tdiary-coreもtdiary-contribもローカルにgit cloneしたもので動かしたい)状況に対応できていない?

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