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Created March 30, 2020 20:40
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@echo off
title [{(Eterm)}]
echo [Eterminal]
echo write help/... for help
set /p input=/...
if %input% == help/... goto help
if %input% == date/... goto date
if %input% == time/... goto time
if %input% == clear/... goto clearcon
if %input% == gt/main/... goto main
if %input% == calc/math/... goto calc
if %input% == progs/start/... goto startprog
if %input% == tools/mkfolder/... goto mkdir
if %input% == tools/mktxt/edit/... goto mkopentxt
if %input% == tools/delfile/... goto delfile
if %input% == tools/color/chg/... goto color
if %input% == cmd/... goto cmd
if %input% == work/txt/ntpad/... goto notepad
if %input% == hack/ping/... goto ping
if %input% == hack/cmd/... goto cmd
if %input% == help/paths/... goto helpp
echo -%input%- is an unkown command
goto start
set /p sum=Eterm/math/calc/...
set /a awnser=%sum%
echo %awnser%
goto start
echo help/... - list of commands
echo date/... - displays date
echo time/... - displays time
echo clear/... - clears Eterm
echo gt/(path)/... - clears and go's to enterd path
echo calc/math/... - opens calc
echo progs/start/... - open starter
echo tools/mkfolder/... - opens make folder
echo tools/mktxt/edit/... - makes and opens a text file
echo tools/delfile/... - delete a file
echo tools/color/chg/... - change color
echo cmd/... - open cmd
echo work/txt/ntpad/... - notepad
echo hack/ping/... - ping website
echo hack/cmd/... - lauch cmd
echo help/paths/... - show list of current paths
goto start
set /p ps=Eterm/progs/start/...
start %ps%
goto start
set /p foldname=Eterm/tools/mkfolder/...
mkdir %foldname%
goto start
set /p txtname=Eterm/tools/mktxt/.date..
set /p txtcont=Eterm/tools/mkfolder/edit/...
echo %txtcont% >> %txtname%.txt
goto start
set /p delfilename=Eterm/tools/delfile/...
del %delfilename%
goto start
set /p backcolor=Eterm/set/background/clr/...
set /p txtcolor=Eterm/set/txt/clr/...
color %backcolor%%txtcolor%
goto start
set /p command=enter CMD command:
goto start
echo %DATE%
goto start
echo %TIME%
goto start
goto start
start C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe
goto start
set /p ping=hack/ping/...
ping %ping%
goto start
goto start
echo main - main path
goto start
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