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Last active February 3, 2017 11:04
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Save miniplay/5012909 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Miniplay API - Loading of the AS3 API into a flash game (EXTENDED). Additional content provided, refer to the BASE for the simplest version.
/* 1. Imports */
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.system.Security;
/* 2. Get the url from the flashvars */
var params:Object = LoaderInfo(root.loaderInfo).parameters; /* Access to the root object is required */
/* 3. If not present, load the latest available */
var apiUrl:String = params.mp_api_as3_url || "";
// apiUrl+="?log_level=1"; /* Custom loglevel can be provided as a parameter (By default, it uses the mp_log_level flashvar) */
/* 4. Grant the API access to this SWF */
Security.allowDomain(apiUrl); /* Having issues? try allowDomain("*")! */
/* 5. Load the API */
var apiRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(apiUrl);
var apiLoader:Loader = new Loader();
apiLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onApiLoadComplete); /* onApiLoad will be called once completed */
/* 6. API Reference (assigned inside onApiLoadComplete) */
var lechuck:*;
/* 7. On API Load Complete Handler */
function onApiLoadComplete(event:Event):void {
trace("API Loaded");
/* Assign the reference to the API instance */
lechuck =;
/* Custom logLevel can be provided manually */
lechuck.logLevel(2); /* 1 - Spam, 2 - Debug, 3 - Info, 4 - Warn, 5 -Error */
/* Attach API logtrace listener, the API will trace instead messages of logging them to the browser console if it's not available */
/* If it's available, this event won't be called, and the log will be sent directly to the browser console */
/* This is totally unrequired, it's only provided as an extra feature*/
lechuck.onTrace(function(evt:*):void {
trace("Log: "+ evt.msg); /* Handle it however you want */
/* Attach custom event listeners */
/* Allows us to attach our own listeners to various API events */
lechuck.onUserDisconnect(function():void {
lechuck.logInfo("Custom Listener: User disconnected");
lechuck.onConnect(function():void {
lechuck.logInfo("Custom Listener: Connected");
lechuck.onUnableToConnect(function():void {
lechuck.logError("Custom Listener: Unable to connect");
lechuck.onDisconnect(function():void {
lechuck.logInfo("Custom Listener: Disconnected");
lechuck.onResize(function():void {
lechuck.logInfo("Custom Listener: Game resized!");
/* Set api_token: Devel and production tokens, use devel if the mp_game_devel = 1 flashvar was received */
var token:String = lechuck.isDevel ? "YOUR_DEVEL_TOKEN" : "YOUR_PRODUCTION_TOKEN";
/* We can now use logInfo instead of trace, it will log them to browser console (depending on loglevel), or */
/* trace them if the browser console is not available (you can capture the traces and handle them differently) */
lechuck.logInfo("Connecting with the API backend...");
/* Connect the API backend */
lechuck.connect( token, function():void {
if (lechuck.isConnected) {
lechuck.logInfo("API connected, LeChuck services ready to rock!.");
/* API modules that can be called now: */
// lechuck.user
// lechuck.stat
// lechuck.item
// lechuck.datastore
// lechuck.sharedcontent
// lechuck.environment
/* User status and game booting */
if (lechuck.user.isGuest()) {
/* Boot the game for a guest user (ask to login) >>>> */
/* If your game has already booted show main menu for guests */
/* Remember: Miniplay registration OR login will issue a page refresh! */
/* any progress made by guests users cannot be saved */
} else {
lechuck.logInfo("User logged in: " + lechuck.user.uid);
/* Boot the game for an authenticated user >>>> */
/* If your game has already booted show main menu */
/* An onConnect event listener was attached and will be dispatched automatically after this*/
} else {
lechuck.logError("API not connected: "+lechuck.connectError.message );
/* No API connection, boot the game? (you decide it) */
/* An onUnableToConnect event listener was attached and will be dispatched automatically after this */
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