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Last active April 9, 2023 22:50
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SublimeText user key bindings
// incremental forward search doesn't work for C++ file (re-define here)
{ "keys": ["ctrl+s"], "command": "sbp_inc_search", "args": {"forward": true, "regex": false}},
{ "keys": ["ctrl+s"], "command": "sbp_inc_search", "args": {"cmd": "next", "keep": false, "forward": true},
"context": [ {"key": "i_search_active"}, {"key": "panel_has_focus"} ]
// Emacs key bindings for move
{ "keys": ["ctrl+f"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "characters", "forward": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+b"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "characters", "forward": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+a"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "bol", "extend": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+e"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "eol", "extend": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+p"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "forward": false} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+j"], "command": "insert", "args": {"characters": "\n"}},
{ "keys": ["ctrl+n"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "lines", "forward": true} },
// alt+<: buffer top
{ "keys": ["escape", "<"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "bof", "extend": false} },
// alt+>: buffer bottom
{ "keys": ["escape", ">"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "eof", "extend": false} },
// Emacs key binding for delete
{ "keys": ["ctrl+d"], "command": "right_delete" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+right"], "command": "next_view" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+left"], "command": "prev_view" }
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