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Created March 11, 2016 08:37
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import pickle
from itertools import count
from collections import Mapping
class PickleRecorder:
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def __call__(self, iterable):
with open(self.path, mode='ab') as pout:
if isinstance(iterable, Mapping):
iterable = iterable.items()
for tag, content in iterable:
pickle.dump((tag, content), pout)
return self
def __iter__(self):
return self.decode()
def decode(self):
exception_message = 'Exception occur for item {i}: {e}'
with open(self.path, 'rb') as fin:
for i in count():
yield pickle.load(fin)
except EOFError:
except Exception as e:
print(exception_message.format(i=i, e=e))
import transaction
import ZODB
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
from persistent.list import PersistentList
from collections import Mapping
class ZODBRecorder:
def __init__(self, storage, node=None):
self.connection = ZODB.connection(storage)
self.root = self.connection.root()
if node is None:
if node not in self.root:
with transaction.manager:
self.root[node] = OOBTree()
self.root = self.root[node]
def __call__(self, iterable):
with transaction.manager:
if isinstance(iterable, Mapping):
iterable = iterable.items()
for tag, content in iterable:
if tag not in self.root:
self.root[tag] = PersistentList()
return self
def __iter__(self):
return self.decode()
def decode(self):
for tag, contents in self.root.items():
for content in contents:
yield tag, content
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