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Created January 4, 2012 18:25
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Modified W3TC PgCache.php file to work with nginx-memcached interface
// Look for "@custom" to see customizations
// Sourced from W3TC v0.9.2.4
// Full path: /w3-total-cache/lib/W3/PgCache.php
* W3 PgCache
* Class W3_PgCache
class W3_PgCache {
* Advanced cache config
* @var W3_Config
var $_config = null;
* Caching flag
* @var boolean
var $_caching = false;
* Time start
* @var double
var $_time_start = 0;
* Lifetime
* @var integer
var $_lifetime = 0;
* Enhanced mode flag
* @var boolean
var $_enhanced_mode = false;
* Debug flag
* @var boolean
var $_debug = false;
* Request URI
* @var string
var $_request_uri = '';
* Page key
* @var string
var $_page_key = '';
* Shutdown buffer
* @var string
var $_shutdown_buffer = '';
* Shutdown compression
* @var string
var $_shutdown_compression = '';
* Mobile object
* @var W3_Mobile
var $_mobile = null;
* Referrer object
* @var W3_Referrer
var $_referrer = null;
* Cache reject reason
* @var string
var $cache_reject_reason = '';
* Returns instance.
* For backward compatibility with version of /wp-content files
* @return W3_PgCache
function &instance() {
$i = & w3_instance('W3_PgCache');
$i->_legacy = true;
return $i;
* PHP5 Constructor
function __construct() {
$this->_config = & w3_instance('W3_Config');
$this->_debug = $this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.debug');
$this->_request_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$this->_lifetime = $this->_config->get_integer('browsercache.html.lifetime');
$this->_enhanced_mode = ($this->_config->get_string('pgcache.engine') == 'file_generic');
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('mobile.enabled')) {
$this->_mobile = & w3_instance('W3_Mobile');
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('referrer.enabled')) {
$this->_referrer = & w3_instance('W3_Referrer');
* PHP4 Constructor
function W3_PgCache() {
* Do cache logic
function process() {
* Skip caching for some pages
switch (true) {
case defined('DONOTCACHEPAGE'):
case defined('DOING_AJAX'):
case defined('DOING_CRON'):
case defined('APP_REQUEST'):
case defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST'):
case defined('WP_ADMIN'):
case (defined('SHORTINIT') && SHORTINIT):
* Legacy mode with version of /wp-content add-ins
if (isset($this->_legacy)) {
$redirect = & w3_instance('W3_Redirect');
* Do page cache logic
if ($this->_debug) {
$this->_time_start = w3_microtime();
$this->_caching = $this->_can_cache();
* Work with nginx memcache
* @custom 2011-09-07 Gabriel Koen
* @version 2011-09-07 Gabriel Koen
if ($this->_caching && !$this->_enhanced_mode) {
$cache = & $this->_get_cache();
$mobile_group = $this->_get_mobile_group();
$referrer_group = $this->_get_referrer_group();
$encryption = $this->_get_encryption();
$compression = false;
$raw = true;
$this->_page_key = $this->_get_page_key($this->_request_uri, $mobile_group, $referrer_group, $encryption, $compression);
* Check if page is cached
$data = $cache->get($this->_page_key);
* If cache exists
if ($data) {
* Do Bad Behavior check
if ( '_404' === substr($str, -4) ) {
$is_404 = true;
$headers = '';
$time = time();
$content = & $data;
* Calculate content etag
$etag = md5($content);
* Send headers
$this->_send_headers($is_404, $time, $etag, $compression, $headers);
* Do manual compression for uncompressed page
if ($raw) {
* Append debug info
if ($this->_debug) {
$time_total = w3_microtime() - $this->_time_start;
$debug_info = $this->_get_debug_info(true, '', true, $time_total);
$content .= "\r\n\r\n" . $debug_info;
* Parse dynamic tags
* Compress content
$this->_compress($content, $compression);
echo $content;
// @custom end
* Start output buffering
* Output buffering callback
* @param string $buffer
* @return string
function ob_callback(&$buffer) {
if ($buffer != '' && w3_is_xml($buffer)) {
$compression = false;
$has_dynamic = $this->_has_dynamic($buffer);
$can_cache = $this->_can_cache2($buffer);
* Work with nginx memcache
* @custom 2011-09-07 Gabriel Koen
* @version 2011-09-07 Gabriel Koen
if ($can_cache) {
$mobile_group = $this->_get_mobile_group();
$referrer_group = $this->_get_referrer_group();
$encryption = $this->_get_encryption();
* Don't use compression for debug mode or dynamic tags
* because we need to modify buffer before send it to client
// Force raw / no gzip
$raw = true;
$compression = false;
$time = time();
$cache = & $this->_get_cache();
$content_type = '';
$cached_headers = $this->_get_cached_headers();
//$is_404 = (function_exists('is_404') ? is_404() : false);
$_page_key = $this->_get_page_key($this->_request_uri, $mobile_group, $referrer_group, $encryption, $compression);
$cache->set($_page_key, $buffer, $this->_lifetime);
* Calculate content etag
$etag = '';
if ($raw) {
if ($this->_debug) {
* Set page key for debug
$this->_page_key = $this->_get_page_key(
$this->_request_uri, $mobile_group,
$referrer_group, $encryption, $compression,
* Append debug info
$time_total = w3_microtime() - $this->_time_start;
$debug_info = $this->_get_debug_info(true, '', false, $time_total);
$buffer .= "\r\n\r\n" . $debug_info;
} elseif ($this->_debug) {
$mobile_group = $this->_get_mobile_group();
$referrer_group = $this->_get_referrer_group();
$encryption = $this->_get_encryption();
* Set page key for debug
$this->_page_key = $this->_get_page_key($this->_request_uri, $mobile_group, $referrer_group, $encryption, $compression);
* Append debug info
$time_total = w3_microtime() - $this->_time_start;
$debug_info = $this->_get_debug_info(false, $this->cache_reject_reason, false, $time_total);
$buffer .= "\r\n\r\n" . $debug_info;
// @custom end
* We can't capture output in ob_callback
* so we use shutdown function
if ($has_dynamic) {
$this->_shutdown_buffer = $buffer;
$this->_shutdown_compression = $compression;
$buffer = '';
return $buffer;
* Shutdown callback
* @return void
function shutdown() {
* Parse dynamic content
* Compress page
$this->_compress($this->_shutdown_buffer, $this->_shutdown_compression);
echo $this->_shutdown_buffer;
* Checks if can we do cache logic
* @return boolean
function _can_cache() {
* Don't cache in console mode
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Console mode';
return false;
* Skip if session defined
if (defined('SID') && SID != '') {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Session started';
return false;
* Skip if posting
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Requested method is POST';
return false;
* Skip if there is query in the request uri
if (!$this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.query') && strstr($this->_request_uri, '?') !== false) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Requested URI contains query';
return false;
* Check request URI
if (!in_array($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $this->_config->get_array('pgcache.accept.files')) && !$this->_check_request_uri()) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Requested URI is rejected';
return false;
* Check User Agent
if (!$this->_check_ua()) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'User agent is rejected';
return false;
* Check WordPress cookies
if (!$this->_check_cookies()) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Cookie is rejected';
return false;
* Skip if user is logged in
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.reject.logged') && !$this->_check_logged_in()) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'User is logged in';
return false;
return true;
* Checks if can we do cache logic
* @param string $buffer
* @return boolean
function _can_cache2(&$buffer) {
* Skip if caching is disabled
if (!$this->_caching) {
return false;
* Check for database error
if (w3_is_database_error($buffer)) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Database error occurred';
return false;
* Check for DONOTCACHEPAGE constant
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'DONOTCACHEPAGE constant is defined';
return false;
* Check hostname
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.check.domain') && w3_get_host() != w3_get_home_domain()) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Hostname mismatch';
return false;
* Don't cache 404 pages
if (!$this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.404') && function_exists('is_404') && is_404()) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Page is 404';
return false;
* Don't cache homepage
if (!$this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.home') && function_exists('is_home') && is_home()) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Page is home';
return false;
* Don't cache feed
if (!$this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.cache.feed') && function_exists('is_feed') && is_feed()) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Page is feed';
return false;
* Check if page contains dynamic tags
if ($this->_enhanced_mode && $this->_has_dynamic($buffer)) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Page contains dynamic tags (mfunc or mclude) can not be cached in enhanced mode';
return false;
* Custom cache reject rules
* @custom 2011-09-07 Gabriel Koen
* @version 2011-09-07 Gabriel Koen
// Only try to cache if less than 1MB
// @see
if ( function_exists('mb_strlen') ) {
$one_megabyte = 1048576;
$byte_length = mb_strlen($buffer, 'latin1');
} else {
$one_megabyte = 900000; // < 1MB to give us some margin for error, since we can't check the actual byte length
$byte_length = strlen($buffer);
if ( $one_megabyte < $byte_length ) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Page is too big to fit in a memcached slab: ' . $byte_length . ' bytes';
return false;
// If this is an HTML page, it must have a closing html tag
if ( false === stristr($buffer, '<?xml') && false !== stristr($buffer, '<html') && false === stristr($buffer, '</html>') ) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'No closing HTML tag detected';
return false;
// Can't cache 404s, nginx doesn't know about sending a 404 header
if ( function_exists('is_404') && is_404() ) {
$this->cache_reject_reason = 'Cannot cache 404 pages';
return false;
// @custom end
return true;
* Returns cache object
* @return W3_Cache_Base
function &_get_cache() {
static $cache = array();
if (!isset($cache[0])) {
$engine = $this->_config->get_string('pgcache.engine');
switch ($engine) {
case 'memcached':
$engineConfig = array(
'servers' => $this->_config->get_array('pgcache.memcached.servers'),
'persistant' => $this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.memcached.persistant')
case 'file':
$engineConfig = array(
'locking' => $this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.file.locking'),
'flush_timelimit' => $this->_config->get_integer('timelimit.cache_flush')
case 'file_generic':
$engineConfig = array(
'exclude' => array(
'expire' => $this->_lifetime,
'locking' => $this->_config->get_boolean('pgcache.file.locking'),
'flush_timelimit' => $this->_config->get_integer('timelimit.cache_flush')
$engineConfig = array();
require_once W3TC_LIB_W3_DIR . '/Cache.php';
@$cache[0] = & W3_Cache::instance($engine, $engineConfig);
return $cache[0];
* Checks request URI
* @return boolean
function _check_request_uri() {
$auto_reject_uri = array(
foreach ($auto_reject_uri as $uri) {
if (strstr($this->_request_uri, $uri) !== false) {
return false;
$reject_uri = $this->_config->get_array('pgcache.reject.uri');
$reject_uri = array_map('w3_parse_path', $reject_uri);
foreach ($reject_uri as $expr) {
$expr = trim($expr);
if ($expr != '' && preg_match('~' . $expr . '~i', $this->_request_uri)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks User Agent
* @return boolean
function _check_ua() {
require_once W3TC_LIB_W3_DIR . '/Request.php';
$uas = $this->_config->get_array('');
$preload = W3_Request::get_boolean('w3tc_preload');
if (! $preload) {
$uas = array_merge($uas, array(W3TC_POWERED_BY));
foreach ($uas as $ua) {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $ua) !== false) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks WordPress cookies
* @return boolean
function _check_cookies() {
foreach (array_keys($_COOKIE) as $cookie_name) {
if ($cookie_name == 'wordpress_test_cookie') {
if (preg_match('/^(wp-postpass|comment_author)/', $cookie_name)) {
return false;
foreach ($this->_config->get_array('pgcache.reject.cookie') as $reject_cookie) {
foreach (array_keys($_COOKIE) as $cookie_name) {
if (strstr($cookie_name, $reject_cookie) !== false) {
return false;
return true;
* Check if user is logged in
* @return boolean
function _check_logged_in() {
foreach (array_keys($_COOKIE) as $cookie_name) {
if ($cookie_name == 'wordpress_test_cookie') {
if (strpos($cookie_name, 'wordpress') === 0) {
return false;
return true;
* Compress data
* @param string $data
* @param string $compression
* @return string
function _compress(&$data, $compression) {
switch ($compression) {
case 'gzip':
$data = gzencode($data);
case 'deflate':
$data = gzdeflate($data);
* Returns current mobile group
* @return string
function _get_mobile_group() {
if ($this->_mobile) {
return $this->_mobile->get_group();
return '';
* Returns current referrer group
* @return string
function _get_referrer_group() {
if ($this->_referrer) {
return $this->_referrer->get_group();
return '';
* Returns current encryption
* @return string
function _get_encryption() {
if (w3_is_https()) {
return 'ssl';
return '';
* Returns current compression
* @return boolean
function _get_compression() {
* No storing multiple compressions when using nginx memcache layer
* @custom 2011-09-07 Gabriel Koen
* @version 2011-09-07 Gabriel Koen
return false;
// @custom end
if (!w3_zlib_output_compression() && !headers_sent() && !$this->_is_buggy_ie()) {
$compressions = $this->_get_compressions();
foreach ($compressions as $compression) {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING']) && stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], $compression) !== false) {
return $compression;
return false;
* Returns array of compressions
* @return array
function _get_compressions() {
$compressions = array(
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.enabled') && $this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.html.compression') && function_exists('gzencode')) {
$compressions[] = 'gzip';
return $compressions;
* Returns array of response headers
* @return array
function _get_response_headers() {
$headers = array();
if (function_exists('headers_list')) {
$headers_list = headers_list();
if ($headers_list) {
foreach ($headers_list as $header) {
list ($header_name, $header_value) = explode(': ', $header, 2);
$headers[$header_name] = $header_value;
return $headers;
* Checks for buggy IE6 that doesn't support compression
* @return boolean
function _is_buggy_ie() {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
if (strpos($ua, 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE ') === 0 && strpos($ua, 'Opera') === false) {
$version = (float) substr($ua, 30);
return ($version < 6 || ($version == 6 && strpos($ua, 'SV1') === false));
return false;
* Returns array of data headers
* @return array
function _get_cached_headers() {
$data_headers = array();
$cache_headers = $this->_config->get_array('pgcache.cache.headers');
$response_headers = $this->_get_response_headers();
foreach ($response_headers as $header_name => $header_value) {
foreach ($cache_headers as $cache_header_name) {
if (strcasecmp($header_name, $cache_header_name) == 0) {
$data_headers[$header_name] = $header_value;
return $data_headers;
* Returns page key
* @param string $request_uri
* @param string $mobile_group
* @param string $referrer_group
* @param string $encryption
* @param string $compression
* @return string
function _get_page_key($request_uri, $mobile_group = '', $referrer_group = '',
$encryption = false, $compression = false, $content_type = false) {
* Make our own nginx-memcached compliant key. Remove any querystring params that aren't whitelisted
* @see class WP->public_query_vars
* @custom 2011-04-20 Gabriel Koen
* @version 2011-09-01 Gabriel Koen
$key_parts = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$key = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $key_parts['path'];
if ( isset($key_parts['query']) ) {
parse_str($key_parts['query'], $querystring);
// It's too early to instantiate WP or access $wp->public_query_vars so just maintain a copy of the array.
$public_query_vars = array('m', 'p', 'posts', 'w', 'cat', 'withcomments', 'withoutcomments', 's', 'search', 'exact', 'sentence', 'debug', 'calendar', 'page', 'paged', 'more', 'tb', 'pb', 'author', 'order', 'orderby', 'year', 'monthnum', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'name', 'category_name', 'tag', 'feed', 'author_name', 'static', 'pagename', 'page_id', 'error', 'comments_popup', 'attachment', 'attachment_id', 'subpost', 'subpost_id', 'preview', 'robots', 'taxonomy', 'term', 'cpage', 'post_type');
$whitelist = array_intersect(array_keys($querystring), $public_query_vars);
$whitelisted_querystring = array();
foreach ( $whitelist as $whitelisted_key ) {
$whitelisted_querystring[$whitelisted_key] = $querystring[$whitelisted_key];
if ( !empty($whitelisted_querystring) ) {
$key .= '?' . http_build_query($whitelisted_querystring);
if ( function_exists('is_404') && is_404() ) {
$key .= '_404';
return $key;
// @custom end
// replace fragment
$key = preg_replace('~#.*$~', '', $request_uri);
if ($this->_enhanced_mode) {
// URL decode
$key = urldecode($key);
// replace double slashes
$key = preg_replace('~[/\\\]+~', '/', $key);
// replace query string
$key = preg_replace('~\?.*$~', '', $key);
// replace index.php
$key = str_replace('/index.php', '/', $key);
// trim slash
$key = ltrim($key, '/');
if ($key && substr($key, -1) != '/') {
$key .= '/';
$key .= '_index';
} else {
$key = sprintf('w3tc_%s_page_%s', w3_get_host_id(), md5($key));
* Append mobile group
if ($mobile_group) {
$key .= '_' . $mobile_group;
* Append referrer group
if ($referrer_group) {
$key .= '_' . $referrer_group;
* Append encryption
if ($encryption) {
$key .= '_' . $encryption;
if ($this->_enhanced_mode) {
* Append HTML extension
if (substr($content_type, 0, 8) == 'text/xml')
$key .= '.xml';
$key .= '.html';
* Append compression
if ($compression) {
$key .= '_' . $compression;
* Allow to modify page key by W3TC plugins
$key = w3tc_do_action('w3tc_pgcache_cache_key', $key);
return $key;
* Returns debug info
* @param boolean $cache
* @param string $reason
* @param boolean $status
* @param double $time
* @return string
function _get_debug_info($cache, $reason, $status, $time) {
$debug_info = "<!-- W3 Total Cache: Page cache debug info:\r\n";
$debug_info .= sprintf("%s%s\r\n", str_pad('Engine: ', 20), w3_get_engine_name($this->_config->get_string('pgcache.engine')));
$debug_info .= sprintf("%s%s\r\n", str_pad('Cache key: ', 20), $this->_page_key);
$debug_info .= sprintf("%s%s\r\n", str_pad('Caching: ', 20), ($cache ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'));
if (!$cache) {
$debug_info .= sprintf("%s%s\r\n", str_pad('Reject reason: ', 20), $reason);
$debug_info .= sprintf("%s%s\r\n", str_pad('Status: ', 20), ($status ? 'cached' : 'not cached'));
$debug_info .= sprintf("%s%.3fs\r\n", str_pad('Creation Time: ', 20), $time);
$headers = $this->_get_response_headers();
if (count($headers)) {
$debug_info .= "Header info:\r\n";
foreach ($headers as $header_name => $header_value) {
$debug_info .= sprintf("%s%s\r\n", str_pad($header_name . ': ', 20), w3_escape_comment($header_value));
$debug_info .= '-->';
return $debug_info;
* Sends headers
* @param array $headers
* @return boolean
function _headers($headers) {
if (!headers_sent()) {
foreach ($headers as $name => $value) {
$header = ($name == 'Status' ? $value : $name . ': ' . $value);
return true;
return false;
* Sends headers
* @param boolean $is_404
* @param string $etag
* @param integer $time
* @param string $compression
* @param array $custom_headers
* @return boolean
function _send_headers($is_404, $time, $etag, $compression, $custom_headers = array()) {
$exit = false;
$headers = array();
$curr_time = time();
$expires = $time + $this->_lifetime;
$max_age = ($expires > $curr_time ? $expires - $curr_time : 0);
if ($is_404) {
* Add 404 header
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Status' => 'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'
} elseif ($this->_check_modified_since($time) || $this->_check_match($etag)) {
* Add 304 header
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Status' => 'HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'
* Don't send content if it isn't modified
$exit = true;
* Add default headers
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Last-Modified' => w3_http_date($time),
'Vary' => 'Cookie'
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.enabled')) {
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.html.expires')) {
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Expires' => w3_http_date($expires)
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.html.cache.control')) {
switch ($this->_config->get_string('browsercache.html.cache.policy')) {
case 'cache':
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Pragma' => 'public',
'Cache-Control' => 'public'
case 'cache_validation':
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Pragma' => 'public',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate'
case 'cache_noproxy':
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Pragma' => 'public',
'Cache-Control' => 'public, must-revalidate'
case 'cache_maxage':
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Pragma' => 'public',
'Cache-Control' => sprintf('max-age=%d, public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate', $max_age)
case 'no_cache':
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Pragma' => 'no-cache',
'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=0, private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.html.etag')) {
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Etag' => $etag
if ($this->_config->get_boolean('browsercache.html.w3tc')) {
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'X-Powered-By' => W3TC_POWERED_BY
if ($compression) {
* Add Content-Encoding header
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Vary' => 'Accept-Encoding, Cookie',
'Content-Encoding' => $compression
* Add custom headers
$headers = array_merge($headers, $custom_headers);
* Disable caching for preview mode
if (w3_is_preview_mode()) {
$headers = array_merge($headers, array(
'Pragma' => 'private',
'Cache-Control' => 'private'
* Send headers to client
$result = $this->_headers($headers);
if ($exit) {
return $result;
* Check if content was modified by time
* @param integer $time
* @return boolean
function _check_modified_since($time) {
$if_modified_since = $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'];
// IE has tacked on extra data to this header, strip it
if (($semicolon = strrpos($if_modified_since, ';')) !== false) {
$if_modified_since = substr($if_modified_since, 0, $semicolon);
return ($time == strtotime($if_modified_since));
return false;
* Check if content was modified by etag
* @param string $etag
* @return boolean
function _check_match($etag) {
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'])) {
$if_none_match = (get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) : $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']);
$client_etags = explode(',', $if_none_match);
foreach ($client_etags as $client_etag) {
$client_etag = trim($client_etag);
if ($etag == $client_etag) {
return true;
return false;
* Bad Behavior support
* @return void
function _bad_behavior() {
if (file_exists(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/bad-behavior/bad-behavior-generic.php')) {
$bb_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/bad-behavior/bad-behavior-generic.php';
} elseif (file_exists(WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/Bad-Behavior/bad-behavior-generic.php')) {
$bb_file = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins/Bad-Behavior/bad-behavior-generic.php';
} else {
$bb_file = false;
if ($bb_file) {
require_once $bb_file;
* Parses dynamic tags
* @return string
function _parse_dynamic(&$buffer) {
$buffer = preg_replace_callback('~<!--\s*mfunc(.*)-->(.*)<!--\s*/mfunc\s*-->~Uis', array(
), $buffer);
$buffer = preg_replace_callback('~<!--\s*mclude(.*)-->(.*)<!--\s*/mclude\s*-->~Uis', array(
), $buffer);
* Parse dynamic mfunc callback
* @param array $matches
* @return string
function _parse_dynamic_mfunc($matches) {
$code1 = trim($matches[1]);
$code2 = trim($matches[2]);
$code = ($code1 ? $code1 : $code2);
if ($code) {
$code = trim($code, ';') . ';';
$result = eval($code);
$output = ob_get_contents();
if ($result === false) {
$output = sprintf('Unable to execute code: %s', htmlspecialchars($code));
} else {
$output = htmlspecialchars('Invalid mfunc tag syntax. The correct format is: <!-- mfunc PHP code --><!-- /mfunc --> or <!-- mfunc -->PHP code<!-- /mfunc -->.');
return $output;
* Parse dynamic mclude callback
* @param array $matches
* @return string
function _parse_dynamic_mclude($matches) {
$file1 = trim($matches[1]);
$file2 = trim($matches[2]);
$file = ($file1 ? $file1 : $file2);
if ($file) {
$file = ABSPATH . $file;
if (file_exists($file) && is_readable($file)) {
include $file;
$output = ob_get_contents();
} else {
$output = sprintf('Unable to open file: %s', htmlspecialchars($file));
} else {
$output = htmlspecialchars('Incorrect mclude tag syntax. The correct format is: <!-- mclude path/to/file.php --><!-- /mclude --> or <!-- mclude -->path/to/file.php<!-- /mclude -->.');
return $output;
* Checks if buffer has dynamic tags
* @param string $buffer
* @return boolean
function _has_dynamic(&$buffer) {
return preg_match('~<!--\s*m(func|clude)(.*)-->(.*)<!--\s*/m(func|clude)\s*-->~Uis', $buffer);
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