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#include <array>
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <climits>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <queue>
#include <deque>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <numeric>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
#define REP(i,n) for(int i = 0; i < (int)(n); ++i)
#define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i = (a); i < (int)(b); ++i)
#define ALL(c) (c).begin(), (c).end()
#define SIZE(v) ((int)v.size())
#define pb push_back
#define mp make_pair
#define mt make_tuple
int dx8[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0 };
int dy8[] = { 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1 };
unsigned int myrand()
static unsigned int x = 123456789, y = 362436069, z = 521288629, w = 88675123;
unsigned int t;
t = (x ^ (x << 11)); x = y; y = z; z = w;
return (w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8))) % RAND_MAX;
struct Input {
int srcV;
int srcE;
vector<tuple<int, int>> srcEdges;
vector<char> srcEdgesMemo; // 頂点間にエッジがあれば1
vector<vector<int>> srcEdgesVec;
int dstV;
int dstE;
int dstSize; // 辺の長さ
// u, vの順序関係は問わない
bool hasSrcEdge(int u, int v) const {
return srcEdgesMemo[u * srcV + v];
struct Mapper
// dst側の各頂点について、src側の頂点を保持
vector<vector<short>> mapper;
// 頂点別の要素数
vector<short> count;
// 異番号で隣り合う辺
// e.g. adjacents[2][5] = 4 の場合、2と5は4箇所で隣り合っている
vector<vector<short>> adjacents;
// src側の各頂点について、dst側の存在場所
vector<set<pair<short, short>>> xylist;
// -1のままの場所
set<pair<short, short>> emptylist;
int m_size; // 盤面の縦幅・横幅
int m_srcV;
int m_potential = 0;
Mapper() {}
void init(Input& in) {
mapper.resize(in.dstSize + 2, vector<short>(in.dstSize + 2, -1)); // 周囲1マス分に注意
adjacents.resize(in.srcV, vector<short>(in.srcV));
REP(y, in.dstSize) {
REP(x, in.dstSize) {
emptylist.insert(mp(x, y));
m_size = in.dstSize;
m_srcV = in.srcV;
int getPotential() {
return m_potential;
int setV(int x, int y, short v, const Input& in) {
int edgeDiff = 0; // エッジ数の増減を記録
// 今現在の値が非-1の場合、いったん-1に戻す、と考える
auto old = this->getV(x, y);
if (old != -1) {
// 隣り合ってる頂点との関係をリセット
REP(d, 8) {
auto x2 = x + dx8[d];
auto y2 = y + dy8[d];
auto nei = this->getV(x2, y2);
if (old != nei && nei != -1) {
auto mn = min(nei, old);
auto mx = max(nei, old);
if (adjacents[mn][mx] == 0) {
if (in.hasSrcEdge(mn, mx)) {
xylist[old].erase(mp(x, y));
emptylist.insert(mp(x, y));
// 隣り合ってる頂点との関係を加算
mapper[y + 1][x + 1] = v;
if (v != -1) {
REP(d, 8) {
auto x2 = x + dx8[d];
auto y2 = y + dy8[d];
auto nei = this->getV(x2, y2);
if (v != nei && nei != -1) {
auto mn = min(nei, v);
auto mx = max(nei, v);
if (adjacents[mn][mx] == 1) {
if (in.hasSrcEdge(mn, mx)) {
xylist[v].insert(mp(x, y));
emptylist.erase(mp(x, y));
return edgeDiff;
short getV(int x, int y) const {
return mapper[y + 1][x + 1];
bool inRange(int x, int y) const {
return 0 <= x && x < m_size && 0 <= y && y < m_size;
// (x, y)にある頂点を-1に戻したとして、連続性が途切れるかどうかを調べる
// 簡易的に周囲8頂点を見て、連続していない飛び地があれば、連続性が途切れると判断
bool canDelete(int x, int y) {
auto old = this->getV(x, y);
// 数が1個, 2個のときは周囲を調べずとも分かる
if (count[old] == 1) return false;
if (count[old] == 2) return true;
// 8方向の値を取得
string neighs = "";
REP(d, 8) {
auto x2 = x + dx8[d];
auto y2 = y + dy8[d];
auto v = (this->getV(x2, y2) == old) ? 'o' : 'x';
if (d == 0) neighs = v;
else {
if (neighs.back() != v) neighs.push_back(v);
// 許されるパターンは、"o" "ox" "xo" "oxo" "xox" だけ
return (neighs == "o"
|| neighs == "ox"
|| neighs == "xo"
|| neighs == "oxo"
|| neighs == "xox"
struct Timer {
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> m_start;
void start() {
m_start = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
ll milli() {
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto diff = now - m_start;
return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(diff).count();
struct Solver
Input in;
Mapper ans;
std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock> startTime;
int m_prevAdd = -1;
int m_prevLoss = -1;
int m_prevBonus = -1;
int m_prevEdgeNum = -1;
const int MAX_TIME1 = 25000;
const int MAX_TIME2 = 29940;
Timer m_timer;
void start()
ll getEllapsedTime()
return m_timer.milli();
void readInput()
cin >> in.srcV >> in.srcE;
in.srcEdgesMemo.resize(in.srcV * in.srcV);
REP(e, in.srcE) {
int u, v;
cin >> u >> v;
--u; --v;
in.srcEdges.pb(mt(u, v));
in.srcEdgesMemo[u * in.srcV + v] = 1;
in.srcEdgesMemo[v * in.srcV + u] = 1;
cin >> in.dstV >> in.dstE;
REP(e, in.dstE) {
int a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
in.dstSize = int(round(sqrt(in.dstV)));
// 次数のヒストグラム作成
map<int, int> histo;
int mx = 0;
REP(v, in.srcV) {
auto degree = SIZE(in.srcEdgesVec[v]);
mx = max(mx, degree);
cerr << "input graph degree histogpram" << endl;
REP(i, mx) {
cerr << i << "\t" << histo[i] << endl;
int getSrcSize(int v)
int n = 1;
while (true) {
if (n * n >= v) return n;
void debugPrintMapper(Mapper& mapper)
REP(y, in.dstSize) {
REP(x, in.dstSize) {
cerr << mapper.getV(x, y) << "\t";
cerr << endl;
cerr << calcScore(mapper) << endl;
// 得点となりうる頂点はいくつあるのか数える 多いほど得点の可能性が高い
cerr << "edge potential sum = " << mapper.getPotential() << endl;
// 各頂点について、エッジの状況を可視化
map<int, int> potentialHisto;
int maxPotential = 0;
REP(v, in.srcV) {
auto full = SIZE(in.srcEdgesVec[v]);
auto adj = 0; // 得点を生み出しているエッジ数
for (auto u : in.srcEdgesVec[v]) {
auto mn = min(u, v);
auto mx = max(u, v);
if (mapper.adjacents[mn][mx] > 0) {
auto potential = 0; // 隣り合う他者の異なり数
REP(u, in.srcV) {
if (u == v) continue;
auto mn = min(u, v);
auto mx = max(u, v);
if (mapper.adjacents[mn][mx] > 0) {
maxPotential = max(maxPotential, potential);
//cerr << " v" << v << ": " << " score " << adj << " / bestPotential " << bestPotential << " / full " << full << endl;
// 頂点のポテンシャル
cerr << "potential histogram" << endl;
REP(i, maxPotential + 1) {
cerr << i << "\t" << potentialHisto[i] << endl;
cerr << endl;
// TODO: もっと賢く埋める
void makeInitialMapperWithRandomLine(Mapper &ret, int vStart)
// まだ埋まっていないセルの数で長さを決める
int locPerV = SIZE(ret.emptylist) / (in.srcV - vStart);
vector<short> vs;
for (auto v = vStart; v < in.srcV; ++v) {
// 最初の座標を決める
auto xy = *ret.emptylist.begin();
auto x = xy.first;
auto y = xy.second;
assert(ret.getV(x, y) == -1);
ret.setV(x, y, v, in);
// 周囲にランダムに伸ばしていく
int d = myrand() % 8;
REP(i, locPerV - 1) {
bool ok = false;
REP(d2, 8) {
auto x2 = x + dx8[(d + d2) % 8];
auto y2 = y + dy8[(d + d2) % 8];
auto u = ret.getV(x2, y2);
// 画面外に行く場合はskip
if (x2 < 0 || x2 >= in.dstSize || y2 < 0 || y2 >= in.dstSize)
if (u == -1) {
ret.setV(x2, y2, v, in);
x = x2;
y = y2;
ok = true;
if (!ok) break;
// 各点ができるだけ直線に並ぶようにランダムに配置
Mapper makeInitialMapper()
Mapper ret;
makeInitialMapperWithRandomLine(ret, 0);
return ret;
// 座標xInit, yInitから長さsizeの斜め線を取れるだけ取る
void setDiagonalLine(const int size, const int xInit, const int yInit, const int dx, const int dy, int &v, Mapper& mapper) {
// 長さを得る
int x = xInit;
int y = yInit;
int len = 0;
while (true) {
if (mapper.inRange(x, y)) {
x += dx; y += dy; ++len;
else break;
auto lineNum = len / size;
// 次にとれるだけとる
x = xInit;
y = yInit;
// もし端数があるならその分スキップする
REP(i, (len - lineNum * size) / 2) {
x += dx; y += dy;
REP(i, lineNum) {
REP(j, size) {
if (v == in.srcV) return;
mapper.setV(x, y, v, in);
x += dx; y += dy;
Mapper makeInitialMapperDiagonalSub(const int size) {
Mapper ret;
// 左上から右下に伸びる線
int v = 0;
int yInit = 0;
int xInit = 0;
while (yInit <= in.dstSize) {
setDiagonalLine(size, xInit, yInit, 1, 1, v, ret);
yInit += 2;
yInit = 0;
xInit = 2;
while (xInit <= in.dstSize) {
setDiagonalLine(size, xInit, yInit, 1, 1, v, ret);
xInit += 2;
// 右上から左下に伸びる線
yInit = 0;
xInit = 1;
while (xInit <= in.dstSize) {
setDiagonalLine(size, xInit, yInit, -1, 1, v, ret);
xInit += 2;
yInit = (in.dstSize % 2) ? 1 : 2;
xInit = in.dstSize - 1;
while (yInit <= in.dstSize) {
setDiagonalLine(size, xInit, yInit, -1, 1, v, ret);
yInit += 2;
// 残りを埋める
if (v != in.srcV) {
makeInitialMapperWithRandomLine(ret, v);
return ret;
Mapper makeInitialMapperDiagonal() {
Mapper ret;
int locPerV = in.dstV / in.srcV;
if (locPerV == 1) return makeInitialMapper();
// あらゆるサイズを試す
// TODO: 処理時間大丈夫か?
int bestPotential = 0;
FOR(size, 2, locPerV + 1) {
Mapper candidate = makeInitialMapperDiagonalSub(size);
//cerr << "---" << endl;
//cerr << "bestsize, bestpotential = " << size << ", " << bestPotential << endl;
auto curPotential = candidate.getPotential();
if (curPotential > bestPotential) {
ret = candidate;
bestPotential = curPotential;
return ret;
// 規則正しい初期盤面を作成
// サイズ2の場合
// abcd
// badc
// abcd
// badc
Mapper makeInitialMapperNxN() {
Mapper ret;
int locPerV = in.dstV / in.srcV;
if (locPerV == 1) return makeInitialMapper();
auto squareSize = getSrcSize(in.srcV / 2);
auto offset = (in.dstSize - squareSize * 2) / 2;
bool flip = true;
//int y = offset;
int y = 0;
//int x = offset;
int v = 0;
while (true) {
// 縦が足りなければ終了
if (y + locPerV - 1 >= in.dstSize) break;
for (int x = 0; x + locPerV - 1 < in.dstSize; x += 2) {
REP(i, locPerV) {
ret.setV(x + i, y + i, v, in);
if (v == in.srcV) break;
if (v == in.srcV) break;
int startX = 1;
while (true) {
if (startX + 1 >= locPerV) break;
startX += 2;
for (int x = startX; x < in.dstSize; x += 2) {
REP(i, locPerV) {
ret.setV(x - i, y + i, v, in);
if (v == in.srcV) break;
y += locPerV;
if (v == in.srcV) break;
// 頂点が埋まらない場合、残りは他の方法で埋める
if (v != in.srcV) {
makeInitialMapperWithRandomLine(ret, v);
return ret;
// 規則正しい2x2の初期盤面を作成(検討したが途中で放棄)
Mapper makeInitialMapper2x2() {
Mapper ret;
int locPerV = in.dstV / in.srcV;
if (locPerV == 1) return makeInitialMapper();
// とりあえず2x2で並べる
auto squareSize = getSrcSize(in.srcV / 2);
auto offset = (in.dstSize - squareSize * 2) / 2;
bool flip = true;
int y = offset;
int x = offset;
int v = 0;
while (true) {
if (v == in.srcV) break;
ret.setV(x, y, v, in);
ret.setV(x + 1, y + 1, v, in);
if (v == in.srcV) break;
ret.setV(x + 1, y, v, in);
ret.setV(x, y + 1, v, in);
x += 2;
if ((v / 2) % squareSize == 0) {
x = offset;
y += 2;
// 頂点が埋まらない場合、残りは他の方法で埋める
if (v != in.srcV) {
makeInitialMapperWithRandomLine(ret, v);
return ret;
else {
Mapper ret2(ret);
// 周囲にある数値を延長する
REP(x, in.dstSize) {
// 上側
REP(y, in.dstSize) {
auto val = ret.getV(x, y);
if (val != -1) {
// 右上に伸ばすか左上に伸ばすか決める
int dx = (x % 2) ? 1 : -1;
int y2 = y - 1;
int x2 = x + dx;
while (true) {
if (ret2.inRange(x2, y2) && ret2.getV(x2, y2) == -1) {
ret2.setV(x2, y2, val, in);
x2 += dx;
else {
// 下側
for (int y = in.dstSize - 1; y >= 0; --y) {
auto val = ret.getV(x, y);
if (val != -1) {
int dx = (x % 2) ? 1 : -1;
int y2 = y + 1;
int x2 = x + dx;
while (true) {
if (ret2.inRange(x2, y2) && ret2.getV(x2, y2) == -1) {
ret2.setV(x2, y2, val, in);
x2 += dx;
else {
REP(y, in.dstSize) {
// 左側
REP(x, in.dstSize) {
auto val = ret.getV(x, y);
if (val != -1) {
int dy = (y % 2) ? 1 : -1;
int x2 = x - 1;
int y2 = y + dy;
while (true) {
if (ret2.inRange(x2, y2) && ret2.getV(x2, y2) == -1) {
ret2.setV(x2, y2, val, in);
y2 += dy;
else {
// 右側
for (int x = in.dstSize - 1; x >= 0; --x) {
auto val = ret.getV(x, y);
if (val != -1) {
int dy = (y % 2) ? 1 : -1;
int x2 = x + 1;
int y2 = y + dy;
while (true) {
if (ret2.inRange(x2, y2) && ret2.getV(x2, y2) == -1) {
ret2.setV(x2, y2, val, in);
y2 += dy;
else {
return ret2;
short decideSrcV1(
const short srcU, const vector<vector<short>>& dstEdgesVec,
const vector<short>& curSrc2dst, const vector<short>& curDst2src)
// srcUが隣接している点を一つ選び、srcXとする。その対応点はdstX。
auto neiSize = SIZE(in.srcEdgesVec[srcU]);
auto srcX = in.srcEdgesVec[srcU][rand() % neiSize];
auto dstX = curSrc2dst[srcX];
// dstXの隣接点を一つ選び、dstYとする。その対応点をsrcVとする。
auto neiSize2 = SIZE(dstEdgesVec[dstX]);
auto dstY = dstEdgesVec[dstX][rand() % neiSize2];
return curDst2src[dstY];
short decideSrcV2(
const short srcU, const vector<vector<short>>& dstEdgesVec,
const vector<short>& curSrc2dst, const vector<short>& curDst2src)
vector<int> dstYcount(in.srcV);
// srcUが隣接している点srcIそれぞれについて、対応点dstIを求め、
// それに隣接する点に投票
for (auto srcI : in.srcEdgesVec[srcU]) {
auto dstI = curSrc2dst[srcI];
for (auto dstJ : dstEdgesVec[dstI]) {
// もっとも投票されたものからランダムで一つ選ぶ
auto mx = *max_element(ALL(dstYcount));
vector<short> cands;
REP(i, in.srcV) {
if (dstYcount[i] == mx) {
auto candY = cands[myrand() % SIZE(cands)];
return curDst2src[candY];
int calcDiffScore(const int srcU, const int srcV,
const int dstU, const int dstV,
const vector<vector<short>>& dstEdgesVec,
vector<short>& curSrc2dst, vector<short>& curDst2src)
int diffScore = 0;
for (auto dstNei : dstEdgesVec[dstU]) {
if (dstNei == dstV) continue;
auto srcNei = curDst2src[dstNei];
diffScore -= in.hasSrcEdge(srcU, srcNei);
diffScore += in.hasSrcEdge(srcV, srcNei);
for (auto dstNei : dstEdgesVec[dstV]) {
if (dstNei == dstU) continue;
auto srcNei = curDst2src[dstNei];
diffScore -= in.hasSrcEdge(srcV, srcNei);
diffScore += in.hasSrcEdge(srcU, srcNei);
return diffScore;
void randomSwapSub2(
const vector<vector<short>>& dstEdgesVec,
vector<short>& curSrc2dst, vector<short>& curDst2src, int& curScore,
const Mapper& bestMapper, // for debug
const ll allowedTime, const ll ellapsedTime,
const int tryNum
) {
short srcU = myrand() % in.srcV;
short srcV = -1;
if (tryNum % 10 == 9) {
// 最もスコアが上がりそうな点と入れ替える
srcV = decideSrcV2(srcU, dstEdgesVec, curSrc2dst, curDst2src);
else {
// 隣接関係がある点と入れ替える
srcV = decideSrcV1(srcU, dstEdgesVec, curSrc2dst, curDst2src);
if (srcU == srcV) return;
// uとvを入れ替えたときのスコアの増減を調べる
auto dstU = curSrc2dst[srcU];
auto dstV = curSrc2dst[srcV];
auto diffScore = calcDiffScore(
srcU, srcV, dstU, dstV,
dstEdgesVec, curSrc2dst, curDst2src
// 遷移確率
double timeRate = (double)ellapsedTime / allowedTime;
double threshold = 0.0; // 1.0なら確実に遷移する 0.0なら確実に遷移しない
double threshold2 = 0.001;
if (timeRate > 0.98) {
threshold = 0.0;
threshold2 = 0.0;
else {
threshold = (1.0 - timeRate * 2.0); // 最初1.0, 最後0.0
threshold = max(threshold, 0.01);
double prob = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
// 遷移確率 50% -> 0%とする
//const double T = 0.55;
//double th = exp(diffScore / T);
// 遷移する場合
//if ((1 - th) < prob) {
if (diffScore >= 0 || (diffScore > -2 && prob < threshold) || (diffScore > -4 && prob < threshold2)) {
//if (diffScore > 0) {
//fprintf(stderr, "%d(%d, %d) <-> %d(%d, %d)\n", v1, x1, y1, v2, x2, y2);
curScore += diffScore * 100;
curSrc2dst[srcU] = dstV;
curSrc2dst[srcV] = dstU;
curDst2src[dstU] = srcV;
curDst2src[dstV] = srcU;
//cerr << diffScore << " / " << curScore << " / " << threshold << endl;
Mapper makeMapperFromSrc2dst(const vector<short>& bestSrc2dst, const Mapper& bestMapper) {
vector<short> bestDst2src(in.srcV);
// まず逆引きを作成
REP(u, in.srcV) {
auto v = bestSrc2dst[u];
bestDst2src[v] = u;
// 次に新しいMapperを作成
Mapper newBest;
REP(y, in.dstSize) {
REP(x, in.dstSize) {
auto oldV = bestMapper.getV(x, y);
if (oldV != -1) {
auto newV = bestDst2src[oldV];
newBest.setV(x, y, newV, in);
return newBest;
void tryAllSwap(vector<vector<short>>& dstEdgesVec, vector<short>& bestSrc2dst, vector<short>& bestDst2src, int& bestScore) {
REP(srcU, in.srcV - 1) {
FOR(srcV, srcU + 1, in.srcV) {
// uとvを入れ替えたときのスコアの増減を調べる
auto dstU = bestSrc2dst[srcU];
auto dstV = bestSrc2dst[srcV];
auto diffScore = calcDiffScore(
srcU, srcV, dstU, dstV,
dstEdgesVec, bestSrc2dst, bestDst2src
if (diffScore > 0) {
cerr << "score up! " << (diffScore * 100) << endl;
// 頂点をランダムに2個選んで、まるごと入れ替える
void randomSwap(Mapper& bestMapper, int& bestScore, ll allowedTime) {
auto curMapper = bestMapper;
auto curScore = bestScore;
Timer timer;
// 隣接関係を抽出
vector<vector<short>> dstEdgesVec(in.srcV);
REP(u, in.srcV - 1) {
FOR(v, u + 1, in.srcV) {
if (bestMapper.adjacents[u][v] > 0) {
// このマッピングを今後変えていく
vector<short> curSrc2dst(in.srcV);
vector<short> curDst2src(in.srcV);
REP(u, in.srcV) {
curSrc2dst[u] = u;
curDst2src[u] = u;
auto bestSrc2dst = curSrc2dst;
curScore = bestScore;
// 2頂点の入れ替えを試す
int tryNum = 0;
ll ellapsedTime = 0;
while (true) {
if (tryNum % 100 == 0) {
ellapsedTime = timer.milli();
// 2点をランダムに入れ替え
dstEdgesVec, curSrc2dst, curDst2src, curScore,
if (curScore > bestScore) {
bestScore = curScore;
bestSrc2dst = curSrc2dst;
if (ellapsedTime > MAX_TIME1) {
cerr << "tryNum randomSwap: " << tryNum << endl;
// 逆引きを作成
vector<short> bestDst2src(in.srcV);
REP(u, in.srcV) {
auto v = bestSrc2dst[u];
bestDst2src[v] = u;
// さらに全点間のswapを試す -> 効果なし
//tryAllSwap(dstEdgesVec, bestSrc2dst, bestDst2src, bestScore);
// マッピング結果をもとに bestMapper を更新
bestMapper = makeMapperFromSrc2dst(bestSrc2dst, bestMapper);
bestScore = calcScore(bestMapper); // 精密に求める
// 頂点をランダムに1個選ぶ。その値を変えても連結性が保たれる場合、
// 候補を全通り試し、もっともよいものを選ぶ。
void randomMove(Mapper& curMap, int& curScore, ll ellapsedTime)
// 頂点をランダムに1個選ぶ
auto x = myrand() % in.dstSize;
auto y = myrand() % in.dstSize;
auto cur = curMap.getV(x, y);
// すでに数字がある場合、その数字を消して連続性が保たれない場合、終了
if (cur != -1) {
if (!curMap.canDelete(x, y))
// 周囲にある番号をランダムに一つ選択して試す
int d = rand() % 8;
auto n = -1;
REP(d2, 8) {
auto x2 = x + dx8[(d + d2) % 8];
auto y2 = y + dy8[(d + d2) % 8];
n = curMap.getV(x2, y2);
if (n != -1 || n != cur) break;
// 変化なければ終了
if (n == cur) return;
// 試す
auto edgeDiff = curMap.setV(x, y, n, in);
// 点数が上がるなら採用
if (cur == -1 || edgeDiff > 0) {
curScore += edgeDiff * 100; // 近似にしかなってないので注意
// 元に戻す
else {
curMap.setV(x, y, cur, in);
void solve()
// 初期解を生成
auto bestMapper1 = makeInitialMapperNxN();
auto bestScore1 = calcScore(bestMapper1);
auto bestMapper2 = makeInitialMapperDiagonal();
auto bestScore2 = calcScore(bestMapper2);
// いい方を選ぶ
Mapper bestMapper;
int bestScore;
if (bestMapper1.getPotential() > bestMapper2.getPotential()) {
bestScore = bestScore1;
bestMapper = bestMapper1;
else {
bestScore = bestScore2;
bestMapper = bestMapper2;
cerr << "initial map" << endl;
cerr << "initial score:" << bestScore << endl;
// potentialの増加を狙う
REP(rep, 20) {
int curPot = bestMapper.getPotential();
REP(y, in.dstSize) {
REP(x, in.dstSize) {
if (bestMapper.canDelete(x, y)) {
auto oldV = bestMapper.getV(x, y);
REP(d, 8) {
int x2 = x + dx8[d];
int y2 = y + dy8[d];
auto newV = bestMapper.getV(x2, y2);
if (newV == -1) continue;
bestMapper.setV(x, y, newV, in);
int newPot = bestMapper.getPotential();
if (newPot >= curPot) {
newPot = curPot;
else {
bestMapper.setV(x, y, oldV, in);
// 2頂点の入れ替えで焼きなまし
randomSwap(bestMapper, bestScore, MAX_TIME1);
auto curMapper = bestMapper;
auto curScore = bestScore = calcScore(bestMapper);
cerr << "bestScore second:" << bestScore << endl;
int tryNum = 0;
ll ellapsedTime = 0;
while (true) {
// 経過時間
if (tryNum % 100 == 0) {
ellapsedTime = getEllapsedTime();
// 点数が上がるようにランダムに頂点を変化
randomMove(curMapper, curScore, ellapsedTime);
if (curScore > bestScore) {
// 正確な値を計算
curScore = calcScore(curMapper);
// その上で改めてベストかどうか判定
if (curScore > bestScore) {
bestScore = curScore;
bestMapper = curMapper;
if (ellapsedTime > MAX_TIME2) {
cerr << "tryNum: " << tryNum << endl;
cerr << "score: " << bestScore << endl;
ans = bestMapper;
int calcScore(Mapper& ans)
// もし割り当てのない点があれば0点
REP(v, in.srcV) {
if (!ans.count[v]) return 0;
// TODO: 連結判定はしていない
m_prevEdgeNum = 0;
m_prevAdd = 0;
REP(u, in.srcV - 1) {
FOR(v, u + 1, in.srcV) {
if (ans.adjacents[u][v] && in.hasSrcEdge(u, v)) {
int score = 5000 + m_prevAdd * 100;
// bonus
if (m_prevAdd == in.srcE) {
score += 100000;
m_prevBonus = 100000;
else {
m_prevBonus = 0;
// penalty
m_prevLoss = 0;
REP(v, in.srcV) {
m_prevLoss += ans.count[v] - 1;
score -= m_prevLoss;
//if (score != calcScoreReference(ans)) {
// cerr << "error!!" << endl;
// cerr << "reference: " << calcScoreReference(ans) << endl;
return score;
int calcScoreReference(Mapper& ans)
int score = 5000;
set<pair<int, int>> seen;
vector<int> setSize(in.srcV);
REP(y, in.dstSize) {
REP(x, in.dstSize) {
auto cur = ans.getV(x, y);
if (cur == -1) continue;
int dx[] = { 1, 1, 0, -1 };
int dy[] = { 0, 1, 1, 1 };
REP(d, 4) {
auto y2 = y + dy[d];
auto x2 = x + dx[d];
auto nei = ans.getV(x2, y2);
if (nei == -1) continue;
auto mn = min(cur, nei);
auto mx = max(cur, nei);
if (cur != nei && in.hasSrcEdge(mn, mx) && !seen.count(mp(mn, mx))) {
score += 100;
seen.insert(mp(mn, mx));
// bonus
if (SIZE(seen) == in.srcE) score += 100000;
// penalty
REP(v, in.srcV) {
score -= (setSize[v] - 1);
return score;
void printAnswer()
vector<vector<int>> tmp(in.srcV);
REP(y, in.dstSize) {
REP(x, in.dstSize) {
auto dst = y * in.dstSize + x;
auto src = ans.getV(x, y);
if (src != -1) {
REP(i, in.srcV) {
cout << SIZE(tmp[i]);
for (auto e : tmp[i]) {
cout << " " << (e + 1);
cout << endl;
int main(void)
Solver sol;
return 0;
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