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Last active July 13, 2020 19:48
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Minimal Bitcoin <-> currency exchange rate converter using API.
Minimal Bitcoin <-> currency exchange rate converter using API.
Do HTTP fetches using request library.
Self testing::
# Macports
sudo redis-server /opt/local/etc/redis.conf &
python redis
__author__ = "Mikko Ohtamaa"
__license__ = "MIT"
import datetime
import calendar
from decimal import Decimal
import os
import shelve
import requests
import logging
import cPickle as pickle
# How often we attempt to refresh
REFRESH_DELAY = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
API_URL = ""
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class UnknownCurrencyException(Exception):
""" The asked fiat currency was not available in data """
class Converter(object):
""" Convert between BTC and fiat currencies.
Use data, cache the result persistently on the disk using Python shelve module.
def __init__(self, refresh_delay=REFRESH_DELAY, api_url=API_URL):
""" Construct a converter.
:param refresh_delay: datetime.timedelta object how often we ask new data from API
self.refresh_delay = refresh_delay
self.api_url = api_url
def convert(self, source, target, amount, update, determiner="24h_avg"):
""" Convert value between source and target currencies.
:param source: three letter currency code of the source currency
:param target: three letter currency code of the target currency
:param update: Set to False to always force to use externally updated data.
This is to prevent thundering herd problem.
:param amount: The amount to convert in BTC.
assert isinstance(amount, Decimal), "Only decimal.Decimal() inputs allowed"
# Refresh from cache if needed
if update and not self.is_up_to_date():
source = source.upper()
target = target.upper()
assert "BTC" in (source, target), "We can only convert to BTC forth and back"
# Swap around if we are doing backwards conversion
if source == "BTC":
inverse = True
source, target = target, source
inverse = False
currency_data = self.get_data().get(source)
if not currency_data:
raise UnknownCurrencyException("The currency %s was not available in data %s" % (source, self.api_url))
rate = currency_data.get("averages")
if not rate:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot parse data %s" % self.api_url)
rate = rate[determiner]
if inverse:
return amount*Decimal(rate)
return amount/Decimal(rate)
def update(self):
""" Attempt to update the market data from external server.
Gracefully fail in the case of connectivity issues, etc.
:return: True if the update succeeded
r = requests.get(self.api_url)
return True
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Could not refresh market data: %s %s", self.api_url, e)
return False
def get_data(self):
""" Return currently stored data in Python nested dictionary format.
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement")
def set_data(self, data):
""" Set the current market data in cache.
:param data: External data as Python data structures
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement")
def is_up_to_date(self):
""" Check whether we should refresh our data.
raise NotImplementedError("Subclass must implement")
class ShelveConverter(Converter):
""" Store data in Python shelve backend.
Good for single process applications / light-weight multiprocess applications.
def __init__(self, fpath, refresh_delay=REFRESH_DELAY, api_url=API_URL):
""" Construct a converter.
:param fpath: Path to a file where we cache the results.
The cache is persistent; in the case we do a cold start
and API is not available we use cached exchange data.
super(ShelveConverter, self).__init__(refresh_delay, api_url)
self.last_updated = None =
if os.path.exists(fpath):
self.last_updated = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(fpath))
def set_data(self, data):["bitcoinaverage"] = data["bitcoin_updated"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
def get_data(self):
def is_up_to_date(self):
if not["bitcoin_updated"]:
return False
return datetime.datetime.utcnow() <["bitcoin_updated"] + self.refresh_delay
def convert(self, source, target, amount, update=True, determiner="24h_avg"):
""" Shelve is run with a single process, always try to update itself because there is no external update task. """
return super(ShelveConverter, self).convert(source, target, amount, update, determiner)
class RedisConverter(Converter):
""" Multi-process aware converter which stores external data persistently in Redis backend.
.. note ::
Never call convert(update=True) directly from a web worker process.
Only external (Celery) task process is allowed to update to avoid
thundering herd problem.
def __init__(self, redis, refresh_delay=REFRESH_DELAY, api_url=API_URL):
""" Construct a converter.
:param redis: redis.Redis instance. Must be constructed somewhere else.
:param fpath: Path to a file where we cache the results.
The cache is persistent; in the case we do a cold start
and API is not available we use cached exchange data.
super(RedisConverter, self).__init__(refresh_delay, api_url)
self.redis = redis
def convert(self, source, target, amount, update=False, determiner="24h_avg"):
""" Do not allow web processes to try to update the date. """
return super(RedisConverter, self).convert(source, target, amount, update, determiner)
def set_data(self, data):
# Don't set expiration as we want to hold the data indefinitely
self.redis.set("bitcoinaverage", pickle.dumps(data))
self.redis.set("bitcoinaverage_updated", calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple()))
def get_data(self):
return pickle.loads(self.redis.get("bitcoinaverage"))
def is_up_to_date(self):
last_updated = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(self.redis.get("bitcoinaverage_updated"))
if not last_updated:
return False
return < last_updated + self.refresh_delay
def tick(self):
""" Run a periodical worker task to see if we need to update.
if not self.is_up_to_date():
# Simple self-test
if __name__ == "__main__":
import tempfile
import sys
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s")
# Get random rate from
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "redis":
# Redis testing
import redis
redis = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
converter = RedisConverter(redis)
# Shelve testing
fname = tempfile.mktemp()
converter = ShelveConverter(fname)
assert converter.update()
assert "global_averages" in converter.get_data()["USD"]
# Test failure mode, that we get data from persistent cache
# because our API server is down (we point to dummy server)
if isinstance(converter, ShelveConverter):
converter = ShelveConverter(fname, api_url="http://localhost")
converter = RedisConverter(redis, api_url="http://localhost")
# Do a failed update
assert not converter.update()
assert "global_averages" in converter.get_data()["USD"]
p1 = converter.convert("btc", "usd", Decimal("1.0"))
p2 = converter.convert("usd", "btc", Decimal("1.0"))
assert p1*p2 == Decimal("1.0")
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