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Last active May 19, 2017 12:23
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Bowling Kata Dart vs Kotlin
library bowling;
int score([Iterable<int> list = const []]) =>
toFrames(list).take(10).fold(0, _sum);
int _sum(int sum, int pins) =>
sum + pins;
bool isStrike(Iterable<int> list) =>
list.first == 10;
bool isSpare(Iterable<int> list) =>
!isStrike(list) && list.take(2).reduce(_sum) == 10;
Iterable<int> rollsForFrame(Iterable<int> list) =>
list.take(isStrike(list) || isSpare(list) ? 3 : 2);
Iterable<int> toFrames(Iterable<int> rolls,
[Iterable<int> frames = const []]) =>
? frames
: toFrames(remainingRolls(rolls),
Iterable<int> remainingRolls(Iterable<int> rolls) =>
rolls.skip(isStrike(rolls) ? 1 : 2);
fun List<Int>.score(): Int = toFrames().take(10).sum()
fun List<Int>.isSpare(): Boolean = !isStrike() && take(2).sum() == 10
fun List<Int>.isStrike(): Boolean = firstOrNull() == 10
fun List<Int>.rollsForFrame(): List<Int> = if (isStrike() || isSpare()) take(3) else take(2)
fun List<Int>.toFrames(frames: List<Int> = emptyList()): List<Int> =
if (isEmpty()) frames else remainingRolls().toFrames(frames + rollsForFrame().sum())
fun List<Int>.remainingRolls(): List<Int> = if (isStrike()) drop(1) else drop(2)
library blowling_test;
import 'package:Lets_Dart/bowling/bowling.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
main() {
test("score is 0 when the player did not knock down any pins", () {
expect(score(), equals(0));
test("score should be 20 if all rolls knocked down a single pin", () {
expect(score(new List.filled(20, 1)), equals(20));
test("should identify a strike if the first roll in a frame was 10", () {
expect(isStrike([10, 5, 1]), equals(true));
expect(isStrike([9, 1]), equals(false));
test("should identify a spare from two rolls adding up to 10, if the first roll was not a 10", () {
expect(isSpare([10]), equals(false));
expect(isSpare([10, 0]), equals(false));
expect(isSpare([1, 0]), equals(false));
expect(isSpare([1, 9]), equals(true));
expect(isSpare([0, 10]), equals(true));
test("should only score two rolls if a frame is less than ten", () {
expect(rollsForFrame([4, 5, 6, 7]), equals([4, 5]));
test("should add the next roll to the score after a spare", () {
expect(rollsForFrame([1, 9, 6, 7]), equals([1, 9, 6]));
test("should add the next two rolls to the score after a strike", () {
expect(rollsForFrame([10, 9, 6, 7]), equals([10, 9, 6]));
test("should correctly produce frame totals for <10 frames", () {
expect(toFrames([3]), equals([3]));
expect(toFrames([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), equals([3, 7, 5]));
expect(toFrames([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3]), equals([3, 7, 8]));
test("should correctly product frame totals that include spares", () {
expect(toFrames([3, 7]), equals([10]));
expect(toFrames([3, 7, 6]), equals([16, 6]));
expect(toFrames([3, 7, 6, 4, 2]), equals([16, 12, 2]));
test("should correctly product frame totals that include strike", () {
expect(toFrames([10]), equals([10]));
expect(toFrames([10, 3]), equals([13, 3]));
expect(toFrames([10, 10, 2]), equals([22, 12, 2]));
test("should add and extra roll if the tenth frame was a spare", () {
expect(score(new List.from(new List.filled(18, 1))..addAll([4, 6])), equals(28));
expect(score(new List.from(new List.filled(18, 1))..addAll([4, 6, 1])), equals(29));
test("should be 150 if all rolls knocked down 5 pins (including 1 bonus roll for ending on a spare)", () {
expect(score(new List.filled(21, 5)), equals(150));
test("should be 300 when bowling all strikes (including 2 bonus rolls for ending with a strike)", () {
expect(score(new List.filled(22, 10)), equals(300));
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
internal class BowlingKtTest {
fun `score is 0 when the player did not knock down any pins`() {
assertEquals(0, Array(20, { 0 }).toList().score())
fun `score is 0 when the player did not play`() {
assertEquals(0, emptyList<Int>().score())
fun `should identify a strike if the first roll in a frame was 10`() {
assertEquals(true, listOf(10, 5, 1).isStrike())
assertEquals(false, listOf(9, 1).isStrike())
fun `should identify a spare from two rolls adding up to 10, if the first roll was not a 10`() {
assertEquals(false, listOf(10).isSpare())
assertEquals(false, listOf(10, 0).isSpare())
assertEquals(false, listOf(1, 0).isSpare())
assertEquals(true, listOf(1, 9).isSpare())
assertEquals(true, listOf(0, 10).isSpare())
fun `should only score two rolls if a frame is less than ten`() {
assertEquals(listOf(4, 5), listOf(4, 5, 6, 7).rollsForFrame())
fun `should add the next roll to the score after a spare`() {
assertEquals(listOf(1, 9, 6), listOf(1, 9, 6, 7).rollsForFrame())
fun `should add the next two rolls to the score after a strike`() {
assertEquals(listOf(10, 9, 6), listOf(10, 9, 6, 7).rollsForFrame())
fun `should correctly produce frame totals for less 10 frames`() {
assertEquals(listOf(3), listOf(3).toFrames())
assertEquals(listOf(3, 7, 5), listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).toFrames())
assertEquals(listOf(3, 7, 8), listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3).toFrames())
fun `should correctly product frame totals that include spares`() {
assertEquals(listOf(10), listOf(3, 7).toFrames())
assertEquals(listOf(16, 6), listOf(3, 7, 6).toFrames())
assertEquals(listOf(16, 12, 2), listOf(3, 7, 6, 4, 2).toFrames())
fun `should correctly product frame totals that include strike`() {
assertEquals(listOf(10), listOf(10).toFrames())
assertEquals(listOf(13, 3), listOf(10, 3).toFrames())
assertEquals(listOf(22, 12, 2), listOf(10, 10, 2).toFrames())
fun `should be 150 if all rolls knocked down 5 pins (including 1 bonus roll for ending on spare)`() {
assertEquals(150, Array(21, { 5 }).toList().score())
fun `should be 300 when bowling all strikes (including 2 bonus rolls for ending with a strike`() {
assertEquals(300, Array(22, { 10 }).toList().score())
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I've updated the Dart solution with the suggestions I got on Twitter.

I've also improved a bit the Kotlin solution.

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A few suggestions for the Dart code:

You can delete these:

library bowling;


library blowling_test;

They aren't needed and don't accomplish anything useful.

I'm not sure why you make the parameter optional here:

int score([Iterable<int> list = const []]) =>
    toFrames(list).take(10).fold(0, _sum);

The Kotlin version can only be called on an actual list, so the Dart version may as well make the parameter required too. That would give you:

int score(Iterable<int> list) => toFrames(list).take(10).fold(0, _sum);

In general, the Kotlin code here leans heavily on extension methods. Those are really nice. I hope we can get something analogous in Dart eventually.

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