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Created October 20, 2020 11:15
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Draw Voronoi graph with Tikz and xinttools
\documentclass[preview, border=7mm]{standalone}
\usepackage{xinttools} % for the \xintFor***
\def\biglen{20cm} % playing role of infinity (should be < .25\maxdimen)
% define the "half plane" to be clipped (#1 = half the distance between cells)
half plane/.style={ to path={
-- ($(\tikztostart)!.5!(\tikztotarget)!#1!(\tikztotarget)!\biglen!-90:(\tikztotarget)$)
-- ([turn]0,2*\biglen) -- ([turn]0,2*\biglen) -- cycle}},
half plane/.default={1pt}
\def\n{23} % number of random points
\def\maxxy{4} % random points are in [-\maxxy,\maxxy]x[-\maxxy,\maxxy]
% generate random points
\pgfmathsetseed{1908} % init random with the year Voronoi published his paper ;)
\xintFor* #1 in {\xintSeq {1}{\n}} \do{
\pgfmathsetmacro{\ptx}{.9*\maxxy*rand} % random x in [-.9\maxxy,.9\maxxy]
\pgfmathsetmacro{\pty}{.9*\maxxy*rand} % random y in [-.9\maxxy,.9\maxxy]
\edef\pts{\pts, (\ptx,\pty)} % stock the random point
% draw the points and their cells
\xintForpair #1#2 in \pts \do{
\xintForpair \#3#4 in \pts \do{
\ifx\pta\ptb\relax % check if (#1,#2) == (#3,#4) ?
\path[myclip] (#3,#4) to[half plane] (#1,#2);
\clip (-\maxxy,-\maxxy) rectangle (\maxxy,\maxxy); % last clip
\fill[randcolor] (#1,#2) circle (4*\biglen); % fill the cell with random color
\fill[draw=red,very thick] (#1,#2) circle (1.4pt); % and draw the point
\draw (-\maxxy,-\maxxy) rectangle (\maxxy,\maxxy);
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