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Created September 25, 2018 19:15
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Require Import List PeanoNat.
Import ListNotations.
Set Universe Polymorphism.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Inductive t (eff : Type -> Type) (a : Type) :=
| Pure : a -> t eff a
| Eff : forall T, eff T -> (T -> t eff a) -> t eff a.
Inductive effect : Type -> Type :=
| get : unit -> effect nat
| put : nat -> effect unit.
n <- get;
put (1 + n);
Definition step1 (s : state1) : { t & (effect t * (t -> option state1))%type }:=
match s with
| BeforeGet => existT _ nat (get tt , fun n => Some (BeforePut (1+n)))
| BeforePut n => existT _ unit (put n, fun _ => None)
Run the original program and the corresponding state machine in parallel,
and check if they behave equivalently.
Fixpoint check (state : Set)
(step : state -> {ty & (effect ty * (ty -> option state))%type })
(current : state)
(a : Set)
(prog : t effect a)
(input : list nat) :=
let (_, ef) := step current in
let (es,fs) := ef in
match prog with
| Pure _ x => None
| Eff e f =>
match e in effect ty, es in effect tys return ((ty -> t effect a) -> (tys -> option state) -> option (list nat)) with
| get _,get _ =>
match input with
| [] => fun _ _ => Some []
| x::rest => fun f' f's =>
match f's x with
| None =>
match f' x with
| Pure _ _ => Some []
| _ => None
| Some next =>
check step next (f' x) rest
| put x,put xs =>
fun f' f's =>
if Nat.eq_dec x xs then
match f's tt with
| None =>
match f' tt with
| Pure _ _ => Some [x]
| _ => None
| Some next =>
option_map (cons x) (check step next (f' tt) input)
| _,_ => fun _ _ => None
f fs
Eval compute in check step1 BeforeGet ex1 [2].
Lemma ex1_ok : forall input, exists output,
check step1 BeforeGet ex1 input = Some output.
unfold ex1. simpl.
destruct input.
- eauto.
- eexists. simpl.
destruct (Nat.eq_dec n n); congruence || eauto.
n <_ get;
m <- get;
put (n + m);
Definition ex2 : t effect unit :=
Eff (get tt) (fun n => Eff (get tt) (fun m => Eff (put (n + m)) (fun _ => Pure _ tt))).
Inductive state2 :=
| BeforeGet2_1 : state2
| BeforeGet2_2 : nat -> state2
| BeforePut2 : nat -> nat -> state2.
Definition step2 (s : state2) : { t & (effect t * (t -> option state2))%type } :=
match s with
| BeforeGet2_1 =>
existT _ nat (get tt, fun n => Some (BeforeGet2_2 n))
| BeforeGet2_2 n =>
existT _ nat (get tt, fun m => Some (BeforePut2 n m))
| BeforePut2 n m =>
existT _ unit (put (n+m), fun _ => None)
Eval compute in check step2 BeforeGet2_1 ex2 [2;3].
Lemma ex2_ok : forall input, exists output,
check step2 BeforeGet2_1 ex2 input = Some output.
intros. unfold ex2. simpl.
destruct input.
- eauto.
- simpl. destruct input.
simpl. eexists.
destruct (Nat.eq_dec (n + n0) (n + n0)); congruence || eauto.
n <- get;
a = 0;
for 0..(n-1)
x <- get;
a = a + x;
put a;
Fixpoint ex3' (a n : nat) : t effect unit :=
match n with
| O => Eff (put a) (fun _ => Pure _ tt)
| S n' => Eff (get tt) (fun x => ex3' (a + x) n')
Definition ex3 : t effect unit :=
Eff (get tt) (fun n => ex3' 0 n).
Inductive state3 :=
| BeforeGet3 : state3
| BeforeGet3' : nat -> nat -> state3.
Definition step3 (s : state3) : {t & (effect t * (t -> option state3))%type } :=
match s with
| BeforeGet3 =>
existT _ nat (get tt, fun n => Some (BeforeGet3' n 0))
| BeforeGet3' n a =>
match n with
| O => existT _ unit (put a, fun _ => None)
| S n' => existT _ nat (get tt, fun x => Some (BeforeGet3' n' (a + x)))
Eval compute in check step3 BeforeGet3 ex3 [3;1;2;3].
Lemma ex3'_ok : forall n a input, exists output,
check step3 (BeforeGet3' n a) (ex3' a n) input = Some output.
induction n; simpl; intros.
- destruct (Nat.eq_dec a a); congruence || eauto.
- destruct input.
+ eauto.
+ destruct (IHn (a + n0) input).
rewrite H.
Lemma ex3_ok : forall input, exists output,
check step3 BeforeGet3 ex3 input = Some output.
unfold ex3.
intros. simpl.
destruct input.
- eauto.
- apply ex3'_ok.
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