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JSON_DATA[`data/actions.json`] = JSON.parse("{\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Activate an Item\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":141,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"Activating some magic items requires a user to do something in particular, such as holding the item and uttering a command word, reading the item if it is a scroll, or drinking it if it is a potion. The description of each item category or individual item details how an item is activated. Certain items use one or more of the following rules related to their activation.\",\"If an item requires an action to activate, that action isn't a function of the {@action Use an Object} action, so a feature such as the rogue's {@subclassFeature Fast Hands|Rogue||Thief||3} can't be used to activate the item.\",{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Command Word\",\"entries\":[\"A command word is a word or phrase that must be spoken audibly for the item to operate. A magic item that requires the user to speak a command word can't be activated in the area of any effect that prevents sound, such as the area created by the silence spell.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Consumables\",\"entries\":[\"Some items are used up when they are activated. A potion or elixir must be swallowed, or an oil applied to the body. The writing vanishes from a scroll when it is read. Once used, a consumable item loses its magic and no longer functions.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Spells\",\"entries\":[\"Some magic items allow the user to cast a spell from the item, often by expending charges from it. The spell is cast at the lowest possible spell and caster level, doesn't expend any of the user's spell slots, and requires no components unless the item's description says otherwise. The spell uses its normal casting time, range, and duration, and the user of the item must concentrate if the spell requires concentration. Certain items make exceptions to these rules, changing the casting time, duration, or other parts of a spell.\",\"Many items, such as potions, bypass the casting of the spell and confer the spell's effects. Such an item still uses the spell's duration unless the item's description says otherwise.\",\"A magic item, such as certain staffs, may require you to use your own spellcasting ability when you cast a spell from the item. If you have more than one spellcasting ability, you choose which one to use with the item. If you don't have a spellcasting ability—perhaps you're a rogue with the Use Magic Device feature—your spellcasting ability modifier is +0 for the item, and your proficiency bonus does apply.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Charges\",\"entries\":[\"Some magic items have charges that you expend to activate its properties. The number of charges an item has remaining is revealed when an identify spell is cast on the item, or when a creature attunes to the item. Additionally, when an item regains charges, the creature attuned to that item learns how many charges it regained.\"]}]},{\"name\":\"Attack\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":192,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"The most common action to take in combat is the Attack action, whether you are swinging a sword, firing an arrow from a bow, or brawling with your fists.\",\"With this action, you make one melee or ranged attack. See the \\\"{@book Making an Attack|phb|9|making an attack}\\\" section for the rules that govern attacks.\",\"Certain features, such as the Extra Attack feature of the fighter, allow you to make more than one attack with this action.\"],\"seeAlsoAction\":[\"Disarm|DMG\",\"Grapple\",\"Mark|DMG\",\"Shove\",\"Shove Aside|DMG\",\"Two-Weapon Fighting\"]},{\"name\":\"Cast a Spell\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":192,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[\"Varies\"],\"entries\":[\"Spellcasters such as wizards and clerics, as well as many monsters, have access to spells and can use them to great effect in combat. Each spell has a casting time, which specifies whether the caster must use an action, a reaction, minutes, or even hours to cast the spell. Casting a spell is, therefore, not necessarily an action. Most spells do have a casting time of 1 action, so a spellcaster often uses his or her action in combat to cast such a spell. See {@book chapter 10|phb|10|casting a spell} for the rules on spellcasting.\"]},{\"name\":\"Climb onto a Bigger Creature\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":271,\"fromVariant\":\"Action Options\",\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"If one creature wants to jump onto another creature, it can do so by grappling. A small or Medium creature has little chance of making a successful grapple against a Huge or Gargantuan creature, however, unless magic has granted the grappler supernatural might.\",\"As an alternative, a suitably large opponent can be treated as terrain for the purpose of jumping onto its back or clinging to a limb. After making any ability checks necessary to get into position and onto the larger creature, the smaller creature uses its action to make a Strength ({@skill Athletics}) or Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check contested by the target's Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check. If it wins the contest, the smaller creature successfully moves into the target creature's space, the smaller creature moves with the target and has advantage on attack rolls against it.\",\"The smaller creature can move around within the larger creature's space, treating the space as difficult terrain. The larger creature's ability to attack the smaller creature depends on the smaller creature's location, and is left to your discretion. The larger creature can dislodge the smaller creature as an action—knocking it off, scraping it against a wall, or grabbing and throwing it—by making a Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check contested by the smaller creature's Strength ({@skill Athletics}) or Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check. The smaller creature chooses which ability to use.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dash\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":192,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"When you take the Dash action, you gain extra movement for the current turn. The increase equals your speed, after applying any modifiers. With a speed of 30 feet, for example, you can move up to 60 feet on your turn if you dash.\",\"Any increase or decrease to your speed changes this additional movement by the same amount. If your speed of 30 feet is reduced to 15 feet, for instance, you can move up to 30 feet this turn if you dash.\"]},{\"name\":\"Disarm\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":271,\"fromVariant\":\"Action Options\",\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"A creature can use a weapon attack to knock a weapon or another item from a target's grasp. The attacker makes an attack roll contested by the target's Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check or Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check. If the attacker wins the contest, the attack causes no damage or other ill effect, but the defender drops the item.\",\"The attacker has disadvantage on its attack roll if the target is holding the item with two or more hands. The target has advantage on its ability check if it is larger than the attacking creature, or disadvantage if it is smaller.\"],\"seeAlsoAction\":[\"Attack\"]},{\"name\":\"Disengage\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":192,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"If you take the Disengage action, your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks for the rest of the turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dodge\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":192,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"When you take the Dodge action, you focus entirely on avoiding attacks. Until the start of your next turn, any attack roll made against you has disadvantage if you can see the attacker, and you make Dexterity saving throws with advantage. You lose this benefit if you are incapacitated (as explained in the appendix) or if your speed drops to 0.\"]},{\"name\":\"Don or Doff a Shield\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":146,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"The time it takes to don or doff armor {@table Getting Into and Out of Armor; Donning and Doffing Armor|phb|depends on the armor's category}. A {@item shield|phb} can be donned or doffed as an action.\"]},{\"name\":\"End Concentration\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":203,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[\"Free\"],\"entries\":[\"If a spell must be maintained with concentration, that fact appears in its Duration entry, and the spell specifies how long you can concentrate on it. You can end concentration at any time (no action required).\"]},{\"name\":\"Escape a Grapple\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":195,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"A {@condition grappled} creature can use its action to escape. To do so, it must succeed on a Strength ({@skill Athletics}) or Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check contested by your Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check.\"],\"seeAlsoAction\":[\"Grapple\"]},{\"name\":\"Grapple\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":195,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"When you want to grab a creature or wrestle with it, you can use the {@action Attack} action to make a special melee attack, a grapple. If you're able to make multiple attacks with the {@action Attack} action, this attack replaces one of them. The target of your grapple must be no more than one size larger than you, and it must be within your reach.\",\"Using at least one free hand, you try to seize the target by making a grapple check, a Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check contested by the target's Strength ({@skill Athletics}) or Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check (the target chooses the ability to use). You succeed automatically if the target is {@condition incapacitated}. If you succeed, you subject the target to the {@condition grappled} condition (see the appendix). The condition specifies the things that end it, and you can release the target whenever you like (no action required).\",{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Moving a Grappled Target\",\"entries\":[\"When you move, you can drag or carry the {@condition grappled} creature with you, but your speed is halved, unless the creature is two or more sizes smaller than you.\"]}],\"seeAlsoAction\":[\"Escape a Grapple\"]},{\"name\":\"Healing Surge\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":266,\"fromVariant\":\"Healing\",\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"As an action, a character can use a healing surge and spend up to half his or her Hit Dice. For each Hit Die spent in this way, the player rolls the die and adds the character's Constitution modifier. The character regains hit points equal to the total. The player can decide to spend an additional Hit Die after each roll.\",\"A character who uses a healing surge can't do so again until he or she finishes a short or long rest. Under this optional rule, a character regains all spent Hit Dice at the end of a long rest. With a short rest, a character regains Hit Dice equal to his or her level divided by four (minimum of one dice).\"]},{\"name\":\"Help\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":192,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"You can lend your aid to another creature in the completion of a task. When you take the Help action, the creature you aid gains advantage on the next ability check it makes to perform the task you are helping with, provided that it makes the check before the start of your next turn.\",\"Alternatively, you can aid a friendly creature in attacking a creature within 5 feet of you. You feint, distract the target, or in some other way team up to make your ally's attack more effective. If your ally attacks the target before your next turn, the first attack roll is made with advantage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hide\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":192,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"When you take the Hide action, you make a Dexterity ({@skill Stealth}) check in an attempt to hide, following the rules in {@book chapter 7 |phb|7|hiding} for hiding. If you succeed, you gain certain benefits, as described in the \\\"{@book Unseen Attackers and Targets|PHB|9|unseen attackers and targets}\\\" section in the Player's Handbook.\"]},{\"name\":\"Identify a Spell\",\"source\":\"XGE\",\"page\":85,\"fromVariant\":\"Spellcasting|XGE\",\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"reaction\"},{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"Sometimes a character wants to identify a spell that someone else is casting or that was already cast. To do so, a character can use their reaction to identify a spell as it's being cast, or they can use an action on their turn to identify a spell by its effect after it is cast.\",\"If the character perceived the casting, the spell's effect, or both, the character can make an Intelligence ({@skill Arcana}) check with the reaction or action. The DC equals 15 + the spell's level. If the spell is cast as a class spell and the character is a member of that class, the check is made with advantage. For example, if the spellcaster casts a spell as a cleric, another cleric has advantage on the check to identify the spell. Some spells aren't associated with any class when they're cast, such as when a monster uses its Innate Spellcasting trait.\",\"This Intelligence ({@skill Arcana}) check represents the fact that identifying a spell requires a quick mind and familiarity with the theory and practice of casting. This is true even for a character whose spellcasting ability is Wisdom or Charisma. Being able to cast spells doesn't by itself make you adept at deducing exactly what others are doing when they cast their spells.\"]},{\"name\":\"Improvising an Action\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":193,\"time\":[\"Varies\"],\"entries\":[\"Your character can do things not covered by the actions in this chapter, such as breaking down doors, intimidating enemies, sensing weaknesses in magical defenses, or calling for a parley with a foe. The only limits to the actions you can attempt are your imagination and your character's ability scores. See the descriptions of the ability scores in {@book chapter 7|phb|7|Ability Scores and Modifiers} for inspiration as you improvise.\",\"When you describe an action not detailed elsewhere in the rules, the DM tells you whether that action is possible and what kind of roll you need to make, if any, to determine success or failure.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mark\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":271,\"fromVariant\":\"Action Options\",\"entries\":[\"This option makes it easier for melee combatants to harry each other with opportunity attacks.\",\"When a creature makes a melee attack, it can also mark its target. Until the end of the attacker's next turn, any opportunity attack it makes against the marked target has advantage. The opportunity attack doesn't expend the attacker's reaction, but the attacker can't make the attack if anything, such as the {@condition incapacitated} condition or the {@spell shocking grasp} spell, is preventing it from taking reactions. The attacker is limited to one opportunity attack per turn.\"],\"seeAlsoAction\":[\"Attack\"]},{\"name\":\"Opportunity Attack\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":195,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"reaction\"}],\"entries\":[\"In a fight, everyone is constantly watching for enemies to drop their guard. You can rarely move heedlessly past your foes without putting yourself in danger; doing so provokes an opportunity attack.\",\"You can make an opportunity attack when a hostile creature that you can see moves out of your reach. To make the opportunity attack, you use your reaction to make one melee attack against the provoking creature. The attack interrupts the provoking creature's movement, occurring right before the creature leaves your reach.\",\"You can avoid provoking an opportunity attack by taking the {@action Disengage} action. You also don't provoke an opportunity attack when you teleport or when someone or something moves you without using your movement, action, or reaction. For example, you don't provoke an opportunity attack if an explosion hurls you out of a foe's reach or if gravity causes you to fall past an enemy.\"]},{\"name\":\"Other Activity\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":190,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[\"Varies\"],\"entries\":[\"Your turn can include a variety of flourishes that require neither your action nor your move.\",\"You can communicate however you are able, through brief utterances and gestures, as you take your turn.\",\"You can also interact with one object or feature of the environment for free, during either your move or your action. For example, you could open a door during your move as you stride toward a foe, or you could draw your weapon as part of the same action you use to attack.\",\"If you want to interact with a second object, you need to use your action. Some magic items and other special objects always require an action to use, as stated in their descriptions.\",\"The DM might require you to use an action for any of these activities when it needs special care or when it presents an unusual obstacle. For instance, the DM could reasonably expect you to use an action to open a stuck door or turn a crank to lower a drawbridge.\",{\"type\":\"inset\",\"name\":\"Interacting with Objects Around You\",\"entries\":[\"Here are a few examples of the sorts of thing you can do in tandem with your movement and action:\",{\"type\":\"list\",\"items\":[\"draw or sheathe a sword\",\"open or close a door\",\"withdraw a potion from your backpack\",\"pick up a dropped axe\",\"take a bauble from a table\",\"remove a ring from your finger\",\"stuff some food into your mouth\",\"plant a banner in the ground\",\"fish a few coins from your belt pouch\",\"drink all the ale in a flagon\",\"throw a lever or a switch\",\"pull a torch from a sconce\",\"take a book from a shelf you can reach\",\"extinguish a small flame\",\"don a mask\",\"pull the hood of your cloak up and over your head\",\"put your ear to a door\",\"kick a small stone\",\"turn a key in a lock\",\"tap the floor with a 10-foot pole\",\"hand an item to another character\"]}]}]},{\"name\":\"Overrun\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":272,\"fromVariant\":\"Action Options\",\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"},{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"bonus\"}],\"entries\":[\"When a creature tries to move through a hostile creature's space, the mover can try to force its way through by overrunning the hostile creature. As an action or a bonus action, the mover makes a Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check contested by the hostile creature's Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check. The creature attempting the overrun has advantage on this check if it is larger than the hostile creature, or disadvantage if it is smaller. If the mover wins the contest, it can move through the hostile creature's space once this turn.\"],\"seeAlsoAction\":[\"Tumble|DMG\"]},{\"name\":\"Ready\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":193,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"Sometimes you want to get the jump on a foe or wait for a particular circumstance before you act. To do so, you can take the Ready action on your turn, which lets you act using your reaction before the start of your next turn.\",\"First, you decide what perceivable circumstance will trigger your reaction. Then, you choose the action you will take in response to that trigger, or you choose to move up to your speed in response to it. Examples include \\\"If the cultist steps on the trapdoor, I'll pull the lever that opens it,\\\" and \\\"If the goblin steps next to me, I move away.\\\"\",\"When the trigger occurs, you can either take your reaction right after the trigger finishes or ignore the trigger. Remember that you can take only one reaction per round.\",\"When you ready a spell, you cast it as normal but hold its energy, which you release with your reaction when the trigger occurs. To be readied, a spell must have a casting time of 1 action, and holding onto the spell's magic requires concentration (explained in {@book chapter 10|phb|10|concentration}). If your concentration is broken, the spell dissipates without taking effect. For example, if you are concentrating on the web spell and ready magic missile, your web spell ends, and if you take damage before you release magic missile with your reaction, your concentration might be broken.\",\"You have until the start of your next turn to use a readied action.\"]},{\"name\":\"Search\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":193,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"When you take the Search action, you devote your attention to finding something. Depending on the nature of your search, the DM might have you make a Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) check or an Intelligence ({@skill Investigation}) check.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shove\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":195,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"Using the {@action Attack} action, you can make a special melee attack to shove a creature, either to knock it {@condition prone} or push it away from you. If you're able to make multiple attacks with the {@action Attack} action, this attack replaces one of them.\",\"The target of your shove must be no more than one size larger than you, and it must be within your reach. You make a Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check contested by the target's Strength ({@skill Athletics}) or Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check (the target chooses the ability to use). You succeed automatically if the target is {@condition incapacitated}. If you succeed, you either knock the target {@condition prone} or push it 5 feet away from you.\"],\"seeAlsoAction\":[\"Attack\",\"Shove Aside|DMG\"]},{\"name\":\"Shove Aside\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":272,\"fromVariant\":\"Action Options\",\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"With this option, a creature uses the special {@action shove} attack from the {@book Player's Handbook|9|Shoving a Creature} to force a target to the side, rather than away. The attacker has disadvantage on its Strength ({@skill Athletics}) check when it does so. If that check is successful, the attacker moves the target 5 feet to a different space within its reach.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tumble\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":272,\"fromVariant\":\"Action Options\",\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"},{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"bonus\"}],\"entries\":[\"A creature can try to tumble through a hostile creature's space, ducking and weaving past the opponent. As an action or a bonus action, the tumbler makes a Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check contested by the hostile creature's Dexterity ({@skill Acrobatics}) check. If the tumbler wins the contest, it can move through the hostile creature's space once this turn.\"],\"seeAlsoAction\":[\"Tumble|DMG\"]},{\"name\":\"Two-Weapon Fighting\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":195,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"bonus\"}],\"entries\":[\"When you take the {@action Attack} action and attack with a light melee weapon that you're holding in one hand, you can use a bonus action to attack with a different light melee weapon that you're holding in the other hand. You don't add your ability modifier to the damage of the bonus attack, unless that modifier is negative.\",\"If either weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon, instead of making a melee attack with it.\"],\"seeAlsoAction\":[\"Attack\"]},{\"name\":\"Use an Object\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":193,\"srd\":true,\"time\":[{\"number\":1,\"unit\":\"action\"}],\"entries\":[\"You normally interact with an object while doing something else, such as when you draw a sword as part of an attack. When an object requires your action for its use, you take the Use an Object action. This action is also useful when you want to interact with more than one object on your turn.\"]}]}");
JSON_DATA[`data/backgrounds.json`] = JSON.parse("{\"_meta\":{\"internalCopies\":[\"background\"]},\"background\":[{\"name\":\"Acolyte\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":127,\"srd\":true,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight}, {@skill Religion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item holy symbol|phb} (a gift to you when you entered the priesthood), a prayer {@item book|phb} or prayer wheel, 5 sticks of incense, vestments, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Shelter of the Faithful\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"As an acolyte, you command the respect of those who share your faith, and you can perform the religious ceremonies of your deity. You and your adventuring companions can expect to receive free healing and care at a temple, shrine, or other established presence of your faith, though you must provide any material components needed for spells. Those who share your religion will support you (but only you) at a modest lifestyle.\",\"You might also have ties to a specific temple dedicated to your chosen deity or pantheon, and you have a residence there. This could be the temple where you used to serve, if you remain on good terms with it, or a temple where you have found a new home. While near your temple, you can call upon the priests for assistance, provided the assistance you ask for is not hazardous and you remain in good standing with your temple.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Acolytes are shaped by their experience in temples or other religious communities. Their study of the history and tenets of their faith and their relationships to temples, shrines, or hierarchies affect their mannerisms and ideals. Their flaws might be some hidden hypocrisy or heretical idea, or an ideal or bond taken to an extreme.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I idolize a particular hero of my faith, and constantly refer to that person's deeds and example.\"],[\"2\",\"I can find common ground between the fiercest enemies, empathizing with them and always working toward peace.\"],[\"3\",\"I see omens in every event and action. The gods try to speak to us, we just need to listen.\"],[\"4\",\"Nothing can shake my optimistic attitude.\"],[\"5\",\"I quote (or misquote) sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation.\"],[\"6\",\"I am tolerant (or intolerant) of other faiths and respect (or condemn) the worship of other gods.\"],[\"7\",\"I've enjoyed fine food, drink, and high society among my temple's elite. Rough living grates on me.\"],[\"8\",\"I've spent so long in the temple that I have little practical experience dealing with people in the outside world.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Tradition. The ancient traditions of worship and sacrifice must be preserved and upheld. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)\"],[\"3\",\"Change. We must help bring about the changes the gods are constantly working in the world. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Power. I hope to one day rise to the top of my faith's religious hierarchy. (Lawful)\"],[\"5\",\"Faith. I trust that my deity will guide my actions. I have faith that if I work hard, things will go well. (Lawful)\"],[\"6\",\"Aspiration. I seek to prove myself worthy of my god's favor by matching my actions against his or her teachings. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I would die to recover an ancient relic of my faith that was lost long ago.\"],[\"2\",\"I will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple hierarchy who branded me a heretic.\"],[\"3\",\"I owe my life to the priest who took me in when my parents died.\"],[\"4\",\"Everything I do is for the common people.\"],[\"5\",\"I will do anything to protect the temple where I served.\"],[\"6\",\"I seek to preserve a sacred text that my enemies consider heretical and seek to destroy.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.\"],[\"2\",\"I put too much trust in those who wield power within my temple's hierarchy.\"],[\"3\",\"My piety sometimes leads me to blindly trust those that profess faith in my god.\"],[\"4\",\"I am inflexible in my thinking.\"],[\"5\",\"I am suspicious of strangers and expect the worst of them.\"],[\"6\",\"Once I pick a goal, I become obsessed with it to the detriment of everything else in my life.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"religion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"holy symbol|phb\",\"displayName\":\"holy symbol (a gift to you when you entered the priesthood)\"},{\"special\":\"sticks of incense\",\"quantity\":5},{\"special\":\"vestments\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]},{\"a\":[{\"item\":\"book|phb\",\"displayName\":\"prayer book\"}],\"b\":[{\"special\":\"prayer wheel\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Anthropologist\",\"source\":\"ToA\",\"page\":191,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight}, {@skill Religion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A leather-bound diary, a {@item Ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb|bottle of ink}, an {@item ink pen|phb}, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, one {@item trinket|phb} of special significance, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Cultural Chameleon\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Before becoming an adventurer, you spent much of your adult life away from your homeland, living among people different from your kin. You came to understand these foreign cultures and the ways of their people, who eventually treated you as one of their own. One culture had more of an influence on you than any other, shaping your beliefs and customs Choose a race whose culture you've adopted, or roll on the Adopted Culture table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Culture\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Aarakocra\"],[\"2\",\"Dwarf\"],[\"3\",\"Elf\"],[\"4\",\"Goblin\"],[\"5\",\"Halfling\"],[\"6\",\"Human\"],[\"7\",\"Lizardfolk\"],[\"8\",\"Orc\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Adept Linguist\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You can communicate with humanoids who don't speak any language you know. You must observe the humanoids interacting with one another for at least 1 day, after which you learn a handful of important words, expressions, and gestures - enough to communicate on a rudimentary level.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Anthropologists leave behind the societies into which they were born to discover what life is like in other parts of the world. They seek to see how other races and civilizations survive - or why they did not. Some anthropologists are driven by intellectual curiosity, while others want the fame and recognition that comes with being the first to discover a new people, a lost tribe, or the truth about an ancient empire's downfall.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I prefer the company of those who aren't like me, including people of other races\"],[\"2\",\"I'm a stickler when it comes to observing proper etiquette and local customs\"],[\"3\",\"I would rather observe than meddle\"],[\"4\",\"By living among violent people, I have become desensitized to violence.\"],[\"5\",\"I would risk life and limb to discover a new culture or unravel the secrets of a dead one.\"],[\"6\",\"When I arrive at a new settlement for the first time, I must learn all its customs.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Discovery. I want to be the first person to discover a lost culture. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"Distance. One must not interfere with the affairs of another culture - even one in need of aid. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Knowledge. By understanding other races and cultures, we learn to understand ourselves. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Power. Common people crave strong leadership, and I do my utmost to provide it. (Lawful)\"],[\"5\",\"Protection. I must do everything possible to save a society facing extinction. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"Indifferent. Life is cruel. What's the point in saving people if they're going to die anyway? (Chaotic)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My mentor gave me a journal filled with lore and wisdom. Losing it would devastate me.\"],[\"2\",\"Having lived among the people of a primeval tribe or clan, I long to return and see how they are faring.\"],[\"3\",\"Years ago, tragedy struck the members of an isolated society I befriended, and I will honor them.\"],[\"4\",\"I want to learn more about a particular humanoid culture that fascinates me.\"],[\"5\",\"I seek to avenge a clan, tribe, kingdom, or empire that was wiped out.\"],[\"6\",\"I have a trinket that I believe is the key to finding a long-lost society.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Boats make me seasick.\"],[\"2\",\"I talk to myself, and I don't make friends easily.\"],[\"3\",\"I believe that I'm intellectually superior to people from other cultures and have much to teach them.\"],[\"4\",\"I've picked up some unpleasant habits living among goblins, lizardfolk, or orcs.\"],[\"5\",\"I complain about everything.\"],[\"6\",\"I wear a tribal mask and never take it off.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"religion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"leather-bound diary\"},\"ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb\",\"ink pen|phb\",\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"trinket|phb\",\"displayName\":\"trinket of special significance\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Archaeologist\",\"source\":\"ToA\",\"page\":192,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill History}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Cartographer's tools|phb} or {@item navigator's tools|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item Map or Scroll Case|phb|wooden case} containing a map to a ruin or dungeon, a {@item bullseye lantern|phb}, a {@item miner's pick|phb}, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, a {@item shovel|phb}, a {@item two-person tent|phb}, a {@item trinket|phb|trinket} recovered from a dig site, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 25 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Dust Digger\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Prior to becoming an adventurer, you spent most of your young life crawling around in the dust, pilfering relics of questionable value from crypts and ruins. Though you managed to sell a few of your discoveries and earn enough coin to buy proper adventuring gear, you have held onto an item that has great emotional value to you. Roll on the Signature Item table to see what you have, or choose an item from the table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Signature Item\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Item\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@item pole (10-foot)|phb|10-foot pole}\"],[\"2\",\"{@item Crowbar|phb}\"],[\"3\",\"Hat\"],[\"4\",\"{@item Hooded lantern|phb}\"],[\"5\",\"Medallion\"],[\"6\",\"{@item Shovel|phb}\"],[\"7\",\"{@item Sledgehammer|phb}\"],[\"8\",\"{@item Whip|phb}\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Historical Knowledge\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"When you enter a ruin or dungeon, you can correctly ascertain its original purpose and determine its builders, whether those were dwarves, elves, humans, yuan-ti, or some other known race. In addition, you can determine the monetary value of art objects more than a century old.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Few archaeologists can resist the lure of an unexplored ruin or dungeon, particularly if such a site is the source of legends or is rumored to contain the treasures and relics of wizards, warlords, or royalty. Some archaeologists plunder for wealth or fame, while others consider it their calling to illuminate the past or keep the world's greatest treasures from falling into the wrong hands. Whatever their motivations, archaeologists combine the qualities of a scrappy historian with the self-made heroism of a treasure-hunting scoundrel.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I love a good puzzle or mystery\"],[\"2\",\"I'm a pack rat who never throws anything away.\"],[\"3\",\"Fame is more important to me than money.\"],[\"4\",\"I have no qualms about stealing from the dead.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm happier in a dusty old tomb than I am in the centers of civilization.\"],[\"6\",\"Traps don't make me nervous. Idiots who trigger traps make me nervous.\"],[\"7\",\"I might fail, but I will never give up.\"],[\"8\",\"You might think I'm a scholar, but I love a good brawl. These fists were made for punching.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Preservation. That artifact belongs in a museum. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Greed. I won't risk my life for nothing. I expect some kind of payment. (Any)\"],[\"3\",\"Death Wish. Nothing is more exhilarating than a narrow escape from the jaws of death. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Dignity. The dead and their belongings deserve to be treated with respect. (Lawful)\"],[\"5\",\"Immortality. All of my exploring is part of a plan to find the secret of everlasting life. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"Danger. With every great discovery comes grave danger. The two walk hand in hand. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Ever since I was a child, I've heard stories about a lost city. I aim to find it, learn its secrets, and earn my place in the history books.\"],[\"2\",\"I want to find my mentor, who disappeared on an expedition some time ago.\"],[\"3\",\"I have a friendly rival. Only one of us can be the best, and I aim to prove it's me.\"],[\"4\",\"I won't sell an art object or other treasure that has historical significance or is one of a kind.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm secretly in love with the wealthy patron who sponsors my archaeological exploits.\"],[\"6\",\"I hope to bring prestige to a library, a museum, or a university.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have a secret fear of some common wild animal - and in my work, I see them everywhere.\"],[\"2\",\"I can't leave a room without searching it for secret doors.\"],[\"3\",\"When I'm not exploring dungeons or ruins. I get jittery and impatient.\"],[\"4\",\"I have no time for friends or family. I spend every waking moment thinking about and preparing for my next expedition.\"],[\"5\",\"When given the choice of going left or right, I always go left.\"],[\"6\",\"I can't sleep except in total darkness.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"history\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"navigator's tools\",\"cartographer's tools\"]}}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"map or scroll case|phb\",\"displayName\":\"wooden case containing a map to a ruin or dungeon\"},\"bullseye lantern|phb\",\"miner's pick|phb\",\"traveler's clothes|phb\",\"shovel|phb\",\"two-person tent|phb\",{\"item\":\"trinket|phb\",\"displayName\":\"trinket recovered from a dig site\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":2500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Athlete\",\"source\":\"MOT\",\"page\":31,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Athletics}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@filter Vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A bronze discus or leather ball, a lucky charm or past trophy, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Echoes of Victory\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have attracted admiration among spectators, fellow athletes, and trainers in the region that hosted your past athletic victories. When visiting any settlement within 100 miles of where you grew up, there is a 50 percent chance you can find someone there who admires you and is willing to provide information or temporary shelter.\",\"Between adventures, you might compete in athletic events sufficient enough to maintain a comfortable lifestyle, as per the \\\"{@book Practicing a Profession|PHB|8|Practicing a Profession}\\\" downtime activity in chapter 8 of the {@book Player's Handbook|PHB}.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Favored Event\",\"entries\":[\"While many athletes practice various games and events, most excel at a single form of competition. Roll or choose from the options in the Favored Event table to determine the athletic event in which you excel.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Favored Event\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Favored Event\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Marathon\"],[\"2\",\"Long-distance running\"],[\"3\",\"Wrestling\"],[\"4\",\"Boxing\"],[\"5\",\"Chariot or horse race\"],[\"6\",\"Pankration (mixed unarmed combat)\"],[\"7\",\"Hoplite race (racing in full armor with a unit)\"],[\"8\",\"Pentathlon (running, long jump, discus, javelin, wrestling)\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Competition can forge strong bonds between teammates and rivals or ignite bitter feuds that burn outside the arena. Athletes often apply lessons from their training to their lives in general.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Athlete Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I feel most at peace during physical exertion, be it exercise or battle.\"],[\"2\",\"I don't like to sit idle.\"],[\"3\",\"I have a daily exercise routine that I refuse to break.\"],[\"4\",\"Obstacles exist to be overcome.\"],[\"5\",\"When I see others struggling, I offer to help.\"],[\"6\",\"I love to trade banter and gibes.\"],[\"7\",\"Anything worth doing is worth doing best.\"],[\"8\",\"I get irritated if people praise someone else and not me.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Athlete Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Competition. I strive to test myself in all things. (Chaotic)\"],[\"2\",\"Triumph. The best part of winning is seeing my rivals brought low. (Evil)\"],[\"3\",\"Camaraderie. The strongest bonds are forged through struggle. (Good)\"],[\"4\",\"People. I strive to inspire my spectators. (Neutral)\"],[\"5\",\"Tradition. Every game has rules, and the playing field must be level. (Lawful)\"],[\"6\",\"Growth. Lessons hide in victory and defeat. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Athlete Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My teammates are my family.\"],[\"2\",\"I will overcome a rival and prove myself their better.\"],[\"3\",\"My mistake got someone hurt. I'll never make that mistake again.\"],[\"4\",\"I will be the best for the honor and glory of my home.\"],[\"5\",\"The person who trained me is the most important person in my world.\"],[\"6\",\"I strive to live up to a specific hero's example.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Athlete Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I indulge in a habit that threatens my reputation or my health.\"],[\"2\",\"I'll do absolutely anything to win.\"],[\"3\",\"I ignore anyone who doesn't compete and anyone who loses to me.\"],[\"4\",\"I have lingering pain from old injuries.\"],[\"5\",\"Any defeat or failure on my part is because my opponent cheated.\"],[\"6\",\"I must be the captain of any group I join.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"acrobatics\":true,\"athletics\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"vehicles (land)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"a\":[{\"special\":\"bronze discus\"}],\"b\":[{\"special\":\"leather ball\"}]},{\"a\":[{\"special\":\"lucky charm\"}],\"b\":[{\"special\":\"past trophy\"}]},{\"_\":[\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Augen Trust (Spy)\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":203,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Variant Criminal (Spy)\",\"source\":\"PHB\"},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Azorius Functionary\",\"source\":\"GGR\",\"page\":33,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight}, {@skill Intimidation}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"An Azorius insignia, a scroll containing the text of a law important to you, a {@item Ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb|bottle of blue ink}, a {@item ink pen|phb|pen}, a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp (Azorius-minted 1-zino coins)\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Legal Authority\",\"entries\":[\"You have the authority to enforce the laws of Ravnica, and that status inspires a certain amount of respect and even fear in the populace. People mind their manners in your presence and avoid drawing your attention; they assume you have the right to be wherever you are. Showing your Azorius insignia gets you an audience with anyone you want to talk to (though it might cause more problems than it solves when you're dealing with incorrigible lawbreakers). If you abuse this privilege, though, you can get in serious trouble with your superiors and even be stripped of your position.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Azorius Guild Spells\",\"entries\":[\"{@i Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature}\",\"For you, the spells on the Azorius Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Azorius Guild Spells\",\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"colLabels\":[\"Spell Level\",\"Spells\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cantrip\",\"{@spell friends}, {@spell message}\"],[\"1st\",\"{@spell command}, {@spell ensnaring strike}\"],[\"2nd\",\"{@spell arcane lock}, {@spell calm emotions}, {@spell hold person}\"],[\"3rd\",\"{@spell clairvoyance}, {@spell counterspell}\"],[\"4th\",\"{@spell compulsion}, {@spell divination}\"],[\"5th\",\"{@spell dominate person}\"]]},\"Your magic often takes the form of blue or golden runes floating and glowing in the air in circular patterns or of shimmering azure barriers of magical energy. If you cast {@spell ensnaring strike}, for example, the vines created by the spell might appear as rune-inscribed glowing bands that wrap around the target and hold it in place.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Members of the Azorius Senate tend toward a demeanor of cold dignity and a pragmatic, orderly nature. Steeped in the law as they are, their ideals and priorities revolve around legal issues.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I try never to let my judgment become clouded by emotion.\"],[\"2\",\"I have infinite patience with the dolts and boors I'm forced to deal with every day.\"],[\"3\",\"When I give an order, I expect it to be obeyed.\"],[\"4\",\"I just want things the way I like them: neat, orderly, and clean.\"],[\"5\",\"No wrongdoing can escape my watchful gaze.\"],[\"6\",\"I always say exactly what I mean, no matter how many words it takes to communicate the particular nuance I am attempting to convey.\"],[\"7\",\"I'm very literal and don't appreciate metaphor or sarcasm.\"],[\"8\",\"I never change my mind once it's made up.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Guild}. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Order}. The law is meant to ensure that the gears of society turn smoothly and quietly. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Peace}. The ultimate object of the law is to remove violence from society. (Good)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Compliance}. Coercion is a fine way of ensuring that the laws are obeyed. (Lawful)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Legislation}. The law embodies excellence in its precision and detail. (Lawful)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Punishment}. A public display of consequences is an excellent deterrent for other criminals. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am beholden to an Azorius arrester who captured the criminal who killed my parents, saving me from the same fate.\"],[\"2\",\"I hope one day to write the laws, not just enforce them.\"],[\"3\",\"I tried and failed to prevent a murder, and I have sworn to find and arrest the perpetrator.\"],[\"4\",\"I successfully prevented a murder, and the would-be perpetrator wants me dead.\"],[\"5\",\"One of my parents was prominent in the guild, and I resent constantly being compared to that standard.\"],[\"6\",\"I've modeled my career after a highly respected lawmage or arrester, but I fear that my role model might be involved in something illegal.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'm unable to distinguish between the letter and the spirit of the law.\"],[\"2\",\"I seem like a harsh judge to others, but I judge myself most harshly of all.\"],[\"3\",\"I have a secret, illegal vice.\"],[\"4\",\"I was traumatized by witnessing a crime as a child.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm incapable of deception.\"],[\"6\",\"I wish I had joined the Boros, but I fear they'd never accept me.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Contacts\",\"entries\":[\"The Azorius Senate is a sprawling bureaucracy, and people in a variety of positions throughout the guild can pull strings to make things happen. Because of the guild's role in making and enforcing laws for the entire city, your place in the Azorius can easily bring you into contact with members of other guilds, for good or ill.\",\"Roll twice on the Azorius Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Azorius Contacts table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Azorius Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"As a teenager, I was a page for a prominent judge.\"],[\"2\",\"One of my childhood friends is now a precognitive mage in service of the guild.\"],[\"3\",\"I joined the Azorius hoping to impress an arrester whom I admire.\"],[\"4\",\"My former mentor is now a warden at Udzec, the new Azorius prison.\"],[\"5\",\"I was second best at everything in my legal training, and now I work with the person who was always just a little bit better.\"],[\"6\",\"A good friend was promoted into work they can't tell me about.\"],[\"7\",\"I know a homunculus in the halls of New Prahv who can get things done behind the scenes.\"],[\"8\",\"I was once summoned to the presence of Supreme Judge Isperia, the guildmaster of the Azorius, who complimented me on my work.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Non-Azorius Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Roll an additional Azorius contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.\"],[\"2\",\"The person who recruited me into the Azorius left and joined the Boros.\"],[\"3\",\"I have a friendship with a Dimir agent who sometimes funnels me secrets about Azorius activities.\"],[\"4\",\"A Golgari spore druid would love to see me slip up and break the law.\"],[\"5\",\"A lesser Gruul chieftain seems to think I could be useful.\"],[\"6\",\"The black sheep of my family is putting their maniacal genius to use in the Izzet.\"],[\"7\",\"I'm friends with an Orzhov advokist; we compare notes on different forms of law magic.\"],[\"8\",\"I was ridiculed once in a Rakdos performance; the performer was impressed with my good humor about it and now does me occasional favors.\"],[\"9\",\"I have a fanatical Selesnya cousin who keeps trying to recruit me and everyone else in the family.\"],[\"10\",\"While growing up, I was bullied by a brat who's now a hybrid in the Simic Combine.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"How Do I Fit In?\",\"entries\":[\"As a member of the Azorius Senate, you are probably engaged in the work of law enforcement (even if your background involved the legislative or judicial aspects of the senate's activities). Legislative aides and judges' clerks find little reason to venture beyond the Azorius guildhalls, but soldiers and lawmages patrol the streets daily.\",\"An Azorius soldier or lawmage is a force for order, charged with fighting crime on the streets—and in the halls of power. You might spend your time foiling thefts, putting a stop to Orzhov extortion, rooting out Dimir spies, or hunting down Golgari assassins. Perhaps you take your orders from a precognitive mage (or you are one yourself) who receives unpredictable and cryptic visions of future crimes that you and your allies must try to prevent.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"intimidation\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Azorius insignia\"},{\"special\":\"scroll containing the text of a law important to you\"},\"ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb\",\"ink pen|phb\",\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Acolyte\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":202,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":127}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Acolyte\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Religious Community\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"You're tightly connected with the religious community of Baldur's Gate. You know if a deity has a following in the city and any places that faith openly congregates and the neighborhoods those faithful typically inhabit. While this isn't remarkable for most of the city's larger faiths, keeping track of the hundreds of religions newcomers bring with them is no mean feat.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Charlatan\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":202,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":128}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Charlatan\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Long-Lost Heir\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"You're well-versed in the mannerisms and idiosyncrasies of Baldurian patriars and other nobles, imitating them smoothly enough to convince even the snootiest family heads of your authenticity. You're skilled at posing as the long-lost heir to some imaginary or extinguished patriar lineage.\",\"Because of your skill in passing yourself off as a patriar, you have a Watch token that allows you alone into the Upper City of Baldur's Gate. You might be able to bluff others through with you, or even convince members of the Watch that you're a patriar. However, any true test of your authenticity is likely to reveal your deception.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Criminal\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":202,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":129}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Criminal\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":[{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Criminal Connections\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"In Baldur's Gate, crime is just another business. As a result, you can arrange a meeting with a low-ranking operative of nearly any business, patriar family, crew, government institution, or—certainly—the Guild. This operative will hear you out and, at their discretion, take your information or request up their chain of command. These meetings almost always occur in shady venues.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Criminal Origins\",\"entries\":[\"Criminals are pervasive in Baldur's Gate. If you wish, you may roll on the Criminal Origins table for an event that began your life of crime.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Criminal Origins\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Origin\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"You crippled a Guild kingpin's cousin without realizing the connection. You got the Guild to back off demands for your death by offering to make amends by working for the criminals, but even so the kingpin still plots a personal revenge.\"],[\"2\",\"The Guild took over your family business, ran it into the ground, and burned the building for insurance money. You were driven into crime yourself, but you'll never work for the Guild. You take special joy in hitting its targets first, tipping off its con victims and otherwise frustrating its schemes.\"],[\"3\",\"It's always been about money. You're not paid what you're worth, working for someone who has more than they deserve. But the Guild offered you a way to fix that. You keep doing what you've always done—guard work, dock labor, business accounting—but what you learn you pass on to the Guild.\"],[\"4\",\"The inequality of Baldur's Gate has driven you to take matters into your own hands. You steal from patriars and rich Lower City residents, funneling the money through charitable fronts to help the needy.\"],[\"5\",\"You got into crime as a bored patriar looking for excitement. Your family has no idea of your activities, and neither does the Guild. If either of them ever finds out, your life as you know it will be over.\"],[\"6\",\"A close friend or relative joined the Guild and vanished mysteriously. You've worked your way into the lower ranks hoping to find out what happened to them.\"],[\"7\",\"You've always wanted to be a member of the Guild. As a child, you looked up to the Guild members' swagger, their flashy dress, and their competence, which all marked them as different from the other adults you knew. As soon as you could, you joined the organization.\"],[\"8\",\"To you, this is just a way to earn a living. You go to work, do what needs to be done, and get paid. Anyone who pursues crime for thrill-seeking, to strike back at unjust authorities, or anything else are amateurs, and they're liable to get you arrested or killed with their idiocy.\"]]}]}]}}},\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Entertainer\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":202,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":130}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Entertainer\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Backstage Pass\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"You've learned that most of the real business of entertainment (or any other venture) happens behind the scenes. It's easy for you to case what sorts of audiences attend what venue—like how toughs gather at the Blushing Mermaid or how brash patriars congregate at the Helm and Cloak. After a successful performance, you may meet an enthusiastic member of the crowd—someone of an occupation or social class that frequents the establishment. This contact is delighted to talk with you, and to listen.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Folk Hero\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":204,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":131}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Folk Hero\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":[{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Social Vengeance\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"You've lived your entire life in the Lower or Outer City of Baldur's Gate. You grew up seeing arrogant patriars flaunt their wealth while your hardworking neighbors struggled. As a result, you know how eager commoners in Baldur's Gate are to see any patriar get what they deserve. While in a busy part of the Lower City or Outer City of Baldur's Gate, you can spend {@dice 2d10} minutes to convince {@dice 1d6} {@creature commoner||commoners} to perform a non-illegal act that inconveniences a member of the Watch or Flaming Fist, a patriar, or some other wealthy looking individual.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Folk Hero Origins\",\"entries\":[\"Folk heroes might rise from a variety of circumstances, or their origins might be a secret as they do their work anonymously. If you wish, you may roll on the Folk Hero Origins table for an event that started you down your heroic path.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Folk Hero Origins\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Origin\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"You helped get healing for a sick child. Now the sick come to you, knowing you'll help them find a way to salvation.\"],[\"2\",\"You helped break a Guild protection racket afflicting a community of immigrants in the Outer City. Now, you can't travel through that part of the city without your dozen adopted grandparents inviting you in for a meal.\"],[\"3\",\"Seeing a lost patriar after dark in the Outer City, you guided the wayward noble through back streets to safety. The patriar repaid your help by paying for improved roofs and lamps in your neighborhood, causing the entire community to celebrate your deed.\"],[\"4\",\"Fueled by alcohol, you faced down a carrion crawler that slunk out of the sewer, knocking it out with a single punch. Since then, however, the ale you once credited with your heroism has drowned it, and even your most patient admirers are losing hope. You're hoping for one last chance to win back the goodwill you've drunk away.\"],[\"5\",\"You once defeated a raging bugbear with a hand mirror, a mounted deer's head, and two kicks to the groin. Later, you and the bugbear became friends.\"],[\"6\",\"Last winter, you dove into the frigid river to haul out a foundering fishing boat with your bare hands, saving all aboard. Now, everyone on the docks knows your name.\"]]}]}]}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Guild Artisan\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":204,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":132}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Guild Artisan\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Professional Courtesy\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"You're familiar with the city's crews, their territories, and inter-crew politics. Choose one of the three districts of Baldur's Gate: the Upper City, the Lower City, or the Outer City. This is the district where you conduct most of your business. Whenever you need information about something in one of that district's neighborhoods, you can seek out crew members in that area and learn the local gossip. You can also gain unimpeded entry to nearly any bank, guild hall, place of business, workhouse, or crew meeting place in your district.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Hermit\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":204,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":134}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Hermit\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":[{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: The Real City\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"You know the Baldur's Gate most Baldurians ignore, the dog-eat-dog world of the homeless and unfortunate. You know where to go in the Lower City and Outer City for anonymity. In these slums and alley camps, you can get a damp bed and a bad meal, but also a degree of privacy and no questions asked. Living here isn't comfortable, but it's unlikely anyone will find you—and you can stay as long as you want.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Hermit Origins\",\"entries\":[\"Any number of personal choices or ill-fated circumstances might have led you to turn away from society. You may, if you wish, choose or roll an origin event from the Hermit Origins table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Hermit Origins\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Origin\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"You led an ill-fated expedition into the Riverveins. Your friends were swept away by flooding, and you've never been able to shake the guilt of causing their deaths over a frivolous lark. You've maintained a solitary vigil outside the cavern entrance ever since.\"],[\"2\",\"You crossed the Guild in a bad way. Fortunately, its members think you're dead. Less fortunately, maintaining that deception might require you to stay in hiding until you actually are.\"],[\"3\",\"You study the puzzles of mortal natures. You've seen followers of evil deities perform miracles for the helpless at Twin Songs, and you've seen patriars who worship good deities turn their backs on the poor daily. Bearing witness to such things, and meditating on their contradictions, fills your hours.\"],[\"4\",\"You tend to some part of the city's forgotten history: the unmarked graves in Cliffside Cemetery, the crumbling remains of dead patriar families' manors, or a collection of religious texts stuffed into an attic and forgotten when a believer's patron deity died. In this solitary work, you've learned secrets no one else knows.\"],[\"5\",\"You killed a patriar's scion in an illegal duel. The family swore revenge, and you fled to the slums rather than risk bringing their wrath down on your kin.\"],[\"6\",\"You aren't originally from Baldur's Gate. You came here seeking something else, only to learn that the quest that drove you had become impossible to fulfill—its object was destroyed or its purpose was negated by some superseding event. Suddenly directionless and unable to return to your homeland, you have lingered, adrift, in this wretched city.\"]]}]}]}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Noble\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":204,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":135}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Noble\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Patriar\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"As a member of one of the elite families of Baldur's Gate, you may pass through city gates without paying tolls, mingle among the Gate's nobility unquestioned, and impress those on the lookout for wealthy patrons. You are welcome in the Upper City and may stay there after dark without being harassed or evicted. Your word is accepted over others' without question, and any corruption among guards or government officials tends to work in your favor, not against you—at least until you make some effort to expose it.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Outlander\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":204,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":136}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Outlander\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":[{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Immigrant Experience\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"Even after your short time in Baldur's Gate, you've learned the city holds more walls and gates than those the Watch and Flaming Fist patrols. You are known within the city's immigrant communities. Should you ever need to learn about a foreign land, people, tradition, or history, you know where to find someone with firsthand experience—likely somewhere in the Outer City.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Outlander Origins\",\"entries\":[\"Foreigners of all kinds come to Baldur's Gate daily, drawn by countless reasons from countless lands. The Outlander Origins table provides ideas for how your character might have come to Baldur's Gate.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Outlander Origins\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Origin\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Someone stole something precious from your people. You tracked the thief to the city gates, but finding clues in an urban environment is very different from tracking someone across the wilderness. You don't know where to go from here, but your people need you to succeed.\"],[\"2\",\"You've always been fascinated by the glitter and glamor of city life, so different from the slow pace of life in your homeland. Now you're here, ready to make your mark in the world, but unsure how to begin.\"],[\"3\",\"War, plague, famine, or a marauding monster ravaged your home, forcing you to flee for your life. You don't even know how many of your people survived or where to find them. Alone or accompanied by a handful of equally bereft survivors, you must navigate a new life that you never asked for.\"],[\"4\",\"You were captured by kidnappers and taken far from your home. The Knights of the Unicorn freed you and brought you here, but now you're on your own.\"],[\"5\",\"You were exiled for breaking a trivial-seeming taboo. For this seemingly minor transgression, you lost your friends, family, and homeland in one fell swoop, and were given little choice but to strike out on your own.\"],[\"6\",\"A peddler once brought something astonishing to your homeland—a Gondan clockwork, shimmering cloth of gold, a trained speaking bird, or some other small wonder—and told you that it came from Baldur's Gate. You've come to see the source of such wonders, and perhaps learn to create them.\"]]}]}]}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Sage\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":204,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":137}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Sage\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Rumor Monger\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"Via your personal rumor mill and articles published in Baldur's Mouth, you can surmise a great deal about Baldurians' secrets—who's practicing necromancy, who's involved in spying or smuggling, who would purchase or craft dangerous magical wares without batting an eyelash. Whenever a noteworthy crime or mysterious happening occurs in the city, you immediately have a list of {@dice 1d4} suspects who, if they aren't involved, have a strong chance of knowing who is.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Sailor\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":204,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":139}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Sailor\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Smuggler's Sense\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"You're familiar with the docks of Baldur's Gate, the movement of inspectors and tax collectors, the way cargo and coin flows. As a result, it's easy for you to hustle a load of cargo ashore or see such a cargo onto a cooperative ship without attracting suspicion or taxation. You also know the movements of the Gray Wavers—the Flaming Fist harbor guards—and have a sense of how to operate the city's mechanized cranes.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Soldier\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":204,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":140}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Soldier\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":[{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: City Guard\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"You may choose to currently serve in either the Flaming Fist or the Watch. If you do, you have responsibilities related to your post. For as long as you perform these responsibilities, you gain benefits. If you stop performing your responsibilities, though, you lose access to the benefits and might suffer further fallout. Should you lose these benefits, you may regain them by having an unpleasant conversation with your commanding officer and fulfilling your responsibilities for a month.\",{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Flaming Fist\",\"entries\":[\"If you serve in the Flaming Fist, once every ten days, you must report to the Seatower of Balduran for training, and you're required to take a regular shift patrolling either the Lower City or the Outer City. In return, you have access to the Flaming Fist's fortresses and a direct line of communication with Flaming Fist officers and other soldiers. You can also pass through the city's gates without question—although you can't bring guests into the Upper City as a member of the Watch might. Additionally, you're always welcome at the Three Old Kegs, where the Three Old Toads are glad to greet you with a smile and a mug of ale.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"The Watch\",\"entries\":[\"If you serve in the Watch, you're required to conduct a regular patrol in the Upper City or take a regular shift at its gates, and must report for training in the Watch Citadel once every ten days. In return, you have access to the Citadel and a direct line of communication with Watch officers and officials. Your word carries considerable weight in the High Hall, and most establishments in the Citadel Streets neighborhood are happy to give you and your friends free meals. Additionally, you can escort people into the Upper City without question, regardless of whether they are patriars or have Watch tokens. Outside the Upper City, however, most people regard you with suspicion, and you generally get a chilly reception while in uniform.\"]}],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Loyalty Test\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"You've had enough dealings with crooked soldiers that you can spot the behaviors common to corrupt guards and military officers a mile away. While awareness of such corruption doesn't equate to evidence of it, and your sense certainly isn't foolproof, your instinct proves a useful starting point when determining who might take a bribe, who might turn a blind eye to a crime, or who might have criminal connections. You can also use this sense to get a feeling about who might fulfill their duties strictly by the book.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}]}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Urchin\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":204,\"additionalSources\":[{\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":141}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Urchin\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":2,\"items\":{\"name\":\"Baldur's Gate Feature: Gateguide Connection\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"{@note The effects of a Baldur's Gate feature can be used only while the character is in Baldur's Gate—though, at the DM's discretion, they might have applicable effects in situations similar to those in Baldur's Gate.}\",\"Even though you might not be a member of the Gateguides crew, you've associated with enough of them that you know their torch-based code. From the lighting, placement, and type of torch arranged on or near a structure, you can gather a great deal of information about those who live or do business there, particularly if they deal fairly with strangers, have Guild or government connections, or have either helped or denied the Gateguides in the past.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Black Fist Double Agent\",\"source\":\"ALCurseOfStrahd\",\"page\":2,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Insight}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}, and one type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} or {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}, {@item common clothes|phb}, a Tears of Virulence {@item emblem|phb}, a writ of free agency signed by the Lord Regent, a set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} or {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} you are proficient with, and a {@item pouch|phb} with 15 gp (payment for services rendered).\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Moderate\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You are an informant for the Tears of Virulence who now lord over Phlan, but are also a double agent for original town guard of Phlan, the Black Fists. For the Tears you've been tasked with ferreting out the secrets of Phlan's criminal underworld, insurgency, and the common peoples of Phlan. In exchange for reporting on the activities of dissenters, criminals, and other rebel elements, the Tears of Virulence leave you alone to conduct your affairs in peace.\",\"In reality you work for the deposed Black Fists, sharing misinformation with the Tears of Virulence that often helps the Black Fists and other Phlan insurgents.\",\"Since the evacuation of Phlan, you are even busier today than you ever were previously, as the number of dissenters among the refugees grows daily, while you are afforded many opportunities to spy on the peoples of Mulmaster and Elventree, to the pleasure of your contact(s) within the Tears of Virulence.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Double Agent\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have a reliable and trusty contact within the Tears of Virulence garrison in Phlan to whom you pass information and secrets. In exchange, you can get away with minor criminal offenses within the town of Phlan. In addition, your Black Fists contacts can help you secure an audience with the Lord Regent, the Lord Sage, members of the Black Fists, or deposed nobles and authority figures who are sympathetic to the Phlan refugees and insurgents. Note: This feature is a variant of the Noble feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"People are only as trustworthy as you are valuable to them. Always strive to be the most valuable person around.\"],[\"2\",\"My eloquence and sophistication are tools I use to avoid arousing suspicion myself.\"],[\"3\",\"I am a thrill-seeker, excited by covert and dangerous missions.\"],[\"4\",\"I live by my wits and always check every lock twice, just to be certain.\"],[\"5\",\"I never admit to my mistakes lest they be used against me.\"],[\"6\",\"I take every effort to be unnoticeable and blend into the crowd. Passersby rarely give me a second look.\"],[\"7\",\"I am prepared for any eventuality; including the day my usefulness as a spy comes to an end.\"],[\"8\",\"I always make certain to know my enemy before acting, lest I bite off more than I can chew.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Suspicious. In my experience, everybody has something to hide, and what they hide can usually hurt me. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"Secretive. I trade in secrets, and am not about to let any of mine slip. (Any)\"],[\"3\",\"Hedonist. Life is short. I live my life to the fullest, as I know any day could be my last. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Selfless. I use my position to help the downtrodden avoid persecution from the authorities. (Good)\"],[\"5\",\"Patriotic. I am a loyal supporter of Phlan and its leaders, and see my role as a solemn duty and necessary evil to prevent anarchy. (Lawful)\"],[\"6\",\"Manipulative. I use my knowledge to blackmail and manipulate others to my own benefit. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I was framed for a crime I did not commit, and seek to bring the true culprit to justice.\"],[\"2\",\"I am a part of an underground network that smuggles innocent civilians out of the city prior to being raided by the authorities.\"],[\"3\",\"I miss the glory days of Phlan, before the coming of the dragon.\"],[\"4\",\"I seek to prove myself worthy of joining the Black Fist as a member of their order.\"],[\"5\",\"My sister was killed by a Tear of Virulence, and now I feed them false information whenever possible.\"],[\"6\",\"My family was wrongly imprisoned, and I act as an informant in order to secure their release.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I think too highly of myself, and have an exaggerated sense of self-importance.\"],[\"2\",\"I have difficulty trusting strangers. I see spies and informants everywhere.\"],[\"3\",\"Years of getting away with minor crimes has left me believing that I am above the law, and have diplomatic immunity above my station.\"],[\"4\",\"Years of seeing innocent people suffer have left me despondent and pessimistic for the future.\"],[\"5\",\"My desire for vengeance often gets me into trouble.\"],[\"6\",\"I am spendthrift, and share my wealth with the patrons of my favorite tavern.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"insight\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"disguise kit\":true,\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"artisan's tools\",\"gaming set\"]}}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"disguise kit|phb\",\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"emblem|phb\",\"displayName\":\"Tears of Virulence emblem\"},{\"special\":\"writ of free agency signed by the Lord Regent\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]},{\"a\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"}],\"b\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"setGaming\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Boros Legionnaire\",\"source\":\"GGR\",\"page\":40,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Intimidation}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Choose one of Celestial, Draconic, Goblin, or Minotaur\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A Boros insignia, a feather from an angel's wing, a tattered piece of a Boros banner (a souvenir from a famous battle), a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 2 gp (Boros-minted 1-zino coins)\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Legion Station\",\"entries\":[\"You have an established place in the hierarchy of the Boros Legion. You can requisition simple equipment for temporary use, and you can gain access to any Boros garrison in Ravnica, where you can rest in safety and receive the attention of medics. You are also paid a salary of 1 gp (a Boros-minted 1-zino coin) per week, which (combined with free lodging in your garrison) enables you to maintain a poor lifestyle between adventures.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Boros Guild Spells\",\"entries\":[\"{@i Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature}\",\"For you, the spells on the Boros Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Boros Guild Spells\",\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"colLabels\":[\"Spell Level\",\"Spells\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cantrip\",\"{@spell fire bolt}, {@spell sacred flame}\"],[\"1st\",\"{@spell guiding bolt}, {@spell heroism}\"],[\"2nd\",\"{@spell aid}, {@spell scorching ray}\"],[\"3rd\",\"{@spell beacon of hope}, {@spell blinding smite}\"],[\"4th\",\"{@spell death ward}, {@spell wall of fire}\"],[\"5th\",\"{@spell flame strike}\"]]},\"Your magic often features dramatic bursts of flame or radiance. When you cast beneficial spells on your allies, they appear momentarily surrounded with halos of bright fire.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"The Boros Legion is a zealous army, full of righteous energy tempered with military discipline. Its members share its leadership's devotion to the ideals of justice, or they find satisfaction in the more warfare-oriented aspects of the legion's work.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I approach every task with the same high degree of military precision.\"],[\"2\",\"I am always the first into the fray.\"],[\"3\",\"I bear any injury or indignity with stoic discipline.\"],[\"4\",\"My righteous wrath is easily inflamed by the slightest iniquity.\"],[\"5\",\"My honor is more important to me than my life.\"],[\"6\",\"Dangerous work is best accomplished by an orderly group working with common purpose.\"],[\"7\",\"I treat my weapons, uniform, and insignia with reverence, for they are gifts of the angels.\"],[\"8\",\"I pace when standing and fidget incessantly when forced to sit.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Guild}. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Justice}. Achieving justice requires establishing fair, equitable, and compassionate relationships within a community. (Good)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Protection}. It isn't right for innocents to suffer because of the arrogance of the powerful. (Good)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Solidarity}. It is most crucial to act with a single will, marching side by side in perfect accord. (Lawful)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Order}. Society functions only if people do their duty and respect the chain of command. (Lawful)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Conviction}. Anything worth doing is worth doing with your whole heart. (Lawful)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I would lay down my life for Aurelia and the angels.\"],[\"2\",\"I owe my life to the Boros captain who took me in when I was living on the streets.\"],[\"3\",\"My fellow legionnaires are my family.\"],[\"4\",\"I wield the same Boros weapon my grandparent did, for the honor of our family.\"],[\"5\",\"I ran with the Rakdos in my youth, and I'm striving to atone for my past misdeeds.\"],[\"6\",\"I do what I can to help out the spouse of a comrade who died in battle.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I act bravely when I'm in a group, but I'm a coward when I'm alone.\"],[\"2\",\"I see everything in clear-cut black and white.\"],[\"3\",\"I'm just a little fascinated by the ways of the Gruul.\"],[\"4\",\"I trust the chain of command more than anything—more even than my closest friends.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm slow to trust members of other guilds.\"],[\"6\",\"I've been known to turn a blind eye to injustice, with the help of a modest bribe.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Contacts\",\"entries\":[\"The ordered structure of the Boros Legion offers abundant opportunities to make friends—and rivals—in higher places. You might have close friends in other guilds that share the Boros emphasis on order and community, or bitter enemies among the guilds that represent chaos and destruction.\",\"Roll twice on the Boros Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Boros Contacts table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Boros Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"A former comrade in arms was promoted into the prestigious Sunhome Guard.\"],[\"2\",\"One of my parents is a ranking Boros officer.\"],[\"3\",\"A close friend serves aboard the {@i Parhelion II}, a flying fortress.\"],[\"4\",\"I had a tangled affair with a Boros garrison captain.\"],[\"5\",\"I have maintained a relationship with one of my instructors at Horizon Military Academy.\"],[\"6\",\"I competed with a fellow student for the attention of a mentor at Horizon Military Academy.\"],[\"7\",\"The person who recruited me into the legion changed the course of my life.\"],[\"8\",\"A Boros angel knows my name.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Non-Boros Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"One of my siblings is an Azorius arrester.\"],[\"2\",\"Roll an additional Boros contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.\"],[\"3\",\"I showed mercy to an injured, now-grateful Dimir spy.\"],[\"4\",\"I suspect someone I know is a Golgari assassin, but I can't prove it.\"],[\"5\",\"An adolescent relative ran off to join the Gruul in an act of rebellion and has not yet returned.\"],[\"6\",\"I once befriended an Izzet scientist, and we're still cordial though the relationship ended messily.\"],[\"7\",\"I owe a monetary debt to an Orzhov syndic.\"],[\"8\",\"A Rakdos blood witch seems to enjoy harassing me.\"],[\"9\",\"I tried to recruit a friend who ended up joining the Selesnya.\"],[\"10\",\"I keep running into a particular Simic biomancer, and I enjoy the arguments that inevitably result.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"How Do I Fit In?\",\"entries\":[\"As a member of the Boros Legion, you are subject to the orders of your superior officers. You go where the angels tell you to go, and you do what they command you to do, to the best of your ability. If you enjoy some measure of independence, it's either because you have proven yourself capable of working without close supervision or because you're a rebellious sort who is willing to disobey orders now and face the consequences later.\",\"As a soldier on the street, you are tasked with bringing dangerous threats like the Rakdos and the Gruul in line. You might contend with Rakdos performances gone horribly out of control, Gruul raids on outlying neighborhoods, shipments of rot-infested vegetation from the Golgari undercity, and violent uprisings among the guildless. At the same time, you might have to worry about Dimir spies infiltrating your leadership, overzealous or corrupt Azorius senators abusing the law at the expense of justice, Izzet experiments leveling city blocks, and Simic creations that break out of laboratories and wreak havoc through the Tenth District.\",{\"type\":\"inset\",\"name\":\"Tajic, Blade of the Legion\",\"entries\":[\"Tajic is a firefist who carries the exalted title of Blade of the Legion, putting him just below the angels in rank. He maintains close communication with Aurelia, though recent events in the city have set them at odds. Tajic believes that the Boros can trust only the Boros. He is convinced that any effort at peace among the guilds is doomed to failure without the Guildpact. The Boros, he argues, would be better off spending their energy to make themselves stronger so they can uphold the fragile balance that exists now—and protect the innocent when the balance tilts. Aurelia feels that his negative attitude runs the risk of poisoning the hearts of the other Boros and undermining any peace efforts. For the most part, in deference to the angel, Tajic keeps his views to himself.\"]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"intimidation\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"celestial\",\"draconic\",\"goblin\",\"other\"]}}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"gaming set\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Boros insignia\"},{\"special\":\"feather from an angel's wing\"},{\"special\":\"tattered piece of a Boros banner (a souvenir from a famous battle)\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":200}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Caravan Specialist\",\"source\":\"ALElementalEvil\",\"page\":2,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@filter Vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item whip|phb}, a {@item two-person tent|phb}, a regional map, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Poor\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You are used to life on the road. You pride yourself at having traveled every major trade way in the Moonsea region, including the best backroads and shortcuts. When traveling these roads, you know where the best inns, campsites, and water sources are located, as well as potential locations of danger such as ambush. Having worked the roads as long as you have, you have made many acquaintances and find it easy to pick up information and rumors floating from town to town. You are skilled with beasts of burden and handling and repairing wagons of all kinds.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Wagonmaster\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You are used to being in charge of the operation and your reputation for reliability has you on a short list when the job is critical. Experience has taught you to rely on your gut. Others recognize this and look to you for direction when a situation gets serious. You are able to identify the most defensible locations for camping. If you are part of a caravan outfit, you are able to attract two additional workers that are loyal to you based on your reputation. You have an excellent memory for maps and geography and can always determine your cardinal directions while traveling. Note: This feature is a variant of the Outlander feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Any group is only as strong as its weakest link. Everyone has to pull their own weight. \"],[\"2\",\"There's always someone out there trying to take what I've got. Always be vigilant.\"],[\"3\",\"Anything can be learned if you have the right teacher. Most folks just need a chance.\"],[\"4\",\"Early to bed and early to rise; this much at least is under my control.\"],[\"5\",\"You can listen to me or don't and wish you had. Everyone ends up on one side of that fence.\"],[\"6\",\"Eventually my hard work will be rewarded. Maybe that time has finally come.\"],[\"7\",\"A strong ox or horse is more reliable than most people I've met.\"],[\"8\",\"I never had time for books, but wish I had. I admire folks who have taken the time to learn.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Service. Using my talents to help others is the best way of helping myself. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Selfish. What people don't know WILL hurt them, but why is that my problem? (Evil)\"],[\"3\",\"Wanderer. I go where the road takes me. Sometimes that's a good thing... (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Fittest. On the open road, the law of nature wins. Victims are the unprepared. (Lawful)\"],[\"5\",\"Focused. I simply have a job to do, and I'm going to do it. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Motivated. There's a reason I'm good at what I do, I pay attention to the details. (Any) \"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My brother has a farm In Elmwood and I've helped him and his neighbors move their goods to Mulmaster and other surrounding towns. Those are good people.\"],[\"2\",\"A caravan I lead was attacked by bandits and many innocents died. I swear that I will avenge them by killing any bandits I encounter.\"],[\"3\",\"The Soldiery are mostly good guys who understand the importance of protecting the roads. The City Watch is who you have to look out for. If they are inspecting your goods, get ready to pay a fine.\"],[\"4\",\"The new commander of Southroad Tower, Capt. Holke, understands the importance of safe roads. He's hired me for several jobs and I'm grateful.\"],[\"5\",\"There's always a road I haven't traveled before. I'm always looking for new places to explore.\"],[\"6\",\"Wealth and power mean little without the freedom to go where and when you want.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have trouble trusting people I've just met.\"],[\"2\",\"I enjoy the open road. Underground and tight spaces make me very nervous.\"],[\"3\",\"I expect others to heed my orders and have little respect or sympathy if they don't.\"],[\"4\",\"I am very prideful and have trouble admitting when I'm wrong.\"],[\"5\",\"Once I decide on a course of action, I do not waiver.\"],[\"6\",\"I like to explore, and my curiosity will sometimes get me into trouble.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"animal handling\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"vehicles (land)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"whip|phb\",\"two-person tent|phb\",{\"special\":\"regional map\"},\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Celebrity Adventurer's Scion\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":48,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Perception}, {@skill Performance}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}, a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 30 gp.\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Name Dropping\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You know and have met any number of powerful people across the land—and some of them might even remember you. You might be able to wrangle minor assistance from a major figure in the campaign, at the DM's discretion. Additionally, the common folk treat you with deference, and your heritage and the stories you tell might be good for a free meal or a place to sleep.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Scions of celebrity adventurers must deal with fame that's not theirs, wealth they didn't earn, and expectations they can never hope to meet. These hardships can have adverse effects, but those who cope with them can arrive at a decent attitude and a grounded worldview. Those who fail become bitter—or worse.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I will never get out of my famous parent's shadow, and no one else will ever understand this burden.\"],[\"2\",\"I've seen enough of the adventuring life to have realistic expectations and empathy for my peers.\"],[\"3\",\"Living up to my legacy will be difficult, but I'm going to do it.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm used to the very best in life, and that's a hard habit to break.\"],[\"5\",\"My parent taught me a sense of duty. I strive to uphold it, even when the odds are against me.\"],[\"6\",\"No one can fake a smile, a handshake, or an interested nod like I can.\"],[\"7\",\"I've been part of the adventuring life since I was old enough to walk. Let me explain a few things to you.\"],[\"8\",\"No risk is too great for the rewards of defeating my enemies... and taking their stuff.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Power. The only way to get ahead in this world is to attain power and hold onto it with all your might. (Evil)\"],[\"2\",\"Peace. Those who can find or make peace in the chaotic world around them have everything. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Fame. I've seen what fame can bring. And I'll do anything to get all that for myself. (Neutral)\"],[\"4\",\"Training. Hard work, sacrifice, and training lead to success—and eventually to perfection. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Anonymity. I want to be successful. And alone. With lots of guards and wards between me and everyone else in the world. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"Wisdom. Material wealth is an illusion. Wisdom is the real treasure. (Good)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"While my parent was out adventuring, a servant raised me, and I care about that person more than anyone.\"],[\"2\",\"I consider every member of my parent's former adventuring party to be family.\"],[\"3\",\"Despite their absences, my famous parent was kind and generous. I love them and want to make them proud.\"],[\"4\",\"My parent once brought a cursed magic item home. It is my obsession.\"],[\"5\",\"My childhood home holds all my best memories, and its upkeep is my primary concern.\"],[\"6\",\"Growing up, I had an imaginary friend I could always count on. That friend is still with me.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"You don't know what I'm going through. You never can.\"],[\"2\",\"You. Fetch my cloak. And maybe rub my feet for a while.\"],[\"3\",\"My comrades are brave, but I must defeat this threat alone to prove my worth.\"],[\"4\",\"Oh, yeah, that spell? Named after my parent's best friend. Let me tell you about them.\"],[\"5\",\"My best days are behind me. Ahead lies only toil, pain, and death.\"],[\"6\",\"You have to look out for yourself. No one else will.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"perception\":true,\"performance\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"disguise kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"disguise kit|phb\",\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":3000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Charlatan\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":128,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Sleight of Hand}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}, {@item Forgery kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, a {@item disguise kit|phb}, tools of the con of your choice (ten stoppered bottles filled with colored liquid, a set of weighted dice, a deck of marked cards, or a signet ring of an imaginary duke), and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: False Identity\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. Additionally, you can forge documents including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Favorite Schemes\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Every charlatan has an angle he or she uses in preference to other schemes. Choose a favorite scam or roll on the table below.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Scam\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I cheat at games of chance.\"],[\"2\",\"I shave coins or forge documents.\"],[\"3\",\"I insinuate myself into people's lives to prey on their weakness and secure their fortunes.\"],[\"4\",\"I put on new identities like clothes.\"],[\"5\",\"I run sleight-of-hand cons on street corners.\"],[\"6\",\"I convince people that worthless junk is worth their hard-earned money.\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Charlatans are colorful characters who conceal their true selves behind the masks they construct. They reflect what people want to see, what they want to believe, and how they see the world. But their true selves are sometimes plagued by an uneasy conscience, an old enemy, or deep-seated trust issues.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I fall in and out of love easily, and am always pursuing someone.\"],[\"2\",\"I have a joke for every occasion, especially occasions where humor is inappropriate.\"],[\"3\",\"Flattery is my preferred trick for getting what I want.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm a born gambler who can't resist taking a risk for a potential payoff.\"],[\"5\",\"I lie about almost everything, even when there's no reason to.\"],[\"6\",\"Sarcasm and insults are my weapons of choice.\"],[\"7\",\"I keep multiple holy symbols on me and invoke whatever deity might come in useful at any given moment.\"],[\"8\",\"I pocket anything I see that might have some value.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Independence. I am a free spirit—no one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)\"],[\"2\",\"Fairness. I never target people who can't afford to lose a few coins. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Charity. I distribute the money I acquire to the people who really need it. (Good)\"],[\"4\",\"Creativity. I never run the same con twice. (Chaotic)\"],[\"5\",\"Friendship. Material goods come and go. Bonds of friendship last forever. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"Aspiration. I'm determined to make something of myself. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I fleeced the wrong person and must work to ensure that this individual never crosses paths with me or those I care about.\"],[\"2\",\"I owe everything to my mentor—a horrible person who's probably rotting in jail somewhere.\"],[\"3\",\"Somewhere out there, I have a child who doesn't know me. I'm making the world better for him or her.\"],[\"4\",\"I come from a noble family, and one day I'll reclaim my lands and title from those who stole them from me.\"],[\"5\",\"A powerful person killed someone I love. Some day soon, I'll have my revenge.\"],[\"6\",\"I swindled and ruined a person who didn't deserve it. I seek to atone for my misdeeds but might never be able to forgive myself.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I can't resist a pretty face.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm always in debt. I spend my ill-gotten gains on decadent luxuries faster than I bring them in.\"],[\"3\",\"I'm convinced that no one could ever fool me the way I fool others.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm too greedy for my own good. I can't resist taking a risk if there's money involved.\"],[\"5\",\"I can't resist swindling people who are more powerful than me.\"],[\"6\",\"I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I'll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"sleight of hand\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"disguise kit\":true,\"forgery kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"fine clothes|phb\",\"disguise kit|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]},{\"a\":[{\"special\":\"stoppered bottles filled with colored liquid\",\"quantity\":10}],\"b\":[{\"special\":\"set of weighted dice\"}],\"c\":[{\"special\":\" deck of marked cards\"}],\"d\":[{\"special\":\" signet ring of an imaginary duke\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"City Watch\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":145,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Insight}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A uniform in the style of your unit and indicative of your rank, a {@item horn|phb} with which to summon help, a set of {@item manacles|phb}, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Watcher's Eye\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Your experience in enforcing the law, and dealing with lawbreakers, gives you a feel for local laws and criminals. You can easily find the local outpost of the watch or a similar organization, and just as easily pick out the dens of criminal activity in a community, although you're more likely to be welcome in the former locations rather than the latter.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background soldier} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a member of the city watch.\",\"Your bond is likely associated with your fellow watch members or the watch organization itself and almost certainly concerns your community. Your ideal probably involves the fostering of peace and safety. An investigator is likely to have an ideal connected to achieving justice by successfully solving crimes.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"insight\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"uniform in the style of your unit and indicative of your rank\"},{\"item\":\"horn|phb\",\"displayName\":\"horn with which to summon help\"},{\"item\":\"manacles|phb\",\"displayName\":\"set of manacles\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Clan Crafter\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":145,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill History}, {@skill Insight}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Dwarvish or one of your choice if you already speak Dwarvish\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} with which you are proficient, a maker's mark chisel used to mark your handiwork with the symbol of the clan of crafters you learned your skill from, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp and a gem worth 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Respect of the Stout Folk\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"As well respected as clan crafters are among outsiders, no one esteems them quite so highly as dwarves do. You always have free room and board in any place where shield dwarves or gold dwarves dwell, and the individuals in such a settlement might vie among themselves to determine who can offer you (and possibly your companions) the finest accommodations and assistance.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background guild artisan} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a clan crafter. (For instance, consider the words \\\"guild\\\" and \\\"clan\\\" to be interchangeable.)\",\"Your bond is almost certainly related to the master or the clan that taught you, or else to the work that you produce. Your ideal might have to do with maintaining the high quality of your work or preserving the dwarven traditions of craftsmanship.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"history\":true,\"insight\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"dwarvish\":true},{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"},{\"special\":\"maker's mark chisel used to mark your handiwork with the symbol of the clan of crafters you learned your skill from\"},\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Cloistered Scholar\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":146,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill History}, plus your choice of one from among {@skill Arcana}, {@skill Nature}, and {@skill Religion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"any two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"The scholar's {@item robes|phb} of your cloister, a writing kit (small {@item pouch|phb} with a quill, ink, folded parchment, and a small penknife), a borrowed {@item book|phb} on the subject of your current study, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Library Access\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Though others must often endure extensive interviews and significant fees to gain access to even the most common archives in your library, you have free and easy access to the majority of the library, though it might also have repositories of lore that are too valuable, magical, or secret to permit anyone immediate access.\",\"You have a working knowledge of your cloister's personnel and bureaucracy, and you know how to navigate those connections with some ease.\",\"Additionally, you are likely to gain preferential treatment at other libraries across the Realms, as professional courtesy to a fellow scholar.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background sage} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a cloistered scholar.\",\"Your bond is almost certainly associated either with the place where you grew up or with the knowledge you hope to acquire through adventuring. Your ideal is no doubt related to how you view the quest for knowledge and truth - perhaps as a worthy goal in itself, or maybe as a means to a desirable end.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"history\":true,\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"arcana\",\"nature\",\"religion\"]}}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"robes|phb\",\"displayName\":\"The scholar's robes of your cloister\"},\"pouch|phb\",{\"special\":\"quill\"},{\"special\":\"ink\"},{\"special\":\"folded parchment\"},{\"special\":\"small penknife\"},{\"item\":\"book|phb\",\"displayName\":\"borrowed book on the subject of your current study\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Cobalt Scholar (Sage)\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":203,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Sage\",\"source\":\"PHB\"},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Cormanthor Refugee\",\"source\":\"ALRageOfDemons\",\"page\":5,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Nature}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Elven\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item two-person tent|phb}, {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}, a {@item holy symbol|phb}, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Poor\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You are one of hundreds of refugees that were driven from Hillsfar or that fled the destruction of Myth Drannor and who now shelter in hidden camps under the northern eaves of the Cormanthor Forest. If you up grew in the camps, you have never been to a settlement other than the village of Elventree. As a guest of the elves, you have learned their ways and the ways of the forest. You are also a traumatized, as residual wild magic, energies released by the fall of Thultanar upon Myth Drannor, and the constant fear of raids hunting for non-humans to fight in Hillsfar's Arena have taken their toll on you, as they have on everyone in the camps.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Shelter of the Elven Clergy\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"The clerics of Elventree have vowed to care for the Cormanthor refugees. They will help you when they can, including providing you and your companions with free healing and care at temples, shrines, and other established presences in Elventree. They will also provide you (but only you) with a poor lifestyle. Note: This feature is a variant of the Acolyte feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I long for a home that never really existed, whether in the camps, Hillsfar, or Myth Drannor.\"],[\"2\",\"Though I am not an elf, I am a fervent, radical worshipper of the elven gods.\"],[\"3\",\"I live in the moment, knowing my life could be turned upside down any day.\"],[\"4\",\"I appreciate beauty in all of its forms.\"],[\"5\",\"I hate the dark elves and the Netherese for each driving the elves out of Cormanthyr in the past.\"],[\"6\",\"I am a forest bumpkin who grew up in a tent in the woods and is wholly ignorant of city life.\"],[\"7\",\"I was raised alongside children of many other races. I harbor no racial prejudices at all.\"],[\"8\",\"The elves have just the right word for so many things that cannot be expressed as well in other languages. I pepper my speech with elven words, phrases, and sayings.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Patient. The elves have taught me to think and plan for the long-term. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Rebellious. Governments and politicians drove my family to the camps. I subtly defy authority whenever I think I can get away with it. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Self - Absorbed. I've had to look out for number one so long that it has become second nature. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Wanderlust. I want to see as much of the world beyond the camps as I can. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Generous. I give everything I can to help those in need, regardless of who they are. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"To the Abyss with Them. The people of Hillsfar cast me out. I won't risk my hide to help them. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The elves took me in when I had nowhere else to go. In return, I do what I can to help elves in need.\"],[\"2\",\"I seek revenge against the people of Hillsfar for driving my family into the forest.\"],[\"3\",\"My family lost everything when they were driven from Hillsfar. I strive to rebuild that fortune.\"],[\"4\",\"The forest has provided me with food and shelter. In return, I protect forests and those who dwell within.\"],[\"5\",\"I am deeply, tragically in love with someone whose racial lifespan is far longer or shorter than mine.\"],[\"6\",\"Members of my extended family did not make it to the camps or have been kidnapped to fight in the Arena. I search for them tirelessly.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am very uncomfortable indoors and underground.\"],[\"2\",\"I am haughty. I grew up among the elves and emulate them. Other races are crude in comparison.\"],[\"3\",\"Elf this, elf that. I am sick and tired of the elves.\"],[\"4\",\"I am a miser. Having lost everything once before, I clutch my possessions and wealth very tightly.\"],[\"5\",\"I am a moocher. I am so used to others providing for me that I have come to expect everyone to do it.\"],[\"6\",\"I believe the gods have cursed me, my family, and all of the Cormanthor refugees. We are all doomed, doomed I tell you!\"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"nature\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"two-person tent|phb\",{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"},\"holy symbol|phb\",\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Courtier\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":146,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@item fine clothes|phb} and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Court Functionary\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Your knowledge of how bureaucracies function lets you gain access to the records and inner workings of any noble court or government you encounter. You know who the movers and shakers are, whom to go to for the favors you seek, and what the current intrigues of interest in the group are.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background guild artisan} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a courtier.\",\"The noble court or bureaucratic organization where you got your start is directly or indirectly associated with your bond (which could pertain to certain individuals in the group, such as your sponsor or mentor). Your ideal might be concerned with the prevailing philosophy of your court or organization.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Criminal\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":129,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Stealth}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}, {@item thieves' tools|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item crowbar|phb}, a set of dark {@item common clothes|phb} including a hood, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Criminal Contact\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison to a network of other criminals. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Specialty\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"There are many kinds of criminals, and within a thieves' guild or similar criminal organization, individual members have particular specialties. Even criminals who operate outside of such organizations have strong preferences for certain kinds of crimes over others. Choose the role you played in your criminal life, or roll on the table below.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Specialty\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Blackmailer\"],[\"2\",\"Burglar\"],[\"3\",\"Enforcer\"],[\"4\",\"Fence\"],[\"5\",\"Highway robber\"],[\"6\",\"Hired killer\"],[\"7\",\"Pickpocket\"],[\"8\",\"Smuggler\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Criminals might seem like villains on the surface, and many of them are villainous to the core. But some have an abundance of endearing, if not redeeming, characteristics. There might be honor among thieves, but criminals rarely show any respect for law or authority.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I always have a plan for when things go wrong.\"],[\"2\",\"I am always calm, no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice or let my emotions control me.\"],[\"3\",\"The first thing I do in a new place is note the locations of everything valuable—or where such things could be hidden.\"],[\"4\",\"I would rather make a new friend than a new enemy.\"],[\"5\",\"I am incredibly slow to trust. Those who seem the fairest often have the most to hide.\"],[\"6\",\"I don't pay attention to the risks in a situation. Never tell me the odds.\"],[\"7\",\"The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I can't do it.\"],[\"8\",\"I blow up at the slightest insult.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Honor. I don't steal from others in the trade. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Freedom. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Charity. I steal from the wealthy so that I can help people in need. (Good)\"],[\"4\",\"Greed. I will do whatever it takes to become wealthy. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"People. I'm loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Redemption. There's a spark of good in everyone. (Good)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'm trying to pay off an old debt I owe to a generous benefactor.\"],[\"2\",\"My ill-gotten gains go to support my family.\"],[\"3\",\"Something important was taken from me, and I aim to steal it back.\"],[\"4\",\"I will become the greatest thief that ever lived.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm guilty of a terrible crime. I hope I can redeem myself for it.\"],[\"6\",\"Someone I loved died because of a mistake I made. That will never happen again.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"When I see something valuable, I can't think about anything but how to steal it.\"],[\"2\",\"When faced with a choice between money and my friends, I usually choose the money.\"],[\"3\",\"If there's a plan, I'll forget it. If I don't forget it, I'll ignore it.\"],[\"4\",\"I have a 'tell' that reveals when I'm lying.\"],[\"5\",\"I turn tail and run when things look bad.\"],[\"6\",\"An innocent person is in prison for a crime that I committed. I'm okay with that.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"stealth\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"gaming set\":true,\"thieves' tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"crowbar|phb\",{\"item\":\"common clothes|phb\",\"displayName\":\"dark common clothes including a hood\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Dimir Operative\",\"source\":\"GGR\",\"page\":46,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Stealth}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A Dimir insignia, three small knives, a set of dark-colored {@item common clothes|phb}, and the starting equipment of the background described in this chapter for your secondary guild\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: False Identity\",\"entries\":[\"You have more than one identity. The one you wear most of the time makes you appear to be a member of a guild other than House Dimir. You have documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona and fit into the secondary guild.\",\"Whenever you choose, you can drop this identity and blend into the guildless masses of the city.\",\"Consider why you're embedded in the secondary guild. Create a story with your DM, inspired by rolling on the following table or choosing a reason that suits you.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Reason for Infiltration\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My parents belong to this guild, and I let them think I'm following in their footsteps.\"],[\"2\",\"I've been assigned to track this guild's activities.\"],[\"3\",\"I've been assigned to get close to an individual in this guild and learn their secrets.\"],[\"4\",\"I've been assigned to recruit a new Dimir spy from the ranks of this guild.\"],[\"5\",\"I was a member of this guild before the Dimir recruited me.\"],[\"6\",\"I don't like what this guild stands for and want to destroy it from within.\"],[\"7\",\"I secretly wish I could leave the Dimir and join this guild, but there is no escaping the Dimir.\"],[\"8\",\"I chose this guild at random or on a lark.\"]]}],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Dimir Guild Spells\",\"entries\":[\"{@i Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature}\",\"For you, the spells on the Dimir Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Dimir Guild Spells\",\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"colLabels\":[\"Spell Level\",\"Spells\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cantrip\",\"{@spell encode thoughts|GGR}, {@spell mage hand}\"],[\"1st\",\"{@spell disguise self}, {@spell sleep}\"],[\"2nd\",\"{@spell detect thoughts}, {@spell pass without trace}\"],[\"3rd\",\"{@spell gaseous form}, {@spell meld into stone}, {@spell nondetection}\"],[\"4th\",\"{@spell arcane eye}, {@spell freedom of movement}\"],[\"5th\",\"{@spell modify memory}\"]]},\"Your magic is meant to be subtle and undetectable, but it might pull shadows or clouds of mist around you as you cast your spells. Using the {@spell encode thoughts|GGR} cantrip described below, you can turn a creature's thoughts (including your own) into a thought strand that others can potentially read, share, or steal. These thought strands are treated as valuable currency among the Dimir.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Skilled at infiltration, disguise, and deception, members of House Dimir appear inscrutable. Your true personality and ideals might never manifest, or they might mark you as a quirky member of your secondary guild.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'm good at hiding my true thoughts and feelings.\"],[\"2\",\"When I'm in doubt about revealing something, I assume it's a secret, and I don't share it.\"],[\"3\",\"I like to sound mysterious, because wisdom hidden grows deeper with time.\"],[\"4\",\"I have no patience with people who get in my way.\"],[\"5\",\"I love hearing about other people's nightmares.\"],[\"6\",\"Combat is meant to be quick, clean, and one-sided.\"],[\"7\",\"I like to stick to the shadows.\"],[\"8\",\"I never show my anger. I just plot my revenge.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Guild}. My true guild is all that really matters. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Control}. I like pulling the strings. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Secrets}. I collect secrets and never reveal them. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Knowledge}. I want to know as much as I can about this city and how it works. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Independence}. I value the freedom to pursue my own goals without interference. (Chaotic)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Nihilism}. I don't believe in anything, and anyone who does is a fool. (Neutral)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I discovered a secret I can't let anyone else uncover—including my guild superiors.\"],[\"2\",\"I formed a close friendship or romance with someone in the guild I'm infiltrating.\"],[\"3\",\"The Dimir agent who recruited me was unmasked and killed. My revenge on the killers will be thorough and painful.\"],[\"4\",\"I spend as much time as I can in the Ismeri Library because I'm certain an information hub operates behind its facade. I want its secrets!\"],[\"5\",\"I'm utterly loyal to my superior in the guild, more than to the guild or its guildmaster.\"],[\"6\",\"Someone has discovered my true identity.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I like secrets so much that I'm reluctant to share details of a plan even with those who need to know.\"],[\"2\",\"I would let my friends die rather than reveal my true identity.\"],[\"3\",\"I have trouble trusting anyone but myself.\"],[\"4\",\"I have a particular vice that puts all my secrets at risk if I'm not careful.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm pretty sure I've done something horrible that I can't remember because of the guild's mind magic.\"],[\"6\",\"I put too much trust in the people who give me orders.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Contacts\",\"entries\":[\"As an agent of House Dimir working undercover, you have limited contacts within your guild. Your relationships within your secondary guild, in the guise of your false identity, are usually more extensive.\",\"Roll once on the Dimir Contacts table, giving you an ally who serves as your contact in Dimir. Then roll twice on the table for your secondary guild. The first roll gives you an ally there, and the second roll gives you a rival.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Dimir Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I know a Dimir courier who relays messages to me from someone higher up the chain of command.\"],[\"2\",\"I get orders from a shapeshifter I recognize only through a series of code phrases we exchange.\"],[\"3\",\"An ostentatiously wealthy vampire is my secret guild superior, summoning me to a luxurious estate by means of coded messages.\"],[\"4\",\"I have never met my guild contact, but I receive telepathic messages, usually in my dreams.\"],[\"5\",\"I've never met my guild contact, but I get coded messages from a pattern of street lights and graffiti.\"],[\"6\",\"I didn't discover the identity of my guild contact until after we had begun a romantic relationship.\"],[\"7\",\"My superior maintains an elaborate identity as a young street urchin... unless it's all a lie, and I'm being sent on ridiculous missions by a twisted child.\"],[\"8\",\"My sibling and I both get telepathic orders from a mysterious contact, and I'm starting to question the authenticity of my sibling's orders.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"How Do I Fit In?\",\"entries\":[\"As a Dimir adventurer, you are a member of the guild's network of spies, thieves, assassins, and mind mages that lurks behind the facade of the public guild. On the surface, House Dimir presents the appearance of a network of couriers, investigators, media reporters, and archivists, dealing in information and spreading news. But you and your peers trade in secrets. You use secret symbols, runes, and signals to surreptitiously communicate with other Dimir agents, often in plain sight.\",\"Like any good spy, you have multiple identities: your true face as an agent of House Dimir; a guildless identity; and a role as a member of another guild. Within that secondary guild, you might already be on a mission for House Dimir, assigned to spy on the guild, collect information about a person, or recruit another spy from the ranks of the guild. Or that guild could be a launching point for your real mission. Perhaps, for example, you were ordered to infiltrate the Azorius in hopes of gaining access to a notorious inmate in an Azorius prison.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"stealth\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"disguise kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Dimir insignia\"},{\"special\":\"small knives\",\"quantity\":3},{\"item\":\"common clothes|phb\",\"displayName\":\"dark-colored common clothes\"},{\"special\":\"the starting equipment of the background described in this chapter for your secondary guild\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Dissenter\",\"source\":\"PSA\",\"page\":11,\"entries\":[{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Even in the carefully constructed and curated city-state of Naktamun, and in the presence of the five gods, some people rebel against the doctrines of the God-Pharaoh. They don't challenge the existence of the gods, of course, for those gods are visible nearly every day in the streets of the city. Nor do they question the fact of life after death, which is plain to see in the anointed mummies that surround them, as well as the marauding mummies outside the Hekma. Rather, these dissenters simply refuse to follow the ordained course of life that leads to the glorious afterlife.\",\"Some dissenters are spurred by fear, not wanting to subject themselves to a violent death in the trials (or in training for the trials). Some are moved by conscience, unwilling to kill their crop-mates in the trials. For while they cannot deny that the gods exist, they can deny that the gods are just—and can fight to prove that the dictates of an unjust god need not be obeyed. Some believe that one god (probably Bontu) has corrupted the process of the trials and the path to the afterlife. Others correctly intuit that the God-Pharaoh did not actually have the people's best interests in mind when he ordered their society.\",\"A character who is identified as a dissenter loses the benefit of the {@background initiate|psa}'s or {@background vizier|psa}'s background feature. In its place, the character gains the following feature:\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Shelter of Dissenters\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"If they wish to have any hope of survival, whether hiding within the city or cast out into the desert, dissenters must help each other. You can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among other dissenters. They will help shield you from those who hunt you, possibly even risking their lives for you.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"intimidation\":true},{\"history\":true,\"religion\":true}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Dragon Casualty\",\"source\":\"ALCurseOfStrahd\",\"page\":3,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Intimidation}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"Special (see origin below)\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Language\",\"entry\":\"Draconic\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item dagger|phb}, tattered rags, a loaf of moldy bread, a small cast-off scale belonging to Vorgansharax—the Maimed Virulence, and a {@item pouch|phb} with 5 gp of various coins (salvaged during your escape from Phlan).\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Wretched\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"When the Maimed Virulence descended upon Phlan, you were one of the unfortunate casualties of war. Captured during the initial assault, you have spent the last year of your life as a plaything of a capricious and malevolent overlord.\",\"While many of your fellow prisoners fell to the dragon's insatiable fury over the coming months, you and your fellow \\\"survivors\\\" were spared only for a worse fate as one of the dragon's magical experiments, leaving you and those who survived the torture scarred and disfigured.\",\"What reasons the dragon had for releasing you few survivors, nobody knows. You only fear that those who died under his terrible claw were the lucky ones, and you and your fellow Dragonscarred are doomed for a fate worse than death.\"]},{\"name\":\"Origin\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Prior to the coordinated attack by the Maimed Virulence and her rebel Black Fist supporters, you were once a citizen or visitor to Phlan. While the trauma of your recent ordeal has greatly altered your motivations and perception of the world, your former life still clings to you and colors your mannerisms, behaviors, and outlook on life. Choose one entry on the following table (or roll randomly) to determine your former occupation prior to your incarceration and torture. Your choice determines your tool proficiency from this background.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Origin (Occupation)\",\"Tool Proficiency\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-5\",\"col-6\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Dockworker/Fisherman\",\"{@filter Vehicles (water)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (water)}\"],[\"2\",\"Tradesperson/Merchant\",\"{@filter Artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"],[\"3\",\"Black Fist Soldier\",\"{@filter Gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} or {@filter Vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"],[\"4\",\"Adventurer/Visitor\",\"{@filter Vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"],[\"5\",\"Entertainer\",\"{@filter Musical Instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"],[\"6\",\"Scholar/Healer\",\"{@item Alchemist's Supplies|phb} or {@item Herbalism kit|phb}\"],[\"7\",\"Criminal\",\"{@item thieves' tools|phb}, {@item forgery kit|phb}, or {@item Disguise kit|phb}\"],[\"8\",\"Unskilled Laborer\",\"{@filter Gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Dragonscarred\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Over a period of several months you were subject to magical and mundane torture at the claws of Vorgansharaxse and his minions. These experiments have left you horribly disfigured but mark you as a survivor of the Maimed Virulence. This affords you a measure of fame and notoriety, for those who know of your harrowing ordeal are keen to hear the tale personally but makes it difficult to disguise your appearance and hide from prying eyes.\",\"You can parlay this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your companions. Nobles, scholars, mages, and those who seek to ferret out the secrets of the Maimed Virulence would all be keen to hear your tale of survival, and learn what secrets (if any) you might possess, and/or study your affliction with great interest. However, you fear that your afflictions are not completely mundane and that the Maimed Virulence may as yet have some nefarious reason for allowing your escape, as your scars burn with acidic fury and seem to writhe beneath your skin at times. Note: This feature is a variant of the Far Traveler feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Disfigurement (Optional)\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"In addition to extensive scarring, you may choose one of the following options to represent your disfigurement. This disfigurement is purely cosmetic, misshapen, and horrific to look upon.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Disfigurement\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Small non-functional wing(s).\"],[\"2\",\"Misshapen, wing-like membranes along one or both arms.\"],[\"3\",\"Elongated, claw-like hand(s).\"],[\"4\",\"Elongated, claw-like feet.\"],[\"5\",\"Painful green scales randomly embedded in skin.\"],[\"6\",\"Bulbous, reptilian eye(s).\"],[\"7\",\"Enlarged dorsal spines.\"],[\"8\",\"Hair replaced with small irregular spines.\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am driven to escape my past, and rarely stay in one place long.\"],[\"2\",\"I know secrets of the Maimed Virulence, but fear the harm that may befall me should others learn them.\"],[\"3\",\"Speaking of my ordeal helps sooth the still open wounds in my soul.\"],[\"4\",\"My former life is meaningless, and was ripped to shreds by the claws of Vorgansharax. All that matters now is what I do with the future.\"],[\"5\",\"I have faced the worst a dragon can deliver and survived. I am fearless, and my resolve unshakable.\"],[\"6\",\"I am haunted my tortured past, and wake at night screaming at half-remembered horrors.\"],[\"7\",\"I sleep with my back to a wall or tree, and a weapon within arm's reach.\"],[\"8\",\"I am slow to trust, but incredibly loyal to those who have earned it.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Survivor. No matter the cost, I will take any action necessary to survive. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"Independence. When in trouble, the only person I can rely on is myself. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Compassionate. I have suffered long at the hands of a Dragon, and take pity and compassion on the suffering of others. (Good)\"],[\"4\",\"Secretive. I am withdrawn, and hide my monstrous appearance for fear of drawing unwanted attention. (Chaotic)\"],[\"5\",\"Justice. I have been wronged, and will not allow the same fate to befall others. (Lawful)\"],[\"6\",\"Sycophant. During my ordeal, I became a willing servant of the Maimed Virulence, and spy on his behalf. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have sworn vengeance on the Maimed Virulence and those that follow him.\"],[\"2\",\"I long to reunite with friends and family who may dwell among the Phlan Refugees, and protect them.\"],[\"3\",\"While a prisoner of the Maimed Virulence, I overheard rumors of an item or treasure the Dragon seeks. I will have that treasure for myself!\"],[\"4\",\"I seek to reclaim and rebuild my former life to the best of my ability.\"],[\"5\",\"I have been reborn as a child of Vorgansharax. I will claim my birthright as his chosen heir and successor.\"],[\"6\",\"I attribute my survival to the work of the divine, and seek to prove myself worthy of the honor.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have been touched with dragon-greed, and have a lust for wealth which can never be satisfied.\"],[\"2\",\"I secretly believe others are plotting to harm me.\"],[\"3\",\"I no longer enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Food is but ashes and bile in my throat.\"],[\"4\",\"Anyone who refuses to celebrate my celebrity does not deserve my company.\"],[\"5\",\"I am paranoid and overly suspicious of others. Anyone may be an agent of the Maimed Virulence.\"],[\"6\",\"Once I make up my mind, I follow my chosen course of action regardless of the consequences.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"intimidation\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"draconic\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"vehicles (water)\":true},{\"artisan's tools\":true},{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"gaming set\",\"vehicles (land)\"]}},{\"vehicles (land)\":true},{\"musical instrument\":true},{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"alchemist's supplies\",\"herbalism kit\"]}},{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"thieves' tools\",\"forgery kit\",\"disguise kit\"]}},{\"gaming set\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"dagger|phb\",{\"special\":\"tattered rags\"},{\"special\":\"loaf of moldy bread\"},{\"special\":\"small cast-off scale belonging to Vorgansharax—the Maimed Virulence\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"displayName\":\"pouch of various coins (salvaged during your escape from Phlan)\",\"containsValue\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Earthspur Miner\",\"source\":\"ALElementalEvil\",\"page\":3,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Dwarvish and Undercommon \"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item shovel|phb} or a {@item miner's pick|phb}, a {@item block and tackle|phb}, a {@item climber's kit|phb}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Poor\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You are a down-on your luck miner from the Earthspur Mountains who is no stranger to hardship. You have spent a great deal of time living among the dwarves, goliaths, and denizens of the Underdark that also work mines in the area. At this point, you're just as comfortable working underground as above. You know how to read a seam, dicker for supplies with the deep gnomes, party with dwarves, and find your way back to the surface afterwards. Unfortunately, you haven't struck it rich...yet. Although you've come to Mulmaster looking for work, the tall peaks and deep mines of the Earthspurs still call to you.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Deep Miner\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You are used to navigating the deep places of the earth. You never get lost in caves or mines if you have either seen an accurate map of them or have been through them before. Furthermore, you are able to scrounge fresh water and food for yourself and as many as five other people each day if you are in a mine or natural caves. Note: This feature is a variant of the Outlander feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Nothing bothers me for long.\"],[\"2\",\"I hate the horrors of the Underdark with a passion. They took my friends and family and almost got me.\"],[\"3\",\"Anything worth doing takes time and patience. I have learned to plan and wait for the things I want and to be patient to achieve my goals.\"],[\"4\",\"I can party with everyone. Whether with dwarves, or goliaths, or deep gnomes, I can find a way to have a good time.\"],[\"5\",\"I'd rather be mining. This is okay; mining is better.\"],[\"6\",\"I think that I will stumble upon great riches if I just keep looking.\"],[\"7\",\"People who don't work with their hands and who live in houses are soft and weak.\"],[\"8\",\"I wish I were more educated. I look up to people who are.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Generosity. The riches of the earth are to be shared by all. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Greed. Gems and precious metals, I want them all for myself. (Evil)\"],[\"3\",\"Mooch. Property, schmoperty. If I need it, I take and use it. If I don't, I leave it for someone else. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Boundaries. Everything and everyone has its prescribed place; I respect that and expect others to do the same. (Lawful)\"],[\"5\",\"Let it Be. I don't meddle in the affairs of others if I can avoid it. They're none of my business. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Materialist. I want riches to improve my life. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The people of the Earthspur mines are my family. I will do anything to protect them.\"],[\"2\",\"A deep gnome saved my life when I was injured and alone. I owe his people a great debt.\"],[\"3\",\"I must behold and preserve the natural beauty of places below the earth.\"],[\"4\",\"Gems hold a special fascination for me, more than gold, land, magic, or power.\"],[\"5\",\"I want to explore new depths and scale new heights.\"],[\"6\",\"Someday I'm going to find the mother lode, then I'll spend the rest of my life in luxury.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'm uncomfortable spending time under the open sky. I'd rather be indoors or underground.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm not used to being around other people much and sometimes get grouchy about it.\"],[\"3\",\"Good tools are more reliable than people. In a cave in, I would save a sturdy pick before a stranger.\"],[\"4\",\"I jealously guard my secrets, because I think others will take advantage of me if they learn what I know.\"],[\"5\",\"I am obsessed with getting rich. I always have a scheme brewing for making it big.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm afraid of the dark.\"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"dwarvish\":true,\"undercommon\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"a\":[\"shovel|phb\"],\"b\":[\"miner's pick|phb\"]},{\"_\":[\"block and tackle|phb\",\"climber's kit|phb\",\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Entertainer\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":130,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Performance}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}, one type of {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument} (one of your choice), the favor of an admirer (love letter, lock of hair, or trinket), {@item costume clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: By Popular Demand\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or even in a noble's court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Specialty\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"A good entertainer is versatile, spicing up every performance with a variety of different routines. Choose one to three routines or roll on the table below to define your expertise as an entertainer.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Routines\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Actor\"],[\"2\",\"Dancer\"],[\"3\",\"Fire-eater\"],[\"4\",\"Jester\"],[\"5\",\"Juggler\"],[\"6\",\"Instrumentalist\"],[\"7\",\"Poet\"],[\"8\",\"Singer\"],[\"9\",\"Storyteller\"],[\"10\",\"Tumbler\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Successful entertainers have to be able to capture and hold an audience's attention, so they tend to have flamboyant or forceful personalities. They're inclined toward the romantic and often cling to high-minded ideals about the practice of art and the appreciation of beauty.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I know a story relevant to almost every situation.\"],[\"2\",\"Whenever I come to a new place, I collect local rumors and spread gossip.\"],[\"3\",\"I'm a hopeless romantic, always searching for that \\\"special someone\\\".\"],[\"4\",\"Nobody stays angry at me or around me for long, since I can defuse any amount of tension.\"],[\"5\",\"I love a good insult, even one directed at me.\"],[\"6\",\"I get bitter if I'm not the center of attention.\"],[\"7\",\"I'll settle for nothing less than perfection.\"],[\"8\",\"I change my mood or my mind as quickly as I change key in a song.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Beauty. When I perform, I make the world better than it was. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Tradition. The stories, legends, and songs of the past must never be forgotten, for they teach us who we are. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Creativity. The world is in need of new ideas and bold action. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Greed. I'm only in it for the money and fame. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"People. I like seeing the smiles on people's faces when I perform. That's all that matters. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Honesty. Art should reflect the soul; it should come from within and reveal who we really are. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My instrument is my most treasured possession, and it reminds me of someone I love.\"],[\"2\",\"Someone stole my precious instrument, and someday I'll get it back.\"],[\"3\",\"I want to be famous, whatever it takes.\"],[\"4\",\"I idolize a hero of the old tales and measure my deeds against that person's.\"],[\"5\",\"I will do anything to prove myself superior to my hated rival.\"],[\"6\",\"I would do anything for the other members of my old troupe.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'll do anything to win fame and renown.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm a sucker for a pretty face.\"],[\"3\",\"A scandal prevents me from ever going home again. That kind of trouble seems to follow me around.\"],[\"4\",\"I once satirized a noble who still wants my head. It was a mistake that I will likely repeat.\"],[\"5\",\"I have trouble keeping my true feelings hidden. My sharp tongue lands me in trouble.\"],[\"6\",\"Despite my best efforts, I am unreliable to my friends.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"acrobatics\":true,\"performance\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"disguise kit\":true,\"musical instrument\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"instrumentMusical\"},{\"special\":\"the favor of an admirer (love letter, lock of hair, or trinket)\"},\"costume clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Faceless\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":203,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Intimidation}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}, a {@item costume clothes|phb|costume}, a {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Faceless Persona\",\"entries\":[\"A faceless character adventures behind the mask of a public persona. This persona is as natural to them as their hidden, true face, but it disguises their identity. Roll on the Faceless Persona table to determine your persona, or work with the DM to create a persona that's unique to your character and suits the tone of your game.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Faceless Persona\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[1,\"A flamboyant spy or brigand\"],[2,\"The incarnation of a nation or people\"],[3,\"A scoundrel with a masked guise\"],[4,\"A vengeful spirit\"],[5,\"The manifestation of a deity or your faith\"],[6,\"One whose beauty is greatly accented using makeup\"],[7,\"An impersonation of another hero\"],[8,\"The embodiment of a school of magic\"],[9,\"A warrior with distinctive armor\"],[10,\"A disguise with animalistic or monstrous characteristics, meant to inspire fear\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Dual Personalities\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Most of your fellow adventurers and the world know you as your persona. Those who seek to learn more about you—your weaknesses, your origins, your purpose—find themselves stymied by your disguise. Upon donning a disguise and behaving as your persona, you are unidentifiable as your true self. By removing your disguise and revealing your true face, you are no longer identifiable as your persona. This allows you to change appearances between your two personalities as often as you wish, using one to hide the other or serve as convenient camouflage. However, should someone realize the connection between your persona and your true self, your deception might lose its effectiveness.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"A faceless character usually plays their persona—the hero or extraordinary person they are every day. That's all a facade, though, or a part of them expressed to an extreme. To define a persona, feel free to choose characteristics from other backgrounds, particularly folk hero, hermit, or noble. For the person behind the persona, the one who truly strives to be faceless, consider a distinct set of faceless characteristics. As a result, those with this background have two sets of characteristics, one for their persona, and one for their faceless selves.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[1,\"I'm earnest and uncommonly direct.\"],[2,\"I strive to have no personality—it's easier to forget what's hardly there.\"],[3,\"I treasure a memento of the person or instance that set me upon my path.\"],[4,\"I sleep just as much as I need to and on an unusual schedule.\"],[5,\"I think far ahead, a detachedness often mistaken for daydreaming.\"],[6,\"I cultivate a single obscure hobby or study and eagerly discuss it at length.\"],[7,\"I am ever learning how to be among others—when to stay quiet, when to laugh.\"],[8,\"I behave like an extreme opposite of my persona.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[1,\"Justice. Place in society shouldn't determine one's access to what is right. (Good)\"],[2,\"Security. Doing what must be done can't bring the innocent to harm. (Lawful)\"],[3,\"Confusion. Deception is a weapon. Strike from where your foes won't expect. (Chaotic)\"],[4,\"Infamy. My name will be a malediction, a curse that fulfills my will. (Evil)\"],[5,\"Incorruptibility. Be a symbol, and leave your flawed being behind. (Any)\"],[6,\"Anonymity. It's my deeds that should be remembered, not their instrument. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[1,\"I do everything for my family. My first thought is keeping them safe.\"],[2,\"What I do, I do for the world. The people don't realize how much they need me.\"],[3,\"I've seen too many in need. I must not fail them as everyone else has.\"],[4,\"I stand in opposition, lest the wicked go unopposed.\"],[5,\"I am exceptional. I do this because no one else can, and no one can stop me.\"],[6,\"I do everything for those who were taken from me.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[1,\"I am callous about death. It comes to us all eventually.\"],[2,\"I never make eye contact or hold it unflinchingly.\"],[3,\"I have no sense of humor. Laughing is uncomfortable and embarrassing.\"],[4,\"I overexert myself, sometimes needing to recuperate for a day or more.\"],[5,\"I think far ahead, a detachedness often mistaken for daydreaming.\"],[6,\"I see morality entirely in black and white.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"intimidation\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"disguise kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"disguise kit|phb\",\"costume clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Faction Agent\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":147,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight} and one Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma skill of your choice, as appropriate to your faction\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"Badge or emblem of your faction, a copy of a seminal faction text (or code-book for a covert faction), a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Safe Haven\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"As a faction agent, you have access to a secret network of supporters and operatives who can provide assistance on your adventures. You know a set of secret signs and passwords you can use to identify such operatives, who can provide you with access to a hidden safe house, free room and board, or assistance in finding information. These agents never risk their lives for you or risk revealing their true identities.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background acolyte} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a faction agent. (For instance, consider the words \\\"faith\\\" and \\\"faction\\\" to be interchangeable.)\",\"Your bond might be associated with other members of your faction, or a location or an object that is important to your faction. The ideal you strive for is probably in keeping with the tenets and principles of your faction, but might be more personal in nature.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"arcana\",\"animal handling\",\"deception\",\"history\",\"intimidation\",\"investigation\",\"medicine\",\"nature\",\"perception\",\"performance\",\"persuasion\",\"religion\",\"survival\"]}}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Badge or emblem of your faction\"},{\"special\":\"copy of a seminal faction text (or code-book for a covert faction)\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Failed Merchant\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":49,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Investigation}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any one of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"One set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}, {@item merchant's scale|phb}, a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Supply Chain\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"From your time as a merchant, you retain connections with wholesalers, suppliers, and other merchants and entrepreneurs. You can call upon these connections when looking for items or information.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Being a merchant involved having a head for numbers, a strong personality, the ability to make deals with hostile adversaries, a strong sword arm to fight off bandits, and the intuition for knowing what people want and need. The art of business is the art of finding the best path to profit, and that path might be different with each transaction. It takes a strong mind and a stronger stomach to succeed. So why did you fail?\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I didn't have the cutthroat attitude necessary to succeed. I won't make that mistake again.\"],[\"2\",\"Even my competitors said I was affable and talented. Those traits should serve me well.\"],[\"3\",\"To prosper, you have to be in control.\"],[\"4\",\"The customer is always right.\"],[\"5\",\"I was cutting corners and breaking deals to maximize profit. That's why I failed.\"],[\"6\",\"When I get an idea, I am single-minded in its execution—even if it's a terrible idea.\"],[\"7\",\"If I can be everyone's friend, I'll always have support.\"],[\"8\",\"My heart wasn't in being a merchant, so I failed. I'm not all that keen on adventuring either, but I need the money.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Survival. Where there's life, there's hope. If I remain alive and flexible, I can succeed. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"Generosity. People helped me when I was down. Now that I'm back on my feet, I'll pay it forward. (Good)\"],[\"3\",\"Excitement. Caution got me nowhere in my previous business. I'm not going to let it hold me back now. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Wealth. With enough coin, I can buy comfort, power, knowledge, and even eternal life. Nothing will stand between me and money. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"Stability. The mercantile trade was too chaotic for me. I need a nice stable profession, like adventuring. (Lawful)\"],[\"6\",\"Redemption. Too many people consider me a failure. So I need to prove them wrong. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My family means everything to me. I failed them before, and I must not do so again.\"],[\"2\",\"My church provides a connection to my god, so I must ensure that it is protected and funded.\"],[\"3\",\"My former business partner fell ill, and then our business failed. Part of my new venture involves earning enough to take care of their family.\"],[\"4\",\"If I take care of my possessions, they'll take care of me. People come and go, but a weapon or a wand is something you can always rely on.\"],[\"5\",\"Although my business failed, the people of my community were kind to me. I'll do everything in my power to protect them.\"],[\"6\",\"I owe a dangerous person a lot of money. As long as they're happy, they let my debt rest unpaid.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Why spend gold here when you can buy the same thing for copper in the next town?\"],[\"2\",\"I must have the best of everything. Like, right now.\"],[\"3\",\"You haven't heard of me? I'm sure that's because of your ignorance and low breeding.\"],[\"4\",\"I failed, but I'm awesome. So when anyone else is successful, it must be because of nepotism, dishonesty, or dumb luck.\"],[\"5\",\"I find that most people are trustworthy. Hey, where's my belt pouch?\"],[\"6\",\"Nothing gets between me and danger except my fellow adventurers. So I'll be sure to put them there.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"investigation\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"},\"merchant's scale|phb\",\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Far Traveler\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":148,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight}, {@skill Perception}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"Any one {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument} or {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} of your choice, likely something native to your homeland\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any one of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"One set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, any one {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument} or {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} you are proficient with, poorly wrought maps from your homeland that depict where you are in Faerûn, a small piece of jewelry worth 10 gp in the style of your homeland's craftsmanship, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: All Eyes on You\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Your accent, mannerisms, figures of speech, and perhaps even your appearance all mark you as foreign. Curious glances are directed your way wherever you go, which can be a nuisance, but you also gain the friendly interest of scholars and others intrigued by far-off lands, to say nothing of everyday folk who are eager to hear stories of your homeland.\",\"You can parley this attention into access to people and places you might not otherwise have, for you and your traveling companions. Noble lords, scholars, and merchant princes, to name a few, might be interested in hearing about your distant homeland and people.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Why Are You Here?\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"A far traveler might have set out on a journey for one of a number of reasons, and the departure from his or her homeland could have been voluntary or involuntary. To determine why you are so far from home, roll on the table below or choose from the options provided. The following section, discussing possible homelands, includes some suggested reasons that are appropriate for each location.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Reason\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Emissary\"],[\"2\",\"Exile\"],[\"3\",\"Fugitive\"],[\"4\",\"Pilgrim\"],[\"5\",\"Sightseer\"],[\"6\",\"Wanderer\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have different assumptions from those around me concerning personal space, blithely invading others' space in innocence, or reacting to ignorant invasion of my own.\"],[\"2\",\"I have my own ideas about what is and is not food, and I find the eating habits of those around me fascinating, confusing, or revolting.\"],[\"3\",\"I have a strong code of honor or sense of propriety that others don't comprehend.\"],[\"4\",\"I express affection or contempt in ways that are unfamiliar to others.\"],[\"5\",\"I honor my deities through practices that are foreign to this land.\"],[\"6\",\"I begin or end my day with small traditional rituals that are unfamiliar to those around me.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Open. I have much to learn from the kindly folk I meet along my way. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Reserved. As someone new to these strange lands, I am cautious and respectful in my dealings. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Adventure. I'm far from home, and everything is strange and wonderful! (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Cunning. Though I may not know their ways, neither do they know mine, which can be to my advantage. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"Inquisitive. Everything is new, but I have a thirst to learn. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Suspicious. I must be careful, for I have no way of telling friend from foe here. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"So long as I have this token from my homeland, I can face any adversity in this strange land.\"],[\"2\",\"The gods of my people are a comfort to me so far away from home.\"],[\"3\",\"I hold no greater cause than my service to my people.\"],[\"4\",\"My freedom is my most precious possession. I'll never let anyone take it from me again.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm fascinated by the beauty and wonder of this new land.\"],[\"6\",\"Though I had no choice, I lament having to leave my loved one(s) behind. I hope to see them again one day.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am secretly (or not so secretly) convinced of the superiority of my own culture over that of this foreign land.\"],[\"2\",\"I pretend not to understand the local language in order to avoid interactions I would rather not have.\"],[\"3\",\"I have a weakness for the new intoxicants and other pleasures of this land.\"],[\"4\",\"I don't take kindly to some of the actions and motivations of the people of this land, because these folks are different from me.\"],[\"5\",\"I consider the adherents of other gods to be deluded innocents at best, or ignorant fools at worst.\"],[\"6\",\"I have a weakness for the exotic beauty of the people of these lands.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"perception\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"musical instrument\",\"gaming set\"]}}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"special\":\"poorly wrought maps from your homeland that depict where you are in Faerûn\"},{\"special\":\"small piece of jewelry in the style of your homeland's craftsmanship\",\"worthValue\":1000},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":500}]},{\"a\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"instrumentMusical\"}],\"b\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"setGaming\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Fisher\",\"source\":\"GoS\",\"page\":29,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill History}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"{@item Fishing tackle|phb}, a {@item net|phb}, a favorite fishing lure or oiled leather wading boots, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Harvest the Water\",\"entries\":[\"You gain advantage on ability checks made using fishing tackle. If you have access to a body of water that sustains marine life, you can maintain a moderate lifestyle while working as a fisher, and you can catch enough food to feed yourself and up to ten other people each day.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Fishing Tale\",\"entries\":[\"You can tell a compelling tale, whether tall or true, to impress and entertain others. Once a day, you can tell your story to willing listeners. At the DM's discretion, a number of those listeners become friendly toward you; this is not a magical effect, and continued amicability on their part depends on your actions. You can roll on the following table to help determine the theme of your tale or choose one that best fits your character. Alternatively, work with your DM to create your own fishing tale.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Tale\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Lobster Wrestling. You fought in hand-to-hand combat with an immense lobster.\"],[\"2\",\"It Dragged the Boat. You nearly caught a fish of monstrous size that pulled your boat for miles.\"],[\"3\",\"Fins of Pure Gold. You caught a sea animal whose fins were made of pure gold, but another fisher stole it.\"],[\"4\",\"Ghost Fish. You are haunted by a ghostly fish that only you can see.\"],[\"5\",\"Nemesis Clam. A large clam containing a pearl the size of your head claimed one of your fingers before jetting away; one day, you'll find that clam.\"],[\"6\",\"It Swallowed the Sun. You once saw a fish leap from the water and turn day into night.\"],[\"7\",\"Dive into the Abyss. You found yourself in an underwater cave leading to the Abyss, and your luck has been sour ever since.\"],[\"8\",\"Love Story. You fell in love with a creature of pure water, but your brief romance ended tragically.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Fishers succeed only if they spend time at their jobs. As such, most fishers have a strong work ethic, and they admire others who earn their living honestly. Fishers tend to be superstitious, forming attachments to particular fishing lures or special fishing spots. They have a connection to the bodies of water in which they fish, and they think poorly of those whose actions adversely affect their livelihood.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Fisher Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am unmoved by the wrath of nature.\"],[\"2\",\"My friends are my crew; we sink or float together.\"],[\"3\",\"I need long stretches of quiet to clear my head.\"],[\"4\",\"Rich folk don't know the satisfaction of hard work.\"],[\"5\",\"I laugh heartily, feel deeply, and fear nothing.\"],[\"6\",\"I work hard; nature offers no handouts.\"],[\"7\",\"I dislike bargaining; state your price and mean it.\"],[\"8\",\"Luck favors me, and I take risks others might not.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Fisher Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Camaraderie.} Good people make even the longest voyage bearable. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Luck.} Our luck depends on respecting its rules—now throw this salt over your shoulder. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Daring.} The richest bounty goes to those who risk everything. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Plunder.} Take all that you can and leave nothing for the scavengers. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Balance.} Do not fish the same spot twice in a row; suppress your greed, and nature will reward you. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Hard Work.} No wave can move a soul hard at work. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Fisher Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I lost something important in the deep sea, and I intend to find it.\"],[\"2\",\"Someone else's greed destroyed my livelihood, and I will be compensated.\"],[\"3\",\"I will fish the many famous waters of this land.\"],[\"4\",\"The gods saved me during a terrible storm, and I will honor their gift.\"],[\"5\",\"My destiny awaits me at the bottom of a particular pond in the Feywild.\"],[\"6\",\"I must repay my village's debt.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Fisher Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am judgmental, especially of those I deem homebodies or otherwise lazy.\"],[\"2\",\"I become depressed and anxious if I'm away from the sea too long.\"],[\"3\",\"I have lived a hard life and find it difficult to empathize with others.\"],[\"4\",\"I am inclined to tell long-winded stories at inopportune times.\"],[\"5\",\"I work hard, but I play harder.\"],[\"6\",\"I am obsessed with catching an elusive aquatic beast, often to the detriment of other pursuits.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"history\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"fishing tackle|phb\",\"net|phb\",\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]},{\"a\":[{\"special\":\"favorite fishing lure\"}],\"b\":[{\"special\":\"oiled leather wading boots\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Folk Hero\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":131,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}, {@filter vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} (one of your choice), a {@item shovel|phb}, an {@item iron pot|phb}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Rustic Hospitality\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Since you come from the ranks of the common folk, you fit in among them with ease. You can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate among other commoners, unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them. They will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives for you.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Specialty\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You previously pursued a simple profession among the peasantry, perhaps as a farmer, miner, servant, shepherd, woodcutter, or gravedigger. But something happened that set you on a different path and marked you for greater things. Choose or randomly determine a defining event that marked you as a hero of the people.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Defining Event\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I stood up to a tyrant's agents.\"],[\"2\",\"I saved people during a natural disaster.\"],[\"3\",\"I stood alone against a terrible monster.\"],[\"4\",\"I stole from a corrupt merchant to help the poor.\"],[\"5\",\"I led a militia to fight of an invading army.\"],[\"6\",\"I broke into a tyrant's castle and stole weapons to arm the people.\"],[\"7\",\"I trained the peasantry to use farming implements as weapons against a tyrant's soldiers.\"],[\"8\",\"A lord rescinded an unpopular decree after I led a symbolic act of protest against it.\"],[\"9\",\"A celestial, fey, or similar creature gave me a blessing or revealed my secret origin.\"],[\"10\",\"Recruited into a lord's army, I rose to leadership and was commended for my heroism.\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"A folk hero is one of the common people, for better or for worse. Most folk heroes look on their humble origins as a virtue, not a shortcoming, and their home communities remain very important to them.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I judge people by their actions, not their words.\"],[\"2\",\"If someone is in trouble, I'm always ready to lend help.\"],[\"3\",\"When I set my mind to something, I follow through no matter what gets in my way.\"],[\"4\",\"I have a strong sense of fair play and always try to find the most equitable solution to arguments.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others.\"],[\"6\",\"Thinking is for other people. I prefer action.\"],[\"7\",\"I misuse long words in an attempt to sound smarter.\"],[\"8\",\"I get bored easily. When am I going to get on with my destiny?\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Respect. People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Fairness. No one should get preferential treatment before the law, and no one is above the law. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Freedom. Tyrants must not be allowed to oppress the people. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Might. If I become strong, I can take what I want—what I deserve. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"Sincerity. There's no good in pretending to be something I'm not. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Destiny. Nothing and no one can steer me away from my higher calling. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have a family, but I have no idea where they are. One day, I hope to see them again.\"],[\"2\",\"I worked the land, I love the land, and I will protect the land.\"],[\"3\",\"A proud noble once gave me a horrible beating, and I will take my revenge on any bully I encounter.\"],[\"4\",\"My tools are symbols of my past life, and I carry them so that I will never forget my roots.\"],[\"5\",\"I protect those who cannot protect themselves.\"],[\"6\",\"I wish my childhood sweetheart had come with me to pursue my destiny.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The tyrant who rules my land will stop at nothing to see me killed.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm convinced of the significance of my destiny, and blind to my shortcomings and the risk of failure.\"],[\"3\",\"The people who knew me when I was young know my shameful secret, so I can never go home again.\"],[\"4\",\"I have a weakness for the vices of the city, especially hard drink.\"],[\"5\",\"Secretly, I believe that things would be better if I were a tyrant lording over the land.\"],[\"6\",\"I have trouble trusting in my allies.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"animal handling\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true,\"vehicles (land)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"},\"shovel|phb\",\"iron pot|phb\",\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Gambler\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":49,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Insight}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any one of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"One {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}, a lucky charm, a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Never Tell Me the Odds\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Odds and probability are your bread and butter. During downtime activities that involve games of chance or figuring odds on the best plan, you can get a solid sense of which choice is likely the best one and which opportunities seem too good to be true, at the DM's determination.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Some gamble out of necessity. Others do so out of boredom. Still others become addicted to the thrill of winning or losing everything on a turn of fortune. For some, gambling is less a matter of chance and more a matter of seeking every advantage to ensure the outcome. The best gamblers can lose everything, and the worst gamblers sometimes win. Regardless, you can always tell gamblers by the look in their eyes. Lady Luck haunts them.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I plan for every contingency. Leave nothing to chance!\"],[\"2\",\"Every copper wants to be a silver. Each bet is an opportunity.\"],[\"3\",\"I'm one of Lady Luck's favored. Anything I try is destined to succeed.\"],[\"4\",\"I've lost so much to gambling that I refuse to spend money on anything anymore.\"],[\"5\",\"Nothing is certain. Planning is a coward's act.\"],[\"6\",\"I can't be sure who I've swindled, cheated, or defeated, so I keep a low profile in public.\"],[\"7\",\"The perfect bet is out there somewhere. I just have to keep my eyes open.\"],[\"8\",\"I have beaten my addiction, but all it takes is one weak moment and I'll be back at the card table.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Knowledge. Knowledge is power, and knowing which horse to back is the key to success. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"Fate. Whatever happens is fated, regardless of any planning or striving. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Bravery. If you want to succeed, you have to take risks. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Survival. You can't win if you're dead. Live to fight another day—when the odds might be more in your favor. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Reliability. When I was in need, I was able to rely on others. Now I want to be the one others rely on. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"Victory. Winning is the real measure of a person. In the end, the only thing that matters is the scoreboard. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"One person in particular owes me a lot of money, and I need to keep them alive if I want to be repaid.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm loyal to the friend or family member who taught me how to gamble.\"],[\"3\",\"The person who saved me from my gambling addiction is the only reason I'm alive today.\"],[\"4\",\"A patron once fronted me money in exchange for a percentage of my winnings. I owe them a debt of gratitude. And a lot of cash.\"],[\"5\",\"A criminal syndicate I once played for isn't happy I left the game, and its enforcers are looking for me.\"],[\"6\",\"Urchins once helped me find marks for my games. Now I'm driven to help them escape the streets.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I don't know when to quit. Especially when everyone else is telling me to.\"],[\"2\",\"I save my sympathy for my friends, and I have no friends.\"],[\"3\",\"You think we're in trouble now? Let me tell you how bad things are likely to get!\"],[\"4\",\"You can loan me a little, right? I've got a sure thing. I'll double your money, guaranteed.\"],[\"5\",\"I was once a terribly flawed person, like you. Let me tell you how you can save yourself.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm a great gambler. I'm just bad at math and logic.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"insight\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"gaming set\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"setGaming\"},{\"special\":\"lucky charm\"},\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Gate Urchin\",\"source\":\"ALRageOfDemons\",\"page\":6,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Sleight of Hand}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Thieves' tools|phb}, one type of {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A battered alms box, a {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}, a cast-off military jacket, cap, or scarf, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, a belt {@item pouch|phb}, and 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Poor\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"All traffic into and out of the City of Trade passes through the Hillsfar Gate, making it the ideal place for the destitute to gather to panhandle, busk, gossip, and pick pockets. You grew up on the streets in the shadow of that great steel edifice, which houses both Red Plumes and Guild Mages. Though you may have moved on, you still have friends among them, and that life has had a lasting impact on you.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Red Plume and Mage Guild Contacts\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You made a number of friends among the Red Plumes and the Mage's Guild when you lived at the Hillsfar Gate. They remember you fondly and help you in little ways when they can. You can invoke their assistance in and around Hillsfar to obtain food, as well as simple equipment for temporary use. You can also invoke it to gain access to the low-security areas of their garrisons, halls, and encampments. Note: This feature is a variant of the Soldier feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I appreciate the simple things in life. a song, a warm meal, a sunny day. I don't need any more.\"],[\"2\",\"My problems are always caused by others. I'm never to blame.\"],[\"3\",\"I am afraid I could wind up back on the streets any day.\"],[\"4\",\"I get along with everyone.\"],[\"5\",\"I see people as marks for a con and have difficulty feeling true empathy for them.\"],[\"6\",\"I have a real flair for matchmaking. I can find anyone a spouse!\"],[\"7\",\"I think money is the true measure of appreciation and affection. Everything else is talk or an act.\"],[\"8\",\"I don't like having a lot of stuff, just a few simple things I need. I don't like being tied down and tend to leave things behind when I don't need them anymore.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Loyal. I never rat out any of my friends, even when the Red Plumes or the Rogues Guild ask. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Adventurous. I don't like doing the same thing every day. I crave variety. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Strong. Only the strong survive. I respect those who are strong and powerful. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Witty. Brains are better than brawn. I rely on my wits and respect others who do the same. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Honest. Others can do what they want, but I won't lie or steal, even to feed my family. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"Ungrateful. Those who give, only do it to make themselves feel better. I steal from them. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The Joydancers of Lliira gave me my instrument when I really needed food. I hate them for that.\"],[\"2\",\"Busking has taught me to love music above all else.\"],[\"3\",\"The Rogues Guild spared me when I did a job without cutting them in. I owe them a great debt.\"],[\"4\",\"I know people hate the Red Plumes, but some of them were really good to me. I help Red Plumes whenever I can, and I respect them. They're just doing what they have to do to get by in this world.\"],[\"5\",\"I will be wealthy some day. My descendants will live in comfort and style.\"],[\"6\",\"I know how hard life on the streets is. I do everything I can for those who have less than me.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Though I no longer live at the Gate, I am still always concerned about where I will get my next meal.\"],[\"2\",\"Years of thieving have become habit. I sometimes steal from strangers without thinking about it.\"],[\"3\",\"I am ashamed of my origins. I pretend I am higher-born and fear others will find out the truth.\"],[\"4\",\"I think people who grew up in houses are soft, spoiled, and ungrateful. I frequently tell them so.\"],[\"5\",\"I am still very uncomfortable wearing nice clothes, sleeping in a warm bed, and eating fine food.\"],[\"6\",\"I do not trust anyone who has not had a hard life. \"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"sleight of hand\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"thieves' tools\":true,\"musical instrument\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"battered alms box\"},{\"equipmentType\":\"instrumentMusical\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"displayName\":\"belt pouch\"},{\"value\":1000}]},{\"a\":[{\"special\":\"cast-off military jacket\"}],\"b\":[{\"special\":\"cap\"}],\"c\":[{\"special\":\"scarf\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Golgari Agent\",\"source\":\"GGR\",\"page\":53,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Nature}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Poisoner's kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Choose one of Elvish, Giant, or Kraul\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A Golgari insignia, a {@item poisoner's kit|phb}, a pet beetle or spider, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp worth of mixed coins\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Undercity Paths\",\"entries\":[\"You know hidden, underground pathways that you can use to bypass crowds, obstacles, and observation as you move through the city. When you aren't in combat, you and companions you lead can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow. The paths of the undercity are haunted by dangers that rarely brave the light of the surface world, so your journey isn't guaranteed to be safe.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Golgari Guild Spells\",\"entries\":[\"{@i Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature}\",\"For you, the spells on the Golgari Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Golgari Guild Spells\",\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"colLabels\":[\"Spell Level\",\"Spells\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cantrip\",\"{@spell dancing lights}, {@spell spare the dying}\"],[\"1st\",\"{@spell entangle}, {@spell ray of sickness}\"],[\"2nd\",\"{@spell protection from poison}, {@spell ray of enfeeblement}, {@spell spider climb}\"],[\"3rd\",\"{@spell animate dead}, {@spell plant growth}\"],[\"4th\",\"{@spell giant insect}, {@spell grasping vine}\"],[\"5th\",\"{@spell cloudkill}, {@spell insect plague}\"]]},\"Golgari magic is often accompanied by a sickly green glow and a rotting stench.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Members of the Golgari Swarm are unmistakably products of the undercity, ill at ease amid the comforts of civilization. They bring about the same discomfort in others by reminding them of death's inevitable approach.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Remember, I could kill you in your sleep. Or put centipedes in your bedroll.\"],[\"2\",\"I like to remind people of their inevitable demise.\"],[\"3\",\"Sometimes I give voice to the whispers of the rot, which I hear but no one else does.\"],[\"4\",\"I do my best to discourage anyone from approaching or talking to me.\"],[\"5\",\"I have accepted my death. Hence, I don't fear it.\"],[\"6\",\"Like roots growing through stone, I am relentless and determined in my action.\"],[\"7\",\"I put my knowledge of anatomy to use by narrating the injuries my enemies suffer in grisly detail.\"],[\"8\",\"Like a wild animal, I lash out viciously when I'm provoked—and I'm easily provoked.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Guild}. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Stoicism}. All of us are part of the cyclical march of nature, which will continue with or without us. (Neutral)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Nature}. The natural world is more important than the edifices of the city and civilization. (Neutral)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Interdependence}. We are all part of nature's web. (Lawful)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Ambition}. The time of Golgari ascendance is at hand, and I intend to have a prominent place in the new world order. (Evil)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Live and Let Live}. Meddling in the affairs of other guilds is a great way to get squashed like a bug. (Neutral)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I cherish the finger of a family member who was {@condition petrified} by a medusa.\"],[\"2\",\"I have an identical twin who is as different from me as any person could be.\"],[\"3\",\"I want to lead one faction of the guild to a new position of dominance.\"],[\"4\",\"I love spending time in the moss-covered building where I took part in my first reclamation mission.\"],[\"5\",\"I found something in the sewer that must never come to light.\"],[\"6\",\"I am forever grateful to the reclaimer who found me floating facedown in the sewer, moments from death.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Death comes for us all, so you can't expect me to take care of someone who can't fight it off.\"],[\"2\",\"I assume that anyone outside the Golgari looks down on me.\"],[\"3\",\"I feel a need for revenge against those who enjoy the privilege of living above ground.\"],[\"4\",\"I don't bother to couch my opinions in flattering words.\"],[\"5\",\"I can't help but pocket any trinket or coin I come across, no matter how worthless.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm convinced that I'm better and stronger than members of other guilds, isolated as they are from the realities of life and death.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Contacts\",\"entries\":[\"To the extent that the Golgari Swarm acts like a single organism, you are connected to every other member in some way or another. Convinced that the rest of the world is out to get you, you find it easy to form close bonds with your guild mates, and harder to make meaningful connections with others.\",\"Roll twice on the Golgari Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Golgari Contacts table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Golgari Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"One of my parents is an elite assassin, a member of the Ochran.\"],[\"2\",\"I learned combat from a kraul.\"],[\"3\",\"I know a medusa who is stationed in the guildhall.\"],[\"4\",\"I had a torrid romance with a spore druid responsible for a large rot farm.\"],[\"5\",\"There's a troll in a remote area of the undercity who seems to find me interesting—and who knows more than you'd think.\"],[\"6\",\"An elf lich is determined to see me become a lich someday, too.\"],[\"7\",\"A medusa decided it would be more fun to recruit me into the guild than to kill me.\"],[\"8\",\"I know a findbroker who can locate just about anything, for the right price.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Non-Golgari Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"An Azorius arrester I literally pulled out of the gutter will do anything for me.\"],[\"2\",\"Someone joined the Gruul in a battle against the Boros once, and the sergeant of that Boros squad would love to prove that it was me.\"],[\"3\",\"I had a romance with a Dimir agent whom I still feed secrets to.\"],[\"4\",\"Roll an additional Golgari contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.\"],[\"5\",\"I joined the Gruul in a battle against the Boros once, and the chief of that small clan thanks me for turning the tide.\"],[\"6\",\"An Izzet scientist resents that I sold a scrapped invention I found in the sewer.\"],[\"7\",\"My undercity explorations led me into an Orzhov vault, and a spirit thinks I stole something valuable.\"],[\"8\",\"I found a baby beast and sold it to a Rakdos wrangler who remains grateful to me.\"],[\"9\",\"A Selesnya druid and I share an interest in the same garden, and we have enjoyable arguments there.\"],[\"10\",\"I regularly pick up refuse from beneath a Simic laboratory, and sometimes I talk to the researcher who dumps it there.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"How Do I Fit In?\",\"entries\":[\"As part of the Golgari Swarm, you are a specialized instrument of the greater body. Your orders, when you have such, come from the guildmaster by way of his chancellors, who carry his messages throughout the guild. The swarm relies on you to advance the greater good by protecting some part, however small, of its teeming existence. That responsibility doesn't mean you're indispensable; your eventual death is part of your purpose and function, too, and you'll be replaced even as your body provides nutrients to further the swarm's growth.\",\"A classic adventuring role for a member of the Golgari involves crawling through dungeon-like environments—the sewers and ancient vaults of the undercity—in search of treasures left behind by the dead. Sometimes you might be sent to find a specific item believed lost in a dangerous part of the undercity. At other times, you could be asked to collect samples of a specific fungus, retrieve a body floating in the muck of the sewers, or bring back whatever booty you can to help fill the swarm's coffers.\",\"You might gain enough renown to become a member of the Ochran, assigned to a variety of tasks concerning thievery, assassination, or the protection of important figures in your guild. You might steal something because the guild needs it, or because its loss will bring harm to another guild, hastening that group's decline. You could be assigned to kill an outspoken and active enemy of the Golgari, such as an overzealous Boros captain whose raids into the undercity have approached dangerously close to the swarm's inner sanctum. Or you could serve as a bodyguard to one of Guildmaster Jarad's high chancellors, escorting this figure through the undercity while being ready to intervene at a moment's notice if things go wrong.\",\"The shamans of the Golgari use their magic to accelerate the cycle of decay and regrowth. You might be sent to spread spores throughout an area that the Golgari want to claim as their territory or to convince the inhabitants of such a territory to abandon it. You might also contend with the ever-present threat of hostile monsters encroaching into Golgari-controlled regions.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"nature\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"elvish\",\"giant\",\"other\"]}}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"poisoner's kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Golgari insignia\"},\"poisoner's kit|phb\",\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]},{\"a\":[{\"special\":\"pet beetle\"}],\"b\":[{\"special\":\"pet spider\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Grinner\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":200,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Performance}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}, {@item thieves' tools|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, a {@item disguise kit|phb}, a {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument} of your choice, a gold-plated ring depicting a smiling face, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Ballad of the Grinning Fool\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Like every Grinner, you know how to find a hideout. In any city of 10,000 people or more on the Menagerie Coast or in the lands of the Dwendalian Empire, you can play the \\\"Ballad of the Grinning Fool\\\" in a major tavern or inn. A member of the Golden Grin will find you and give shelter to you and any companions you vouch for. This shelter might be discontinued if it becomes too dangerous to hide you, at the DM's discretion.\",\"This feature must be used with caution, for not all who know the ballad are your friends. Some are traitors, counterspies, or agents of tyranny.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Grinners are trained in the art of secrecy and innuendo, and are skilled at hiding in plain sight by being the loudest and brightest person in the room. Their skills in subterfuge and combat lend themselves well to an adventuring lifestyle, and traveling with mercenaries and treasure hunters creates a convenient excuse to journey through lands bent under tyranny.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I love the spotlight. Everyone, look at me!\"],[\"2\",\"Give me a drink and I'm your friend.\"],[\"3\",\"Talk to me about yourself. I'm a hell of a listener.\"],[\"4\",\"I hate to start fights, but I love to finish them.\"],[\"5\",\"I can't sit still.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm always humming an old tune from my past.\"],[\"7\",\"When I don't have a reason to smile, I'm miserable.\"],[\"8\",\"I'm lucky like you wouldn't believe.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Revolution. Tyrants must fall, no matter the cost. (Chaotic)\"],[\"2\",\"Compassion. The only way to make a better world is to perform small kindnesses. (Good)\"],[\"3\",\"Justice. A nation built upon just foundations will uphold freedom for all. (Law)\"],[\"4\",\"Expression. Music, joy, and laughter are the keys to freedom. (Good)\"],[\"5\",\"Self-Determination. People should be free to do as they please. (Chaotic)\"],[\"6\",\"Vigilance. A free people must be carefully taught, lest they be misled. (Neutral)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I lost someone important to an agent of the Dwendalian Empire. That regime will fall.\"],[\"2\",\"The first people to be hurt by this war will be the common folk. I need to protect them.\"],[\"3\",\"Music helped me through a dark time in my life. Now, I'll use music to change the world.\"],[\"4\",\"I will be known as the greatest spy who ever lived.\"],[\"5\",\"All life is precious to me. I know I can change the world without taking a humanoid life.\"],[\"6\",\"The elite in their ivory towers don't understand how we suffer. I intend to show them.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I've never lied once in my life. What? No, I'm not crossing my fingers!\"],[\"2\",\"I do everything big! Subtlety? I don't know the meaning of subtlety! Oh, that's a problem?\"],[\"3\",\"Being a spy in wartime is painful. I've seen so much suffering, I think I'm losing my mind.\"],[\"4\",\"I can't focus on my mission. I just want to carouse and sing and play!\"],[\"5\",\"Yeah, that's my name. Yeah, I'm a Grinner spy. Who cares about staying undercover?\"],[\"6\",\"I can't afford to trust anyone. Not. Anyone.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"performance\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"thieves' tools\":true,\"musical instrument\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"fine clothes|phb\",\"disguise kit|phb\",{\"equipmentType\":\"instrumentMusical\"},{\"special\":\"gold-plated ring depicting a smiling face\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Gruul Anarch\",\"source\":\"GGR\",\"page\":60,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Athletics}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Herbalism kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Choose one of Draconic, Giant, Goblin, or Sylvan\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A Gruul insignia, a {@item hunting trap|phb}, an {@item herbalism kit|phb}, the skull of a boar, a beast-hide cloak, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp (Azorius 1-zino coins)\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Rubblebelt Refuge\",\"entries\":[\"You are intimately familiar with areas of the city that most people shun: ruined neighborhoods where wurms rampaged, overgrown parks that no hand has tended in decades, and the vast, sprawling rubblebelts of broken terrain that civilized folk have long abandoned. You can find a suitable place for you and your allies to hide or rest in these areas. In addition, you can find food and fresh water in these areas for yourself and up to five other people each day.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Gruul Guild Spells\",\"entries\":[\"{@i Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature}\",\"For you, the spells on the Gruul Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Gruul Guild Spells\",\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"colLabels\":[\"Spell Level\",\"Spells\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cantrip\",\"{@spell fire bolt}, {@spell produce flame}\"],[\"1st\",\"{@spell compelled duel}, {@spell speak with animals}, {@spell thunderwave}\"],[\"2nd\",\"{@spell beast sense}, {@spell shatter}\"],[\"3rd\",\"{@spell conjure animals}, {@spell conjure barrage}\"],[\"4th\",\"{@spell dominate beast}, {@spell stoneskin}\"],[\"5th\",\"{@spell destructive wave}\"]]},\"Fueled by the fire of rage burning in your heart, your magic is almost always accompanied by fiery effects, such as flames smoldering behind your eyes or dancing over your hands.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Gruul ways aren't the ways of civilized folk, and the Gruul have little patience for social niceties. But they do have cherished traditions and values, just as important to them as the different values held by the urban, cosmopolitan culture of Ravnica.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Unlike people, the beasts of the wild are friends who won't stab me in the back.\"],[\"2\",\"Go ahead and insult me—I dare you.\"],[\"3\",\"I scorn those who can't survive away from the comforts of the city.\"],[\"4\",\"Don't tell me I'm not allowed to do something.\"],[\"5\",\"Laws are for people who are afraid to face their inner beasts.\"],[\"6\",\"I smear the blood of my enemies over my skin.\"],[\"7\",\"I was, in fact, raised by maaka.\"],[\"8\",\"HarrRRAAGGHH! [I rarely form a coherent sentence and prefer to express myself by breaking things.]\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Clan}. My clan is all that really matters. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Anarchy}. No person or law or custom can tell another what to do. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Nature}. We weren't born tame or domesticated, so we shouldn't have to live that way. (Neutral)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Might}. The strongest are meant to dominate the weak. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Rage}. AAAAAARRRRggggh! [To live is to feel and express the rage burning in your belly.] (Chaotic)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Tradition}. The Old Ways must be preserved and upheld. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am determined that one day I will lead my clan—or a new one.\"],[\"2\",\"I would give my life for my clan chieftain.\"],[\"3\",\"The chieftain of another clan has a grudge against me.\"],[\"4\",\"I am devoted to a sacred site in the midst of the rubblebelt.\"],[\"5\",\"My weapon is made from the first raktusk I ever hunted.\"],[\"6\",\"GrrrRRAAAAGGHH! [I will do anything to prove myself greater than my siblings or ancestors.]\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"If you question my courage, I will never back down.\"],[\"2\",\"HrrrGGGAAAARRuuuh! [My anger in battle led to the death of a loved one.]\"],[\"3\",\"I'm as stubborn as a batterboar.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm so convinced of my superiority over soft, civilized people that I'll take great risks to prove it.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm easily manipulated by people I find attractive.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm not actually all that angry.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Contacts\",\"entries\":[\"The members of the Gruul Clans rely on each other even as they vie for territory and glory. Their encounters with members of other guilds are more often violent than friendly, but occasional bonds do form.\",\"Roll twice on the Gruul Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Gruul Contacts table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Gruul Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"One of my parents is a renowned warrior in my clan.\"],[\"2\",\"My sibling has the ear of the clan chief.\"],[\"3\",\"I have cousins in a different clan.\"],[\"4\",\"When we were younger, I was romantically involved with a prominent warrior in my clan.\"],[\"5\",\"A druid in my clan believes I have a destiny to fulfill.\"],[\"6\",\"The warrior who trained me remembers me for my exceptional potential.\"],[\"7\",\"My clan chief killed one of my parents, who had challenged the chief for leadership of the clan. Some combination of resentment and remorse stirs the clan chief to help me sometimes.\"],[\"8\",\"I made a strong impression on Borborygmos.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Non-Gruul Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"An Azorius arrester thinks I can be reformed.\"],[\"2\",\"A Boros soldier gives me gifts in exchange for information about other clans' movements.\"],[\"3\",\"I once caught and released a Dimir spy.\"],[\"4\",\"I consult with a Golgari shaman for spiritual guidance at times.\"],[\"5\",\"Roll an additional Gruul contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.\"],[\"6\",\"An Izzet scientist blames the Gruul for the destruction of his life's work in a raid, but seems to think that I'm not like other Gruul.\"],[\"7\",\"I foolishly borrowed money from an Orzhov syndic to indulge a shameful vice.\"],[\"8\",\"A close friend left our clan and joined the Cult of Rakdos.\"],[\"9\",\"A distant relative is trying to recruit me into the Selesnya Conclave.\"],[\"10\",\"I stopped a Simic biomancer from trapping wild beasts to perform vile experiments on them.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"How Do I Fit In?\",\"entries\":[\"In service of a simple goal, you have a simple part to play: Fight. Unleash your rage. Flatten buildings and defeat those who stand in your way. Be Gruul, in your own way.\",\"You will frequently be summoned to participate in a raid your clan is launching against the city or against a group of its defenders. Your clan leader might also send you on a special mission, though it would almost certainly still qualify as a raid. You might join a small group of Gruul warriors on a dangerous charge deep into the settled streets to plunder a certain location, retrieve an item stolen from your clan, or assault a Boros garrison.\",\"Sometimes your objective might be more esoteric. With prophecies of the return of Ilharg the Raze-Boar spreading like wildfire among the Gruul druids, you might be asked to carry out some task that the druids believe will speed his coming. Such a task might involve collecting a sacred relic held in an Orzhov vault or collecting sacrifices for a grand ceremony in the Raze-Boar's honor.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"animal handling\":true,\"athletics\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"draconic\",\"giant\",\"goblin\",\"sylvan\"]}}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"herbalism kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Gruul insignia\"},\"hunting trap|phb\",\"herbalism kit|phb\",{\"special\":\"the skull of a boar\"},{\"special\":\"beast-hide cloak\"},\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Guild Artisan\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":132,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} (one of your choice), a letter of introduction from your guild, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Guild Membership\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"As an established and respected member of a guild, you can rely on certain benefits that membership provides. Your fellow guild members will provide you with lodging and food if necessary, and pay for your funeral if needed. In some cities and towns, a guildhall offers a central place to meet other members of your profession, which can be a good place to meet potential patrons, allies, or hirelings.\",\"Guilds often wield tremendous political power. If you are accused of a crime, your guild will support you if a good case can be made for your innocence or the crime is justifiable. You can also gain access to powerful political figures through the guild, if you are a member in good standing. Such connections might require the donation of money or magic items to the guild's coffers.\",\"You must pay dues of 5 gp per month to the guild. If you miss payments, you must make up back dues to remain in the guild's good graces.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Specialty\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Guilds are generally found in cities large enough to support several artisans practicing the same trade. However, your guild might instead be a loose network of artisans who each work in a different village within a larger realm. Work with your DM to determine the nature of your guild. You can select your guild business from the Guild Business table or roll randomly.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d20\",\"Guild Business\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Alchemists and apothecaries\"],[\"2\",\"Armorers, locksmiths, and finesmiths\"],[\"3\",\"Brewers, distillers, and vintners\"],[\"4\",\"Calligraphers, scribes, and scriveners\"],[\"5\",\"Carpenters, roofers, and plasterers\"],[\"6\",\"Cartographers, surveyors, and chart-makers\"],[\"7\",\"Cobblers and shoemakers\"],[\"8\",\"Cooks and bakers\"],[\"9\",\"Glassblowers and glaziers\"],[\"10\",\"Jewelers and gemcutters\"],[\"11\",\"Leatherworkers, skinners, and tanners\"],[\"12\",\"Masons and stonecutters\"],[\"13\",\"Painters, limners, and sign-makers\"],[\"14\",\"Potters and tile-makers\"],[\"15\",\"Shipwrights and sail-makers\"],[\"16\",\"Smiths and metal-forgers\"],[\"17\",\"Tinkers, pewterers, and casters\"],[\"18\",\"Wagon-makers and wheelwrights\"],[\"19\",\"Weavers and dyers\"],[\"20\",\"Woodcarvers, coopers, and bowyers\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Guild artisans are among the most ordinary people in the world—until they set down their tools and take up an adventuring career. They understand the value of hard work and the importance of community, but they're vulnerable to sins of greed and covetousness.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I believe that anything worth doing is worth doing right. I can't help it—I'm a perfectionist.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm a snob who looks down on those who can't appreciate fine art.\"],[\"3\",\"I always want to know how things work and what makes people tick.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm full of witty aphorisms and have a proverb for every occasion.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm rude to people who lack my commitment to hard work and fair play.\"],[\"6\",\"I like to talk at length about my profession.\"],[\"7\",\"I don't part with my money easily and will haggle tirelessly to get the best deal possible.\"],[\"8\",\"I'm well known for my work, and I want to make sure everyone appreciates it. I'm always taken aback when people haven't heard of me.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Community. It is the duty of all civilized people to strengthen the bonds of community and the security of civilization. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Generosity. My talents were given to me so that I could use them to benefit the world. (Good)\"],[\"3\",\"Freedom. Everyone should be free to pursue his or her own livelihood. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Greed. I'm only in it for the money. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"People. I'm committed to the people I care about, not to ideals. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Aspiration. I work hard to be the best there is at my craft. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The workshop where I learned my trade is the most important place in the world to me.\"],[\"2\",\"I created a great work for someone, and then found them unworthy to receive it. I'm still looking for someone worthy.\"],[\"3\",\"I owe my guild a great debt for forging me into the person I am today.\"],[\"4\",\"I pursue wealth to secure someone's love.\"],[\"5\",\"One day I will return to my guild and prove that I am the greatest artisan of them all.\"],[\"6\",\"I will get revenge on the evil forces that destroyed my place of business and ruined my livelihood.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'll do anything to get my hands on something rare or priceless.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm quick to assume that someone is trying to cheat me.\"],[\"3\",\"No one must ever learn that I once stole money from guild coffers.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm never satisfied with what I have—I always want more.\"],[\"5\",\"I would kill to acquire a noble title.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm horribly jealous of anyone who can outshine my handiwork. Everywhere I go, I'm surrounded by rivals.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"},{\"special\":\"letter of introduction from your guild\"},\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Harborfolk\",\"source\":\"ALElementalEvil\",\"page\":4,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Sleight of Hand}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}, {@filter vehicles (water)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (water)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"{@item Fishing tackle|phb}, {@item dice set|phb}, {@item playing card set|phb}, or {@item Three-Dragon Ante set|phb}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, {@item rowboat}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Poor\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You are one of the hundreds of small-time fishermen and women who haul the bounty of Mulmaster's freshwater harbor to the city's markets each morning. You have spent countless days rowing in the waters in and around Mulmaster and know them and the other fisherfolk, dockworkers, and port inhabitants better than anyone. Though you have left that life behind, you still visit once in a while.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Harborfolk\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You grew up on the docks and waters of Mulmaster Harbor. The harborfolk remember you and still treat you as one of them. They welcome you and your companions. While they might charge you for it, they'll always offer what food and shelter they have; they'll even hide you if the City Watch is after you (but not if the Hawks are). Note: This feature is a variant of the Folk Hero feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am curious. I want to know why things are the way they are and why people do the things that they do.\"],[\"2\",\"I can't sing, but that never stops me from doing it, loudly. Everyone loves a good sea chanty!\"],[\"3\",\"I think the High Blade is doing a terrific job, don't you?\"],[\"4\",\"I'm very excited that the House Built on Gold is being restored. I am a zealous worshipper of Waukeen.\"],[\"5\",\"I am quite superstitious. I see portents in everyday occurrences.\"],[\"6\",\"I resent the rich and enjoy thwarting their plans and spoiling their fun in small ways.\"],[\"7\",\"I have a sea story to fit every occasion.\"],[\"8\",\"I'm a fisher, but I secretly detest eating fish. I will do anything to avoid it.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Calm. For all things, there is a tide. I set sail when it is right, and mend my nets when it is not. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Windblown. I go where the winds blow. No man or woman tells me where or when to sail. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Aspiring. I will gain the favor of a Zor or Zora patron, maybe even one of the Blades! (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Salty. I want people to look to me as an expert on plying Mulmaster Harbor. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Selfless. We are all children of the sea. I help everyone in peril afloat and ashore. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"Let them Drown. I refuse to risk my hide to help others. They wouldn't help me if roles were reversed. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I once lost everything but my rowboat. I'll do anything to protect it.\"],[\"2\",\"My brother was in the Soldiery, but he was killed. I really look up to the men and women who serve.\"],[\"3\",\"The Cloaks killed my friend for spellcasting. I'll get them back somehow, someday.\"],[\"4\",\"The High House of Hurting helped me when I was hurt and asked nothing in return. I owe them my life.\"],[\"5\",\"I was robbed in the Zhent ghetto once. It will not happen again.\"],[\"6\",\"I would do anything to protect the other harborfolk. They are my family.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I drink too much, which causes me to miss the tide.\"],[\"2\",\"I killed a drunk member of the City Watch in a brawl. I am terrified that they might find out.\"],[\"3\",\"I oversell myself and make promises I can't keep when I want to impress someone.\"],[\"4\",\"Book learning is a waste of time. I have no patience for people who don't speak from experience.\"],[\"5\",\"I almost always cheat. I can't help myself.\"],[\"6\",\"I am a secret informant for the Hawks. I send them reports about everything I see and hear, even what my friends and allies are up to.\"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"sleight of hand\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"gaming set\":true,\"vehicles (water)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"fishing tackle|phb\",\"dice set|phb\",\"playing card set|phb\",{\"item\":\"three-dragon ante set|phb\",\"displayName\":\"or Three-Dragon Ante set\"},\"common clothes|phb\",\"rowboat|\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Haunted One\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":209,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"Choose two of {@skill Arcana}, {@skill Investigation}, {@skill Religion}, or {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Choose two languages, one of which is exotic (Abyssal, Celestial, Deep Speech, Draconic, Infernal, Primordial, Sylvan, or Undercommon)\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"{@item Monster hunter's pack|cos}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, one {@item trinket|CoS} of special significance (choose one or roll on the Gothic Trinkets table), and 1 sp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Heart of Darkness\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Those who look into your eyes can see that you have faced unimaginable horror and that you are no stranger to darkness. Though they might fear you, commoners will extend you every courtesy and do their utmost to help you. Unless you have shown yourself to be a danger to them, they will even take up arms to fight alongside you, should you find yourself facing an enemy alone.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Harrowing Event\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Prior to becoming an adventurer, your path in life was defined by one dark moment, one fateful decision, or one tragedy. Now you feel a darkness threatening to consume you, and you fear there may be no hope of escape. Choose a harrowing event that haunts you, or roll 1d10.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Harrowing Event\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"A monster that slaughtered dozens of innocent people spared your life, and you don't know why.\"],[\"2\",\"You were born under a dark star. You can feel it watching you, coldly and distantly. Sometimes it beckons you in the dead of night.\"],[\"3\",\"An apparition that has haunted your family for generations now haunts you. You don't know what it wants, and it won't leave you alone.\"],[\"4\",\"Your family has a history of practicing the dark arts. You dabbled once and felt something horrible clutch at your soul, whereupon you fled in terror.\"],[\"5\",\"An oni took your sibling one cold, dark night, and you were unable to stop it.\"],[\"6\",\"You were cursed with lycanthropy and later cured. You are now haunted by the innocents you slaughtered.\"],[\"7\",\"A hag kidnapped and raised you. You escaped, but the hag still has a magical hold over you and fills your mind with evil thoughts.\"],[\"8\",\"You opened an eldritch tome and saw things unfit for a sane mind. You burned the book, but its words and images are burned into your psyche.\"],[\"9\",\"A fiend possessed you as a child. You were locked away but escaped. The fiend is still inside you, but now you try to keep it locked away.\"],[\"10\",\"You did terrible things to avenge the murder of someone you loved. You became a monster, and it haunts your waking dreams.\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have learned to live with the terror that haunts you. You are a survivor, who can be very protective of those who bring light into your darkened life.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I don't run from evil. Evil runs from me.\"],[\"2\",\"I like to read and memorize poetry. It keeps me calm and brings me fleeting moments of happiness.\"],[\"3\",\"I spend money freely and live life to the fullest, knowing that tomorrow I might die.\"],[\"4\",\"I live for the thrill of the hunt.\"],[\"5\",\"I don't talk about the thing that torments me. I'd rather not burden others with my curse.\"],[\"6\",\"I expect danger around every corner.\"],[\"7\",\"I refuse to become a victim, and I will not allow others to be victimized.\"],[\"8\",\"I put no trust in divine beings.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"I'll stop the spirits that haunt me or die trying. (Any)\"],[\"3\",\"I kill monsters to make the world a safer place, and to exorcise my own demons. (Good)\"],[\"4\",\"I have a dark calling that puts me above the law. (Chaotic)\"],[\"5\",\"I like to know my enemy's capabilities and weaknesses before rushing into battle. (Lawful)\"],[\"6\",\"I'm a monster that destroys other monsters, and anything else that gets in my way. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I keep my thoughts and discoveries in a journal. My journal is my legacy.\"],[\"2\",\"I would sacrifice my life and my soul to protect the innocent.\"],[\"3\",\"My torment drove away the person I love. I strive to win back the love I've lost.\"],[\"4\",\"A terrible guilt consumes me. I hope that I can find redemption through my actions.\"],[\"5\",\"There's evil in me, I can feel it. It must never be set free.\"],[\"6\",\"I have a child to protect. I must make the world a safer place for him (or her).\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have certain rituals that I must follow every day. I can never break them.\"],[\"2\",\"I assume the worst in people.\"],[\"3\",\"I feel no compassion for the dead. They're the lucky ones.\"],[\"4\",\"I have an addiction.\"],[\"5\",\"I am a purveyor of doom and gloom who lives in a world without hope.\"],[\"6\",\"I talk to spirits that no one else can see.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"arcana\",\"investigation\",\"religion\",\"survival\"],\"count\":2}}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1,\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"abyssal\",\"celestial\",\"deep speech\",\"draconic\",\"infernal\",\"primordial\",\"sylvan\",\"undercommon\"]}}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"monster hunter's pack|cos\",\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"trinket|cos\",\"displayName\":\"trinket of special significance (choose one or roll on the Gothic Trinkets table)\"},{\"value\":10}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Hermit\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":134,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Medicine}, {@skill Religion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Herbalism kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item Map or Scroll Case|phb|scroll case} stuffed full of notes from your studies or prayers, a winter {@item blanket|phb}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, an {@item herbalism kit|phb}, and 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Discovery\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"The quiet seclusion of your extended hermitage gave you access to a unique and powerful discovery. The exact nature of this revelation depends on the nature of your seclusion. It might be a great truth about the cosmos, the deities, the powerful beings of the outer planes, or the forces of nature. It could be a site that no one else has ever seen. You might have uncovered a fact that has long been forgotten, or unearthed some relic of the past that could rewrite history. It might be information that would be damaging to the people who or consigned you to exile, and hence the reason for your return to society.\",\"Work with your DM to determine the details of your discovery and its impact on the campaign.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Specialty\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"What was the reason for your isolation, and what changed to allow you to end your solitude? You can work with your DM to determine the exact nature of your seclusion, or you can choose or roll on the table below to determine the reason behind your seclusion.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Life of Seclusion\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I was searching for spiritual enlightenment.\"],[\"2\",\"I was partaking of communal living in accordance with the dictates of a religious order.\"],[\"3\",\"I was exiled for a crime I didn't commit.\"],[\"4\",\"I retreated from society after a life-altering event.\"],[\"5\",\"I needed a quiet place to work on my art, literature, music, or manifesto.\"],[\"6\",\"I needed to commune with nature, far from civilization.\"],[\"7\",\"I was the caretaker of an ancient ruin or relic.\"],[\"8\",\"I was a pilgrim in search of a person, place, or relic of spiritual significance.\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Some hermits are well suited to a life of seclusion, whereas others chafe against it and long for company. Whether they embrace solitude or long to escape it, the solitary life shapes their attitudes and ideals. A few are driven slightly mad by their years apart from society.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I've been isolated for so long that I rarely speak, preferring gestures and the occasional grunt.\"],[\"2\",\"I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster.\"],[\"3\",\"The leader of my community had something wise to say on every topic, and I am eager to share that wisdom.\"],[\"4\",\"I feel tremendous empathy for all who suffer.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.\"],[\"6\",\"I connect everything that happens to me to a grand, cosmic plan.\"],[\"7\",\"I often get lost in my own thoughts and contemplation, becoming oblivious to my surroundings.\"],[\"8\",\"I am working on a grand philosophical theory and love sharing my ideas.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Greater Good. My gifts are meant to be shared with all, not used for my own benefit. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Logic. Emotions must not cloud our sense of what is right and true, or our logical thinking. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Free Thinking. Inquiry and curiosity are the pillars of progress. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Power. Solitude and contemplation are paths toward mystical or magical power. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"Live and Let Live. Meddling in the affairs of others only causes trouble. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Self-Knowledge. If you know yourself, there's nothing left to know. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Nothing is more important than the other members of my hermitage, order, or association.\"],[\"2\",\"I entered seclusion to hide from the ones who might still be hunting me. I must someday confront them.\"],[\"3\",\"I'm still seeking the enlightenment I pursued in my seclusion, and it still eludes me.\"],[\"4\",\"I entered seclusion because I loved someone I could not have.\"],[\"5\",\"Should my discovery come to light, it could bring ruin to the world.\"],[\"6\",\"My isolation gave me great insight into a great evil that only I can destroy.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Now that I've returned to the world, I enjoy its delights a little too much.\"],[\"2\",\"I harbor dark, bloodthirsty thoughts that my isolation and meditation failed to quell.\"],[\"3\",\"I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy.\"],[\"4\",\"I let my need to win arguments overshadow friendships and harmony.\"],[\"5\",\"I'd risk too much to uncover a lost bit of knowledge.\"],[\"6\",\"I like keeping secrets and won't share them with anyone.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"medicine\":true,\"religion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"herbalism kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"map or scroll case|phb\",\"displayName\":\"scroll case stuffed full of notes from your studies or prayers\"},{\"item\":\"blanket|phb\",\"displayName\":\"winter blanket\"},\"common clothes|phb\",\"herbalism kit|phb\",{\"value\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Hillsfar Merchant\",\"source\":\"ALRageOfDemons\",\"page\":7,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@filter Vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)} and {@filter vehicles (water)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (water)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, a {@item signet ring|phb}, a letter of introduction from your family's trading house, and a purse containing 25 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Wealthy\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Before becoming an adventurer, you were a successful merchant operating out Hillsfar, the City of Trade. Your family operated warehouses, organized caravans, managed stores, or owned a ship and has trade contacts throughout the Moonsea region, as well as up and down the length of the Sword Coast. Perhaps they import ore, uncut gems, untreated furs, or grain into the City of Trade, or they export fine cloth, faceted gems, fine furs, or Dragon's Breath, a brandy-like liquor. Regardless, you've largely given that life up for some reason and have chosen to seek adventure instead. Nevertheless, the training you received then, and perhaps the contacts you made, serve you well as an adventurer.\",\"Choose one of the following features:\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Factor\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Although you've left the day-to-day life of a merchant behind, your family has assigned you the services of a loyal retainer from the business, a factor, husbanding agent, seafarer, caravan guard, or clerk. This individual is a commoner who can perform mundane tasks for you such as making purchases, delivering messages, and running errands. He or she will not fight for you and will not follow you into obviously dangerous areas (such as dungeons), and will leave if frequently endangered or abused. If he or she is killed, the family assigns you another within a few days. Note: This feature is a variant of the Noble Knight's Retainers feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Alternate Feature: Trade Contact\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You and your family have trade contacts such as caravan masters, shopkeepers, sailors, artisans, and farmers throughout the Moonsea region and all along the Sword Coast. Once per game session, when adventuring in either of those areas, you can use those contacts to get information about the local area or to pass a message to someone in those areas, even across the great distance between the two areas. Note: This feature is a variant of the Criminal Contact and Researcher features.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true,\"isAlternateFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I fill my evenings with wine or mead and song.\"],[\"2\",\"I greatly admire gladiators and enjoy the Arena.\"],[\"3\",\"I take my wealth for granted. It seldom occurs to me that others aren't rich themselves.\"],[\"4\",\"I leave broken hearts all around the Moonsea and up and down the Sword Coast.\"],[\"5\",\"I work hard and seldom make time for fun.\"],[\"6\",\"I am a particularly devout and pray often.\"],[\"7\",\"The Red Plumes caught me once. I hate them.\"],[\"8\",\"I ask a lot of questions to get information about those with whom I am working and dealing.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Frugal. I spend my money very carefully. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Profligate. I tend to spend extravagantly. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Honest. I deal with others above board. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Sharp. I seek to make the best deal possible. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Charitable. I give generously to others. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"Greedy. I do not share my wealth with others. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am fiercely loyal to those with whom I work.\"],[\"2\",\"I must uphold the good name of my family.\"],[\"3\",\"I will prove myself to my family as an adventurer.\"],[\"4\",\"Deals are sacrosanct. I never go back on my word.\"],[\"5\",\"I love making deals and negotiating agreements.\"],[\"6\",\"I guard my wealth jealously.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am a braggart. I promote myself shamelessly.\"],[\"2\",\"I am vain. I always wear the latest fashions.\"],[\"3\",\"I am a glutton. I eat and drink to excess.\"],[\"4\",\"I am a snob. I want only the finest things in life.\"],[\"5\",\"I am lazy. I want others to take care of everything.\"],[\"6\",\"I am overconfident. I overestimate my abilities.\"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"vehicles (land)\":true,\"vehicles (water)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"fine clothes|phb\",\"signet ring|phb\",{\"special\":\"letter of introduction from your family's trading house\"},{\"special\":\"purse\",\"containsValue\":2500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Hillsfar Smuggler\",\"source\":\"ALRageOfDemons\",\"page\":8,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Perception}, {@skill Stealth}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One racial language\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Forgery kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item forgery kit|phb}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, a belt {@item pouch|phb}, and 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Modest\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Hillsfar is the City of Trade. However, the Great Law of Trade only protects \\\"legitimate\\\" trade, trade that passes through the city's sole gate, which the Red Plumes monitor and tax. And the Great Law of Humanity banishes non-humans from the city altogether. The two Great Laws create great demand and great risk for smugglers, who shepherd illicit goods and non-humans into and out of the city by secret routes. The Rogues Guild tightly controls all of this activity, taking its cut from sanctioned jobs and exacting punishment for independent jobs.\",\"Perhaps you trafficked Dragon's Breath (a brandy-like liquor) to avoid tariffs or contraband to avoid seizure, or maybe you are a human who sympathizes with the non-humans and worked as part of the network of secret routes and safe houses that helps them pass through Hillsfar. Either way, you have contacts in the smuggling community who can help you slip into and out of the city unnoticed, for a price.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Secret Passage\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You can call on your contacts within the smuggling community to secure secret passage into or out of Hillsfar for yourself and your adventuring companions, no questions asked, and no Red Plume entanglements. Because you're calling in a favor, you can't be certain they will be able to help on your timetable or at all. Your Dungeon Master will determine whether you can be smuggled into or out of the city. In return for your passage, you and your companions may owe the Rouges Guild a favor and/or may have to pay bribes. Note: This feature is a variant of the Sailor feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"When I'm not smuggling, I gamble.\"],[\"2\",\"I just love Halfling cooking and baking!\"],[\"3\",\"I party with dwarves whenever I can.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm a terrible singer, but I love to do it.\"],[\"5\",\"I was raised to honor Chauntea and still do.\"],[\"6\",\"The blood sports of the Arena sicken me.\"],[\"7\",\"I think non-humans are really interesting.\"],[\"8\",\"I exaggerate the tales of my exploits.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Fair. I think everyone deserves to be treated fairly. I don't play favorites. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Impulsive. Planning is often a waste of time. No plan survives contact with reality. It's easier to dive in and deal with the consequences. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Curious. I want to learn as much as I can about the people and places I encounter. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Prepared. I think success depends on preparing as much as possible in advance. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Respectful. I think everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, creed, color, or origin. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"Corrupt. I will break the law or act dishonestly if the money is right. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am loyal to the Rogues Guild and would do anything for them.\"],[\"2\",\"I love the city of Hillsfar and my fellow Hillsfarians, despite the recent problems.\"],[\"3\",\"I admire the elves. I help them whenever I can.\"],[\"4\",\"A gnome helped me once. I pay the favor forward.\"],[\"5\",\"I enjoy tricking the Red Plumes at every opportunity.\"],[\"6\",\"I smuggled agricultural goods for non-human farmers. I try to help them when I can.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My hatred for the Red Plumes burns so brightly that I have difficulty suppressing It around them.\"],[\"2\",\"The Red Plumes caught me once before, and I was branded for my crime. If they catch me again, for any offense, the punishment will be dire.\"],[\"3\",\"I treat all Hillsfarans poorly. I am disgusted with their failure to revolt against the Great Law of Humanity.\"],[\"4\",\"I have difficulty trusting strangers. Anyone could be a spy for the authorities.\"],[\"5\",\"I am greedy. There Isn't much I won't do for money.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm an informant for the Red Plumes. They let me continue my activities, so long as I pass them information about illegal activity in Hillsfar.\"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"perception\":true,\"stealth\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"forgery kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"forgery kit|phb\",\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"displayName\":\"belt pouch\"},{\"value\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"House Agent\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":53,\"otherSources\":[{\"source\":\"UAWGE\",\"page\":94}],\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Investigation}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiency\",\"entries\":[\"Two proficiencies from the House Tool Proficiencies table\"]},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, house {@item signet ring|phb}, identification papers, and a purse containing 20 gp.\"}]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"House Tool Proficiencies\",\"colLabels\":[\"Your House\",\"Proficiencies\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cannith\",\"{@item Alchemist's supplies|phb} and {@item tinker's tools|phb}\"],[\"Deneith\",\"One {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} and {@filter vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"],[\"Ghallanda\",\"{@item Brewer's supplies|phb} and {@item cook's utensils|phb}\"],[\"Jorasco\",\"{@item Alchemist's supplies|phb} and {@item herbalism kit|phb}\"],[\"Kundarak\",\"{@item Thieves' tools|phb} and {@item tinker's tools|phb}\"],[\"Lyrandar\",\"{@item Navigator's tools|phb} and {@filter vehicles (sea and air)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (water);vehicle (air)}\"],[\"Medani\",\"{@item Disguise kit|phb} and {@item thieves' tools|phb}\"],[\"Orien\",\"One {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} and {@filter vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"],[\"Phiarlan\",\"{@item Disguise kit|phb} and one {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"],[\"Sivis\",\"{@item Calligrapher's supplies|phb} and {@item forgery kit|phb}\"],[\"Tharashk\",\"One {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} and {@item thieves' tools|phb}\"],[\"Thuranni\",\"One {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument} and {@item poisoner's kit|phb}\"],[\"Vadalis\",\"{@item herbalism kit|phb} and {@filter vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"]]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Role\",\"entries\":[\"You always gather information for your house, but when a baron give you a specific mission, what sort of work do you do? The House Agent Role table gives possibilities.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"House Agent Role\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Role\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-6 text-center\",\"col-6 text-center\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Acquisition\"],[\"2\",\"Investigation\"],[\"3\",\"Research & Development\"],[\"4\",\"Security\"],[\"5\",\"Intimidation\"],[\"6\",\"Exploration\"],[\"7\",\"Negotiation\"],[\"8\",\"Covert Operations\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: House Connections\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"As an agent of your house, you can always get food and lodging for yourself and your friends at a house enclave. When the house assigns you a mission, it will usually provide you with the necessary supplies and transportation. Beyond this, you have many old friends, mentors, and rivals in your house, and you may encounter one of them when you interact with a house business. The degree to which such acquaintances are willing to help you depends on your current standing in your house.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"House agents are diverse. Consider the house you serve and the work you do when choosing characteristics.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'm always looking to improve efficiency.\"],[\"2\",\"I love to share trivia about my house's business.\"],[\"3\",\"I never forget an insult against me or my house.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm enthusiastic about everything my house does.\"],[\"5\",\"I represent my house and take pride in my looks.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm critical of monarchies and limits on the houses.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Common Good}. My house serves a vital function, and its prosperity will help everyone. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Tradition}. I uphold traditions of my house and bring honor to my family. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Innovation}. Abandon old traditions and find better ways to do things. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Power}. I want to ensure the prosperity of my house and wield its power myself. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Discovery}. I want to learn all I can, both for my house and for my own curiosity. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Comfort}. I want to ensure that me and mine enjoy the best things in life. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My house is my family. I would do anything for it.\"],[\"2\",\"I love someone from another house, but the relationship is forbidden.\"],[\"3\",\"Someone I love was killed by a rival faction within my house, and I will have revenge.\"],[\"4\",\"I don't care about the house as a whole, but I would do anything for my old mentor.\"],[\"5\",\"My house must evolve, and I'll lead the evolution.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm determined to impress the leaders of my house, and to become a leader myself.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'm fixated on following official protocols.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm obsessed with conspiracy theories and worried about secret societies and hidden demons.\"],[\"3\",\"My house and bloodline make me the best!\"],[\"4\",\"My secret could get me expelled from my house.\"],[\"5\",\"My religious beliefs aren't widespread in my house.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm working for a hidden faction in my house that gives me secret assignments.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"investigation\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"alchemist's supplies\":true,\"tinker's tools\":true},{\"gaming set\":true,\"vehicles (land)\":true},{\"brewer's supplies\":true,\"cook's utensils\":true},{\"alchemist's supplies\":true,\"herbalism kit\":true},{\"tinker's tools\":true,\"thieves' tools\":true},{\"vehicles (water)\":true,\"vehicles (air)\":true,\"navigator's tools\":true},{\"thieves' tools\":true,\"disguise kit\":true},{\"vehicles (land)\":true,\"gaming set\":true},{\"disguise kit\":true,\"musical instrument\":true},{\"calligrapher's supplies\":true,\"forgery kit\":true},{\"thieves' tools\":true,\"gaming set\":true},{\"poisoner's kit\":true,\"musical instrument\":true},{\"vehicles (land)\":true,\"herbalism kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"signet ring|phb\",\"displayName\":\"house signet ring\"},{\"special\":\"identification papers\"},{\"special\":\"purse\",\"containsValue\":2000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Inheritor\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":150,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Survival}, plus one from among {@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}, and {@skill Religion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any one of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"Your choice of a {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} or a {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"Your inheritance, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, the tool you choose for this background's tool proficiency ({@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} or {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}), and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Inheritance\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Choose or randomly determine your inheritance from the possibilities in the table below. Work with your Dungeon Master to come up with details: Why is your inheritance so important, and what is its full story? You might prefer for the DM to invent these details as part of the game, allowing you to learn more about your inheritance as your character does.\",\"The Dungeon Master is free to use your inheritance as a story hook, sending you on quests to learn more about its history or true nature, or confronting you with foes who want to claim it for themselves or prevent you from learning what you seek. The DM also determines the properties of your inheritance and how they figure into the item's history and importance. For instance, the object might be a minor magic item, or one that begins with a modest ability and increases in potency with the passage of time. Or, the true nature of your inheritance might not be apparent at first and is revealed only when certain conditions are met.\",\"When you begin your adventuring career, you can decide whether to tell your companions about your inheritance right away. Rather than attracting attention to yourself, you might want to keep your inheritance a secret until you learn more about what it means to you and what it can do for you.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Object or item:\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"A document such as a map, a letter, or a journal\"],[\"2-3\",\"a trinket (see \\\"Trinkets\\\" in chapter 5 of the Player's Handbook)\"],[\"4\",\"an article of clothing\"],[\"5\",\"a piece of jewelry\"],[\"6\",\"an arcane book or formulary\"],[\"7\",\"a written story, song, poem, or secret\"],[\"8\",\"a tattoo or other body marking\"]]}],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background folk hero} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as an inheritor.\",\"Your bond might be directly related to your inheritance, or to the person from whom you received it. Your ideal might be influenced by what you know about your inheritance, or by what you intend to do with your gift once you realize what it is capable of.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"survival\":true,\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"arcana\",\"history\",\"religion\"]}}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"musical instrument\",\"gaming set\"]}}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Your inheritance\"},\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]},{\"a\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"setGaming\"}],\"b\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"instrumentMusical\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Initiate\",\"source\":\"PSA\",\"page\":8,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Intimidation}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}, {@filter vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A simple puzzle box, a scroll containing the basic teachings of the five gods, a {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp. If you have completed any trials before the start of the campaign, you also have any cartouches you have earned\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Trials of the Five Gods\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Your life is oriented around your participation in the five trials that will determine your worthiness in the afterlife. While you prepare for and undergo those trials, you have constant access to training. A comfortable place to live and regular meals are provided to you by servitor mummies (the anointed) under the supervision of viziers. You can enjoy these benefits only as long as you obey the societal norms of Naktamun—training for the trials (with or without your crop), obeying the orders of the gods, and following the instructions of their viziers. If you violate these norms, you risk being treated as a dissenter. See \\\"Trials of the Five Gods\\\" for more information about undertaking the trials and their rewards.\",\"The five gods are the effective rulers of Amonkhet. They are not the creators of the plane, but they are its stewards while the people of Naktamun await the return of the God-Pharaoh. The five gods believe they were created by the God-Pharaoh, who charged them with teaching the people the ways of the God-Pharaoh, and with protecting them until he comes.\",\"The five gods embody the five virtues the God-Pharaoh wishes to cultivate in those who will become his Eternals in the afterlife. Each god is responsible for modeling and teaching one of those virtues to the acolytes and initiates of Naktamun, and then testing those initiates to ensure that they have mastered their teachings. Thus, they are present during the acolytes' first lessons, during the Ceremony of Measuring, during the initiates' intense training, and at each of the trials that are part of an initiate's journey.\",\"In the absence of the God-Pharaoh, only the gods can determine whether initiates have proven themselves worthy of the glory of the afterlife. The gods in turn prove their own worthiness by executing their duties infallibly. They make the trials as challenging as possible to ensure that only the most worthy are selected.\",{\"name\":\"Oketra (Solidarity Domain)\",\"type\":\"inset\",\"entries\":[\"\\\"The worthy must know and respect all others whom the God-Pharaoh deems worthy, for in the afterlife, all will be united in purpose and action.\\\"\",\"Oketra is charged with expounding upon this teaching of the God-Pharaoh, instilling in every initiate the virtue of solidarity. She forges each group of children into a crop of acolytes with just one purpose: to be judged worthy of a glorious afterlife. And she instills in each crop the ability to unite in a single action in pursuit of that purpose. She is fond of poetic imagery to communicate her ideals.\"]},{\"name\":\"Kefnet (Knowledge Domain)\",\"type\":\"inset\",\"entries\":[\"\\\"The worthy shall cultivate a nimble mind that can perceive the wonders beyond imagination that wait in the afterlife.\\\"\",\"Kefnet's task is to pass on this teaching of the God-Pharaoh and elucidate its meaning. He teaches that the afterlife will be inhabited only by those who have proved by their wits that they are worthy of dwelling in the glorious presence of the God-Pharaoh. He trains acolytes and initiates to push their limits and challenge their mental capacity with spells of ever-greater power.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rhonas (Strength Domain)\",\"type\":\"inset\",\"entries\":[\"\\\"The worthy shall hone a strong body that can withstand the boundless energies of the afterlife.\\\"\",\"It falls to Rhonas to instill this teaching in those who would enter the afterlife—but to his mind, the words themselves don't matter. Strength can't be taught. It must be built through practice and training. Rhonas demonstrates his teachings by his example, rather than by giving his students any kind of academic instruction. He welcomes the people of Naktamun to stand by the Hekma and watch him as he storms into the desert to battle the greatest horrors. He encourages them to observe his indomitable strength, for though they will never equal it, they can aspire to mimicry. He invites them to scrutinize every move and practice what they see.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bontu (Ambition Domain)\",\"type\":\"inset\",\"entries\":[\"\\\"The worthy shall strive for greatness—supremacy in life leads to supremacy in the afterlife. \\\"\",\"Bontu has fully embraced this dictum, and though she expends little effort in teaching it, she surely leads by example. Her viziers subtly plant the seeds that flower into the ambition the God-Pharaoh desires. Through insinuation, they remind acolytes and initiates alike that achieving one's place in the afterlife at the expense of others is not shameful, but is proof of the initiate's determination and drive. Nothing is more important than that drive, they suggest—not the bonds of a crop, not friendship or love. Not even devotion to a deity.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hazoret (Zeal Domain)\",\"type\":\"inset\",\"entries\":[\"\\\"The worthy shall rush to the God-Pharaoh's side with relentless zeal, rising to overcome every obstacle in their way.\\\"\",\"The God-Pharaoh expects those he welcomes into the afterlife to desire it above all other pleasures and achievements, and for them to show their dedication, passion, and fervor through their actions. Hazoret is charged with cultivating this zeal in the initiates who come under her care, and she has undertaken the task with appropriate enthusiasm. She recognizes, however, that the best way to teach zeal is by demonstrating it.\"]}],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"An initiate's life is focused on the trials, but it doesn't need to be all about the trials. Though some initiates are highly focused on their training, most undergo that training while also experiencing joy, sorrow, love, loss, anger, jealousy, hope, faith, delight—the whole range of mortal emotions and experience. The afterlife might be a constant presence in every initiate's mind, but it is the culmination of a life well-lived—not a replacement for it.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I always have a joke on hand when the mood gets too serious.\"],[\"2\",\"I use sarcasm and insults to keep a distance between myself and my crop-mates, because I don't want to get attached to them.\"],[\"3\",\"I'll settle for nothing less than perfection—in myself, in my cropmates, in everything.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm so focused on the glorious afterlife that nothing in this life can shake my calm resolve.\"],[\"5\",\"I enjoy using my skills to help those who lack those same skills.\"],[\"6\",\"I train hard so that I can play hard at the end of the day. I fully expect to play even harder in the glorious afterlife, but I'm not in a hurry to get there.\"],[\"7\",\"I'm perfectly happy letting others pick up the slack for me while I take it easy.\"],[\"8\",\"I'm constantly sizing up everyone around me, thinking about what kind of opponent they'll be in the final trial.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Solidarity. The thing that matters most of all is that we're there for each other. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Knowledge. The world is a puzzle—a mystery waiting to be solved. (Neutral)\"],[\"3\",\"Strength. All that matters to me is my own perfection. Let everyone else seek that perfection in their own way. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Ambition. I'm going to prove that I deserve only the best—of everything. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"Zeal. Anything worth doing is worth throwing my whole self into. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"Redemption. I will train all the harder to make up for the doubt I entertained when I was younger. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"One of my crop-mates is my dearest friend, and I hope we will face each other in the final trial.\"],[\"2\",\"I am in love with a vizier.\"],[\"3\",\"I am particularly drawn to one of the five gods, and I want nothing more than to win that god's particular favor.\"],[\"4\",\"I am more devoted to Naktamun and its people than I am to any of the ideals of the gods.\"],[\"5\",\"My weapon was a gift from a beloved trainer who died in an accident.\"],[\"6\",\"I carry a memento of my time as an acolyte, and I treasure it above all other things.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'm easily distracted by an attractive person, which could be the death of me in the trials.\"],[\"2\",\"I really wanted to be a vizier, and I'm angry at the god who didn't choose me.\"],[\"3\",\"Training for a lifetime to die in the end seems like a big waste of energy.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm not at all sure I'll be able to grant a glorified death to any of my crop-mates.\"],[\"5\",\"I have a lasting grudge against one of my crop-mates, and each of us wants to see the other fail.\"],[\"6\",\"I think I've figured out that this world is not what it seems. Something dark is going on here.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"intimidation\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"gaming set\":true,\"vehicles (land)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"simple puzzle box\"},{\"special\":\"scroll containing the basic teachings of the five gods\"},{\"equipmentType\":\"setGaming\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500},{\"special\":\"any cartouches you have earned\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Inquisitor\",\"source\":\"PSI\",\"page\":12,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Investigation}, {@skill Religion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Thieves' tools|phb}, one type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item holy symbol|phb}, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Legal Authority\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"As an inquisitor of the church, you have the authority to arrest criminals. In the absence of other authorities, you are authorized to pass judgement and even carry out sentencing. If you abuse this power, however, your superiors in the church might strip it from you.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"investigation\":true,\"religion\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"thieves' tools\":true,\"artisan's tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"holy symbol|phb\",\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Iron Route Bandit\",\"source\":\"ALCurseOfStrahd\",\"page\":5,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Stealth}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}, {@filter vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of dark {@item common clothes|phb}, {@item pack saddle|phb}, {@item burglar's pack|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Poor\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"The Iron Route, once the primary trade route between Phlan and Zhentil Keep, used to be a site of extensive banditry until the Phlan's recent occupation. Your time as an erstwhile bandit has given you plenty of experience in the saddle and a knack for acquiring and appraising other people's mounts, pets, and vehicles among other things. This particular set of skills has become very lucrative for you by working for the underground as a horse thief for a local guild of thieves and other shadowy organizations.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Black-Market Breeder\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You know how to find people who are always looking for stolen animals & vehicles, whether to provide for animal pit fights, or to supply some desperate rogues the means to get away faster on mounts during an illegal job. This contact not only provides you with information of what such animals & vehicles are in high demand in the area, but also offer to give you favors and information (DM choice) if you bring such animals & vehicles to them. Note: This is a variant of the Criminal Contact feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"If people leave their gear unsecured, they must not want it very much.\"],[\"2\",\"I feel more comfortable sleeping under the open sky.\"],[\"3\",\"I always pre-plan my escape should things go bad; I always like to have an exit strategy.\"],[\"4\",\"I tend to give animal owners breeding and care advice whether or not they want it.\"],[\"5\",\"I lost a pet as a child and sadly reflect on it to this day.\"],[\"6\",\"I always form a powerful, emotional bond with my mount.\"],[\"7\",\"I recoil at the thought of killing someone else's pet or mount.\"],[\"8\",\"I prefer to hang to the back of a scuffle or discussion. Better to have my enemies in front of me.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Loyalty. Never bite the hand that feeds. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Unpredictability. Keep your enemy guessing and off-balance like a confused deer. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Power. I strive to become leader of the pack at all costs. (Lawful)\"],[\"4\",\"Freedom. I bow to no one I don't respect. (Chaotic)\"],[\"5\",\"Resourcefulness. Our wits are our most valuable resource in troubled times. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"Unity. Lone wolves fail where the pack succeeds. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I cannot leave a harmed animal behind; I must save it or put it out of its misery.\"],[\"2\",\"I leave behind my own personal calling cards when I do a job.\"],[\"3\",\"I do not trust people who do not have a pet, mount, or furry companion.\"],[\"4\",\"The pelt I wear on my back was from an animal that died saving my life, I will always cherish it.\"],[\"5\",\"If my pet does not like you, I do not like you!\"],[\"6\",\"Once you've ridden with me and fought by my side, I'll be there for you odds be damned.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I talk to animals; I believe they understand me, even if they do not.\"],[\"2\",\"I growl at and bite anyone who gets too close to my food while I am eating.\"],[\"3\",\"I strongly dislike enclosed spaces and require intoxication or firm encouragement to enter them.\"],[\"4\",\"I robbed the wrong caravan once. The owner is a powerful merchant who holds a grudge.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm an inveterate gambler.\"],[\"6\",\"I judge people based on how well they stand their ground in a fight. I got not time for cowards...\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"animal handling\":true,\"stealth\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"gaming set\":true,\"vehicles (land)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"common clothes|phb\",\"displayName\":\"dark common clothes\"},\"pack saddle|phb\",\"burglar's pack|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Izzet Engineer\",\"source\":\"GGR\",\"page\":66,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Arcana}, {@skill Investigation}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Choose one of Draconic, Goblin, or Vedalken\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"An Izzet insignia, one set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}, the charred and twisted remains of a failed experiment, a {@item hammer|phb}, a {@item block and tackle|phb}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp (Azorius 1-zino coins)\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Urban Infrastructure\",\"entries\":[\"The popular conception of the Izzet League is based on mad inventions, dangerous experiments, and explosive blasts. Much of that perception is accurate, but the league is also involved with mundane tasks of construction and architecture—primarily in crafting the infrastructure that allows Ravnicans to enjoy running water, levitating platforms, and other magical and technological wonders.\",\"You have a basic knowledge of the structure of buildings, including the stuff behind the walls. You can also find blueprints of a specific building in order to learn the details of its construction. Such blueprints might provide knowledge of entry points, structural weaknesses, or secret spaces. Your access to such information isn't unlimited. If obtaining or using the information gets you in trouble with the law, the guild can't shield you from the repercussions.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Izzet Guild Spells\",\"entries\":[\"{@i Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature}\",\"For you, the spells on the Izzet Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Izzet Guild Spells\",\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"colLabels\":[\"Spell Level\",\"Spells\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cantrip\",\"{@spell produce flame}, {@spell shocking grasp}\"],[\"1st\",\"{@spell chaos bolt|XGE}, {@spell create or destroy water}, {@spell unseen servant}\"],[\"2nd\",\"{@spell heat metal}, {@spell rope trick}\"],[\"3rd\",\"{@spell call lightning}, {@spell elemental weapon}, {@spell glyph of warding}\"],[\"4th\",\"{@spell conjure minor elementals}, {@spell divination}, {@spell Otiluke's resilient sphere}\"],[\"5th\",\"{@spell animate objects}, {@spell conjure elemental}\"]]},\"Your spells tend to be loud, flashy, or explosive, even when the effect is unremarkable. For example, when you open the portal of a {@spell rope trick} spell, the portal might be outlined by harmless, showy sparkles.\",\"If you use an arcane focus, it probably takes the form of an intricate device that could include metal gauntlets, glass canisters, copper tubing, and leather straps attaching it to your body. The {@item mizzium apparatus|GGR} described in {@book chapter 5|GGR|4|Mizzium Apparatus} is a magical version of this gear.\",\"The {@spell chaos bolt|XGE} spell is a favorite of Izzet spellcasters because of its unpredictable nature.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Members of the Izzet League embody some combination of chaotic, frenetic energy with intellectual curiosity, in varying proportions. Some are committed to academic pursuits, and others just like explosions.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have a hard time staying focused on... oh, and my brain tends to jump from one... did I mention focus?\"],[\"2\",\"I get really excited about my ideas and I can't wait to talk about them and start putting them into practice and tinkering with them and I want to tell you about how exciting it all is!\"],[\"3\",\"It's not magic—or anything, really—if you do it only halfway. Whatever I do, I give it all I've got.\"],[\"4\",\"I do what my gut tells me.\"],[\"5\",\"Life's an experiment, and I can't wait to see what happens.\"],[\"6\",\"I pepper my speech with the incomprehensible jargon of my trade, like mizzium droplets inserted into a weird-field suspension.\"],[\"7\",\"Great ideas are fine, but great results are what counts.\"],[\"8\",\"If you can guess what I'm about to do, that means I've run out of imagination.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Guild}. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Creativity}. Half the world's troubles come from stodgy thinking, stuck in the past. We need innovative solutions. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Discovery}. Every experiment has the potential to reveal more secrets of the multiverse. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Science}. A rigorous application of logical principles and protocols will lead us toward progress more surely than any belief system. (Lawful)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Fun}. I love my job! Despite the dangerous working conditions, there's nothing I'd rather do. (Chaotic)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Power}. Someday I'll find or create the magic that will make me the most powerful being in Ravnica. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have dedicated my life to finding a solution to a scientific problem.\"],[\"2\",\"I'll never forget the laboratory where I learned my skills, or the other attendants who learned alongside me.\"],[\"3\",\"I'm convinced it was sabotage that destroyed my first laboratory and killed many of my friends, and I seek revenge against whoever did it.\"],[\"4\",\"I have the schematics for an invention that I hope to build one day, once I have the necessary resources.\"],[\"5\",\"A fellow student and I are racing to solve the same scientific puzzle.\"],[\"6\",\"I would do anything the guildmaster told me to do.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"If there's a plan, I'll probably forget it. If I don't forget it, I'll probably ignore it.\"],[\"2\",\"I get bored easily, and if nothing is happening I'll make something happen.\"],[\"3\",\"Nothing is ever simple, and if it seems simple, I'll find a way to make it complicated.\"],[\"4\",\"I tend to ignore sleep for days when I'm conducting research, often at the expense of my own health and safety.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm convinced there's not a soul in Ravnica, except maybe the great Niv-Mizzet, who can match my boundless intellect.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm incapable of admitting a flaw in my logic.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Contacts\",\"entries\":[\"The laboratories of the Izzet League are constantly starting up new projects and dissolving old ones, so it's easy for even the lowliest attendant to make friends (and enemies) in laboratories across Ravnica.\",\"Roll twice on the Izzet Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Izzet Contacts table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Izzet Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"An older relative is a member of the guild's board of directors.\"],[\"2\",\"I know a sprite who carries important messages among the guild's laboratories.\"],[\"3\",\"A sibling is the head of a laboratory doing exotic research.\"],[\"4\",\"A former colleague is now an attendant in a laboratory in the central guildhall.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm in regular communication with an instructor who set me on the course of my life and research.\"],[\"6\",\"I had a romance with a chemister working in the Blistercoils.\"],[\"7\",\"As an attendant, I had a fierce rivalry with another attendant for our supervisor's attention.\"],[\"8\",\"The guildmaster, Niv-Mizzet, took note of one of my experiments!\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Non-Izzet Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"An Azorius inspector seems interested in my work.\"],[\"2\",\"I was ready to join the Boros before I decided on Izzet, and I sometimes still hear from the sergeant who tried to recruit me.\"],[\"3\",\"One of my former assistants turned out to be a Dimir spy. We're not on friendly terms anymore, but we have a habit of running into each other.\"],[\"4\",\"A Golgari assassin killed a bitter rival of mine, leaving me with conflicted feelings.\"],[\"5\",\"I helped a minor Gruul chieftain acquire an Izzet weapon.\"],[\"6\",\"Roll an additional Izzet contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.\"],[\"7\",\"An Orzhov banker financed my laboratory's current work and expects great returns.\"],[\"8\",\"I have a cousin in the Cult of Rakdos, and we get along quite well.\"],[\"9\",\"A former attendant from the same laboratory ran off to join the Selesnya, and we get into a big argument every time we run into each other.\"],[\"10\",\"I compare notes and techniques with a Simic scientist over lunch sometimes.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"How Do I Fit In?\",\"entries\":[\"Whatever your role in the Izzet League, you are expected to contribute to its research in some way. That contribution might involve participating in tests, whether as an assistant, a researcher, or a subject. You might be one of the soldiers who protects a laboratory, or a laborer responsible for lifting heavy pieces of equipment into place. Everyone's contribution matters, even if the Izzet know that some matter more than others.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"arcana\":true,\"investigation\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"draconic\",\"goblin\",\"other\"]}}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Izzet insignia\"},{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"},{\"special\":\"the charred and twisted remains of a failed experiment\"},\"hammer|phb\",\"block and tackle|phb\",\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Knight of the Order\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":151,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Persuasion}, plus one from among {@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}, {@skill Nature}, and {@skill Religion}, as appropriate for your order\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"Your choice of a {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} or a {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any one of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"One set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, a signet, banner, or seal representing your place or rank in the order, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Knightly Regard\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You receive shelter and succor from members of your knightly order and those who are sympathetic to its aims. If your order is a religious one, you can gain aid from temples and other religious communities of your deity. Knights of civic orders can get help from the community—whether a lone settlement or a great nation—that they serve, and knights of philosophical orders can find help from those they have aided in pursuit of their ideals, and those who share their ideals.\",\"This help comes in the form of shelter and meals, and healing when appropriate, as well as occasionally risky assistance, such as a band of local citizens rallying to aid a sorely pressed knight, or those who support the order helping to smuggle a knight out of town when he or she is being hunted unjustly.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background soldier} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a knight of your order.\",\"Your bond almost always involves the order to which you belong (or at least key members of it), and it is highly unusual for a knight's ideal not to reflect the agenda, sentiment, or philosophy of one's order.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"persuasion\":true,\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"arcana\",\"history\",\"nature\",\"religion\"]}}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"musical instrument\",\"gaming set\"]}}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"special\":\"signet, banner, or seal representing your place or rank in the order\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Luxonborn (Acolyte)\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":203,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Acolyte\",\"source\":\"PHB\"},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Marine\",\"source\":\"GoS\",\"page\":31,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@filter Vehicles (water, land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land);vehicle (water)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item dagger|phb} that belonged to a fallen comrade, a folded flag emblazoned with the symbol of your ship or company, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Steady\",\"entries\":[\"You can move twice the normal amount of time (up to 16 hours) each day before being subject to the effect of a forced march (see \\\"Travel Pace\\\" in chapter 8 of the Player's Handbook). Additionally, you can automatically find a safe route to land a boat on shore, provided such a route exists.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Hardship Endured\",\"entries\":[\"Hardship in your past has forged you into an unstoppable living weapon. This hardship is essential to you and is at the heart of a personal philosophy or ethos that often guides your actions. You can roll on the following table to determine this hardship or choose one that best fits your character.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Hardship\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Nearly Drowned. You hid underwater to avoid detection by enemies and held your breath for an extremely long time. Just before you would have died, you had a revelation about your existence.\"],[\"2\",\"Captured. You spent months enduring thirst, starvation, and torture at the hands of your enemy, but you never broke.\"],[\"3\",\"Sacrifice. You enabled the escape of your fellow soldiers, but at great cost to yourself. Some of your past comrades may think you're dead.\"],[\"4\",\"Juggernaut. No reasonable explanation can explain how you survived a particular battle. Every arrow and bolt missed you. You slew scores of enemies single-handedly and led your comrades to victory.\"],[\"5\",\"Stowaway. For days, you hid in the bilge of an enemy ship, surviving on brackish water and foolhardy rats. At the right moment, you crept up to the deck and took over the ship on your own.\"],[\"6\",\"Leave None Behind. You carried an injured marine for miles to avoid capture and death.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Marines are looked up to by other soldiers and respected by their superiors. They are veteran warriors who rarely lose composure on the battlefield. Marines who leave the service tend to work as mercenaries, but their combat experience also makes them excellent adventurers. Though they are self-reliant, marines tend to operate best in groups, valuing camaraderie and the companionship of like-minded individuals.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Marine Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I speak rarely but mean every word I say.\"],[\"2\",\"I laugh loudly and see the humor in stressful situations.\"],[\"3\",\"I prefer to solve problems without violence, but I finish fights decisively.\"],[\"4\",\"I enjoy being out in nature; poor weather never sours my mood.\"],[\"5\",\"I am dependable.\"],[\"6\",\"I am always working on some project or other.\"],[\"7\",\"I become cantankerous and quiet in the rain.\"],[\"8\",\"When the sea is within my sight, my mood is jovial and optimistic.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Marine Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Teamwork.} Success depends on cooperation and communication. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Code.} The marines' code provides a solution for every problem, and following it is imperative. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Embracing.} Life is messy. Throwing yourself into the worst of it is necessary to get the job done. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Might.} The strong train so that they might rule those who are weak. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Bravery.} To act when others quake in fear—this is the essence of the warrior. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Perseverance.} No injury or obstacle can turn me from my goal. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Marine Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I face danger and evil to offset an unredeemable act in my past.\"],[\"2\",\"I. Will. Finish. The. Job.\"],[\"3\",\"I must set an example of hope for those who have given up.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm searching for a fellow marine captured by an elusive enemy.\"],[\"5\",\"Fear leads to tyranny, and both must be eradicated.\"],[\"6\",\"My commander betrayed my unit, and I will have revenge.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Marine Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I grow combative and unpredictable when I drink.\"],[\"2\",\"I find civilian life difficult and struggle to say the right thing in social situations.\"],[\"3\",\"My intensity can drive others away.\"],[\"4\",\"I hold grudges and have difficulty forgiving others.\"],[\"5\",\"I become irrational when innocent people are hurt.\"],[\"6\",\"I sometimes stay up all night listening to the ghosts of my fallen enemies.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"vehicles (water)\":true,\"vehicles (land)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"dagger|phb\",\"displayName\":\"dagger that belonged to a fallen comrade\"},{\"special\":\"folded flag emblazoned with the symbol of your ship or company\"},\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Mercenary Veteran\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":152,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}, {@filter vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A uniform of your company ({@item traveler's clothes|phb} in quality), an insignia of your rank, a {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} of your choice, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing the remainder of your last wages (10 gp).\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Mercenary Life\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You know the mercenary life as only someone who has experienced it can. You are able to identify mercenary companies by their emblems, and you know a little about any such company, including who has hired them recently. You can find the taverns and festhalls where mercenaries abide in any area, as long as you speak the language. You can find mercenary work between adventures sufficient to maintain a comfortable lifestyle (see \\\"{@book Practicing a Profession|PHB|8|Practicing a Profession}\\\" under \\\"Downtime Activities\\\" in chapter 8 of the Player's Handbook).\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background soldier} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a mercenary.\",\"Your bond could be associated with the company you traveled with previously, or with some of the comrades you served with. The ideal you embrace largely depends on your worldview and your motivation for fighting.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"gaming set\":true,\"vehicles (land)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"traveler's clothes|phb\",\"displayName\":\"uniform of your company\"},{\"special\":\"insignia of your rank\"},{\"equipmentType\":\"setGaming\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Mulmaster Aristocrat\",\"source\":\"ALElementalEvil\",\"page\":5,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Performance}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of artistic {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} and one {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"One set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} or {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}, a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and a purse containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Wealthy\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"From your hilltop home, you have looked down (literally and perhaps figuratively) on the unwashed masses of Mulmaster for your entire life. Your fur-trimmed robes and training in the visual and performing arts mark you as wealthy and perhaps well-born; you are a member of the City of Danger's aristocracy. None of your immediate family members sits on the Council of Blades or is even a Zor or Zora...yet. Nevertheless, you are one of Mulmaster's elite, and whether you personally covet a higher standing or not, you are at home in the dance halls where the aristocracy gathers to plot, to scheme, to do business, to discuss the arts, and, above all, to see, and to be seen.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Highborn\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Mulmaster is run by and for its aristocracy. Every other class of citizen in the city defers to you, and even the priesthood, Soldiery, Hawks, and Cloaks treat you with deference. Other aristocrats and nobles accept you in their circles and likely know you or of you. Your connections can get you the ear of a Zor or Zora under the right circumstances. Note: This feature is a variant of the Noble feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My ambitions are boundless. I will be a Zor or Zora one day!\"],[\"2\",\"I must always look my best.\"],[\"3\",\"Beauty is everywhere. I can find it in even the homeliest person and the most horrible tragedy.\"],[\"4\",\"Decorum must be preserved at all costs.\"],[\"5\",\"I will not admit I am wrong if I can avoid it.\"],[\"6\",\"I am extremely well-educated and frequently remind others of that fact.\"],[\"7\",\"I take what I can today, because I do not know what tomorrow holds.\"],[\"8\",\"My life is full of dance, song, drink, and love.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Generous. I have a responsibility to help and protect the less fortunate. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Loyal. My word, once given, is my bond. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Callous. I am unconcerned with any negative effects my actions may have on the lives and fortunes of others. (Evil)\"],[\"4\",\"Impulsive. I follow my heart. (Chaotic)\"],[\"5\",\"Ignorant. Explanations bore me. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Isolationist. I am concerned with the fortunes of my friends and family. Others must see to themselves. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have dedicated my wealth and my talents to the service of one of the city's many temples.\"],[\"2\",\"My family and I are loyal supporters of High Blade Jaseen Drakehorn. Our fortunes are inexorably tied to hers. I would do anything to support her.\"],[\"3\",\"Like many families who were close to High Blade Selfaril Uoumdolphin, mine has suffered greatly since his fall. We honor his memory in secret.\"],[\"4\",\"My family plotted with Rassendyll Uoumdolphin brother usurped brother as High Blade. Betrayal is the quickest route to power.\"],[\"5\",\"Wealth and power are nothing. Fulfillment can only be found in artistic expression.\"],[\"6\",\"It's not how you feel, who you know, or what you can do - it's how you look, and I look fabulous.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have difficulty caring about anyone or anything other than myself.\"],[\"2\",\"Having grown up with wealth, I am careless with my finances. I overspend and am overly generous.\"],[\"3\",\"The ends (my advancement) justify any means.\"],[\"4\",\"I must have what I want and will brook no delay.\"],[\"5\",\"My family has lost everything. I must keep up appearances, lest we become a laughingstock.\"],[\"6\",\"I have no artistic sense. I hide that fact behind extreme opinions and have become a trendsetter. \"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"performance\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true,\"musical instrument\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"a\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"}],\"b\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"instrumentMusical\"}]},{\"_\":[\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"special\":\"purse\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Myriad Operative (Criminal)\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":203,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Criminal\",\"source\":\"PHB\"},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Noble\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":135,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill History}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, a {@item signet ring|phb}, a scroll of pedigree, and a purse containing 25 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Position of Privilege\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Thanks to your noble birth, people are inclined to think the best of you. You are welcome in high society, and people assume you have the right to be wherever you are. The common folk make every effort to accommodate you and avoid your displeasure, and other people of high birth treat you as a member of the same social sphere. You can secure an audience with a local noble if you need to.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Nobles are born and raised to a very different lifestyle than most people ever experience, and their personalities reflect that upbringing. A noble title comes with a plethora of bonds—responsibilities to family, to other nobles (including the sovereign), to the people entrusted to the family's care, or even to the title itself. But this responsibility is often a good way to undermine a noble.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My eloquent flattery makes everyone I talk to feel like the most wonderful and important person in the world.\"],[\"2\",\"The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity.\"],[\"3\",\"No one could doubt by looking at my regal bearing that I am a cut above the unwashed masses.\"],[\"4\",\"I take great pains to always look my best and follow the latest fashions.\"],[\"5\",\"I don't like to get my hands dirty, and I won't be caught dead in unsuitable accommodations.\"],[\"6\",\"Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood.\"],[\"7\",\"My favor, once lost, is lost forever.\"],[\"8\",\"If you do me an injury, I will crush you, ruin your name, and salt your fields.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Respect. Respect is due to me because of my position, but all people regardless of station deserve to be treated with dignity. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Responsibility. It is my duty to respect the authority of those above me, just as those below me must respect mine. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Independence. I must prove that I can handle myself without coddling from my family. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Power. If I can attain more power, no one will tell me what to do. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"Family. Blood runs thicker than water. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"Noble Obligation. It is my duty to protect and care for the people beneath me. (Good)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I will face any challenge to win the approval of my family.\"],[\"2\",\"My house's alliance with another noble family must be sustained at all costs.\"],[\"3\",\"Nothing is more important than the other members of my family.\"],[\"4\",\"I am in love with the heir of a family that my family despises.\"],[\"5\",\"My loyalty to my sovereign is unwavering.\"],[\"6\",\"The common folk must see me as a hero of the people.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I secretly believe that everyone is beneath me.\"],[\"2\",\"I hide a truly scandalous secret that could ruin my family forever.\"],[\"3\",\"I too often hear veiled insults and threats in every word addressed to me, and I'm quick to anger.\"],[\"4\",\"I have an insatiable desire for carnal pleasures.\"],[\"5\",\"In fact, the world does revolve around me.\"],[\"6\",\"By my words and actions, I often bring shame to my family.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"history\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"gaming set\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"fine clothes|phb\",\"signet ring|phb\",{\"special\":\"scroll of pedigree\"},{\"special\":\"purse\",\"containsValue\":2500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Orzhov Representative\",\"source\":\"GGR\",\"page\":72,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Intimidation}, {@skill Religion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"An Orzhov insignia, a foot-long chain made of ten gold coins, vestments, a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 1 pp (an Orzhov-minted 10-zino coin)\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Leverage\",\"entries\":[\"You can exert leverage over one or more individuals below you in the guild's hierarchy and demand their help as needs warrant. For example, you can have a message carried across a neighborhood, procure a short carriage ride without paying, or have others clean up a bloody mess you left in an alley. The DM decides if your demands are reasonable and if there are subordinates available to fulfill them. As your status in the guild improves, you gain influence over more people, including ones in greater positions of power.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Orzhov Guild Spells\",\"entries\":[\"{@i Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature}\",\"For you, the spells on the Orzhov Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Orzhov Guild Spells\",\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"colLabels\":[\"Spell Level\",\"Spells\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cantrip\",\"{@spell friends}, {@spell guidance}\"],[\"1st\",\"{@spell command}, {@spell illusory script}\"],[\"2nd\",\"{@spell enthrall}, {@spell ray of enfeeblement}, {@spell zone of truth}\"],[\"3rd\",\"{@spell bestow curse}, {@spell speak with dead}, {@spell spirit guardians}\"],[\"4th\",\"{@spell blight}, {@spell death ward}, {@spell Leomund's secret chest}\"],[\"5th\",\"{@spell geas}\"]]},\"Your magic tends to manifest as swirling shadows, brilliant light, or sometimes the momentary appearance of shadowy spirit forms. Your spells might draw the blood of your enemies, or even directly touch their souls.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Members of the Orzhov Syndicate range from the decadent nobility at the top of the oligarchy to the debt-ridden wretches at the bottom. You fall somewhere between those extremes, so you might behave with the arrogance of the very rich or the humility of the impoverished.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am always willing to act in accordance with the financial incentive offered.\"],[\"2\",\"Debts are never meant to be forgiven.\"],[\"3\",\"I am accustomed to enjoying the finest pleasures money can buy.\"],[\"4\",\"No one could doubt that I am a cut above the masses of pitiful peasants that infest the city.\"],[\"5\",\"I can't stand to spend a zib more than necessary to purchase what I need.\"],[\"6\",\"I hate it when people try to make light of a serious situation.\"],[\"7\",\"I want to make sure everyone is aware of how wealthy, powerful, and important I am.\"],[\"8\",\"I can't think of anything to look forward to.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Guild}. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Wealth}. I will do whatever it takes to become as rich as the oligarchs. (Evil)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Power}. One day, I will be the one giving orders. (Evil)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Prestige}. I want to be admired, respected, feared, or even hated for my position and wealth. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Stability}. The economy functions best when chaos is kept under control and everyone knows their place. (Lawful)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Eternity}. I want to live forever—in the flesh as long as possible, and as a spirit afterward. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The unbearable weight of my debt has driven me to desperation.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm duty-bound to obey the dictates of an ancestor on the Ghost Council.\"],[\"3\",\"I value my worldly goods more highly than my mortal life.\"],[\"4\",\"An oligarch publicly humiliated me, and I will exact revenge on that whole family.\"],[\"5\",\"My faith in the Obzedat never wavers.\"],[\"6\",\"I want to prove myself more worthy than an older sibling and thereby ensure that I inherit a greater share of my parents' wealth.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I hold a scandalous secret that could ruin my family forever—but could also earn me the favor of the Ghost Council.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm convinced that everyone I know is plotting against me.\"],[\"3\",\"I'll brave any risk if the monetary reward is great enough.\"],[\"4\",\"I am convinced that I am far more important than anyone else is willing to acknowledge.\"],[\"5\",\"I have little respect for anyone who isn't wealthy.\"],[\"6\",\"I'll take any opportunity to steal from wealthier people, even for worthless trinkets.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Contacts\",\"entries\":[\"The Orzhov Syndicate operates according to a strict hierarchy built on a network of connections among old, wealthy families. Your family might provide important contacts, while your family's activities in crime, banking, or debt collection could tie you to members of other guilds.\",\"Roll twice on the Orzhov Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Orzhov Contacts table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Orzhov Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The spirit of an ancestor has taken an interest in me.\"],[\"2\",\"An older cousin has the ear of a powerful oligarch.\"],[\"3\",\"I know a knight who is responsible for collecting debts from powerful people.\"],[\"4\",\"A vampire pontiff tried to use me as a pawn in past schemes.\"],[\"5\",\"A silent spirit follows me around.\"],[\"6\",\"A sibling has keys to parts of Vizkopa Bank.\"],[\"7\",\"A giant thinks I'm adorable.\"],[\"8\",\"I regularly offer tribute to an angel, and the angel has been kind to me in turn.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Non-Orzhov Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"An Azorius arrester is always snooping into my family's business transactions.\"],[\"2\",\"A Boros paladin saved my life, to my everlasting shame.\"],[\"3\",\"I know a shopkeeper who is secretly a Dimir agent and tries to make sure that I keep that secret hidden.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm fascinated by the culture of the Golgari kraul, and I have formed a friendship with one of their death priests.\"],[\"5\",\"A Gruul druid hates me but would never dare to touch me.\"],[\"6\",\"I know an Izzet engineer who is desperate to pay off a debt accrued by a deceased relative.\"],[\"7\",\"Roll an additional Orzhov contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.\"],[\"8\",\"My childhood friend is now a Rakdos torturer. We still meet for drinks occasionally.\"],[\"9\",\"I have the key to a vault where a Selesnya druid is hiding an item of secret shame.\"],[\"10\",\"I was married to a Simic bioengineer.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"How Do I Fit In?\",\"entries\":[\"The structure of the Orzhov Syndicate means that you are always doing the bidding of someone higher up the ladder than you are. Ultimately, your role in the guild is defined by whatever the people (and spirits) above you decide for you.\",\"For most of your career, you can expect to engage in some aspect of the day-to-day criminal operations of the guild. That can mean throwing your weight around to enforce the will of the guild or using religious authority to extort offerings from the people. But it can also mean doing various errands for your superiors, from bearing messages to carrying out assassinations.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"intimidation\":true,\"religion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Orzhov insignia\"},{\"special\":\"foot-long chain made of ten gold coins\"},{\"special\":\"vestments\"},\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Outlander\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":136,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item staff|phb}, a {@item hunting trap|phb}, a trophy from an animal you killed, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Wanderer\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and you can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around you. In addition, you can find food and fresh water for yourself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Specialty\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You've been to strange places and seen things that others cannot begin to fathom. Consider some of the distant lands you have visited, and how they impacted you. You can roll on the following table to determine your occupation during your time in the wild, or choose one that best fits your character.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Origin\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Forester\"],[\"2\",\"Trapper\"],[\"3\",\"Homesteader\"],[\"4\",\"Guide\"],[\"5\",\"Exile or outcast\"],[\"6\",\"Bounty hunter\"],[\"7\",\"Pilgrim\"],[\"8\",\"Tribal nomad\"],[\"9\",\"Hunter-gatherer\"],[\"10\",\"Tribal marauder\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Often considered rude and uncouth among civilized folk, outlanders have little respect for the niceties of life in the cities. The ties of tribe, clan, family, and the natural world of which they are a part are the most important bonds to most outlanders.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\" I'm driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home.\"],[\"2\",\"I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups.\"],[\"3\",\"I once ran twenty-five miles without stopping to warn to my clan of an approaching orc horde. I'd do it again if I had to.\"],[\"4\",\"I have a lesson for every situation, drawn from observing nature.\"],[\"5\",\"I place no stock in wealthy or well-mannered folk. Money and manners won't save you from a hungry owlbear.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and sometimes accidentally breaking them.\"],[\"7\",\"I feel far more comfortable around animals than people.\"],[\"8\",\"I was, in fact, raised by wolves.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Change. Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it. (Chaotic)\"],[\"2\",\"Greater Good. It is each person's responsibility to make the most happiness for the whole tribe. (Good)\"],[\"3\",\"Honor. If I dishonor myself, I dishonor my whole clan. (Lawful)\"],[\"4\",\"Might. The strongest are meant to rule. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"Nature. The natural world is more important than all the constructs of civilization. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Glory. I must earn glory in battle, for myself and my clan. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My family, clan, or tribe is the most important thing in my life, even when they are far from me.\"],[\"2\",\"An injury to the unspoiled wilderness of my home is an injury to me.\"],[\"3\",\"I will bring terrible wrath down on the evildoers who destroyed my homeland.\"],[\"4\",\"I am the last of my tribe, and it is up to me to ensure their names enter legend.\"],[\"5\",\"I suffer awful visions of a coming disaster and will do anything to prevent it.\"],[\"6\",\"It is my duty to provide children to sustain my tribe.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am too enamored of ale, wine, and other intoxicants.\"],[\"2\",\"There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.\"],[\"3\",\"I remember every insult I've received and nurse a silent resentment toward anyone who's ever wronged me.\"],[\"4\",\"I am slow to trust members of other races, tribes, and societies.\"],[\"5\",\" Violence is my answer to almost any challenge.\"],[\"6\",\" Don't expect me to save those who can't save themselves. It is nature's way that the strong thrive and the weak perish.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"musical instrument\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"staff|phb\",\"hunting trap|phb\",{\"special\":\"trophy from an animal you killed\"},\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Phlan Insurgent\",\"source\":\"ALCurseOfStrahd\",\"page\":6,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Stealth}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}, {@filter vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A bag of {@item caltrops (bag of 20)|phb}, a small {@item trinket|phb} that connects you to the life you once had before the occupation of Phlan, a {@item healer's kit|phb}, a set of dark {@item common clothes|phb} that includes a cloak and hood, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Poor\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"The taking of Phlan by Vorgansharax is a clear memory in your mind. You were going about your everyday business when the green dragon's forces spilled out of the sewers and assailed your home. Many of Phlan's citizens, young and old alike, were captured, killed, or offered as tribute to the Maimed Virulence. You, yourself were one of those captured. But, either with the help of adventurers or through your own wits and sheer determination, you escaped.\",\"Rather than flee the region, you've chosen to stay and fight. Finding refuge outside the town and the deadly thicket surrounding it, you strike out against the Tears of the Virulence and their monstrous allies. You've learned to survive in dire and desperate circumstances, with supplies running low and the arrival of reinforcements uncertain. You've grown accustomed to acting under the cover of night, dealing what blows you can to avenge the friends and family you lost within the currently occupied Phlan. You will drive Vorgansharax out, or you die trying.\"]},{\"name\":\"Origin\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Removed from your life as a townsperson, you've adapted to rough life in the wilds surrounding Phlan. The trade you practiced still influences your outlook, the manner in which you approach situations, and the way you contribute to the resistance movement against the Maimed Virulence. You can roll on the following table to determine what your occupation was before the fall, or choose one that best fits your character (select from either the general column or the specific column, but not both).\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Origin (General)\",\"Origin (Specific)\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-4\",\"col-7\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Fisher\",\"Stojanow River Worker\"],[\"2\",\"Hunter\",\"Twilight Marsh Worker\"],[\"3\",\"Craftsperson\",\"Mantor's Library Scribe\"],[\"4\",\"Priest/Priestess\",\"Clergy of Ilmater\"],[\"5\",\"Cook\",\"Laughing Goblin Server\"],[\"6\",\"City Watch\",\"Black Fist Guard\"],[\"7\",\"Servant\",\"House Sokol Retainer\"],[\"8\",\"Unskilled Laborer\",\"Bay of Phlan Dockworker\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Guerrilla\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You've come to know the surrounding forests, streams, caves, and other natural features in which you can take refuge--or set up ambushes. You can quickly survey your environment for advantageous features. Additionally, you can scavenge around your natural surroundings to cobble together simple supplies (such as improvised torches, rope, patches of fabric, etc.) that are consumed after use. Note: This feature is a variant of the Outlander feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have given up the life you knew as a citizen of Phlan. However, the Maimed Virulence's invasion resonates deep inside you. Perhaps you have a few friends or family members who were able to escape with you. Or, perhaps, everyone you held dear either perished or went missing during the fall. You may know of someone who is, against all odds, surviving within the thicket and you long to liberate them from a life of peril within the town.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My patience knows no bounds, so long as my goal is in sight.\"],[\"2\",\"In life and in struggle, the ends justify my actions.\"],[\"3\",\"If you aren't helping me, you'd best at least stay out of my way.\"],[\"4\",\"I long for the life that was taken away from me.\"],[\"5\",\"Friends and family perished, tragically, before my eyes. I hope never to undergo that again.\"],[\"6\",\"Making the right choices in life are important to me. The choices I make might save not just my life, but the lives of others as well.\"],[\"7\",\"I can never allow my foes to get the drop on me.\"],[\"8\",\"Time is a precious resource that I must spend wisely.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Leadership. The oppressed need someone to inspire them to courageous acts. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Unpredictability. Keeping the enemy guessing and off-balance is my tactical strength. (Chaos)\"],[\"3\",\"Determination. Threats to my home must be eliminated at all costs. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Freedom. Those who are enslaved and unjustly imprisoned deserve my aid. (Good)\"],[\"5\",\"Resourcefulness. Our wits are our most valuable resource in troubled times. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"Unity. Working together, we can overcome all obstacles, even the most seemingly insurmountable ones. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'll never let my fellow insurgents down. They are my only remaining friends.\"],[\"2\",\"I was separated from a loved one during my escape from town. I will find them.\"],[\"3\",\"One of the Tears of the Virulence was a trusted friend, until the day they betrayed the city. They will pay harshly for their transgressions.\"],[\"4\",\"An item I hold close is my last remaining connection to the family I lost during the fall.\"],[\"5\",\"The dragon who took my past life away from me will feel the full extent of my vengeance.\"],[\"6\",\"The knowledge in Mantor's Library is an irreplaceable treasure that must be protected.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have no respect for those who flee. I harbor a deep grudge against the citizens who abandoned Phlan.\"],[\"2\",\"Ale is the only way I can escape the desperation of my circumstances.\"],[\"3\",\"It doesn't take much to get me into a fight.\"],[\"4\",\"Being an insurgent means doing things that aren't always ethical. I'm still learning to live with that.\"],[\"5\",\"My desire to liberate Phlan oftentimes clouds my judgment, despite my best efforts.\"],[\"6\",\"I relentlessly despise the Maimed Virulence and his allies. I'd abandon other goals in order to strike out at them.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"stealth\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true,\"vehicles (land)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"caltrops (bag of 20)|phb\",\"displayName\":\"bag of caltrops (bag of 20)\"},{\"item\":\"trinket|phb\",\"displayName\":\"small trinket that connects you to the life you once had before the occupation of Phlan\"},\"healer's kit|phb\",{\"item\":\"common clothes|phb\",\"displayName\":\"dark common clothes that includes a cloak and hood\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Phlan Refugee\",\"source\":\"ALElementalEvil\",\"page\":6,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight}, {@skill Athletics}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} (one of your choice), a token of the life you once knew, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Modest\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Gone are the happier days of walking into the Laughing Goblin Inn after a hard day's labor. Everything has changed, and you are lucky to be alive. Back in Phlan you could count yourself among those street-wise folks who knew when to pay a bribe and who to work with to make a living. Your ability to listen to the winds of change have saved you before, and this time they allowed you to be one of the lucky few who escaped Phlan with something more than just the shirt on your back.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Phlan Survivor\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Whatever your prior standing was, you are now one of the many refugees that have come to Mulmaster. You are able to find refuge with others from Phlan and those who sympathize with your plight. Within Mulmaster this means that you can find a place to bed down, recover, and hide from the watch with either other refugees from Phlan, or the Zhents within the ghettos. Note: This feature is a variant of the Folk Hero feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I may have lost everything I worked for most of my life, but there's work to be done, no time to linger on the past.\"],[\"2\",\"I worked hard to get where I am and I refuse to let a little hardship stop me from succeeding.\"],[\"3\",\"I protect those around me, you never know when one of them will be useful.\"],[\"4\",\"I have always gotten ahead by giving, why change now?\"],[\"5\",\"I prepare for everything, it paid off in Phlan and it will pay off again.\"],[\"6\",\"I will reclaim my home, though the path may be long, I will never give up hope.\"],[\"7\",\"I never cared for personal hygiene, and am amazed that It bothers others.\"],[\"8\",\"I am always willing to volunteer my services, just as long as don't have to do anything.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Justice. Corruption brought Phlan down, I will not tolerate that any longer. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Acceptance. Stability is a myth, to think you can control your future is futile. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Hope. I am guided by a higher power and I trust that everything will be right in the end. (Good)\"],[\"4\",\"Restraint. I hate those who caused my loss. It is all I can do not to lash out at them. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Strength. As shown in Phlan, the strong survive. If you are weak you deserve what you get (Evil)\"],[\"6\",\"Openness. I am always willing to share my life story with anyone who will listen. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have the chance at a new life and this time I am going to do things right.\"],[\"2\",\"The Lord Regent brought this suffering upon his people. I will see him brought to justice.\"],[\"3\",\"I await the day I will be able to return to my home in Phlan.\"],[\"4\",\"I will never forget the debt owed to Glevith of the Welcomers. I will be ready to repay that debt when called upon.\"],[\"5\",\"There was someone I cared about in Phlan, I will find out what happened to them.\"],[\"6\",\"Some say my life wasn't worth saving, I will prove them wrong.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I used the lives of children to facilitate my escape from Phlan.\"],[\"2\",\"I am a sucker for the underdog, and always bet on the loosing team.\"],[\"3\",\"I am incapable of standing up for myself.\"],[\"4\",\"I will borrow money from friends with no intention to repay it.\"],[\"5\",\"I am unable to keep secrets. A secret is just an untold story.\"],[\"6\",\"When something goes wrong, it's never my fault.\"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"athletics\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"},{\"special\":\"token of the life you once knew\"},\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Plaintiff\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":50,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Medicine}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any one of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"One set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}, {@item fine clothes|phb}, 20 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Legalese\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Your experience with your local legal system has given you a firm knowledge of the ins and outs of that system. Even when the law is not on your side, you can use complex terms like ex injuria jus non oritur and cogitationis poenam nemo patitur to frighten people into thinking you know what you're talking about. With common folks who don't know any better, you might be able to intimidate or deceive to get favors or special treatment.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Plaintiffs come in many varieties. Some are innocent bystanders who want only fair compensation for their injuries. Others are professional courtroom operatives, going to extreme lengths to appear wronged in pursuit of a large payout.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I can't believe I have a chance to join Acquisitions Incorporated! The fun I'm going to have!\"],[\"2\",\"I've been wronged my entire life, and the world owes me.\"],[\"3\",\"I have always tried to make the best of a bad situation.\"],[\"4\",\"The law doesn't protect the honest and the hard working. I'm going to do whatever needs to be done to make things right.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm always in the wrong place at the wrong time.\"],[\"6\",\"My superiors are smarter and wiser than I am. I do what I'm told.\"],[\"7\",\"Never pass up the opportunity to make an easy bit of coin. That's my motto.\"],[\"8\",\"I'm beginning to feel like the gods are not on my side.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Justice. Those who break the law need to answer for their crimes. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Freedom. People must have the freedom to do what they want and pursue their dreams. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Greed. Everyone I see is getting theirs, so I'm surely going to get mine. (Evil)\"],[\"4\",\"Chaos. You're out of order! And you're out of order! This whole realm is out of order! (Chaotic)\"],[\"5\",\"Humility. I'm just a small part of a larger whole. So is everyone else. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Responsibility. We all have our roles to play. I'll hold up my end of the bargain. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Others hurt in the same accident that hurt me are my new family. I'll make sure they're taken care of.\"],[\"2\",\"The rulers of this place were kind to me, and they have my lifelong devotion.\"],[\"3\",\"My parents worry about me, but I'll make them proud.\"],[\"4\",\"The only bond that matters is the one holding my money pouch to my belt.\"],[\"5\",\"The other new hires at Acquisitions Incorporated are my allies. We have each other's backs.\"],[\"6\",\"My legal counsel is my best friend. I owe all my forthcoming opportunities to their hard work.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The person who gains the most reward for the least effort wins.\"],[\"2\",\"Three magic beans for just one cow? What a deal!\"],[\"3\",\"I have only one vice, but it controls my life.\"],[\"4\",\"Sleep is for the weak. We need to keep training more if we're going to be ready for the challenges ahead.\"],[\"5\",\"Until my songs are sung in every tavern in this realm, I won't be satisfied.\"],[\"6\",\"If people find me unpleasant, that's their problem.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"medicine\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"},\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"value\":2000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Rakdos Cultist\",\"source\":\"GGR\",\"page\":79,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Performance}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Choose either Abyssal or Giant\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A Rakdos insignia, a {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument} (one of your choice), a {@item costume clothes|phb|costume}, a {@item hooded lantern|phb} made of wrought iron, a 10-foot length of chain with sharply spiked links, a {@item tinderbox|phb}, 10 {@item torch|phb|torches}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp (a mix of Azorius and Boros 1-zino coins), and a bottle of sweet, red juice\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"A Flair for the Dramatic\",\"entries\":[\"Rakdos performance styles typically fuse standard circus-style acrobatics with fire, wrought-iron spikes and hooks, and monsters. You can roll a {@dice d8} or choose from the options in the Performance Options table to determine your preferred style of performance.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Performance Options\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Type of Performer\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Spikewheel acrobat\"],[\"2\",\"Lampooning satirist\"],[\"3\",\"Fire juggler\"],[\"4\",\"Marionette puppeteer\"],[\"5\",\"Pain artist\"],[\"6\",\"Noise musician\"],[\"7\",\"Nightmare clown\"],[\"8\",\"Master of ceremonies\"]]}],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Fearsome Reputation\",\"entries\":[\"People recognize you as a member of the Cult of Rakdos, and they're careful not to draw your anger or ridicule. You can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a restaurant or breaking down a door at a local shop, if no legal authorities witness the crime. Most people are too daunted by you to report your wrongdoing to the Azorius.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Rakdos Guild Spells\",\"entries\":[\"{@i Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature}\",\"For you, the spells on the Rakdos Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Rakdos Guild Spells\",\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"colLabels\":[\"Spell Level\",\"Spells\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cantrip\",\"{@spell fire bolt}, {@spell vicious mockery}\"],[\"1st\",\"{@spell burning hands}, {@spell dissonant whispers}, {@spell hellish rebuke}\"],[\"2nd\",\"{@spell crown of madness}, {@spell enthrall}, {@spell flaming sphere}\"],[\"3rd\",\"{@spell fear}, {@spell haste}\"],[\"4th\",\"{@spell confusion}, {@spell wall of fire}\"],[\"5th\",\"{@spell dominate person}\"]]},\"Your magic often produces a flashy spectacle, wreathing you or your targets in a mixture of harmless flame and shadowy shapes. When you manipulate an opponent's mind, a flaming symbol of Rakdos might momentarily appear like a mask over the target's face.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Members of demonic cults aren't generally known as the kindest or most mentally stable individuals, so you're likely to have something in your nature that distinguishes you from the law-abiding citizens of Ravnica.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I revel in mayhem, the more destructive the better.\"],[\"2\",\"When violence breaks out, I lose myself in rage, and it's sometimes hard to stop.\"],[\"3\",\"Everything is funny to me, and the most hilarious and bloodiest things leave me cackling with sadistic glee.\"],[\"4\",\"I derive genuine pleasure from the pain of others.\"],[\"5\",\"I enjoy testing other people's patience.\"],[\"6\",\"I can't stand it when things are predictable, so I like to add a little chaos to every situation.\"],[\"7\",\"I throw my weight around to make sure I get my way.\"],[\"8\",\"I enjoy breaking delicate works of art. And fingers, which are sort of the same.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Guild}. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Hedonism}. Death comes for everyone, so take as much pleasure as you can from every moment of life. (Neutral)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Creativity}. I strive to find more ways to express my art through pain—my own as well as others'. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Freedom}. No one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Equality}. I want to see Ravnica remade, with no guilds and no hierarchies. (Chaotic)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Spectacle}. People are inspired by the greatness they see in art. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have belonged to the same performance troupe for years, and these people mean everything to me.\"],[\"2\",\"A blood witch told me I have a special destiny to fulfill, and I'm trying to figure out what it is.\"],[\"3\",\"I'm secretly hoping that I can change the cult from the inside, using my influence to help rein in the wanton violence.\"],[\"4\",\"I own something that Rakdos once touched (it's seared black at the spot), and I cherish it.\"],[\"5\",\"I want to be better at my chosen form of performance than any other member of my troupe.\"],[\"6\",\"I am devoted to Rakdos and live to impress him.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My family is prominent in another guild. I enjoy my wild life, but I don't want to embarrass them.\"],[\"2\",\"I couldn't hide my emotions and opinions even if I wanted to.\"],[\"3\",\"I throw caution to the wind.\"],[\"4\",\"I resent the rich and powerful.\"],[\"5\",\"When I'm angry, I lash out in violence.\"],[\"6\",\"There's no such thing as too much pleasure.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Contacts\",\"entries\":[\"The Cult of Rakdos is anything but organized. Individuals frequently move from one performance troupe to another. Almost all members of the cult know former castmates now in different troupes, which allows for the possibility of a widespread network of contacts.\",\"Roll twice on the Rakdos Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Rakdos Contacts table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Rakdos Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I was part of a two-person act until my former partner moved to a different troupe.\"],[\"2\",\"My sibling and I ran away from home and joined the Cult of Rakdos together. We're very close.\"],[\"3\",\"A childhood friend of mine is an attendant in Rix Maadi, the Rakdos guildhall.\"],[\"4\",\"My parents brought me into the guild and taught me my trade.\"],[\"5\",\"There's a lesser demon in the cult who thinks he owes me a favor, and who am I to argue?\"],[\"6\",\"The master of ceremonies in my troupe is well connected with other troupes.\"],[\"7\",\"I had a romance with a pain artist in another troupe.\"],[\"8\",\"Rakdos himself has witnessed me perform.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Non-Rakdos Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I know an Azorius elocutor who has a very amusing dark side.\"],[\"2\",\"A Boros captain really wants to \\\"redeem\\\" me.\"],[\"3\",\"I think a member of my troupe is a Dimir agent.\"],[\"4\",\"I once convinced a Golgari medusa to participate in a show. We've been on good terms ever since.\"],[\"5\",\"I came from the Gruul and still have relatives there.\"],[\"6\",\"An Izzet technician provides pyrotechnics for my performances.\"],[\"7\",\"An Orzhov oligarch has taken an interest in my career, like a patron of the arts.\"],[\"8\",\"Roll an additional Rakdos contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.\"],[\"9\",\"A Selesnya healer attends my performances regularly.\"],[\"10\",\"A Simic biomancer provides mutant monsters to add a taste of the bizarre to our shows.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"How Do I Fit In?\",\"entries\":[\"The Cult of Rakdos encourages independent action on the part of its members. Its goal is fomenting chaos, and it firmly believes in putting its own house in disorder before carrying that mission into the larger city. So your role is to execute your vision of grand satire and disruptive performance art, as you aspire to outdo your guild mates and attract the attention of Rakdos himself.\",\"You work as part of a troupe, with your artistic talents used in service to a ringmaster's vision. But your performance is your own, and no one expects you to follow a script. In fact, if you go through a performance without doing something you haven't done before, you're clearly not trying hard enough.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"acrobatics\":true,\"performance\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"abyssal\",\"giant\"]}}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"musical instrument\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Rakdos insignia\"},{\"equipmentType\":\"instrumentMusical\"},\"costume clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"hooded lantern|phb\",\"displayName\":\"hooded lantern made of wrought iron\"},{\"special\":\"10-foot length of chain with sharply spiked links\"},\"tinderbox|phb\",{\"item\":\"torch|phb\",\"quantity\":10},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000},{\"special\":\"bottle of sweet, red juice\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Revelry Pirate (Sailor)\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":203,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Sailor\",\"source\":\"PHB\"},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Rival Intern\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":51,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill History}, {@skill Investigation}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any one of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"One set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}, a ledger from your previous employer containing a small piece of useful information, a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Inside Informant\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have connections to your previous employer or other groups you dealt with during your previous employment. You can communicate with your contacts, gaining information at the DM's discretion.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"If you were happy with your previous internship, the parting of ways might have been amicable. If not, it might have involved armed guards removing you from the premises. If you were passed over at your previous position, it might have left you a blend of seething rage, practiced nonchalance, and keen knowledge of where the bodies are buried (perhaps literally).\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My previous employer didn't respect me, and now I'll do whatever I can to gain respect.\"],[\"2\",\"The job is important, but the relationships I forge with my coworkers are even more so.\"],[\"3\",\"The job is everything to me. Who needs relaxation, hobbies, and a social life?\"],[\"4\",\"I know I'm not the best and brightest, but if I put my best self forward, I can overcome anything.\"],[\"5\",\"My former boss was an idiot. So was my boss before that. And before that. I'm sure those were all coincidences.\"],[\"6\",\"This company is so much better than my previous one. It will always be the best until they stop paying me.\"],[\"7\",\"I know this dagger belongs to the company, but I'm sure they won't miss it. Or this flask. Or this armor.\"],[\"8\",\"It's only a matter of time before I'll be upper management. I just have to kiss up to my superiors and kick down those beneath me.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Advancement. Money and power can be gained more easily within an organization. I plan to gain as much as possible. (Evil)\"],[\"2\",\"Structure. Life goes much more smoothly when you follow the rules and work within a system. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Uncertainty. The more chaos that swirls around me, the more opportunities I can find to profit. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Justice. I can't stand people being treated unjustly. I do whatever it takes to stop injustice and those who flout the law. (Lawful)\"],[\"5\",\"Pleasure. What's the use of working hard and making money if you can't enjoy the finer things in life? (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"Power. Money is fine, but real power means never having to say you're sorry. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have a family member in need. I consider them in everything I do.\"],[\"2\",\"My peers keep me grounded.\"],[\"3\",\"My past mistakes cost someone else dearly. I have to rectify that.\"],[\"4\",\"A childhood mentor put me on my current path. If I succeed, I want to repay that mentor in some way.\"],[\"5\",\"I value an oath of loyalty I took to a group of friends over everything else in my life.\"],[\"6\",\"Although I don't get along well with people, my pet means the world to me.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I know what's best. Trust me.\"],[\"2\",\"Flaw? I have no flaws. I'm perfect.\"],[\"3\",\"My loyalties are... fluid.\"],[\"4\",\"If anything goes wrong, it must be someone else's fault. Let me explain that in detail.\"],[\"5\",\"There's right and there's wrong, and there's no gray area in between.\"],[\"6\",\"Our superiors might not like what you're doing. I'm going to have to put that in my report.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"history\":true,\"investigation\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"},{\"special\":\"ledger from your previous employer containing a small piece of useful information\"},\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Sage\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":137,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Arcana}, {@skill History}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item Ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb|bottle of black ink}, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Researcher\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature. Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an almost inaccessible place, or that it simply cannot be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Specialty\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"To determine the nature of your scholarly training, roll a d8 or choose from the options in the table below.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Field of Study\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Alchemist\"],[\"2\",\"Astronomer\"],[\"3\",\"Discredited academic\"],[\"4\",\"Librarian\"],[\"5\",\"Professor\"],[\"6\",\"Researcher\"],[\"7\",\"Wizard's apprentice\"],[\"8\",\"Scribe\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Sages are defined by their extensive studies, and their characteristics reflect this life of study. Devoted to scholarly pursuits, a sage values knowledge highly—sometimes in its own right, sometimes as a means toward other ideals.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I use polysyllabic words that convey the impression of great erudition.\"],[\"2\",\"I've read every book in the world's greatest libraries—or I like to boast that I have.\"],[\"3\",\"I'm used to helping out those who aren't as smart as I am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to others.\"],[\"4\",\"There's nothing I like more than a good mystery.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm willing to listen to every side of an argument before I make my own judgment.\"],[\"6\",\"I... speak... slowly... when talking... to idiots,... which... almost... everyone... is... compared... to me.\"],[\"7\",\"I am horribly, horribly awkward in social situations.\"],[\"8\",\"I'm convinced that people are always trying to steal my secrets.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. (Neutral)\"],[\"2\",\"Beauty. What is beautiful points us beyond itself toward what is true. (Good)\"],[\"3\",\"Logic. Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking. (Lawful)\"],[\"4\",\"No Limits. Nothing should fetter the infinite possibility inherent in all existence. (Chaotic)\"],[\"5\",\"Power. Knowledge is the path to power and domination. (Evil)\"],[\"6\",\"Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"It is my duty to protect my students.\"],[\"2\",\"I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not fall into the wrong hands.\"],[\"3\",\"I work to preserve a library, university, scriptorium, or monastery.\"],[\"4\",\"My life's work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore.\"],[\"5\",\"I've been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question.\"],[\"6\",\"I sold my soul for knowledge. I hope to do great deeds and win it back.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am easily distracted by the promise of information.\"],[\"2\",\"Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy.\"],[\"3\",\"Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the price of a civilization.\"],[\"4\",\"I overlook obvious solutions in favor of complicated ones.\"],[\"5\",\"I speak without really thinking through my words, invariably insulting others.\"],[\"6\",\"I can't keep a secret to save my life, or anyone else's.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"arcana\":true,\"history\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb\",{\"special\":\"quill\"},{\"special\":\"small knife\"},{\"special\":\"letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Sailor\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":139,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Perception}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Navigator's tools|phb}, {@filter vehicles (water)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (water)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A belaying pin ({@item club|phb}), {@item silk rope (50 feet)|phb}, a lucky charm such as a rabbit foot or a small stone with a hole in the center (or you may roll for a random {@item trinket|phb} on the Trinkets table in chapter 5), a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Ship's Passage\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"When you need to, you can secure free passage on a sailing ship for yourself and your adventuring companions. You might sail on the ship you served on, or another ship you have good relations with (perhaps one captained by a former crewmate). Because you're calling in a favor, you can't be certain of a schedule or route that will meet your every need. Your Dungeon Master will determine how long it takes to get where you need to go. In return for your free passage, you and your companions are expected to assist the crew during the voyage.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Sailors can be a rough lot, but the responsibilities of life on a ship make them generally reliable as well. Life aboard a ship shapes their outlook and forms their most important attachments.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My friends know they can rely on me, no matter what.\"],[\"2\",\"I work hard so that I can play hard when the work is done.\"],[\"3\",\"I enjoy sailing into new ports and making new friends over a flagon of ale.\"],[\"4\",\"I stretch the truth for the sake of a good story.\"],[\"5\",\"To me, a tavern brawl is a nice way to get to know a new city.\"],[\"6\",\"I never pass up a friendly wager.\"],[\"7\",\"My language is as foul as an otyugh nest.\"],[\"8\",\"I like a job well done, especially if I can convince someone else to do it.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Respect. The thing that keeps a ship together is mutual respect between captain and crew. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Fairness. We all do the work, so we all share in the rewards. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Freedom. The sea is freedom—the freedom to go anywhere and do anything. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Mastery. I'm a predator, and the other ships on the sea are my prey. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"People. I'm committed to my crewmates, not to ideals. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Aspiration. Someday, I'll own my own ship and chart my own destiny. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'm loyal to my captain first, everything else second.\"],[\"2\",\"The ship is most important—crewmates and captains come and go.\"],[\"3\",\"I'll always remember my first ship.\"],[\"4\",\"In a harbor town, I have a paramour whose eyes nearly stole me from the sea.\"],[\"5\",\"I was cheated out of my fair share of the profits, and I want to get my due.\"],[\"6\",\"Ruthless pirates murdered my captain and crewmates, plundered our ship, and left me to die. Vengeance will be mine.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I follow orders, even if I think they're wrong.\"],[\"2\",\"I'll say anything to avoid having to do extra work.\"],[\"3\",\"Once someone questions my courage, I never back down no matter how dangerous the situation.\"],[\"4\",\"Once I start drinking, it's hard for me to stop.\"],[\"5\",\"I can't help but pocket loose coins and other trinkets I come across.\"],[\"6\",\"My pride will probably lead to my destruction.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"perception\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"navigator's tools\":true,\"vehicles (water)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"club|phb\",\"displayName\":\"belaying pin\"},\"silk rope (50 feet)|phb\",{\"item\":\"trinket|phb\",\"displayName\":\"lucky charm\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Secret Identity\",\"source\":\"ALRageOfDemons\",\"page\":9,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Stealth}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}, {@item Forgery kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item disguise kit|phb}, a {@item forgery kit|phb}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, a belt {@item pouch|phb}, 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Modest\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Even though you are a non-human, despite Hillsfar's Great Law of Humanity, you continue to live in the City of Trade. You do so by maintaining a secret identity, forging documents, and wearing a disguise. Few, if any, know you aren't human. If you're a halfling or gnome, you pass as a little person or a child. If you're a half-elf, half-orc, or genasi, you disguise your non-human features. Other races use a combination of disguise and concealing clothing to hide. Your reasons for doing so are your own. Perhaps you're a dissident or the agent of a foreign power. Maybe you have a relationship with someone you cannot bear to leave. Regardless, this way of life has taken a heavy toll on you.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Secret Identity\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have created a secret identity that you use to conceal your true race and that offers a covering explanation for your presence in Hillsfar. In addition, you can forge documents, including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy Note: This feature is a variant of the Charlatan feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Despite its problems, I love Hillsfar, it's the greatest city in the world. The only one for me.\"],[\"2\",\"I move from place to place, never staying anywhere long and leaving nothing behind.\"],[\"3\",\"I think flattery is the best way to direct attention away from me.\"],[\"4\",\"I don't make friends easily. They're a liability I cannot afford.\"],[\"5\",\"Risk and danger are exhilarate me. Pulling off schemes and deceptions is a rush.\"],[\"6\",\"The First Lord is right, humans are superior. I really admire them, despite the atrocities.\"],[\"7\",\"I avoid people of my own race, as well as things associated with my race, lest they give me away.\"],[\"8\",\"I live for the Arena. I admire gladiators and enjoy the thrill of blood on the sands!\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Quisling. Supporting the rulers of the land and following the laws is the road to salvation. (Lawful)\"],[\"2\",\"Scoflaw. The laws and lawmakers are corrupt. I follow laws only when it suits me. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"Optimist. Everyone Is basically good. Though the government is misguided it will all be okay. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Secretive. I am in the habit of not talking about myself. My business is none of yours. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Heroic. I do everything I can to help non-humans, regardless of the personal cost to me. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"Depraved. I have lost my moral compass. The ends justify most any means. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The humans of Hillsfar have inflicted terrible harm on me, my family, and my race. I will have revenge.\"],[\"2\",\"I am part of an underground network that smuggles non-humans into and out of the city.\"],[\"3\",\"I am a partisan. I commit minor acts of defiance against the First Lord and Red Plumes when I can.\"],[\"4\",\"I am a spy. I report on events in and around Hillsfar.\"],[\"5\",\"My secret identity is the only thing protecting me from the Arena. I will stop at nothing to maintain it.\"],[\"6\",\"I am madly in love with a human who does not know my true identity, and I fear rejection if I reveal it.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"After years of denying who I am, I now despise myself and other members of my pathetic race.\"],[\"2\",\"Years of hiding have made me somewhat paranoid. I trust no one.\"],[\"3\",\"I've been lying so often and for so long that I can't help it anymore. I frequently lie for no reason at all.\"],[\"4\",\"I am ashamed. I failed to protect a member of my family who was seized and thrown into the Area.\"],[\"5\",\"I am struggling with maintaining my secret identity. I subconsciously want to get caught and therefore sometimes let my secret identity slip.\"],[\"6\",\"Years of successfully deceiving others have made me cocky. I think no one can see through my lies.\"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"stealth\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"disguise kit\":true,\"forgery kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"disguise kit|phb\",\"forgery kit|phb\",\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"displayName\":\"belt pouch\"},{\"value\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Selesnya Initiate\",\"source\":\"GGR\",\"page\":86,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Nature}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} or one {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Choose one of Elvish, Loxodon, or Sylvan\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A Selesnya insignia, a {@item healer's kit|phb}, {@item robes|phb}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp (Azorius 1-zino coins)\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Conclave's Shelter\",\"entries\":[\"As a member of the Selesnya Conclave, you can count on your guild mates to provide shelter and aid. You and your companions can find a place to hide or rest in any Selesnya enclave in the city, unless you have proven to be a danger to them. The members of the enclave will shield you from the law or anyone else searching for you, though they will not risk their lives in this effort.\",\"In addition, as a guild member you can receive free healing and care at a Selesnya enclave, though you must provide any material components needed for spells.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Selesnya Guild Spells\",\"entries\":[\"{@i Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature}\",\"For you, the spells on the Selesnya Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Selesnya Guild Spells\",\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"colLabels\":[\"Spell Level\",\"Spells\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cantrip\",\"{@spell druidcraft}, {@spell friends}\"],[\"1st\",\"{@spell animal friendship}, {@spell charm person}\"],[\"2nd\",\"{@spell aid}, {@spell animal messenger}, {@spell calm emotions}, {@spell warding bond}\"],[\"3rd\",\"{@spell plant growth}, {@spell speak with plants}\"],[\"4th\",\"{@spell aura of life}, {@spell conjure minor elementals}\"],[\"5th\",\"{@spell awaken}, {@spell commune with nature}\"]]},\"Members of the Selesnya Conclave refer to their magic as \\\"doruvati,\\\" a Sylvan word meaning \\\"gift.\\\" When you use these gifts of Mat'Selesnya, graceful swirls of green and silver light dance in the air around you, and phantasmal green leaves might waft through the air. A sensation of gentle warmth and the smell of spring flowers or autumn leaves might accompany your spells.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Most members of the Selesnya Conclave are true believers—the tight-knit community allows little room for the cynical or disillusioned. They are spiritual, empathetic, and generally peaceful—unless roused to action. Their flaws and bonds alike grow naturally from their close ties to the community.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I never raise my voice or lose my temper.\"],[\"2\",\"I feel the pains and joys of everyone around me, friend or foe.\"],[\"3\",\"I would rather make a friend than thwart an enemy.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm always straining to peer into another reality that seems to be just beyond my senses.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm uneasy if I can't see plants growing or feel soil beneath my feet.\"],[\"6\",\"Seeing illness or injury in any creature saddens me.\"],[\"7\",\"I have much to be proud of, but I am still just one strand in the grand, interwoven tapestry of life.\"],[\"8\",\"Nature offers rich and abundant metaphors for understanding the complexities of life.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Guild}. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Harmony}. Nothing is more beautiful than voices and actions aligned in common purpose. (Good)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Order}. Like a well-pruned tree, society thrives when everything is kept in good order. (Lawful)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Life}. Preserving life and nature is always a worthwhile endeavor. (Good)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Humility}. Ambition and pride are the roots of strife. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Evangelism}. When all have joined the Selesnya Conclave, Ravnica will finally know peace. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I would give my life in the defense of the small enclave where I first encountered Mat'Selesnya.\"],[\"2\",\"I love beasts and plants of all kinds, and am loath to harm them.\"],[\"3\",\"A healer nursed me to recovery from a mortal illness.\"],[\"4\",\"I'll sing the invitation of Mat'Selesnya with my dying breath.\"],[\"5\",\"I cherish a leaf from Vitu-Ghazi that changes color with the seasons, even though it is no longer attached to the tree.\"],[\"6\",\"Every member of the conclave is my kin, and I would fight for any one of them.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'm terrified of getting into a fight where my side is outnumbered.\"],[\"2\",\"I assume that people mean well until they prove otherwise.\"],[\"3\",\"I enjoy comfort and quiet, and prefer to avoid extra effort.\"],[\"4\",\"I have a fierce temper that doesn't reflect the inner calm I seek.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm convinced that everyone else in the conclave has a deeper connection to the Worldsoul than I do.\"],[\"6\",\"I'm trying to atone for the life of crime I led before I joined the Selesnya, but I find it hard to give up my bad habits.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Contacts\",\"entries\":[\"The Selesnya Conclave is all about connections, so its members cultivate contacts throughout the guild. The guild also engages in energetic recruitment to draw converts from other guilds, and often these new guild members maintain friendships with former guild mates.\",\"Roll twice on the Selesnya Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Selesnya Contacts table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Selesnya Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"A wise centaur trainer believed in me even though I was a terrible student.\"],[\"2\",\"A good friend has risen to become a Ledev guardian.\"],[\"3\",\"I left my former guild and joined the Selesnya along with a close friend.\"],[\"4\",\"The dryad at the head of my enclave has taken an interest in my activities.\"],[\"5\",\"A sibling is an instructor at the guild's training grounds.\"],[\"6\",\"One of my parents is a votary, tasked with protecting the temple gardens at the Vitu-Ghazi guildhall.\"],[\"7\",\"I had a romance with a well-known Selesnya healer.\"],[\"8\",\"Trostani, the head of the guild and the voice of Mat'Selesnya, once welcomed me into her presence.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Non-Selesnya Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I left the Azorius, and a former colleague still resents me for that act.\"],[\"2\",\"A good friend, eager for action, left the Selesnya and joined the Boros.\"],[\"3\",\"I had a relationship with a guild mate who turned out to be a Dimir agent.\"],[\"4\",\"I know a disgruntled Golgari assassin who is ripe for recruitment.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm friendly with a Gruul centaur who almost joined us a few years back.\"],[\"6\",\"I once had a heated public argument with an Izzet chemister, and neither of us is allowed back into that restaurant.\"],[\"7\",\"I paid off my debt to the Orzhov Syndicate, but my good friend was not so lucky and remains indebted to that guild.\"],[\"8\",\"At a time of terrible grief in my life, a Rakdos performer made a mockery of my pain, leaving me with mixed feelings of sadness and humor.\"],[\"9\",\"Roll an additional Selesnya contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.\"],[\"10\",\"I have a sibling in the Simic Combine, and we argue every time we see each other.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"How Do I Fit In?\",\"entries\":[\"Although the guild teaches the importance of subjugating the individual will to the good of the conclave, it also celebrates the diversity of individuals, in the same sense that a field that produces different crops is healthier than one that yields a single crop. That principle applies to your skills as an adventurer. As long as your efforts are directed toward advancing the goals of the guild rather than your private agenda, you're allowed to put your talents to work in your unique way.\",\"That said, you must never lose sight of the fact that you are part of a larger community. That includes the whole guild, of course, but your ties to community start with your vernadi (enclave) and its voda (dryad leader). The dryads want to know what you're doing and what purpose it serves, and they act to curtail your actions—or even expel you from the guild—if they determine that you aren't serving Selesnya's best interests.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"nature\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"elvish\",\"other\",\"sylvan\"]}}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"artisan's tools\",\"musical instrument\"]}}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Selesnya insignia\"},\"healer's kit|phb\",\"robes|phb\",\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Shade Fanatic\",\"source\":\"ALRageOfDemons\",\"page\":10,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Intimidation}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Forgery kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Netherese\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item forgery kit|phb}, a transparent cylinder of shadow that has no opening, a {@item signet ring|phb}, a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and 15 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Modest\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You grew up at a time when the wizards of Netheril were at war with the elves of Cormanthor. You recall sitting cross-legged hearing the stories of the glorious Thultanthar, also called the Shade Enclave and the City of Shade, and aspired to study there and maybe even did, for a time. Your dreams came crashing down a few years ago when Thultanthar fell from the sky upon Myth Drannor.\",\"You know that there was a Netherese Garrison stationed near Hillsfar and have heard rumors that its downfall came from traitors within the ranks. You remain loyal to Netheril and seek other Shade loyalists and fanatics in the Cormanthor forest and the areas surrounding Hillsfar.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Secret Society\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have a special way of communicating with others who feel the same way you do about the Shade. When you enter a village or larger city you can identify contact who will give you information on those that would hinder your goals and those would help you simply because of your desire to see the Shade Enclave return in all its glory. Note: This feature is a variant of the Criminal feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am a bully; I try to hide it though.\"],[\"2\",\"I let my actions speak for themselves\"],[\"3\",\"I am important; I will not let anyone forget that.\"],[\"4\",\"You are either with me or against me.\"],[\"5\",\"I know it is only a time before I am betrayed by those I care for.\"],[\"6\",\"I never understand why people get so emotional.\"],[\"7\",\"They are out to get me. It is only my cunning that keeps me ahead of them\"],[\"8\",\"Everyone has a choice, the one I make is always right though.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Hope. I know even if I need do evil acts, history will be my redemption. (Chaos)\"],[\"2\",\"Dedicated. I can do anything I put my mind to (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Exciting. I have found the truth of the Shadovar and want to share it with everyone. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Frugal. I horde my possessions knowing that someday I will be called upon to give everything I have to the cause (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Eloquent. I use my words to sway others to my beliefs. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"Compassionate. It is through love that others will join in our cause. (Good)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"They say the Shade broke the bonds of mortality; I want to find out how.\"],[\"2\",\"The whispers in my head remind me that there is power to be found in the shadows.\"],[\"3\",\"For the glory of Netheril, I will grow in power.\"],[\"4\",\"I once lived in Hillsfar, I was chased out before I was able to say farewell.\"],[\"5\",\"My true love was a killed by the Red Plumes; I plot to make them suffer.\"],[\"6\",\"I had a loved one die in the arena at Hillsfar; I am out to prove I am stronger than them!\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I always over exaggerate my abilities.\"],[\"2\",\"I cannot bear to let those I care for out of my sight.\"],[\"3\",\"I am incapable of standing up for myself.\"],[\"4\",\"The group I am with has committed atrocities; I am always worried their actions will become public.\"],[\"5\",\"I always enjoy a good mug of ale... or five.\"],[\"6\",\"I know what I do is wrong, but am afraid to speak up about it.\"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"intimidation\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"other\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"forgery kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"forgery kit|phb\",{\"special\":\"transparent cylinder of shadow that has no opening\"},\"signet ring|phb\",\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"value\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Shipwright\",\"source\":\"GoS\",\"page\":33,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill History}, {@skill Perception}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Carpenter's tools|phb}, {@filter Vehicles (water)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (water)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of well-loved {@item carpenter's tools|phb}, a blank {@item book|phb}, {@item Ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb|1 ounce of ink}, an {@item ink pen|phb}, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a leather {@item pouch|phb} with 10 gp\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: I'll Patch It!\",\"entries\":[\"Provided you have carpenter's tools and wood, you can perform repairs on a water vehicle. When you use this ability, you restore a number of hit points to the hull of a water vehicle equal to 5 × your proficiency modifier. A vehicle cannot be patched by you in this way again until after it has been pulled ashore and fully repaired.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Life at Sea\",\"entries\":[\"Your life at sea and in port has shaped you; you can roll on the following table to determine its impact or choose an element that best fits your character.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Sea's Influence\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Grand Designs.} You are working on plans and schematics for a new, very fast ship. You must examine as many different kinds of vessels as possible to help ensure the success of your design.\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Solid and Sound.} You patched up a war galley and prevented it from sinking. The local navy regards you as a friend.\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Favored.} You insisted on thicker planking for a merchant vessel's hull, which saved it from sinking when it smashed against a reef. You have a standing invitation to visit the merchant's distant mansion.\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Master of Armaments.} You specialized in designing and mounting defenses for the navy. You easily recognize and determine the quality of such items.\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Low Places.} You have contacts in the smuggling outfits along the coast; you occasionally repair the criminals' ships in exchange for coin and favors.\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Mysteries of the Deep.} You experienced an encounter with a possibly divine being while sailing alone. Work with your DM to determine the secret about the deep waters of the sea that this entity revealed to you.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Shipwrights are resourceful carpenters and designers. They often have a dedicated spot at the local tavern, since shipwrights are invaluable to coastal communities. Some travel with naval fleets and might serve as officers if their temperament suits it. Shipwrights have an affinity for working with their hands and often perform feats of carpentry that others might deem miraculous.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Shipwright Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I love talking and being heard more than I like to listen.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm extremely fond of puzzles.\"],[\"3\",\"I thrive under pressure.\"],[\"4\",\"I love sketching and designing objects, especially boats.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm not afraid of hard work—in fact, I prefer it.\"],[\"6\",\"A pipe, an ale, and the smell of the sea: paradise.\"],[\"7\",\"I have an endless supply of cautionary tales related to the sea.\"],[\"8\",\"I don't mind getting my hands dirty.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Shipwright Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Crew. If everyone on deck pitches in, we'll never sink. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Careful Lines. A ship must be balanced according to the laws of the universe. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Invention. Make what you need out of whatever is at hand. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Perfection. To measure a being and find it lacking is the greatest disappointment. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"Reflection. Muddied water always clears in time. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"Hope. The horizon at sea holds the greatest promise. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Shipwright Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I must visit all the oceans of the world and behold the ships that sail there.\"],[\"2\",\"Much of the treasure I claim will be used to enrich my community.\"],[\"3\",\"I must find a kind of wood rumored to possess magical qualities.\"],[\"4\",\"I repair broken things to redeem what's broken in myself.\"],[\"5\",\"I will craft a boat capable of sailing through the most dangerous of storms.\"],[\"6\",\"A kraken destroyed my masterpiece; its teeth shall adorn my hearth.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Shipwright Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I don't know when to throw something away. You never know when it might be useful again.\"],[\"2\",\"I get frustrated to the point of distraction by shoddy craftsmanship.\"],[\"3\",\"Though I am an excellent crafter, my work tends to look as though it belongs on a ship.\"],[\"4\",\"I am so obsessed with sketching my ideas for elaborate inventions that I sometimes forget little thing like eating and sleeping.\"],[\"5\",\"I'm judgmental of those who are not skilled with tools of some kind.\"],[\"6\",\"I sometimes take things that don't belong to me, especially if they are very well made.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"history\":true,\"perception\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"carpenter's tools\":true,\"vehicles (water)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"carpenter's tools|phb\",\"displayName\":\"set of well-loved carpenter's tools\"},{\"item\":\"book|phb\",\"displayName\":\"blank book\"},\"ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb\",\"ink pen|phb\",\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Simic Scientist\",\"source\":\"GGR\",\"page\":93,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Arcana}, {@skill Medicine}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A Simic insignia, a set of {@item common clothes|phb|commoner's clothes}, a {@item book|phb} of research notes, an {@item ink pen|phb}, a {@item Ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb|bottle of squid ink}, a {@item oil (flask)|phb|flask of oil} (made from blubber), a {@item acid (vial)|phb|vial of acid} (derived from digestive juices), a vial of fish scales, a vial of seaweed, a vial of jellyfish stingers, a glass bottle of unidentified slime, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp (Azorius 1-zino coins)\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Clades and Projects\",\"entries\":[\"As a Simic researcher, you are part of a clade—a diverse group of individuals combining disparate talents in pursuit of a common goal—or a researcher on a specialized, short-term project focused on addressing an immediate need. You can roll a {@dice d6} or choose from the options in the Research Options table to determine your area of research.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Research Options\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Clade/Project\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Hull Clade, focused on protection and durability\"],[\"2\",\"Fin Clade, focused on movement\"],[\"3\",\"Gyre Clade, focused on cyclical patterns and metamagic\"],[\"4\",\"Guardian Project, focused on creating guard monsters and super soldiers\"],[\"5\",\"Crypsis Project, focused on intelligence and counterintelligence\"],[\"6\",\"Independent research in a new area\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Researcher\",\"entries\":[\"When you attempt to learn or recall a magical or scientific fact, if you don't know that information, you know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a Simic laboratory, or sometimes from an Izzet facility, a library, a university, or an independent scholar or other learned person or creature. Knowing where the information can be found doesn't automatically enable you to learn it; you might need to offer bribes, favors, or other incentives to induce people to reveal their secrets.\",\"Your DM might rule that the knowledge you seek is secreted away in an inaccessible place, or that it simply can't be found. Unearthing the deepest secrets of the multiverse can require an adventure or even a whole campaign.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Simic Guild Spells\",\"entries\":[\"{@i Prerequisite: Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature}\",\"For you, the spells on the Simic Guild Spells table are added to the spell list of your spellcasting class. (If you are a multiclass character with multiple spell lists, these spells are added to all of them.)\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Simic Guild Spells\",\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"colLabels\":[\"Spell Level\",\"Spells\"],\"rows\":[[\"Cantrip\",\"{@spell acid splash}, {@spell druidcraft}\"],[\"1st\",\"{@spell detect poison and disease}, {@spell expeditious retreat}, {@spell jump}\"],[\"2nd\",\"{@spell alter self}, {@spell enhance ability}, {@spell enlarge/reduce}\"],[\"3rd\",\"{@spell gaseous form}, {@spell water breathing}, {@spell wind wall}\"],[\"4th\",\"{@spell freedom of movement}, {@spell polymorph}\"],[\"5th\",\"{@spell creation}\"]]},\"When your magic causes physical alterations in yourself or others, the result often displays the characteristics of fish, amphibians, or other water-dwelling creatures. Blue-green eddies of magical energy sometimes accompany your spellcasting, forming spirals that reflect the mathematical perfection of nature.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"The bizarre science of the Simic Combine attracts a certain type of personality and encompasses a set of beliefs about the nature of life. Simic members' bonds and flaws derive from their scientific research—including their creation of new life forms, which they can become very attached to.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I can't wait to see what I become next!\"],[\"2\",\"I am convinced that everything inclines toward constant improvement.\"],[\"3\",\"I'm eager to explain every detail of my most intricate experiments and theories to anyone who shows the least bit of interest.\"],[\"4\",\"I assume that everyone needs even the most basic concepts explained to them.\"],[\"5\",\"I describe everything that happens as if it were going into my research notes (and it often is).\"],[\"6\",\"I am insatiably curious about the seemingly infinite forms and adaptations of life.\"],[\"7\",\"I can't resist prying into anything forbidden, since it must be terribly interesting.\"],[\"8\",\"I employ a highly technical vocabulary to avoid imprecision and ambiguity in my communication.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Guild}. My guild is all that really matters. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Change}. All life is meant to progress toward perfection, and our work is to hurry it along—no matter what must be upended along the way. (Chaotic)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b Knowledge}. Understanding the world is more important than what you do with your knowledge. (Neutral)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Greater Good}. I want to reshape the world into higher forms of life so that all can enjoy evolution. (Good)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b Logic}. It's foolish to let emotions and principles interfere with the conclusions of logic. (Lawful)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Superiority}. My vast intellect and strength are directed toward increasing my sway over others. (Evil)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I helped create a krasis that I love like a pet and would carry with me everywhere... except it's the size of a building, and it might eat me.\"],[\"2\",\"In my laboratory, I discovered something that I think could eliminate half the life on Ravnica.\"],[\"3\",\"The other researchers in my clade are my family—a big, eccentric family including members and parts of many species.\"],[\"4\",\"The laboratory where I did my research contains everything that is precious to me.\"],[\"5\",\"I will get revenge on the shortsighted fool who killed my precious krasis creation.\"],[\"6\",\"Everything I do is an attempt to impress someone I love.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I have a rather embarrassing mutation that I do everything I can to keep hidden.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm more interested in taking notes on monstrous anatomy than in fighting monsters.\"],[\"3\",\"Every social situation I'm in seems to lead to my asking rude personal questions.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm supremely confident in my ability to adapt to any situation and handle any danger.\"],[\"5\",\"I'll take any risk to earn recognition for my scientific brilliance.\"],[\"6\",\"I have a tendency to take shortcuts in my research and any other tasks I have to complete.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Contacts\",\"entries\":[\"The fluid nature of clades, whose rosters span different laboratories and change as researchers discover new interests, creates abundant connections among the Simic. The guild members live in watery sinkholes called zonots, and their isolation shelters them from much contact with outsiders. Nonetheless, a fair number of Simic members are former members of other guilds.\",\"Roll twice on the Simic Contacts table (for an ally and a rival) and once on the Non-Simic Contacts table.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Simic Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My research builds on my parents' work and takes it in interesting new directions.\"],[\"2\",\"If a serious problem confounds me, I can count on my mentor to provide clarity of thought.\"],[\"3\",\"A former laboratory colleague went on to work on the Guardian Project.\"],[\"4\",\"A former colleague has ventured into fields of research that are possibly immoral and almost certainly illegal.\"],[\"5\",\"A former lover is now the supervisor of a prominent clade.\"],[\"6\",\"My sibling has become an almost unrecognizable mutant.\"],[\"7\",\"An old friend has retreated into a secluded life as an ascetic deepsage, devoted to contemplating philosophical principles.\"],[\"8\",\"My former clade supervisor is now engaged in field research studying some of the largest beasts and monsters on Ravnica.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Non-Simic Contacts\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Contact\"],\"colStyles\":[\"text-center col-2\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My older sibling is upset that I didn't follow them into the Azorius.\"],[\"2\",\"A Boros sergeant is always asking questions about my work, but I suspect they're genuinely curious.\"],[\"3\",\"A friend in my clade thinks I don't know they're a Dimir agent.\"],[\"4\",\"I helped a Golgari spore druid with the fertilization and growth of their fungus field.\"],[\"5\",\"I can't fathom what could have made my childhood friend run off and join the Gruul.\"],[\"6\",\"I love comparing notes with my friend in the Izzet, though our fields of research are very different.\"],[\"7\",\"I borrowed a lot of money from an Orzhov syndic to help finance my research.\"],[\"8\",\"A Rakdos ringmaster has taken an interest in my research which, come to think of it, might make a nice sideshow act.\"],[\"9\",\"I left the Selesnya—and a lover—behind when I joined the Simic.\"],[\"10\",\"Roll an additional Simic contact; you can decide if the contact is an ally or a rival.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"How Do I Fit In?\",\"entries\":[\"As a Simic adventurer, your mission likely aligns with the Adaptationist philosophy; the disagreements and tensions among the guilds will soon erupt into open conflict, and your guild needs your help to ensure that the Simic survive. That help might come in the form of defending against Golgari incursions into Simic zonots or shielding Simic research from Azorius intrusion. It could also involve more subtle, diplomatic work to maintain balance among the guilds, or subterfuge aimed at undermining another guild's grab for power.\",\"Self-improvement is also an important part of your mission. Anything you can do to make yourself more capable—whether learning a new spell or adopting a new hybridizing mutation—gives the Simic a stronger weapon in its arsenal. The combine must change to survive, and that means individual members of the guild must grow and adapt as well.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"arcana\":true,\"medicine\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"Simic insignia\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"book|phb\",\"displayName\":\"book of research notes\"},\"ink pen|phb\",\"ink (1-ounce bottle)|phb\",{\"item\":\"oil (flask)|phb\",\"displayName\":\"flask of oil (made from blubber)\"},{\"item\":\"acid (vial)|phb\",\"displayName\":\"vial of acid (derived from digestive juices)\"},{\"special\":\"vial of fish scales\"},{\"special\":\"vial of seaweed\"},{\"special\":\"vial of jellyfish stingers\"},{\"special\":\"glass bottle of unidentified slime\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Smuggler\",\"source\":\"GoS\",\"page\":34,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Deception}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@filter Vehicles (water)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (water)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A fancy leather vest or a pair of leather boots, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a leather {@item pouch|phb} with 15 gp\"}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Feature: Down Low\",\"entries\":[\"You are acquainted with a network of smugglers who are willing to help you out of tight situations. While in a particular town, city, or other similarly sized community (DM's discretion), you and your companions can stay for free in safe houses. Safe houses provide a poor lifestyle. While staying at a safe house, you can choose to keep your presence (and that of your companions) a secret.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Claim to Fame\",\"entries\":[\"Every smuggler has that one tale that sets them apart from common criminals. By wits, sailing skill, or a silver tongue, you lived to tell the story—and you tell it often. You can roll on the following table to determine your claim or choose one that best fits your character.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Accomplishment\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Spirit of the Whale. You smuggled stolen dwarven spirits in the body of a dead whale being pulled behind a fishing boat. When you delivered the goods, the corpse suddenly exploded, sending whale meat and whiskey bottles for half a mile.\"],[\"2\",\"Cart and Sword. You drove a cart filled with stolen art through the middle of a battlefield while singing sea shanties to confuse the combatants.\"],[\"3\",\"The Recruit. You enlisted in another nation's navy for the purpose of smuggling stolen jewels to a distant port. You attained a minor rank before disappearing from the navy and making your way here.\"],[\"4\",\"River of Shadows. Your riverboat accidentally slipped through the veil into the Shadowfell for several hours. While you were there, you sold some stolen dragonborn artifacts before returning to this plane and paddling home.\"],[\"5\",\"Gold-Hearted. You agreed to transport a family escaping a war. The baby began to cry at a checkpoint, and you gave the guards all your gold to let you pass. The family never found out about this gesture.\"],[\"6\",\"Playing Both Sides. You once smuggled crates of crossbow bolts and bundles of arrows, each destined for an opposing side in a regional war, at the same time. The buyers arrived within moments of each other but did not discover your trickery.\"]]}]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"In general, smugglers value survival, and then profit, above other things. One could be a part of a larger organization, or might run a small smuggling vessel of their own. Smugglers live the lies they have told, and they have a natural ability to recall all the falsehoods and half-truths they have ever spouted.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Smuggler Personality Traits\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I love being on the water but hate fishing.\"],[\"2\",\"I think of everything in terms of monetary value.\"],[\"3\",\"I never stop smiling.\"],[\"4\",\"Nothing rattles me; I have a lie for every occasion.\"],[\"5\",\"I love gold but won't cheat a friend.\"],[\"6\",\"I enjoy doing things others believe to be impossible.\"],[\"7\",\"I become wistful when I see the sun rise over the ocean.\"],[\"8\",\"I am no common criminal; I am a mastermind.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Smuggler Ideals\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"{@b Wealth} Heaps of coins in a secure vault is all I dream of. (Any)\"],[\"2\",\"{@b Smuggler's Code} I uphold the unwritten rules of the smugglers, who do not cheat one another or directly harm innocents. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"{@b All for a Coin} I'll do nearly anything if it means I turn a profit. (Evil)\"],[\"4\",\"{@b Peace and Prosperity} I smuggle only to achieve a greater goal that benefits my community. (Good)\"],[\"5\",\"{@b People} For all my many lies, I place a high value on friendship. (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"{@b Daring} I am most happy when risking everything. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Smuggler Bonds\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My vessel was stolen from me, and I burn with the desire to recover it.\"],[\"2\",\"I intend to become the leader of the network of smugglers that I belong to.\"],[\"3\",\"I owe a debt that cannot be repaid in gold.\"],[\"4\",\"After one last job, I will retire from the business.\"],[\"5\",\"I was tricked by a fellow smuggler who stole something precious from me. I will find that thief.\"],[\"6\",\"I give most of my profits to a charitable cause, and I don't like to brag about it.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"caption\":\"Smuggler Flaws\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Lying is reflexive, and I sometimes engage in it without realizing.\"],[\"2\",\"I tend to assess my relationships in terms of profit and loss.\"],[\"3\",\"I believe everyone has a price and am cynical toward those who present themselves as virtuous.\"],[\"4\",\"I struggle to trust the words of others.\"],[\"5\",\"Few people know the real me.\"],[\"6\",\"Though I act charming, I feel nothing for others and don't know what friendship is.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"deception\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"vehicles (water)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"a\":[{\"special\":\"fancy leather vest\"}],\"b\":[{\"special\":\"pair of leather boots\"}]},{\"_\":[\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Soldier\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":140,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Intimidation}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}, {@filter vehicles (land)|items|source=phb;dmg|miscellaneous=mundane|type=vehicle (land)}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"An insignia of rank, a trophy taken from a fallen enemy (a {@item dagger|phb}, broken blade, or piece of a banner), a bone {@item dice set|phb} or {@item playing card set|phb}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Military Rank\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have a military rank from your career as a soldier. Soldiers loyal to your former military organization still recognize your authority and influence, and they defer to you if they are of a lower rank. You can invoke your rank to exert influence over other soldiers and requisition simple equipment or horses for temporary use. You can also usually gain access to friendly military encampments and fortresses where your rank is recognized.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Specialty\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"During your time as a soldier, you had a specific role to play in your unit or army. Roll a d8 or choose from the options in the table below to determine your role:\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Role\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Officer\"],[\"2\",\"Scout\"],[\"3\",\"Infantry\"],[\"4\",\"Cavalry\"],[\"5\",\"Healer\"],[\"6\",\"Quartermaster\"],[\"7\",\"Standard-bearer\"],[\"8\",\"Support staff (cook, blacksmith, or the like)\"]]}]},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"The horrors of war combined with the rigid discipline of military service leave their mark on all soldiers, shaping their ideals, creating strong bonds, and often leaving them scarred and vulnerable to fear, shame, and hatred.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I'm always polite and respectful.\"],[\"2\",\"I'm haunted by memories of war. I can't get the images of violence out of my mind.\"],[\"3\",\"I've lost too many friends, and I'm slow to make new ones.\"],[\"4\",\"I'm full of inspiring and cautionary tales from my military experience relevant to almost every combat situation.\"],[\"5\",\"I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.\"],[\"6\",\"I enjoy being strong and like breaking things.\"],[\"7\",\"I have a crude sense of humor.\"],[\"8\",\"I face problems head-on. A simple, direct solution is the best path to success.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Greater Good. Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Responsibility. I do what I must and obey just authority. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Independence. When people follow orders blindly, they embrace a kind of tyranny. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Might. In life as in war, the stronger force wins. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"Live and Let Live. Ideals aren't worth killing over or going to war for. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Nation. My city, nation, or people are all that matter. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I would still lay down my life for the people I served with.\"],[\"2\",\"Someone saved my life on the battlefield. To this day, I will never leave a friend behind.\"],[\"3\",\"My honor is my life.\"],[\"4\",\"I'll never forget the crushing defeat my company suffered or the enemies who dealt it.\"],[\"5\",\"Those who fight beside me are those worth dying for.\"],[\"6\",\"I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The monstrous enemy we faced in battle still leaves me quivering with fear.\"],[\"2\",\"I have little respect for anyone who is not a proven warrior.\"],[\"3\",\"I made a terrible mistake in battle that cost many lives—and I would do anything to keep that mistake secret.\"],[\"4\",\"My hatred of my enemies is blinding and unreasoning.\"],[\"5\",\"I obey the law, even if the law causes misery.\"],[\"6\",\"I'd rather eat my armor than admit when I'm wrong.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"intimidation\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"gaming set\":true,\"vehicles (land)\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"insignia of rank\"},{\"special\":\"trophy taken from a fallen enemy (a dagger, broken blade, or piece of a banner)\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]},{\"a\":[{\"item\":\"dice set|phb\",\"displayName\":\"bone dice set\"}],\"b\":[\"playing card set|phb\"]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Stojanow Prisoner\",\"source\":\"ALCurseOfStrahd\",\"page\":8,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Perception}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}, thieves' tools\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A small knife, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, a {@item trinket|phb} from the life you stayed behind to defend, a belt {@item pouch|phb} with 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Poor\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"\\\"We need to leave, now!\\\" Those words still haunt your dreams at night. When everyone was fleeing Phlan, you choose to stay. Whether out of an emotional attachment, or pursuit of riches, you made the decision that would affect the rest of your life.\",\"Food became scarcer for those without connections. You became a beggar and to stay alive you bartered information to any interested party with food or gold to spare. You were good at what you did, and thought you were invincible. That changed when you were captured by the Tears of Virulence, the soldiers of Vorgansharax, the Maimed Virulence, for selling secrets to those bent on overthrowing the dragon. They locked you in the cells of Stojanow Gate. The first weeks you hoped to stay alive. As the weeks turned into months, and the interrogations continued you began to pray for death.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Ex-Convict\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"The knowledge gained during your incarceration lets you gain insight into local guards and jailors. You know which will accept bribes, or look the other way for you. You can also seek shelter for yourself from authorities with other criminals in the area. Note: This feature is a variant of the Courtier feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am a bully; others will suffer as I have.\"],[\"2\",\"I always say yes even when I mean no; it's just easier.\"],[\"3\",\"I aim to misbehave.\"],[\"4\",\"I go out of my way to frustrate or anger those in power.\"],[\"5\",\"I strive to obey the law. I will never again make the mistake of going against authority.\"],[\"6\",\"I always plan everything out. The one time I let others plan things it did not end well for me.\"],[\"7\",\"I take blame to protect others from pain.\"],[\"8\",\"I hoard information, you never know what may come in handy.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Loss. I freely give those who offend me what was so brutally denied me, death. (Chaos)\"],[\"2\",\"Dedication. I never betray those who trust me. (Law)\"],[\"3\",\"Vengeance. I use any means to get information I need; I have been well taught. (Evil)\"],[\"4\",\"Redemption. Everyone deserves a second chance. (Good)\"],[\"5\",\"Resilience. I can survive any challenge (Any)\"],[\"6\",\"Leadership. The best teams are made up of those that society has discarded.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I take up arms to help establish a free Phlan.\"],[\"2\",\"The horrors of my time in Stojanow haunt my dreams, only after a day of hard work can I find sleep.\"],[\"3\",\"I am indebted to those who freed me from prison, I will repay this debt.\"],[\"4\",\"My torturer survived the attack that set me free, I will find him/her.\"],[\"5\",\"I will not rest while others suffer fates similar to mine.\"],[\"6\",\"I am searching for a way to heal the scars of Stojanow, both physical and emotional.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"During stressful times, I find myself crying for no reason.\"],[\"2\",\"My nerve endings are shot from the interrogations; I am numb to all but the harshest touch.\"],[\"3\",\"I am incapable of standing up for myself.\"],[\"4\",\"I folded under the torture, and gave information that I promised would be kept secret. My life would be in jeopardy if others found out.\"],[\"5\",\"Survival is worth more than friendship.\"],[\"6\",\"The ghosts from my past hinder my actions.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"perception\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"gaming set\":true,\"thieves' tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"small knife\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"trinket|phb\",\"displayName\":\"trinket from the life you stayed behind to defend\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Ticklebelly Nomad\",\"source\":\"ALCurseOfStrahd\",\"page\":9,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Animal Handling}, {@skill Nature}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Herbalism kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Giant\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"{@item Herbalism kit|phb}, a small article of jewelry that is distinct to your tribe, a {@item hunting trap|phb}, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 5 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Poor\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You were born into a nomadic tribe that called the Ticklebelly Hills home. You migrated from location to location, living off the land with your tribe. The tribe would seasonally travel south into the Grass Sea and the Giant's Cairn, north into the Dragonspine Mountains, and even occasionally east across the Stojanow River to the borders of the Quivering forest.\",\"In your migrations, your people have come to know the stone giant tribes that populate the Giant's Cairn. The dragon cultists came to the hills one day—magic-users wearing purple and riding horrid beasts, black-clad warriors wearing wicked masks, and even soldiers from the nearby town of Phlan. Then the dragon called Vorgansharax arrived and laired in the hills, causing horrid thickets to grow and animals to act unusually. The cultists began raiding nomad camps for victims to offer to the wyrm. Eventually, the dragon moved on to attack Phlan, but life was never again the same for the nomads of the Ticklebelly Hills.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: At Home in the Wild\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"The wilderness is your home and you are comfortable dwelling in it. You can find a place to hide, rest, or recuperate when out in the wild. This place of rest is secure enough to conceal you from most natural threats. Threats that are supernatural, magical, or are actively seeking you out might do so with difficulty depending on the nature of the threat (as determined by the DM). However, this feature doesn't shield or conceal you from scrying, mental probing, nor from threats that don't necessarily require the five senses to find you. Note: This feature is a variant of the Folk Hero feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Ticklebelly nomads only venture into civilization when necessary. You are social within your tribe, with tribes of other nomads, and even with the stone giant tribes that populate the Giant's Cairn. However, other communities tend to either put you on your guard or put you in a state of wonder. Was it this wonder that enticed you into a life of adventuring? On the other hand, you are fiercely protective of and dedicated to your tribe. Perhaps it was this dedication that led you to venture out; either of your own will or at the behest of your tribe's leaders.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I eagerly inject myself into the unknown.\"],[\"2\",\"Villages, towns, and cities do not suit me. I'd rather be out in the wilderness any day.\"],[\"3\",\"I accomplish my tasks efficiently, using as few resources as possible.\"],[\"4\",\"It's difficult for me to remain in one place for long.\"],[\"5\",\"I loudly brag about my tribe every chance I get.\"],[\"6\",\"Having walked among giants, I am fearless in the face of bigger creatures.\"],[\"7\",\"I am quiet and reserved, but observant. Nothing escapes my attention.\"],[\"8\",\"My word is my bond. I see a promise to completion, even if it conflicts with my beliefs.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Kinship. Family is most important in life. Though I may be far from my own, the bonds of family must be protected in others' lives as well. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Preservation. Nature must not be despoiled by encroaching civilization. (Any)\"],[\"3\",\"Wanderlust. One must expand their horizons by seeing the world and exploring. (Chaos)\"],[\"4\",\"Isolation. My tribe and its ways must be protected and shielded from outside influence. (Neutral)\"],[\"5\",\"Protection. Threats to the land and to the people must be dealt with at any and all costs. (Law)\"],[\"6\",\"Belonging: All creatures have a place in the world, so I strive to help others find theirs. (Good)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I ache to return to my tribe and the family I left, but cannot until my obligations are fulfilled.\"],[\"2\",\"The dragon cultists that invaded my homeland stole away one of my tribe's people. I will not know rest until I've found them.\"],[\"3\",\"The dragon's presence in the hills destroyed valuable territory and resulted in deaths within my tribe. The creature must pay for what it has done.\"],[\"4\",\"I carry a trinket that spiritually and emotionally ties me to my people and my home.\"],[\"5\",\"I discovered a strange relic in the hills during my tribe's wanderings. I must discover what it is.\"],[\"6\",\"One of the stone giant clans from the Giant's Cairn has graced me with a mark of kinship.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I throw myself and my friends into situations rarely ever thinking about consequences.\"],[\"2\",\"Unfamiliar people and surroundings put me on edge.\"],[\"3\",\"I have absolutely no patience for slowpokes and those who prove indecisive.\"],[\"4\",\"My desire to experience new things causes me to make unsafe choices.\"],[\"5\",\"I am overly protective of nature, sometimes to the detriment of my companions and myself.\"],[\"6\",\"My lack of worldliness often proves my undoing in social, commercial, and hostile situations.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"animal handling\":true,\"nature\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"giant\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"herbalism kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"herbalism kit|phb\",{\"special\":\"small article of jewelry that is distinct to your tribe\"},\"hunting trap|phb\",\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Trade Sheriff\",\"source\":\"ALRageOfDemons\",\"page\":11,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Investigation}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Thieves' tools|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Elvish\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"{@item Thieves' tools|phb}, a gray cloak, Sheriff's insignia (badge) a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and 17 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Lifestyle\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Modest\"]},{\"name\":\"Overview\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You are one of the many people that make sure the trade routes are clear at ALL times. You assure that the Great Law of Trade is followed at all costs. You work by yourself or in groups to quell bandits and brigands who might stop trade routes from going through. You investigate potential ambushes and possible rumors as to someone wanting to rob or stop caravans. You are as much an investigator as you are law enforcement.\",\"You are able to go into a town/village around the Hillsfar area and find a contact that is willing to give you information from rumor to fact. This sometimes comes at a cost of a minor bribe of 1-9 silver pieces.\"]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Investigative Services\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You are part of a small force outside of Hillsfar. You have a special way of communicating with others and they seem to be at ease around you. You can invoke your rank to allow you access to a crime scene or to requisition equipment or horses on a temporary basis. When you enter a town or village around Hillsfar you can identify a contact who will give you information on the local rumors and would help you simply because of your desire to get answers and information for anyone wanting to disrupt trade. Note: This feature is a variant of the soldier feature.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am always polite and respectful\"],[\"2\",\"I let my actions speak for themselves\"],[\"3\",\"I am haunted by my past having seen the murder of a close friend or family member and it is the one case I always needed to solve but have not been able to.\"],[\"4\",\"I am quick to judge and slow to vindicate\"],[\"5\",\"I can be very persuasive and am able to ask quest ions where others might not be able to.\"],[\"6\",\"I have a quirky personality that seems to take others off their guard.\"],[\"7\",\"My sense of humor is considered by most to be awkward.\"],[\"8\",\"Everyone has a choice, and they can always make the right choice, mine!\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Hope. my job is to speak for the victim (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Dedicated. Once I start an investigation, until told to do so, I do not quit, not matter where it leads. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Nation. My city, nation, or people are all that matter. (Any)\"],[\"4\",\"Mercenary. When I do investigations, I expect answers immediately. (Any)\"],[\"5\",\"Eloquent. I use my words to sway others to give me answers. (Good)\"],[\"6\",\"Might. It is through threats and force that I get my answers. (Lawful)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"To this day an unsolved case will always leave me haunted and bother me.\"],[\"2\",\"Through the might of my personality I will solve an investigation or puzzle.\"],[\"3\",\"It is my right to believe what I will, just try and stop me.\"],[\"4\",\"I need to prove my worth to my fellow Sheriffs\"],[\"5\",\"Someone I cared for died under suspicious circumstances. I will find out what happened to them and bring their killer to justice.\"],[\"6\",\"I speak for those that cannot speak for themselves.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I always over exaggerate my abilities.\"],[\"2\",\"I cannot bear to let those I care for out of my sight.\"],[\"3\",\"I took a bribe to tank an investigation and I would do anything to keep it secret.\"],[\"4\",\"I have little respect for those that are of \\\"low\\\" intelligence/race.\"],[\"5\",\"I always enjoy a good mug of ale... or five to cover up my past.\"],[\"6\",\"I speak for the First Lord of Hillsfar and make sure everyone knows it.\"]]}],\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\"}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"investigation\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"elvish\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"thieves' tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"thieves' tools|phb\",{\"special\":\"gray cloak\"},{\"item\":\"fine clothes|phb\",\"displayName\":\"Sheriff's insignia (badge) a set of fine clothes\"},{\"value\":1700}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Urban Bounty Hunter\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":153,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"Choose two from among {@skill Deception}, {@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}, and {@skill Stealth}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"Choose two from among one type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set}, one {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}, and {@item thieves' tools|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of clothes appropriate to your duties and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 20 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Ear to the Ground\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You are in frequent contact with people in the segment of society that your chosen quarries move through. These people might be associated with the criminal underworld, the rough-and-tumble folk of the streets, or members of high society. This connection comes in the form of a contact in any city you visit, a person who provides information about the people and places of the local area.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background criminal} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your bounty hunter's traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a bounty hunter.\",\"For instance, your bond might involve other bounty hunters or the organizations or individuals that employ you. Your ideal could be associated with your determination always to catch your quarry or your desire to maintain your reputation for being dependable.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"deception\",\"insight\",\"persuasion\",\"stealth\"],\"count\":2}}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"gaming set\",\"musical instrument\",\"thieves' tools\"],\"count\":2}}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":2000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Urchin\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":141,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Sleight of Hand}, {@skill Stealth}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}, {@item Thieves' tools|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A small knife, a map of the city you grew up in, a pet mouse, a token to remember your parents by, a set of {@item common clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: City Secrets\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You know the secret patterns and flow to cities and can find passages through the urban sprawl that others would miss. When you are not in combat, you (and companions you lead) can travel between any two locations in the city twice as fast as your speed would normally allow.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Urchins are shaped by lives of desperate poverty, for good and for ill. They tend to be driven either by a commitment to the people with whom they shared life on the street or by a burning desire to find a better life—and maybe get some payback on all the rich people who treated them badly.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d8\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I hide scraps of food and trinkets away in my pockets.\"],[\"2\",\"I ask a lot of questions.\"],[\"3\",\"I like to squeeze into small places where no one else can get to me.\"],[\"4\",\"I sleep with my back to a wall or tree, with everything I own wrapped in a bundle in my arms.\"],[\"5\",\"I eat like a pig and have bad manners.\"],[\"6\",\"I think anyone who's nice to me is hiding evil intent.\"],[\"7\",\"I don't like to bathe.\"],[\"8\",\"I bluntly say what others are hinting at or hiding.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Respect. All people, rich or poor, deserve respect. (Good)\"],[\"2\",\"Community. We have to take care of each other, because no one else is going to do it. (Lawful)\"],[\"3\",\"Change. The low are lifted up, and the high and mighty are brought down. Change is the nature of things. (Chaotic)\"],[\"4\",\"Retribution. The rich need to be shown what life and death are like in the gutters. (Evil)\"],[\"5\",\"People. I help the people who help me—that's what keeps us alive. (Neutral)\"],[\"6\",\"Aspiration. I'm going to prove that I'm worthy of a better life. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My town or city is my home, and I'll fight to defend it.\"],[\"2\",\"I sponsor an orphanage to keep others from enduring what I was forced to endure.\"],[\"3\",\"I owe my survival to another urchin who taught me to live on the streets.\"],[\"4\",\"I owe a debt I can never repay to the person who took pity on me.\"],[\"5\",\"I escaped my life of poverty by robbing an important person, and I'm wanted for it.\"],[\"6\",\"No one else should have to endure the hardships I've been through.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"If I'm outnumbered, I will run away from a fight.\"],[\"2\",\"Gold seems like a lot of money to me, and I'll do just about anything for more of it.\"],[\"3\",\"I will never fully trust anyone other than myself.\"],[\"4\",\"I'd rather kill someone in their sleep than fight fair.\"],[\"5\",\"It's not stealing if I need it more than someone else.\"],[\"6\",\"People who can't take care of themselves get what they deserve.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"sleight of hand\":true,\"stealth\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"disguise kit\":true,\"thieves' tools\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"small knife\"},{\"special\":\"map of the city you grew up in\"},{\"special\":\"pet mouse\"},{\"special\":\"token to remember your parents by\"},\"common clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Uthgardt Tribe Member\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":153,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Athletics}, {@skill Survival}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any one of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument} or {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A {@item hunting trap|phb}, a totemic token or set of tattoos marking your loyalty to Uthgar and your tribal totem, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Uthgardt Heritage\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have an excellent knowledge of not only your tribe's territory, but also the terrain and natural resources of the rest of the North. You are familiar enough with any wilderness area that you can find twice as much food and water as you normally would when you forage there.\",\"Additionally, you can call upon the hospitality of your people, and those allied with your tribe, often including members of the druid circles, tribes of nomadic elves, the Harpers, and the priesthoods devoted to the gods of the First Circle.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"section\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background outlander} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a member of an Uthgardt tribe.\",\"Even if you have left your tribe behind (at least for now), you hold to the traditions of your people. You will never cut down a still-living tree, and you may not countenance such an act being done in your presence. The Uthgardt ancestral mounds - great hills where the totem spirits were defeated by Uthgar and where the heroes of the tribes are interred - are sacred to you.\",\"Your bond is undoubtedly associated with your tribe or some aspect of Uthgardt philosophy or culture (perhaps even Uthgar himself). Your ideal is a personal choice that probably hews closely to the ethos of your people and certainly doesn't contradict or compromise what being an Uthgardt stands for.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"athletics\":true,\"survival\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"musical instrument\",\"artisan's tools\"]}}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"hunting trap|phb\",\"traveler's clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]},{\"a\":[{\"special\":\"totemic token\"}],\"b\":[{\"special\":\"set of tattoos marking your loyalty to Uthgar and your tribal totem\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Variant City Watch (Investigator)\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":145,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight}, {@skill Investigation}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any two of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A uniform in the style of your unit and indicative of your rank, a {@item horn|phb} with which to summon help, a set of {@item manacles|phb}, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Watcher's Eye\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Your experience in enforcing the law, and dealing with lawbreakers, gives you a feel for local laws and criminals. You can easily find the local outpost of the watch or a similar organization, and just as easily pick out the dens of criminal activity in a community, although you're more likely to be welcome in the former locations rather than the latter.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background soldier} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a member of the city watch.\",\"Your bond is likely associated with your fellow watch members or the watch organization itself and almost certainly concerns your community. Your ideal probably involves the fostering of peace and safety. An investigator is likely to have an ideal connected to achieving justice by successfully solving crimes.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"investigation\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":2}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"uniform in the style of your unit and indicative of your rank\"},{\"item\":\"horn|phb\",\"displayName\":\"horn with which to summon help\"},{\"item\":\"manacles|phb\",\"displayName\":\"set of manacles\"},{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Variant Criminal (Spy)\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":130,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Criminal\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Feature: Criminal Contact\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Feature: Spy Contact\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have a reliable and trustworthy contact who acts as your liaison to a network of other spies. You know how to get messages to and from your contact, even over great distances; specifically, you know the local messengers, corrupt caravan masters, and seedy sailors who can deliver messages for you.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Variant Entertainer (Gladiator)\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":131,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Entertainer\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":[{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":{\"index\":0},\"items\":{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Acrobatics}, {@skill Performance}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Disguise kit|phb}, one type of {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"An inexpensive but unusual weapon, such as a {@item trident|phb} or {@item net|phb} (one of your choice), the favor of an admirer (love letter, lock of hair, or trinket), {@item costume clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]}},{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":{\"index\":1},\"items\":{\"name\":\"Feature: By Popular Demand\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You can always find a place to perform in any place that features combat for entertainment—perhaps a gladiatorial arena or secret pit fighting club. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}]}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Variant Guild Artisan (Guild Merchant)\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":133,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Guild Artisan\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":{\"index\":0},\"items\":{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Insight}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}, or {@item navigator's tools|phb}, or an additional language\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} (one of your choice) or a {@item mule|phb} and {@item cart|phb}, a letter of introduction from your guild, a set of {@item traveler's clothes|phb}, and a belt {@item pouch|phb} containing 15 gp\"}]}}}},\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"insight\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"artisan's tools\",\"navigator's tools\"]}}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Variant Noble (Knight)\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":136,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Noble\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":[{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Feature: Position of Privilege\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Feature: Retainers\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have the service of three retainers loyal to your family. These retainers can be attendants or messengers, and one might be a majordomo. {@b One of your retainers is a noble who serves as your squire, aiding you in exchange for training on his or her own path to knighthood} (This person could be your bond.). Your two remaining retainers might include a groom to care for your horse and a servant who polishes your armor (and even helps you put it on).\",\"Your retainers can perform mundane tasks for you, but they do not fight for you, will not follow you into obviously dangerous areas (such as dungeons), and will leave if they are frequently endangered or abused.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}},{\"mode\":\"insertArr\",\"index\":1,\"items\":{\"name\":\"Variant Noble (Knight)\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"A knighthood is among the lowest noble titles in most societies, but it can be a path to higher status. If you wish to be a knight, choose the Retainers feature instead of the Position of Privilege feature.\",\"As an emblem of chivalry and the ideals of courtly love, you might include among your equipment a banner or other token from a noble lord or lady to whom you have given your heart-in a chaste sort of devotion.\"]}}]}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Variant Sailor (Pirate)\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"page\":139,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Sailor\",\"source\":\"PHB\",\"_mod\":{\"entries\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Feature: Ship's Passage\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Feature: Bad Reputation\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"No matter where you go, people are afraid of you due to your reputation. When you are in a civilized settlement, you can get away with minor criminal offenses, such as refusing to pay for food at a tavern or breaking down doors at a local shop, since most people will not report your activity to the authorities.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}}}}},\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Vizier\",\"source\":\"PSA\",\"page\":10,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill History}, {@skill Religion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools}, one type of {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@filter artisan's tools|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=artisan's tools} or a {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument} (one of your choice), a scroll of your god's teachings, a vizier's cartouche, a set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 25 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Voice of Authority\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Your voice is the voice of your god, at least in theory. Your job might include training and instructing initiates, and they are required to obey you. In any circumstance, an initiate is expected to defer to your voice and obey your commands. If you abuse this authority, though, your god might personally punish you.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"A vizier's characteristics strongly reflect the ideals and personality of the god they serve.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d10\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Everything I do, I do gracefully and deliberately, and with complete confidence. (Oketra)\"],[\"2\",\"Nothing can shake my rock-hard focus. (Oketra)\"],[\"3\",\"When I am at peace, I am an oasis of perfect calm in the world. When I am roused to anger, I am an embodiment of terror. (Kefnet)\"],[\"4\",\"I enjoy teasing acolytes and initiates with juicy tidbits of knowledge wrapped up in fiendishly difficult puzzles. (Kefnet)\"],[\"5\",\"I have the utmost faith in myself and my abilities. (Rhonas)\"],[\"6\",\"I get restless when life in the city feels too tame, too safe. (Rhonas)\"],[\"7\",\"I enjoy solitude as an opportunity to plan my victory. (Bontu)\"],[\"8\",\"I use satire as a way to undermine the teachings of the other gods. (Bontu)\"],[\"9\",\"I love, fight, and feast with equal zeal. (Hazoret)\"],[\"10\",\"I think of those in my care as my family, in a way that most people have trouble understanding. (Hazoret)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Solidarity. The worthy must respect the worthy. In the afterlife, all will be united in goal and action. (Oketra)\"],[\"2\",\"Knowledge. The worthy shall cultivate a nimble mind, so as to perceive the wonders beyond imagination that wait in the afterlife. (Kefnet)\"],[\"3\",\"Strength. The worthy shall hone a strong body that can withstand the boundless energies of the afterlife. (Rhonas)\"],[\"4\",\"Ambition. The worthy shall strive for greatness, for supremacy in life leads to supremacy in the afterlife. (Bontu)\"],[\"5\",\"Zeal. The worthy shall rush to the God-Pharaoh's side with relentless passion, rising to overcome every obstacle in their way. (Hazoret)\"],[\"6\",\"Naktamun. The life of the city is ordered according to the plan of the God-Pharaoh, and that order must be preserved at all costs.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"My loyalty to my companions embodies the ideal of loyalty to my god. (Oketra)\"],[\"2\",\"The teachings of my god are more precious to me than any possession. (Kefnet)\"],[\"3\",\"I would do anything to defend the temple of my god from any harm or desecration. (Rhonas)\"],[\"4\",\"I am committed to the service of my god—because it's my sure ticket into the afterlife. (Bontu)\"],[\"5\",\"I love my god and never want my service to end. (Hazoret)\"],[\"6\",\"I have a close friend or lover who is also a vizier.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-1 text-center\",\"col-11\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I am in love with an initiate, and I want to shield this person from death in the trials.\"],[\"2\",\"I secretly wish I had not been chosen as a vizier, so I could participate in the trials as an initiate.\"],[\"3\",\"I secretly question whether the gods care at all about us or what we do.\"],[\"4\",\"A vizier of another god seeks my death in retribution for a past insult.\"],[\"5\",\"I am terrified of what lies beyond the Gate to the Afterlife.\"],[\"6\",\"I secretly believe the God-Pharaoh's return will not bring blessing to this world.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"history\":true,\"religion\":true}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"artisan's tools\":true,\"musical instrument\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"a\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"toolArtisan\"}],\"b\":[{\"equipmentType\":\"instrumentMusical\"}]},{\"_\":[{\"special\":\"scroll of your god's teachings\"},{\"special\":\"vizier's cartouche\"},\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":2500}]}],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Volstrucker Agent\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":202,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill Deception}, {@skill Stealth}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@item Poisoner's kit|phb}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"One of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@item common clothes|phb}, a black cloak with a hood, a {@item poisoner's kit|phb}, and a {@item pouch|phb} containing 10 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Shadow Network\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"You have access to the Volstrucker shadow network, which allows you to communicate with other members of the order over long distances. If you write a letter in a special arcane ink, address it to a member of the Volstrucker, and cast it into a fire, the letter will burn to cinders and materialize whole again on the person of the agent you addressed it to.\",\"The ink used to send a letter across the shadow network is the same as that used by a wizard to scribe spells in a spellbook. Writing a letter in this ink costs 10 gp per page.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"Agents of the Volstrucker are groomed to follow orders without question and to kill without mercy. The trauma that brings one into the order can fester even more strongly against the darkness of a Volstrucker agent's assignments. Officially, no one ever leaves the order—but those desperate enough do whatever it takes to gain some measure of freedom.\",{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Personality Trait\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I prefer to keep my thoughts to myself.\"],[\"2\",\"I indulge vice in excess to quiet my conscience.\"],[\"3\",\"I've left emotion behind me. I'm now perfectly placid.\"],[\"4\",\"Some event from the past keeps worming its way into my mind, making me restless.\"],[\"5\",\"I always keep my word—except when I'm commanded to break it.\"],[\"6\",\"I laugh off insults and never take them personally.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d6\",\"Ideal\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"Order. The will of the crown is absolute. (Law)\"],[\"2\",\"True Loyalty. The Cerberus Assembly is greater than any power, even the crown. (Law)\"],[\"3\",\"Death. The penalty for disloyalty is death. (Evil)\"],[\"4\",\"Determination. I cannot fail. Not ever. (Neutral)\"],[\"5\",\"Fear. People should not respect power. They should fear it. (Evil)\"],[\"6\",\"Escape. The Volstrucker are pure evil! I can't atone for what I've done for them, but I can escape with my life. (Any)\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d4\",\"Bond\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"The job is all that matters. I will see it through.\"],[\"2\",\"My orders are important, but my comrades are worth more than anything. I would die for them.\"],[\"3\",\"Everything I've done, I've done to protect someone close to me.\"],[\"4\",\"If the empire falls, all of civilization falls with it. I will hold back chaos and barbarism at any cost.\"]]},{\"type\":\"table\",\"colLabels\":[\"d4\",\"Flaw\"],\"colStyles\":[\"col-2 text-center\",\"col-10\"],\"rows\":[[\"1\",\"I drink to dull the pain in the back of my head.\"],[\"2\",\"I go a bit mad when I see blood.\"],[\"3\",\"I can hear the voices of everyone I've killed. I see their faces. I can't be free of these ghosts.\"],[\"4\",\"Fear is a powerful motivator. I will do whatever it takes to prevent those who know what I am from seeing me fail, and from those I care about from knowing what I am.\"]]}]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"deception\":true,\"stealth\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"poisoner's kit\":true}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"common clothes|phb\",{\"special\":\"black cloak with a hood\"},\"poisoner's kit|phb\",{\"item\":\"pouch|phb\",\"containsValue\":1000}]}],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Waterdhavian Noble\",\"source\":\"SCAG\",\"page\":154,\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Skill Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"{@skill History}, {@skill Persuasion}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Languages\",\"entry\":\"Any one of your choice\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Tool Proficiencies\",\"entry\":\"One type of {@filter gaming set|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=gaming set} or {@filter musical instrument|items|source=phb|miscellaneous=mundane|type=instrument}\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entry\":\"A set of {@item fine clothes|phb}, a {@item signet ring|phb} or brooch, a scroll of pedigree, a skin of fine zzar or wine, and a purse containing 20 gp\"}]},{\"name\":\"Feature: Kept in Style\",\"type\":\"entries\",\"entries\":[\"While you are in Waterdeep or elsewhere in the North, your house sees to your everyday needs. Your name and signet are sufficient to cover most of your expenses; the inns, taverns, and festhalls you frequent are glad to record your debt and send an accounting to your family's estate in Waterdeep to settle what you owe.\",\"This advantage enables you to live a comfortable lifestyle without having to pay 2 gp a day for it, or reduces the cost of a wealthy or aristocratic lifestyle by that amount. You may not maintain a less affluent lifestyle and use the difference as income—the benefit is a line of credit, not an actual monetary reward.\"],\"data\":{\"isFeature\":true}},{\"type\":\"section\",\"name\":\"Suggested Characteristics\",\"entries\":[\"Use the tables for the {@background noble} background in the Player's Handbook as the basis for your traits and motivations, modifying the entries when appropriate to suit your identity as a member of a Waterdhavian family.\",\"Like other nobles, you were born and raised in a different world from the one that most folk know - one that grants you privilege but also calls you to fulfill a duty befitting your station. Your bond might be associated with your family alone, or it could be concerned with another noble house that sides with or opposes your own. Your ideal depends to some extent on how you view your role in the family, and how you intend to conduct yourself in the world at large as a representative of your house.\"]}],\"skillProficiencies\":[{\"history\":true,\"persuasion\":true}],\"languageProficiencies\":[{\"anyStandard\":1}],\"toolProficiencies\":[{\"choose\":{\"from\":[\"gaming set\",\"musical instrument\"]}}],\"startingEquipment\":[{\"_\":[\"fine clothes|phb\",{\"special\":\"scroll of pedigree\"},{\"special\":\"skin of fine zzar or wine\"},{\"special\":\"purse\",\"containsValue\":2000}]},{\"a\":[\"signet ring|phb\"],\"b\":[{\"special\":\"brooch\"}]}],\"hasFluff\":true}]}");
JSON_DATA[`data/bestiary/bestiary-ai.json`] = JSON.parse("{\"monster\":[{\"name\":\"Ancient Deep Crow\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":211,\"size\":\"H\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":187,\"formula\":\"15d12 + 90\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20,\"fly\":80},\"str\":23,\"dex\":16,\"con\":23,\"int\":10,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":19,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+11\",\"wis\":\"+7\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+7\",\"stealth\":\"+13\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft.\",\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":17,\"resist\":[{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"languages\":[\"Deep Crow\"],\"cr\":\"15\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The ancient deep crow has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shadow Stealth\",\"entries\":[\"While in dim light or darkness, the ancient deep crow can take the Hide action as a bonus action.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The ancient deep crow makes three attacks: one with its mandibles and two with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mandibles\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 2d10 + 6}) piercing damage, and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 19}). Until this grapple ends, the target is {@condition restrained}, and the ancient deep crow can't use its mandibles on another target.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d6 + 6}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shadow Caw\",\"entries\":[\"The ancient deep crow releases an ear-splitting caw. Each creature within 60 feet of the crow and able to hear it must make a {@dc 17} Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 10 ({@damage 3d6}) psychic damage.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Detect\",\"entries\":[\"The deep crow makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shadow Caw (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"The ancient deep crow uses Shadow Caw.\"]},{\"name\":\"Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"The ancient deep crow beats its wings. Each creature within 10 feet of the deep crow must succeed on a {@dc 19} Dexterity saving throw or take 13 ({@damage 2d6 + 6}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked {@condition prone}. The ancient deep crow can then fly up to half its flying speed.\"]}],\"legendaryGroup\":{\"name\":\"Ancient Deep Crow\",\"source\":\"AI\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\",\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"P\",\"S\",\"Y\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\",\"prone\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Auspicia Dran\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":208,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"half-elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"{@item chain shirt|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":52,\"formula\":\"8d8 + 16\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":16,\"dex\":14,\"con\":14,\"int\":15,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":10,\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+3\"},\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Auspicia's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell detect thoughts}\"],\"daily\":{\"1e\":[\"{@spell augury}\"]},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Auspicia makes two attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) slashing damage, or 8 ({@damage 1d10 + 3}) slashing damage if used with two hands.\"]},{\"name\":\"Light Crossbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Brahma Lutier\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":205,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":33,\"formula\":\"6d8 + 6\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":12,\"dex\":15,\"con\":12,\"int\":11,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":16,\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+3\",\"performance\":\"+5\",\"persuasion\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Brahma is a 4th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). She has the following bard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell message}\",\"{@spell vicious mockery}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell charm person}\",\"{@spell heroism}\",\"{@spell illusory script}\",\"{@spell sleep}\",\"{@spell unseen servant}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cloud of daggers}\",\"{@spell invisibility}\"]}},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Brahma has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put her to sleep.\"]},{\"name\":\"Taunt (2/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"Brahma can use a bonus action to target one creature she can see within 30 feet of her. If the target can hear Brahma, it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Charisma saving throw or have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until the start of Brahma's next turn.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"War Lute\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Song of Domination (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"Brahma targets one creature that can see or hear her, which must succeed on a {@dc 13} Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition charmed} by her for 1 minute. The target can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. It has disadvantage on these saves if being {@condition charmed} by Brahma is something the target openly or secretly desires. For 1 hour after the charm effect ends, the target has disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma checks made as part of a contest with Brahma.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CB\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"charmed\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"charmed\",\"invisible\",\"unconscious\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Chaos Quadrapod\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":209,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":52,\"formula\":\"7d10 + 14\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40,\"climb\":40},\"str\":18,\"dex\":13,\"con\":15,\"int\":6,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":4,\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":14,\"cr\":\"4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The chaos quadrapod has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The chaos quadrapod makes up to two tentacle attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tentacle\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 14}). Until this grapple ends, the target is {@condition restrained}. The chaos quadrapod can grapple no more than two targets at a time.\"]},{\"name\":\"Chaos Cloud (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"The chaos quadrapod shoots forth a knot of roiling ethereal light that explodes at a point it can see within 60 feet of it. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must succeed on a {@dc 14} Charisma saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\",\"Tentacles\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\",\"restrained\",\"stunned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Clockwork Dragon\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":209,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":22,\"formula\":\"4d8 + 4\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"fly\":60},\"str\":14,\"dex\":10,\"con\":12,\"int\":10,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":13,\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+2\",\"perception\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft.\",\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"immune\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"deafened\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\"],\"cr\":\"1\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"False Appearance\",\"entries\":[\"While the clockwork dragon remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a metal statue.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d10 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fire Breath {@recharge 5}\",\"entries\":[\"The clockwork dragon exhales fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a {@dc 11} Dexterity saving throw, taking 14 ({@damage 4d6}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"False Appearance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\",\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"F\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Deep Crow\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":210,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":133,\"formula\":\"14d10 + 56\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20,\"fly\":80},\"str\":20,\"dex\":16,\"con\":18,\"int\":8,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":14,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+8\",\"wis\":\"+6\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+6\",\"stealth\":\"+11\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 30 ft.\",\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":16,\"languages\":[\"Deep Crow\"],\"cr\":\"9\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The deep crow has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shadow Stealth\",\"entries\":[\"While in dim light or darkness, the deep crow can take the Hide action as a bonus action.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sunlight Sensitivity\",\"entries\":[\"While in sunlight, the deep crow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The deep crow makes three attacks: one with its mandibles and two with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mandibles\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}16 ({@damage 2d10 + 5}) piercing damage, and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 17}). Until this grapple ends, the target is {@condition restrained}, and the deep crow can't use its mandibles on another target.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d6 + 5}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\",\"Sunlight Sensitivity\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\",\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Donaar Blit'zen\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":201,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"dragonborn\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"{@item plate armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":45,\"formula\":\"7d8 + 14\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":17,\"dex\":8,\"con\":14,\"int\":10,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+2\",\"cha\":\"+5\"},\"skill\":{\"history\":\"+2\",\"insight\":\"+2\",\"intimidation\":\"+5\",\"persuasion\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":10,\"resist\":[\"acid\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Orc\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Donaar is a 5th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). He has the following paladin spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell command}\",\"{@spell compelled duel}\",\"{@spell cure wounds}\",\"{@spell wrathful smite}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell aid}\",\"{@spell branding smite}\",\"{@spell lesser restoration}\",\"{@spell warding bond}\",\"{@spell zone of truth}\"]}},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Champion Challenge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, Donaar causes each creature of his choice that he can see within 30 feet of him to make a {@dc 13} Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a creature can't willingly move more than 30 feet away from Donaar. This effect ends on the creature if Donaar is {@condition incapacitated} or dies, or if the creature is moved more than 30 feet away from him.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Donaar makes two attacks with his greatsword or his whip.\"]},{\"name\":\"Greatsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 2d6 + 3}) slashing damage. Whenever Donaar rolls a 1 or 2 on a damage die, he can reroll the die and must use the new roll.\"]},{\"name\":\"Whip\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d4 + 3}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Acid Vomit\",\"entries\":[\"Donaar regurgitates acid in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a {@dc 12} Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 ({@damage 2d6}) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\",\"O\"],\"damageTags\":[\"A\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CP\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"frightened\",\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Flabbergast\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":200,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"N\"],\"ac\":[12,{\"ac\":15,\"condition\":\"with {@spell mage armor}\",\"braces\":true}],\"hp\":{\"average\":40,\"formula\":\"9d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":14,\"con\":10,\"int\":17,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":13,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+5\",\"wis\":\"+3\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+5\",\"persuasion\":\"+3\",\"history\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+3\"},\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Elvish\",\"Gnomish\"],\"cr\":\"4\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Flabbergast is a 9th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell fire bolt}\",\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell mage armor}\",\"{@spell distort value|AI}*\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell gift of gab|AI}*\",\"{@spell suggestion}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell fast friends|AI}*\",\"{@spell lightning bolt}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell greater invisibility}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cone of cold}\"]}},\"footerEntries\":[\"*New spell introduced in chapter 3\"],\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\",\"E\",\"G\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Jim Darkmagic\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":197,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"N\"],\"ac\":[12,{\"ac\":15,\"condition\":\"with {@spell mage armor}\",\"braces\":true}],\"hp\":{\"average\":40,\"formula\":\"9d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":8,\"dex\":14,\"con\":10,\"int\":18,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":14,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+7\",\"wis\":\"+4\"},\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+5\",\"animal handling\":\"+4\",\"arcana\":\"+7\",\"history\":\"+7\",\"performance\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":11,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Jim is a 9th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 15}, {@hit 7} to hit with spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell fire bolt}\",\"{@spell friends}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell minor illusion}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell disguise self}\",\"{@spell Jim's magic missile|AI}*\",\"{@spell mage armor}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell invisibility}\",\"{@spell Jim's glowing coin|AI}*\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell incite greed|AI}*\",\"{@spell fireball}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell conjure minor elementals}\",\"{@spell polymorph}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell mislead}\"]}},\"footerEntries\":[\"*New spell introduced in chapter 3\"],\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Special Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"Jim carries a wand of wonder. Benign Transportation (Recharges after Jim Casts a Conjuration Spell of 1st Level or Higher). As a bonus action, Jim teleports up to 30 feet to a space he can see. The space must be unoccupied or occupied by a willing Small or Medium creature. If the latter, Jim and the willing creature both teleport, swapping places.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Minor Conjuration\",\"entries\":[\"Jim conjures an inanimate object, no larger than 3 feet on a side and no more than 10 pounds, in his hand or on the ground in an unoccupied space he can see within 10 feet of him. The object is visibly magical, radiating dim light out to 5 feet. It disappears if it takes any damage, after 1 hour, or when Jim uses this feature again.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"K'thriss Drow'b\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":202,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":44,\"formula\":\"8d8 + 8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":8,\"dex\":14,\"con\":12,\"int\":14,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":18,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+0\",\"dex\":\"+3\",\"con\":\"+2\",\"int\":\"+3\",\"wis\":\"+3\",\"cha\":\"+7\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+4\",\"insight\":\"+2\",\"investigation\":\"+4\",\"perception\":\"+2\",\"religion\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Celestial\",\"Common\",\"Elvish\",\"Undercommon; can read all writing\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"K'thriss's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 14}). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell dancing lights}\",\"{@spell disguise self}\"],\"daily\":{\"1e\":[\"{@spell darkness}\",\"{@spell faerie fire}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"},{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"K'thriss is a 5th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 14}, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks). He regains his expended spell slots when he finishes a short or long rest, and knows the following warlock spells:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell chill touch}\",\"{@spell eldritch blast}\",\"{@spell mending}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\",\"{@spell thorn whip}\",\"{@spell vicious mockery}\"]},\"3\":{\"lower\":1,\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell dissonant whispers}\",\"{@spell fly}\",\"{@spell hex}\",\"{@spell misty step}\",\"{@spell sending}\",\"{@spell shatter}\"]}},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Special Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"K'thriss wears a robe of stars (accounted for in his statistics). The robe allows him to cast the following spells: 6/day: magic missile (7 missiles)\"]},{\"name\":\"Awakened Mind\",\"entries\":[\"K'thriss can telepathically speak to any creature he can see within 30 feet of him, provided the creature can understand at least one language.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"K'thriss has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put him to sleep. Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, K'thriss has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"K'thriss makes two attacks with his sickle.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sickle\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"CE\",\"E\",\"U\",\"XX\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CL\",\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Keg Robot\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":212,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":39,\"formula\":\"6d8 + 12\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":16,\"dex\":16,\"con\":15,\"int\":6,\"wis\":8,\"cha\":5,\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+1\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":11,\"resist\":[{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Common but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Customizable Storage\",\"entries\":[\"A keg robot can hold up to three types of liquid payload totaling 12 gallons within its hollow, barrel-shaped body. A full keg robot can make one liquid attack per gallon before the liquid must be refilled. Filling a keg robot takes 2 rounds per gallon. Differing payloads can alter the keg robot's attacks from those presented here.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Fist\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Acid Squirt\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 5} to hit, range 20/40 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) acid damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Beer Shower\",\"entries\":[\"The keg robot spews an unnaturally potent beer in a 15-foot cone or in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the area must succeed on a {@dc 13} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned}. While {@condition poisoned} in this way, a creature has its speed halved by exposure to the potent brew. An affected creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\",\"Additionally, the beer shower extinguishes any fires or open flames in its area.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hot Oil Spray {@recharge 5}\",\"entries\":[\"The keg robot sprays hot oil in a 15-foot cone or in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the area must make a {@dc 13} Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) fire damage and falls {@condition prone}. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and doesn't fall {@condition prone}.\",\"Any creature affected by the hot oil spray that takes fire damage before the oil dries (after 1 minute) takes an additional 3 ({@damage 1d6}) fire damage, and the oil burns away.\",\"If the oil that remains in the area of the spray is lit, it burns for {@dice 1d4} rounds and deals 3 ({@damage 1d6}) fire damage to any creature that enters the area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"A\",\"B\",\"F\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"poisoned\",\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Môrgæn\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":199,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":66,\"formula\":\"12d8 + 12\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":12,\"dex\":18,\"con\":12,\"int\":12,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":10,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+3\",\"dex\":\"+6\"},\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+3\",\"insight\":\"+4\",\"nature\":\"+3\",\"perception\":\"+4\",\"stealth\":\"+6\",\"survival\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Dwarvish\",\"Giant\",\"Goblin\"],\"cr\":\"4\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Môrgæn's spellcasting ability is Intelligence. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell mage hand}\"],\"ability\":\"int\"},{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Môrgæn is a 9th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 12}, {@hit 4} to hit with spell attacks). She has the following ranger spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell alarm}\",\"{@spell animal friendship}\",\"{@spell hunter's mark}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell pass without trace}\",\"{@spell spike growth}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell conjure animals}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Môrgæn has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put her to sleep.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Môrgæn makes three attacks with her scimitars or her longbow.\"]},{\"name\":\"Scimitars\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d6 + 4}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 6} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"D\",\"DR\",\"GI\",\"GO\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CR\",\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"charmed\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Oak Truestrike\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":205,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[{\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"G\"]},{\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"]}],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":32,\"formula\":\"5d8 + 10\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":13,\"dex\":16,\"con\":14,\"int\":10,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":11,\"skill\":{\"nature\":\"+4\",\"perception\":\"+3\",\"performance\":\"+2\",\"stealth\":\"+5\",\"survival\":\"+3\"},\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Oak has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put him to sleep.\"]},{\"name\":\"Keen Hearing and Sight\",\"entries\":[\"Oak has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Oak makes three attacks with his hooked daggers or his hand crossbow.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hooked Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d4 + 3}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hand Crossbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 5} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Return the Favor (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"When Oak takes damage from a melee weapon attack, he can make a hooked dagger attack.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\",\"Keen Senses\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Omin Dran\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":196,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"half-elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"{@item plate armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":65,\"formula\":\"10d8 + 20\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":16,\"dex\":8,\"con\":14,\"int\":11,\"wis\":18,\"cha\":12,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+7\",\"cha\":\"+4\"},\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+4\",\"insight\":\"+7\",\"intimidation\":\"+4\",\"medicine\":\"+7\",\"perception\":\"+7\",\"persuasion\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":17,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Dwarvish\",\"Elvish\",\"Goblin\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Omin is a 9th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 15}, {@hit 7} to hit with spell attacks). He has the following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell guidance}\",\"{@spell sacred flame}\",\"{@spell spare the dying}\",\"{@spell thaumaturgy}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell bless}\",\"{@spell command}\",\"{@spell divine favor}\",\"{@spell shield of faith}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell enhance ability}\",\"{@spell hold person}\",\"{@spell magic weapon}\",\"{@spell silence}\",\"{@spell spiritual weapon}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell beacon of hope}\",\"{@spell crusader's mantle}\",\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell mass healing word}\",\"{@spell spirit guardians}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell death ward}\",\"{@spell freedom of movement}\",\"{@spell locate creature}\",\"{@spell stoneskin}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell dispel evil and good}\",\"{@spell flame strike}\",\"{@spell hold monster}\",\"{@spell greater restoration}\",\"{@spell legend lore}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Divine Strike\",\"entries\":[\"Once on each of his turns when he hits a creature with a weapon attack, Omin can cause the attack to deal an extra 4 ({@dice 1d8}) damage of the same type dealt by the weapon.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Omin has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put him to sleep.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Omin makes two attacks with his maul.\"]},{\"name\":\"Maul\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 2d6 + 3}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"War God's Blessing (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"When a creature within 30 feet of Omin makes an attack roll, but before learning whether it hits or misses, Omin can grant the creature a +10 bonus to that roll.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"D\",\"E\",\"GO\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"deafened\",\"paralyzed\",\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Pendragon Beestinger\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":206,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[12,{\"ac\":15,\"condition\":\"with {@spell mage armor}\",\"braces\":true}],\"hp\":{\"average\":27,\"formula\":\"5d8 + 5\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":14,\"con\":12,\"int\":17,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":11,\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+5\",\"investigation\":\"+5\",\"performance\":\"+2\"},\"passive\":10,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Elvish\",\"Halfling\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Pendragon is a 4th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell acid splash}\",\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell poison spray}\",\"{@spell shocking grasp}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell mage armor}\",\"{@spell magic missile}\",\"{@spell sleep}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell blindness/deafness}\",\"{@spell cloud of daggers}\",\"{@spell scorching ray}\"]}},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Echo Spell (1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"Pendragon can cast the spell he cast on his last turn, whose casting time becomes 1 bonus action. This bonus casting uses a spell slot as normal.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Shortsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\",\"E\",\"H\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Phoenix Anvil\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":206,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"{@item chain mail|phb}\",\"{@item shield|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":27,\"formula\":\"5d8 + 5\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":15,\"dex\":10,\"con\":12,\"int\":13,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":13,\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+4\",\"performance\":\"+3\",\"persuasion\":\"+3\",\"religion\":\"+3\"},\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Phoenix is a 4th-level spellcaster. 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A creature can repeat the save at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself with a success.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Phoenix makes two melee attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Warhammer\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) bludgeoning damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 12} Strength saving throw or be pushed 5 feet.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"blinded\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"paralyzed\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Portentia Dran\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":208,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"tags\":[\"shapechanger\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"{@item chain shirt|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":45,\"formula\":\"6d8 + 18\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":12,\"dex\":18,\"con\":16,\"int\":13,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":14,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+6\",\"insight\":\"+3\",\"perception\":\"+3\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Sneak Attack (1/Turn)\",\"entries\":[\"Portentia deals an extra 14 ({@dice 4d6}) damage when she hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of Portentia that isn't {@condition incapacitated} and Portentia doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Portentia makes three melee attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shortsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d6 + 4}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Change Shape\",\"entries\":[\"Portentia magically polymorphs into a humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating equal to or less than her own, or back into her true form. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new form (her choice). In a new form, Portentia retains her game statistics and ability to speak, but her AC, movement modes, Strength, Dexterity, and special senses are replaced by those of the new form, and she gains any statistics and capabilities (except class features, legendary actions, and lair actions) that the new form has but that she lacks.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Sneak Attack\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Prophetess Dran\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":208,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"{@item breastplate|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":27,\"formula\":\"5d8 + 5\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":14,\"dex\":10,\"con\":12,\"int\":13,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":13,\"skill\":{\"medicine\":\"+5\",\"persuasion\":\"+3\",\"religion\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Prophetess is a 5th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). Prophetess has the following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell sacred flame}\",\"{@spell thaumaturgy}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cure wounds}\",\"{@spell guiding bolt}\",\"{@spell sanctuary}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell lesser restoration}\",\"{@spell spiritual weapon}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell spirit guardians}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Divine Eminence\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, Prophetess can expend a spell slot to cause her melee weapon attacks to magically deal an extra 10 ({@damage 3d6}) radiant damage to a target on a hit. This benefit lasts until the end of the turn. If Prophetess expends a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the extra damage increases by {@dice 1d6} for each level above 1st.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Prophetess has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put her to sleep.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Maul\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d6 + 2}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"R\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"]},{\"name\":\"Rosie Beestinger\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":203,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"halfling\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"Unarmored Defense\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":45,\"formula\":\"10d6 + 10\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":8,\"dex\":16,\"con\":12,\"int\":12,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":14,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+1\",\"dex\":\"+5\"},\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+5\",\"history\":\"+3\",\"intimidation\":\"+4\",\"stealth\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Elvish\",\"Halfling\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Rosie's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 12}). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell minor illusion}\",\"{@spell sacred flame}\",\"{@spell thaumaturgy}\"],\"daily\":{\"1e\":[\"{@spell command}\",\"{@spell darkness}\",\"{@spell darkvision}\",\"{@spell pass without trace}\",\"{@spell silence}\"]},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Brave\",\"entries\":[\"Rosie has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition frightened}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Halfling Nimbleness\",\"entries\":[\"Rosie can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than hers.\"]},{\"name\":\"Evasion\",\"entries\":[\"If Rosie is subjected to an effect that allows her to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, she instead takes no damage if she succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if she fails. She can't use this trait if she's {@condition incapacitated}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shadow Step\",\"entries\":[\"When Rosie is in dim light or darkness, she can use a bonus action to teleport 60 feet to an unoccupied space she can see that is also in dim light or darkness. She then has advantage on the first melee attack she makes before the end of the turn.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Rosie makes three attacks, then makes two unarmed strike attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Staff of the Master (+1 Quarterstaff)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage, or 8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.\"]},{\"name\":\"Unarmed Strike\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) bludgeoning damage. Rosie's unarmed strikes are magical.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Deflect Missiles\",\"entries\":[\"In response to being hit by a ranged weapon attack, Rosie deflects the missile. The damage she takes from the attack is reduced by {@dice 1d10 + 9}. If the damage is reduced to 0, she catches the missile if it's small enough to hold in one hand and she has a hand free.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\",\"E\",\"H\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"deafened\",\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Splugoth the Returned\",\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":213,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"goblinoid\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":27,\"formula\":\"6d6 + 6\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":14,\"con\":12,\"int\":14,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":10,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+4\",\"wis\":\"+2\"},\"skill\":{\"stealth\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Elvish\",\"Goblin\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Defensive Advantage\",\"entries\":[\"As long as two or more of Splugoth's allies are within 5 feet of him and are not {@condition incapacitated}, attack rolls against him are made with disadvantage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Nimble Escape\",\"entries\":[\"Splugoth can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of his turns.\"]},{\"name\":\"Touch of Madness\",\"entries\":[\"Splugoth has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Splugoth makes two attacks with his dagger.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Word From Beyond (1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"Splugoth remembers and repeats aloud a few words from a place he entered while walking back from the next world to this one. Each creature of his choice within 30 feet of him that can hear him must succeed on a {@dc 12} Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Absorb Attack\",\"entries\":[\"When a creature Splugoth can see hits him with a melee weapon attack, the weapon snags on a pocket of residual resurrectional energy and is caught fast. The attack is negated and the weapon cannot be used until the creature succeeds on a {@dc 12} Strength (Athletics) check as an action to pull it out of Splugoth. Natural weapons can have their attacks negated by this feature, but can then be retracted automatically at the end of the attacking creature's turn.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\",\"E\",\"GO\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"stunned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Viari\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":198,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"{@item +1 Studded Leather Armor||+1 studded leather}\"]},{\"ac\":19,\"from\":[\"{@item +1 Studded Leather Armor||+1 studded leather}\"],\"condition\":\"while wielding two melee weapons\",\"braces\":true}],\"hp\":{\"average\":65,\"formula\":\"10d8 + 20\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":12,\"dex\":20,\"con\":14,\"int\":10,\"wis\":8,\"cha\":14,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+8\",\"int\":\"+3\"},\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+11\",\"athletics\":\"+7\",\"perception\":\"+5\",\"performance\":\"+5\",\"persuasion\":\"+5\",\"sleight of hand\":\"+11\",\"stealth\":\"+8\"},\"passive\":15,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Thieves' cant\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Evasion\",\"entries\":[\"If Viari is subjected to an effect that allows him to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, he instead takes no damage if he succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if he fails. He can't use this trait if he's {@condition incapacitated}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Second-Story Work\",\"entries\":[\"Climbing does not cost Viari extra movement. Additionally, when he makes a running jump, the distance he covers increases by 5 feet.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sneak Attack (1/Turn)\",\"entries\":[\"Viari deals an extra 14 ({@dice 4d6}) damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of Viari that isn't {@condition incapacitated} and Viari doesn't have disadvantage on the attack roll.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Viari makes two attacks with his shortsword and two attacks with his rapier.\"]},{\"name\":\"+1 Shortsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d6 + 6}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rapier\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d8 + 5}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d4 + 5}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Uncanny Dodge\",\"entries\":[\"Viari halves the damage that he takes from an attack that hits him. He must be able to see the attacker.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Sneak Attack\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\",\"TC\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Walnut Dankgrass\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"AI\",\"page\":204,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"{@item leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":52,\"formula\":\"8d8 + 16\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":35},\"str\":8,\"dex\":16,\"con\":14,\"int\":10,\"wis\":18,\"cha\":10,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+2\",\"wis\":\"+6\"},\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+1\",\"insight\":\"+6\",\"perception\":\"+6\",\"stealth\":\"+5\",\"survival\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":16,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Druidic\",\"Elvish\",\"Sylvan\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Walnut is a 7th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 14}, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks). She has the following druid spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell druidcraft}\",\"{@spell produce flame}\",\"{@spell thorn whip}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cure wounds}\",\"{@spell entangle}\",\"{@spell thunderwave}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell flame blade}\",\"{@spell moonbeam}\",\"{@spell pass without trace}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell call lightning}\",\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell plant growth}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell blight}\",\"{@spell freedom of movement}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Walnut has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put her to sleep.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mask of the Wild\",\"entries\":[\"Walnut can attempt to hide even when she is only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.\"]},{\"name\":\"Wild Shape (Recharges after a Short or Long rest)\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, Walnut can assume the shape of a dire wolf. She can stay in this form for 3 hours or until she reverts to her normal form as a bonus action. She automatically reverts if she falls {@condition unconscious}, drops to 0 hit points, or dies.\",\"While transformed, Walnut's game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the dire wolf, except she retains her alignment, personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores.\",\"Her attacks in beast form are magical. While in beast form, Walnut can use a bonus action to expend one spell slot and regain {@dice 1d8} hit points per level of the spell slot expended.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Walnut makes two attacks with Foremother or her longbow.\"]},{\"name\":\"Foremother (+1 Scimitar)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d6 + 4}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 5} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DU\",\"E\",\"S\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CD\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true}]}");
JSON_DATA[`data/bestiary/bestiary-bgdia.json`] = JSON.parse("{\"_meta\":{\"dependencies\":{\"monster\":[\"MM\",\"SKT\",\"MTF\"]},\"otherSources\":{\"monster\":{\"MM\":\"BGDIA\",\"ToA\":\"BGDIA\",\"MTF\":\"BGDIA\",\"VGM\":\"BGDIA\",\"RoT\":\"BGDIA\",\"DMG\":\"BGDIA\"}},\"internalCopies\":[\"monster\"]},\"monster\":[{\"name\":\"Abyssal Chicken\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":97,\"size\":\"T\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fiend\",\"tags\":[\"demon\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":13,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":10,\"formula\":\"3d4 + 3\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"fly\":{\"number\":30,\"condition\":\"(see bad flier below)\"}},\"str\":6,\"dex\":14,\"con\":13,\"int\":4,\"wis\":9,\"cha\":5,\"senses\":[\"blindsight 30ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":9,\"resist\":[\"cold\",\"fire\",\"lightning\"],\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Abyssal but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Bad Flier\",\"entries\":[\"The abyssal chicken falls at the end of a turn if it's airborne and the only thing holding it aloft is its flying speed.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The abyssal chicken makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"familiar\":true,\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Amrik Vanthampur\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":30,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"{@item leather armor|phb}\",\"charisma modifier\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":66,\"formula\":\"12d8 + 12\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":12,\"dex\":18,\"con\":12,\"int\":14,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":15,\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+6\",\"athletics\":\"+3\",\"deception\":\"+6\",\"insight\":\"+6\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Suave Defense\",\"entries\":[\"While Amrik is wearing light or no armor and wielding no shield, his AC includes his Charisma modifier.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Amrik makes three dagger attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Smoke Bomb (1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"Amrik hurls a smoke bomb up to 20 feet away. The bomb explodes on impact, creating a cloud of black smoke that fills a 10-foot-radius sphere. The area within the cloud is heavily obscured. A strong wind disperses the cloud, which otherwise remains until the end of Amrik's next turn.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Archduke Zariel of Avernus\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":243,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Zariel\",\"source\":\"MTF\",\"_mod\":{\"action\":[{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Multiattack\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Zariel attacks twice with her flail and once with Matalotok. She can substitute Horrid Touch for Matalotok.\"]}},{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Longsword\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Flail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 16} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 2d8 + 8}) piercing damage plus 36 ({@damage 8d8}) fire damage.\"]}},{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Javelin\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Matalotok (Warhammer)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 16} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 2d8 + 8}) bludgeoning, or 19 ({@damage 2d10 + 8}) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands, plus 36 ({@damage 8d8}) fire damage. In addition, the weapon emits a burst of cold that deals 10 ({@damage 3d6}) cold damage to each creature within 30 feet of it.\"]}}]}},\"resist\":[\"fire\",\"radiant\",{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"cold\",\"necrotic\",\"poison\"],\"hasToken\":true,\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"C\",\"F\",\"N\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Arkhan the Cruel\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":111,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"dragonborn\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":23,\"from\":[\"{@item obsidian flint dragon plate|bgdia}\",\"{@item shield|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":221,\"formula\":\"26d8 + 104\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":20,\"dex\":12,\"con\":18,\"int\":10,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":18,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+5\",\"cha\":\"+9\"},\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+10\",\"deception\":\"+9\",\"intimidation\":\"+9\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft. (can see invisible creatures out to the same range)\"],\"passive\":10,\"resist\":[\"fire\",\"poison\",{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"conditionImmune\":[\"frightened\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\"],\"cr\":\"16\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Arkhan's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 17}). He can cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell animate dead}\",\"{@spell branding smite} (at 4th level)\",\"{@spell revivify}\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell geas}\",\"{@spell raise dead}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Aura of Hate\",\"entries\":[\"While Arkhan isn't {@condition incapacitated}, he and all fiends and undead within 30 feet of him deal 4 extra damage whenever they hit with a melee weapon attack (already factored into Arkhan's attacks). This extra damage is of the same type as the weapon's damage type.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hand of Vecna\",\"entries\":[\"The Hand of Vecna has 8 charges and regains {@dice 1d4 + 4} expended charges daily at dawn. Arkhan can cast the following spells from the hand by expending the specified number of charges (spell save {@dc 18}): {@spell finger of death} (5 charges), {@spell sleep} (1 charge), {@spell slow} (2 charges), and {@spell teleport} (3 charges).\"]},{\"name\":\"Special Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"Arkhan wields {@item Fane-Eater|bgdia} and wears a suit of {@item Obsidian Flint Dragon Plate|bgdia}. The armor gives Arkhan advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to avoid or end the {@condition grappled} condition on him.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Arkhan makes three weapon attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fane-Eater (Battleaxe)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}16 ({@damage 1d8 + 12}) slashing damage, or 17 ({@damage 1d10 + 12}) slashing damage when used with two hands, plus 9 ({@damage 2d8}) cold damage. If the target is a creature and Arkhan rolls a 20 on the attack roll, the creature takes an extra 9 ({@damage 2d8}) necrotic damage, and Arkhan regains an amount of hit points equal to the necrotic damage dealt.\"]},{\"name\":\"Javelin\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d6 + 5}) piercing damage, plus 4 piercing damage and 9 ({@damage 2d8}) cold damage if the javelin was used to make a melee attack.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"C\",\"N\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"charmed\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Bel\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":115,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fiend\",\"tags\":[\"devil\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":19,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":364,\"formula\":\"27d10 + 216\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"fly\":60},\"str\":28,\"dex\":14,\"con\":26,\"int\":25,\"wis\":19,\"cha\":26,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+10\",\"con\":\"+16\",\"wis\":\"+12\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+15\",\"deception\":\"+16\",\"insight\":\"+12\",\"persuasion\":\"+16\"},\"senses\":[\"truesight 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"resist\":[\"cold\",{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"fire\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Infernal\",\"telepathy 120 ft.\"],\"cr\":\"25\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Bel's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 23}). Bel can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell fireball}\"],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell hold monster}\",\"{@spell mirror image}\",\"{@spell mislead}\",\"{@spell raise dead}\",\"{@spell teleport}\",\"{@spell wall of fire}\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell imprisonment}\",\"{@spell meteor swarm}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Fear Aura\",\"entries\":[\"Any creature hostile to Bel that starts its turn within 20 feet of him must make a {@dc 23} Wisdom saving throw, unless Bel is {@condition incapacitated}. Unless the save succeeds, the creature is {@condition frightened} until the start of its next turn. If a creature's saving throw is successful, the creature is immune to Bel's Fear Aura for the next 24 hours.\"]},{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If Bel fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"Bel has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Weapons\",\"entries\":[\"Bel's weapon attacks are magical.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Bel makes three attacks: two with his greatsword and one with his tail.\"]},{\"name\":\"Greatsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 16} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}23 ({@damage 4d6 + 9}) slashing damage plus 21 ({@damage 6d6}) fire damage. If the target is a flammable object that is not being held or worn, it catches fire.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 16} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}25 ({@damage 3d10 + 9}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 23} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Fireball\",\"entries\":[\"Bel casts fireball.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tactical Edge (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Roll a {@dice d6} for Bel. The number rolled on the die is subtracted from the next attack roll made against Bel or an ally of his choice within the next minute.\"]},{\"name\":\"Summon Ice Devil (Costs 3 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Bel magically summons an ice devil with an ice spear (as described in the ice devil's entry in the Monster Manual). The ice devil appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of Bel, acts as Bel's ally, and can summon other devils if it has such power. The ice devil remains until Bel dies or until he dismisses it as an action.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Magic Resistance\",\"Magic Weapons\"],\"senseTags\":[\"U\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"F\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"frightened\",\"stunned\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"blinded\",\"deafened\",\"invisible\",\"paralyzed\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Bitter Breath\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":90,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Horned Devil\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the devil\",\"with\":\"Bitter Breath\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Black Gauntlet of Bane\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":235,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"{@item chain mail|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":51,\"formula\":\"6d8 + 24\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":18,\"dex\":11,\"con\":18,\"int\":12,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":18,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+5\"},\"skill\":{\"intimidation\":\"+7\",\"perception\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":15,\"conditionImmune\":[\"frightened\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"6\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The black gauntlet is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 15}, {@hit 7} to hit with spell attacks). It has the following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell guidance}\",\"{@spell sacred flame}\",\"{@spell thaumaturgy}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell bane}\",\"{@spell bless}\",\"{@spell cure wounds}\",\"{@spell guiding bolt} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell blindness/deafness}\",\"{@spell hold person}\",\"{@spell silence}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell sending}\",\"{@spell spirit guardians}\"]}},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Aura of Terror\",\"entries\":[\"When a hostile creature within 5 feet of the black gauntlet makes an attack roll or a saving throw, it has disadvantage on the roll. Creatures that are immune to the {@condition frightened} condition are immune to this trait.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tactical Discipline\",\"entries\":[\"The black gauntlet has advantage on all ability checks and saving throws made during combat.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The black gauntlet makes two attacks with its mace.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mace\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage plus 13 ({@damage 3d8}) necrotic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Guiding Bolt (1st-Level Spell; Requires a Spell Slot)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 7} to hit, range 120 ft., one creature. {@h}14 ({@damage 4d6}) radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against the target before the end of the black gauntlet's next turn has advantage. If the black gauntlet casts this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by {@dice 1d6} for each slot level above 1st.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"N\",\"R\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"blinded\",\"deafened\",\"paralyzed\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Bone Whelk\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":119,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":12,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":27,\"formula\":\"5d10\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":15,\"climb\":15},\"str\":10,\"dex\":5,\"con\":11,\"int\":6,\"wis\":9,\"cha\":3,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":9,\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Adhesive\",\"entries\":[\"The bone whelk can cause Medium or smaller objects to adhere to it. A Medium or smaller creature that touches the bone whelk is {@condition grappled} by it (escape {@dc 10}).\"]},{\"name\":\"Death Scream\",\"entries\":[\"When the bone whelk dies, it emits a blood-curdling shriek than can be heard out to a range of 120 feet. This shriek causes nonmagical, organic material within 10 feet of the bone whelk to rot. Each creature within 10 feet of the bone whelk when it dies takes 9 ({@damage 2d8}) necrotic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Spider Climb\",\"entries\":[\"The bone whelk can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d8}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Spider Climb\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Burney the Barber\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":129,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Ancient Copper Dragon\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the dragon\",\"with\":\"Burney\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"trait\":{\"mode\":\"appendArr\",\"items\":[{\"name\":\"Healer\",\"entries\":[\"Burney has the benefits of the {@feat healer} feat as well as proficiency with both the {@item healer's kit|phb} and the {@item herbalism kit|phb}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bahamut's Blessings\",\"entries\":[\"Burney has received several blessings in her service to Bahamut:\",{\"type\":\"list\",\"items\":[\"Unless Burney decided otherwise, once any creature less powerful than a deity has taken three steps from her, they can no longer remember her or having interacted with her specifically.\",\"Burney is under the effect of a permanent {@spell mind blank} spell, and cannot be detected by magical or mundane means unless she wishes it. In exchange for this blessing, Burney can take no direct action against the denizens of the Nine Hells, though she can certainly enlist the help of those who can.\",\"Burney always knows the location of the Wandering Emporium and can transport herself there as though by a {@spell word of recall} spell. This explains why Burney simply seems to appear amid the fully deployed marketplace each morning it is active to provide service and tell stories.\",\"Once each day, when Burney so desires, she can instantly transport herself to the court of Bahamut via a powerful blessing akin to the {@spell plane shift} spell.\"]}]}]}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Chukka\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":83,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Kenku\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the kenku\",\"with\":\"Chukka\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Silvered Pike\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d10}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"]},{\"name\":\"Clonk\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":83,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Kenku\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the kenku\",\"with\":\"Clonk\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Hellfire Warhammer\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d8}) bludgeoning damage, or 5 ({@damage 1d10 + 1}) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"]},{\"name\":\"Crokek'toeck\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":231,\"size\":\"G\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fiend\",\"tags\":[\"demon\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":297,\"formula\":\"17d20 + 119\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":60,\"swim\":60},\"str\":28,\"dex\":10,\"con\":24,\"int\":6,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":13,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+12\",\"wis\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"resist\":[\"cold\",\"fire\",\"lightning\",{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Abyssal but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"14\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Amphibious\",\"entries\":[\"Crokek'toeck can breathe air and water.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"Crokek'toeck has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Weapons\",\"entries\":[\"Crokek'toeck's weapon attacks are magical.\"]},{\"name\":\"Secure Memory\",\"entries\":[\"Crokek'toeck is immune to the waters of the River Styx as well as any effect that would steal or modify its memories or detect or read its thoughts.\"]},{\"name\":\"Standing Leap\",\"entries\":[\"Crokek'toeck's long jump is up to 60 feet and its high jump is up to 30 feet, with or without a running start.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 14} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}44 ({@damage 10d6 + 9}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Disgorge Allies {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"Crokek'toeck opens its mouth and disgorges {@dice 1d4} {@creature barlgura||barlguras}, {@dice 3d6} {@creature gnoll||gnolls} led by 1 {@creature gnoll fang of Yeenoghu}, {@dice 6d6} {@creature dretch||dretches}, or {@dice 1d3} {@creature vrock||vrocks}. Each creature it disgorges appears in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of Crokek'toeck's mouth, or the next closest unoccupied space.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Amphibious\",\"Magic Resistance\",\"Magic Weapons\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Death's Head of Bhaal\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":233,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[15],\"hp\":{\"average\":76,\"formula\":\"8d8 + 40\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":50},\"str\":20,\"dex\":20,\"con\":20,\"int\":14,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":16,\"skill\":{\"intimidation\":\"+6\",\"perception\":\"+4\",\"persuasion\":\"+6\",\"stealth\":\"+11\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Aura of Murder\",\"entries\":[\"As long as the death's head is not {@condition incapacitated}, hostile creatures within 5 feet of it gain vulnerability to piercing damage unless they have resistance or immunity to such damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The death's head has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The death's head uses Stunning Gaze and makes two dagger attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d4 + 5}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Stunning Gaze\",\"entries\":[\"The death's head targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 14} Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Unstoppable (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"The death's head reduces the damage it takes from an attack to 0.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"stunned\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Dryad Spirit\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":108,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Banshee\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"banshee\",\"with\":\"dryad\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Duke Thalamra Vanthampur\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":38,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[10],\"hp\":{\"average\":78,\"formula\":\"12d8 + 24\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":17,\"dex\":10,\"con\":15,\"int\":13,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":18,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+6\",\"insight\":\"+5\",\"intimidation\":\"+6\",\"religion\":\"+3\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft. (see devil's sight below)\"],\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Dark Devotion\",\"entries\":[\"Thalamra has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Devil's Sight\",\"entries\":[\"Thalamra can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, out to a distance of 120 feet.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Thalamra uses eldritch blast twice or makes two unarmed strikes.\"]},{\"name\":\"Eldritch Blast (Cantrip)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 6} to hit, range 120 ft., one creature. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d10 + 4}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Unarmed Strike\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Hellish Rebuke (1st-Level Spell; 2/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"When Thalamra is damaged by a creature within 60 feet of her that she can see, the creature that damaged her is engulfed in hellish flames and must make a {@dc 14} Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 ({@damage 3d10}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Devil's Sight\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"F\",\"O\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Elliach\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":130,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mage\",\"with\":\"Elliach\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 10 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\",\"RW\",\"THW\"]},{\"name\":\"Feonor\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":130,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Archmage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the archmage\",\"with\":\"Feonor\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Fiendish Flesh Golem\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":236,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":12,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":210,\"formula\":\"20d10 + 100\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"fly\":{\"number\":30,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":20,\"dex\":9,\"con\":20,\"int\":7,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":5,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"resist\":[\"cold\",\"fire\"],\"immune\":[\"lightning\",\"poison\",{\"immune\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine or silvered\",\"cond\":true}],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands the languages of its creator but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"8\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Berserk\",\"entries\":[\"Whenever the golem starts its turn with 100 hit points or fewer, roll a {@dice d6}. On a 6, the golem goes berserk. On each of its turns while berserk, the golem attacks the nearest creature it can see. If no creature is near enough to move to and attack, the golem attacks an object, with preference for an object smaller than itself. Once the golem goes berserk, it continues to do so until it is destroyed or regains all its hit points. If the golem's creator is within 60 feet of the berserk golem, the creator can try to calm it by speaking firmly and persuasively. The golem must be able to hear its creator, who must take an action to make a {@dc 15} Charisma (Persuasion) check. If the check succeeds, the golem ceases being berserk. If it takes damage while still at 100 hit points or fewer, the golem might go berserk again.\"]},{\"name\":\"Immutable Form\",\"entries\":[\"The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.\"]},{\"name\":\"Lightning Absorption\",\"entries\":[\"Whenever the golem is subjected to lightning damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the lightning damage dealt.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Weapons\",\"entries\":[\"The golem's weapon attacks are magical.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The golem makes two slam attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Slam\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}16 ({@damage 2d10 + 5}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Damage Absorption\",\"Immutable Form\",\"Magic Resistance\",\"Magic Weapons\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Fist of Bane\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":232,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"{@item chain mail|phb}\",\"{@item shield|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":22,\"formula\":\"4d8 + 4\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":16,\"dex\":11,\"con\":13,\"int\":10,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":11,\"passive\":11,\"conditionImmune\":[\"frightened\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Tactical Discipline\",\"entries\":[\"The fist of Bane has advantage on all ability checks and saving throws made during combat.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Mace\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 2} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d8}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Flying Dagger\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":30,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Flying Sword\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"sword\",\"with\":\"dagger\"},\"action\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Longsword\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d4 + 1}) piercing damage.\"]}}}},\"size\":\"T\",\"hp\":{\"average\":7,\"formula\":\"3d4\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"damageTags\":[\"P\"]},{\"name\":\"Gideon Lightward\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":65,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[11],\"hp\":{\"average\":136,\"formula\":\"16d8 + 64\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":18,\"dex\":13,\"con\":18,\"int\":10,\"wis\":18,\"cha\":13,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+4\",\"con\":\"+7\",\"wis\":\"+7\"},\"skill\":{\"insight\":\"+7\",\"religion\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"resist\":[{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"necrotic\",\"poison\"],\"vulnerable\":[\"radiant\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"exhaustion\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"6\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Regeneration\",\"entries\":[\"Gideon regains 10 hit points at the start of each of his turns. If he takes radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of his next turn. Gideon is destroyed only if he starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Gideon attacks twice with his fists.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fist\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Withering Gaze\",\"entries\":[\"Gideon targets one creature he can see within 60 feet of him. The target must make a {@dc 15} Constitution saving throw, taking 22 ({@damage 4d10}) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Regeneration\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"N\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Harkina Hunt\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":53,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Commoner\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"action\":{\"mode\":\"appendArr\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Longbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d8}) piercing damage.\"]}}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"hasToken\":true,\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\"]},{\"name\":\"Hellwasp\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":236,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"fiend\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":19,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":52,\"formula\":\"8d10 + 8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":10,\"fly\":{\"number\":60,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":18,\"dex\":15,\"con\":12,\"int\":10,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":7,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+5\",\"wis\":\"+3\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"fire\"],\"vulnerable\":[\"cold\"],\"languages\":[\"Infernal\",\"telepathy 300 ft. (with other hellwasps only)\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Weapons\",\"entries\":[\"The hellwasp's weapon attacks are magical.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The hellwasp makes two attacks: one with its sting and one with its sword talons.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sting\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) piercing damage plus 7 ({@damage 2d6}) fire damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 12} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} for 1 minute. While {@condition poisoned} in this way, the target is also {@condition paralyzed}. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sword Talons\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Weapons\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"I\",\"TP\"],\"damageTags\":[\"F\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Hellwasp Grub\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":95,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Giant Centipede\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Hollyphant\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":237,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":\"celestial\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":36,\"formula\":\"8d6 + 8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20,\"fly\":120},\"str\":10,\"dex\":11,\"con\":12,\"int\":16,\"wis\":19,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+3\",\"con\":\"+4\",\"cha\":\"+6\"},\"passive\":14,\"resist\":[{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Celestial\",\"telepathy 120 ft.\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The hollyphant's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 15}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell light}\"],\"daily\":{\"2e\":[\"{@spell bless}\",\"{@spell cure wounds}\",\"{@spell protection from evil and good}\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell banishment}\",\"{@spell heal}\",\"{@spell raise dead}\",\"{@spell shapechange} (into a golden-furred {@creature mammoth} with feathered wings and a flying speed of 120 ft.)\",\"{@spell teleport} (with no chance of error)\"]},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Aura of Invulnerability\",\"entries\":[\"An {@condition invisible} aura forms a 10-foot-radius sphere around the hollyphant for as long as it lives. Any spell of 5th level or lower cast from outside the barrier can't affect creatures or objects within it, even if the spell is cast using a higher level spell slot. Such a spell can target creatures and objects within the barrier, but the spell has no effect on them. Similarly, the area within the barrier is excluded from the areas affected by such spells. The hollyphant can use an action to suppress this trait until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell).\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Weapons\",\"entries\":[\"The hollyphant's weapon attacks are magical.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Tusks\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d6}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Trumpet (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"The hollyphant blows air through its trunk, creating a trumpet sound that can be heard out to a range of 600 feet. The trumpet also creates a 30-foot cone of energy that has one of the following effects, chosen by the hollyphant:\"]},{\"name\":\"Trumpet of Blasting\",\"entries\":[\"Each creature in the cone must make a {@dc 14} Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 17 ({@damage 5d6}) thunder damage and is {@condition deafened} for 1 minute. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't {@condition deafened}. Nonmagical objects in the cone that aren't being held or worn take 35 ({@damage 10d6}) thunder damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Trumpet of Sparkles\",\"entries\":[\"Creatures in the cone must make a {@dc 14} Constitution saving throw, taking 22 ({@damage 4d8 + 4}) radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Evil creatures have disadvantage on the saving throw. Good creatures in the cone take no damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Weapons\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CE\",\"TP\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"R\",\"T\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"deafened\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"incapacitated\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Iron Consul\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":232,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"{@item chain mail|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":45,\"formula\":\"6d8 + 18\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":17,\"dex\":11,\"con\":16,\"int\":12,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+4\"},\"skill\":{\"intimidation\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+4\"},\"passive\":14,\"conditionImmune\":[\"frightened\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Tactical Discipline\",\"entries\":[\"The iron consul has advantage on all ability checks and saving throws made during combat.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The iron consul makes one attack with its spear and can use its Voice of Command ability.\"]},{\"name\":\"Spear\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) piercing damage, or 7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) piercing damage when used with two hands to make a melee attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Voice of Command\",\"entries\":[\"The iron consul selects up to two allies within 90 feet of it that can hear its commands. Each ally can immediately use its reaction to make one melee attack.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Kostchtchie\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":105,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fiend\",\"tags\":[\"demon\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":243,\"formula\":\"18d10 + 144\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":30,\"dex\":12,\"con\":27,\"int\":18,\"wis\":22,\"cha\":19,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+9\",\"con\":\"+16\",\"wis\":\"+14\"},\"skill\":{\"intimidation\":\"+12\",\"perception\":\"+14\",\"survival\":\"+14\"},\"senses\":[\"truesight 120 ft\"],\"passive\":24,\"resist\":[\"fire\",\"lightning\"],\"immune\":[\"cold\",\"poison\",{\"immune\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Abyssal\",\"Giant\",\"telepathy 120 ft\"],\"cr\":\"25\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Kostchtchie's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 20}). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell command}\",\"{@spell darkness}\"],\"daily\":{\"1e\":[\"{@spell dispel evil and good}\",\"{@spell gate}\",\"{@spell harm}\",\"{@spell telekinesis}\",\"{@spell teleport}\",\"{@spell wind walk}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If Kostchtchie fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"Kostchtchie has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Kostchtchie makes two melee attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 18} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}13 ({@damage 1d6 + 10}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Matalotok (Warhammer)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 18} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}19 ({@damage 2d8 + 10}) bludgeoning damage, or 21 ({@damage 2d10 + 10}) bludgeoning damage when used with two hands, and the weapon emits a burst of cold that deals 10 ({@damage 3d6}) cold damage to each creature within 30 feet of it.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Attack\",\"entries\":[\"Kostchtchie makes one melee weapon attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Charge\",\"entries\":[\"Kostchtchie moves up to his speed.\"]},{\"name\":\"Curse (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Kostchtchie curses one creature he can see within 60 feet of him. The cursed creature gains vulnerability to all damage dealt by Kostchtchie until the end of Kostchtchie's next turn.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"U\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"GI\",\"TP\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"C\",\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Krull\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":110,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"tortle\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":117,\"formula\":\"18d8 + 36\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":20,\"dex\":14,\"con\":15,\"int\":12,\"wis\":20,\"cha\":12,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+8\",\"cha\":\"+4\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+4\",\"medicine\":\"+8\",\"nature\":\"+4\",\"survival\":\"+8\"},\"passive\":15,\"languages\":[\"Aquan\",\"Common\",\"Draconic\"],\"cr\":\"6\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Krull is a 14th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 16}, {@hit 8} to hit with spell attacks). He has the following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell chill touch}\",\"{@spell mending}\",\"{@spell resistance}\",\"{@spell sacred flame}\",\"{@spell spare the dying}\",\"{@spell thaumaturgy}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cure wounds}\",\"{@spell detect evil and good}\",\"{@spell false life}\",\"{@spell inflict wounds}\",\"{@spell ray of sickness}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell blindness/deafness}\",\"{@spell gentle repose}\",\"{@spell hold person}\",\"{@spell ray of enfeeblement}\",\"{@spell spiritual weapon}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell animate dead}\",\"{@spell magic circle}\",\"{@spell speak with dead}\",\"{@spell spirit guardians}\",\"{@spell vampiric touch}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell banishment}\",\"{@spell blight}\",\"{@spell death ward}\",\"{@spell divination}\",\"{@spell locate creature}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell antilife shell}\",\"{@spell cloudkill}\",\"{@spell contagion}\",\"{@spell greater restoration}\"]},\"6\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell create undead}\",\"{@spell true seeing}\"]},\"7\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell divine word}\",\"{@spell regenerate}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Hold Breath\",\"entries\":[\"Krull can hold his breath for 1 hour.\"]},{\"name\":\"Inescapable Destruction\",\"entries\":[\"Necrotic damage dealt by Krull's spells ignores resistance to necrotic damage.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d4 + 5}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"+1 Maul\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d6 + 6}) bludgeoning damage plus 9 ({@damage 2d8}) necrotic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shell Defense\",\"entries\":[\"Krull withdraws into his shell. Until he emerges as a bonus action, he has a +4 bonus to AC and has advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws. While in his shell, Krull is {@condition prone}, his speed is 0 and can't increase, he has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws, he can't take reactions, and the only action he can take is to emerge from his shell.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Hold Breath\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AQ\",\"C\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"N\",\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"blinded\",\"deafened\",\"incapacitated\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\",\"stunned\"],\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Lulu\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":5,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Hollyphant\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the hollyphant\",\"with\":\"Lulu\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Mad Maggie\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":74,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Night Hag\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the hag\",\"with\":\"Maggie\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Mahadi the Rakshasa\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":127,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"fiend\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":195,\"formula\":\"23d8 + 92\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":14,\"dex\":18,\"con\":18,\"int\":14,\"wis\":18,\"cha\":20,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+9\",\"cha\":\"+10\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+7\",\"deception\":\"+10\",\"insight\":\"+9\",\"perception\":\"+9\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":19,\"resist\":[{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"vulnerable\":[{\"vulnerable\":[\"piercing\"],\"note\":\"from magic weapons wielded by good creatures\",\"cond\":true}],\"languages\":[\"all (can read only)\",\"Common\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"14\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Mahadi's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 18}, {@hit 9} to hit with spell attacks). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell detect thoughts}\",\"{@spell disguise self}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell minor illusion}\"],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell charm person}\",\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell hellish rebuke}\",\"{@spell invisibility}\",\"{@spell major image}\",\"{@spell speak with dead}\",\"{@spell suggestion}\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell banishment}\",\"{@spell demiplane}\",\"{@spell dominate person}\",\"{@spell fly}\",\"{@spell forcecage}\",\"{@spell geas}\",\"{@spell plane shift}\",\"{@spell true seeing}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Limited Magic Immunity\",\"entries\":[\"Mahadi can't be affected or detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless he wishes to be. He has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Weapons\",\"entries\":[\"Mahadi's weapon attacks are magical.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Mahadi makes four claw attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d6 + 2}) slashing damage, and the target is cursed if it's a creature. The curse takes effect whenever the target takes a short or long rest, filling the target's thoughts with horrible images and dreams. The cursed target gains no benefit from finishing a short or long rest. The curse lasts until it is lifted by a remove curse spell or similar magic.\"]},{\"name\":\"Summon Erinyes (1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"Mahadi summons Ilzabet, an erinyes bound to him by an infernal contract. The erinyes appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of him, acts as his ally, and can't summon other devils. The erinyes remains for 10 minutes or until Mahadi dismisses it as an action. If the erinyes dies, Mahadi loses this action option.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Weapons\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"I\",\"XX\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Master of Souls\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":234,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":45,\"formula\":\"6d8 + 18\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":14,\"con\":17,\"int\":19,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":13,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+4\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+6\",\"religion\":\"+6\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Abyssal\",\"Common\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"4\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The master of souls is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 14}, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks). It has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell chill touch} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell message}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell burning hands}\",\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell ray of sickness} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\",\"{@spell shield}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell darkness}\",\"{@spell misty step}\",\"{@spell scorching ray} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell animate dead}\",\"{@spell fireball}\"]}},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Grave Magic\",\"entries\":[\"When the master of souls cast a spell that deals damage, it can change the spell's damage type to necrotic.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The master of souls attacks twice with its flail.\"]},{\"name\":\"Silvered Skull Flail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d8}) bludgeoning damage plus 14 ({@damage 4d6}) necrotic damage, and the target has disadvantage on all saving throws until the end of the master of souls' next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Chill Touch (Cantrip)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 6} to hit, range 120 ft., one creature. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d8}) necrotic damage, and the target can't regain hit points until the start of the master of souls' next turn. If the target is undead, it has disadvantage on attack rolls against the master of souls for the same duration.\"]},{\"name\":\"Ray of Sickness (1st-Level Spell; Requires a Spell Slot)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 6} to hit, range 60 ft., one creature. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d8}) poison damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 14} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} until the end of the master of souls' next turn. If the master of souls casts this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by {@dice 1d8} for each slot level above 1st.\"]},{\"name\":\"Scorching Ray (2nd-Level Spell; Requires a Spell Slot)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 6} to hit, range 120 ft., one target per ray (3 rays if a 2nd-level spell slot is used, 4 rays if a 3rd-level spell slot is used). {@h}7 ({@damage 2d6}) fire damage per ray.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"C\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"F\",\"I\",\"N\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"poisoned\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"poisoned\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Mortlock Vanthampur\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":26,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":90,\"formula\":\"12d8 + 36\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":18,\"dex\":14,\"con\":17,\"int\":10,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":13,\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+6\",\"intimidation\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":11,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Indomitable (2/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"Mortlock can reroll a saving throw that he fails. He must use the new roll.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Mortlock makes two attacks with his greatclub.\"]},{\"name\":\"Greatclub\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d4 + 4}) bludgeoning damage, plus 5 ({@damage 2d4}) bludgeoning damage if Mortlock has taken any damage since his last turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Heavy Crossbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d10 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Necromite of Myrkul\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":234,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[11],\"hp\":{\"average\":13,\"formula\":\"2d8 + 4\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":13,\"con\":15,\"int\":16,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":10,\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+5\",\"religion\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":10,\"languages\":[\"Abyssal\",\"Common\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Skull Flail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d8}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws of the Grave\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 5} to hit, range 90 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 2d4 + 3}) necrotic damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"C\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"N\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Necrotic Centipede\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":119,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Remorhaz\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"remorhaz\",\"with\":\"centipede\"},\"action\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Bite\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 11} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}40 ({@damage 6d10 + 7}) piercing damage plus 10 ({@damage 3d6}) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 17}). Until this grapple ends, the target is {@condition restrained}, and the centipede can't bite another target.\"]}}}},\"immune\":[\"necrotic\",\"fire\"],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Necrotic Body\",\"entries\":[\"A creature that touches the centipede or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 10 ({@damage 3d6}) necrotic damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"damageTags\":[\"A\",\"N\",\"P\"]},{\"name\":\"Night Blade\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":233,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":11,\"formula\":\"2d8 + 2\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":11,\"dex\":15,\"con\":12,\"int\":10,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":14,\"skill\":{\"intimidation\":\"+4\",\"stealth\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60\"],\"passive\":10,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Aura of Murder\",\"entries\":[\"As long as the night blade is not {@condition incapacitated}, hostile creatures within 5 feet of it gain vulnerability to piercing damage unless they have resistance or immunity to such damage.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Nine-Fingers Keene\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":170,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"{@item leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":84,\"formula\":\"13d8 + 26\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":12,\"dex\":18,\"con\":14,\"int\":13,\"wis\":17,\"cha\":14,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+7\",\"int\":\"+4\"},\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+10\",\"deception\":\"+5\",\"insight\":\"+6\",\"intimidation\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+6\",\"sleight of hand\":\"+10\",\"stealth\":\"+10\"},\"passive\":16,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Thieves' cant\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Cunning Action\",\"entries\":[\"On each of her turns in combat, Nine-Fingers can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger Thrower\",\"entries\":[\"Nine-Fingers adds double her proficiency bonus to the damage she deals on ranged attacks made with daggers (already factored into her attacks).\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Nine-Fingers attacks three times with her daggers.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) piercing damage, plus 6 piercing damage if it's a ranged attack.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Uncanny Dodge\",\"entries\":[\"Nine-Fingers halves the damage that she takes from an attack that hits her. She must be able to see the attacker.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"TC\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Peacock\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":195,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Vulture\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"vulture\",\"with\":\"peacock\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Princeps Kovik\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":91,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Chain Devil\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the devil\",\"with\":\"Kovik\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Raggadragga\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":87,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Wereboar\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the wereboar\",\"with\":\"Raggadragga\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hp\":{\"average\":120,\"formula\":\"12d8 + 24\"},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Reaper of Bhaal\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":233,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[15],\"hp\":{\"average\":27,\"formula\":\"5d8 + 5\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":11,\"dex\":20,\"con\":13,\"int\":15,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":16,\"skill\":{\"intimidation\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+3\",\"persuasion\":\"+5\",\"stealth\":\"+9\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The reaper's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 13}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"daily\":{\"1e\":[\"{@spell charm person}\",\"{@spell disguise self}\",\"{@spell sanctuary}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Aura of Murder\",\"entries\":[\"As long as the reaper is not {@condition incapacitated}, hostile creatures within 5 feet of it gain vulnerability to piercing damage unless they have resistance or immunity to such damage.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The reaper makes two dagger attacks and uses Shroud Self.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d4 + 5}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shroud Self\",\"entries\":[\"The reaper magically turns {@condition invisible} until the start of its next turn. This invisibility ends if the reaper makes an attack roll, makes a damage roll, or casts a spell.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"charmed\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Rilsa Rael\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":199,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"{@item leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":52,\"formula\":\"8d8 + 16\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":14,\"dex\":18,\"con\":14,\"int\":10,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":15,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+6\",\"wis\":\"+2\"},\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+6\",\"athletics\":\"+4\",\"deception\":\"+4\",\"perception\":\"+2\",\"sleight of hand\":\"+6\",\"stealth\":\"+6\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Thieves' cant\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Cunning Action\",\"entries\":[\"On each of her turns in combat, Rilsa can use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.\"]},{\"name\":\"Focus\",\"entries\":[\"If Rilsa damages a creature with a weapon attack, she gains advantage on attack rolls against that target until the end of her next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tactical Leadership\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, Rilsa chooses one creature she can see within 30 feet of her. The creature doesn't provoke opportunity attacks until the end of its next turn, provided it can hear Rilsa's commands.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Rilsa makes three weapon attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shortsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d6 + 4}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"TC\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Skeletal Rats\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":23,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Swarm of Rats\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"type\":{\"type\":\"undead\",\"swarmSize\":\"T\"},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Skull Lasher of Myrkul\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":234,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":32,\"formula\":\"5d8 + 10\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":14,\"con\":15,\"int\":16,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":10,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+3\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+5\",\"religion\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":11,\"languages\":[\"Abyssal\",\"Common\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"1\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The skull lasher is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). It has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell message}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell protection from evil and good}\",\"{@spell ray of sickness} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\",\"{@spell shield}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell darkness}\",\"{@spell misty step}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The skull lasher makes two attacks with its flail.\"]},{\"name\":\"Iron Skull Flail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d8}) bludgeoning damage plus 7 ({@damage 2d6}) necrotic damage, and the target has disadvantage on all saving throws until the end of the skull lasher's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Ray of Sickness (1st-Level Spell; Requires a Spell Slot)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 5} to hit, range 60 ft., one creature. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d8}) poison damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 13} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} until the end of the skull lasher's next turn. If the skull lasher casts this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by {@dice 1d8} for each slot level above 1st.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"C\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"I\",\"N\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"poisoned\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"poisoned\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Smiler the Defiler\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":133,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fey\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"{@item +2 leather armor}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":165,\"formula\":\"22d8 + 66\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":14,\"dex\":20,\"con\":16,\"int\":18,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":18,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+7\",\"persuasion\":\"+7\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"resist\":[{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\",\"Sylvan\"],\"cr\":\"7\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Smiler's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 15}). He can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell charm person}\",\"{@spell Tasha's hideous laughter}\"],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell confusion}\",\"{@spell enthrall}\",\"{@spell suggestion}\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell hallucinatory terrain}\",\"{@spell Otto's irresistible dance}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Fey Step {@recharge 4}\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, Smiler can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space that he can see or to the empty seat of his infernal war machine.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"Smiler has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"Smiler wears +2 leather armor. He carries seven soul coins in a bag and a +1 shortsword\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Smiler makes two weapon attacks. He can cast a spell in place of one of these attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"+1 Shortsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d6 + 6}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\",\"S\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Sylvira Savikas\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":46,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Archmage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_trait\":{\"name\":\"Tiefling\",\"source\":\"PHB\"},\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the archmage\",\"with\":\"Sylvira\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"_\":[{\"mode\":\"addSkills\",\"skills\":{\"investigation\":2}}]}},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"N\"],\"languages\":[\"Abyssal\",\"Celestial\",\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Infernal\",\"Primordial\"],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"C\",\"CE\",\"DR\",\"I\",\"P\"]},{\"name\":\"Thavius Kreeg\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":42,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[10],\"hp\":{\"average\":40,\"formula\":\"9d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":12,\"dex\":10,\"con\":11,\"int\":15,\"wis\":18,\"cha\":16,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+5\",\"medicine\":\"+6\",\"persuasion\":\"+5\",\"religion\":\"+4\"},\"passive\":14,\"languages\":[\"Abyssal\",\"Common\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Shadow of Guilt\",\"entries\":[\"Thavius's shadow is that of a pudgy, horned devil with small wings.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Mace\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d6 + 1}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"C\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"]},{\"name\":\"Thurstwell Vanthampur\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":34,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[9],\"hp\":{\"average\":5,\"formula\":\"2d8 - 4\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":7,\"dex\":8,\"con\":6,\"int\":15,\"wis\":17,\"cha\":12,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+3\",\"insight\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+5\",\"religion\":\"+4\"},\"passive\":15,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"1/8\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Thurstwell is a 2nd-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 13}). He has the following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell guidance}\",\"{@spell sacred flame} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\",\"{@spell thaumaturgy}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell command}\",\"{@spell detect evil and good}\",\"{@spell sanctuary}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Dark Devotion\",\"entries\":[\"Thurstwell has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Sacred Flame (Cantrip)\",\"entries\":[\"Flame-like radiance descends on one creature Thurstwell can see within 60 feet of him. The target must succeed on a {@dc 13} Dexterity saving throw or take 4 ({@damage 1d8}) radiant damage, gaining no benefit from cover.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"R\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Torogar Steelfist\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":112,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":168,\"formula\":\"16d10 + 80\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":25,\"dex\":17,\"con\":20,\"int\":8,\"wis\":9,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+11\",\"con\":\"+9\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":9,\"languages\":[\"Abyssal\",\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"11\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Goring Rush\",\"entries\":[\"Immediately after using the Dash action, Torogar can make one melee attack with his horns.\"]},{\"name\":\"Labyrinthine Recall\",\"entries\":[\"Torogar can perfectly recall any path he has traveled.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rage (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, Torogar can enter a rage that lasts for 1 minute. The rage ends early if Torogar is knocked {@condition unconscious} or if his turn ends and he hasn't attacked a hostile creature or taken damage since his last turn. While raging, Torogar gains the following benefits:\",\"He has advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.\",\"He deals an extra 3 damage when he hits a target with a melee weapon attack.\",\"He has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Special Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"Torogar wears {@item gauntlets of flaming fury|bgdia} and a {@item belt of fire giant strength}. Without the belt, his Strength is 21. He also carries a {@item soul coin|bgdia}.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Torogar makes three attacks: two with his scimitars and one with his horns.\"]},{\"name\":\"Scimitar\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 2d6 + 7}) slashing damage, or 17 ({@damage 2d6 + 10}) slashing damage while raging, plus 3 ({@damage 1d6}) fire damage from the gauntlets of flaming fury.\"]},{\"name\":\"Horns\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 11} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}16 ({@damage 2d8 + 7}) piercing damage, or 19 ({@damage 2d8 + 10}) piercing damage while raging.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"F\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"unconscious\"],\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Traxigor\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":50,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Archmage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the archmage\",\"with\":\"Traxigor\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"_\":{\"mode\":\"replaceSpells\",\"spells\":{\"7\":[{\"replace\":\"{@spell teleport}\",\"with\":\"{@spell plane shift}\"}]}}}},\"size\":\"T\",\"type\":\"beast\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"G\"],\"str\":3,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Dwarvish\",\"Gnomish\",\"Halfling\",\"Troglodyte\"],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"D\",\"DR\",\"G\",\"H\",\"OTH\"]},{\"name\":\"Tressym\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":241,\"otherSources\":[{\"source\":\"IMR\"}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Tressym\",\"source\":\"SKT\"},\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"hasToken\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Ulder Ravengard\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":70,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":20,\"from\":[\"{@item plate armor|phb}\",\"{@item shield|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":112,\"formula\":\"15d8 + 45\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":25},\"str\":17,\"dex\":14,\"con\":16,\"int\":11,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":17,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+6\",\"wis\":\"+3\"},\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+6\",\"intimidation\":\"+6\",\"perception\":\"+3\"},\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Ulder makes three melee attacks, only one of which can be with his shield.\"]},{\"name\":\"+1 Longsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) slashing damage, or 9 ({@damage 1d10 + 4}) slashing damage when used with two hands.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shield\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) bludgeoning damage, and Ulder pushes the target 5 feet away from him. Ulder then enters the space vacated by the target. If the target is pushed to within 5 feet of a creature friendly to Ulder, the target provokes an opportunity attack from that creature.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Guardian Strike\",\"entries\":[\"If an enemy within 5 feet of Ulder attacks a target other than him, Ulder can make a melee attack against that enemy.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Undead Tree\",\"source\":\"BGDIA\",\"page\":23,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Treant\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"treant\",\"with\":\"tree\"}}},\"type\":\"undead\",\"resist\":[\"necrotic\"],\"hasToken\":true}]}");
JSON_DATA[`data/bestiary/bestiary-cm.json`] = JSON.parse("{\"_meta\":{\"dependencies\":{\"monster\":[\"MM\",\"ToA\"]},\"otherSources\":{\"monster\":{\"MM\":\"CM\",\"CoS\":\"CM\",\"VGM\":\"CM\",\"MOT\":\"CM\"}}},\"monster\":[{\"name\":\"Animated Broom\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":20,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":17,\"formula\":\"5d6\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":0,\"fly\":{\"number\":50,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":10,\"dex\":17,\"con\":10,\"int\":1,\"wis\":5,\"cha\":1,\"senses\":[\"blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":7,\"immune\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"deafened\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\"],\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"False Object\",\"entries\":[\"If the broom is motionless at the start of combat, it has advantage on its initiative roll. Moreover, if a creature hasn't observed the broom move or act, that creature must succeed on a {@dc 15} Wisdom (Perception) check to discern that the broom is animate.\"]},{\"name\":\"Flyby\",\"entries\":[\"The broom doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The broom makes two melee attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Broomstick\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d4 + 3}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Flyby\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"]},{\"name\":\"Animated Chained Library\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":24,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":45,\"formula\":\"6d10 + 12\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":10},\"str\":15,\"dex\":8,\"con\":14,\"int\":1,\"wis\":5,\"cha\":1,\"senses\":[\"blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":7,\"immune\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"deafened\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\"],\"cr\":\"1\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"False Object\",\"entries\":[\"If the library is motionless at the start of combat, it has advantage on its initiative roll. Moreover, if a creature hasn't observed the library move or act, that creature must succeed on a {@dc 15} Wisdom (Perception) check to discern that the library is animate.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The library makes two attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Chained Book\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) bludgeoning damage, and if the target is a creature, it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 12}).\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Arrant Quill\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":157,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[14],\"hp\":{\"average\":135,\"formula\":\"18d8 + 54\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":18,\"con\":16,\"int\":16,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":20,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+7\",\"wis\":\"+6\",\"cha\":\"+9\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+11\",\"deception\":\"+9\",\"history\":\"+7\",\"performance\":\"+13\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Elvish\",\"Undercommon\"],\"cr\":\"11\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Quill casts one of the following spells using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (save {@dc 17}):\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\"],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell faerie fire}\",\"{@spell hold monster}\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell mind blank}\",\"{@spell teleport}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\",\"displayAs\":\"action\"}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Quill makes two attacks with his dagger and uses Supreme Mockery.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Quill's Fable {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"Quill utters a short fable while targeting up to five creatures within 30 feet of him that he can see. Each target that can hear Quill's magical fable must make a {@dc 17} Wisdom saving throw, taking 36 ({@damage 8d8}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]},{\"name\":\"Supreme Mockery\",\"entries\":[\"Quill hurls a string of insults laced with enchantments at a creature he can see within 60 feet of him. If the creature can hear Quill (though it need not understand him), it must succeed on a {@dc 17} Wisdom saving throw or take 66 ({@damage 12d10}) psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\",\"E\",\"U\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"Y\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Bak Mei\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":168,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"unarmored defense\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":102,\"formula\":\"12d8 + 48\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":10,\"dex\":18,\"con\":18,\"int\":13,\"wis\":17,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+5\",\"dex\":\"+9\",\"con\":\"+9\",\"int\":\"+6\",\"wis\":\"+8\",\"cha\":\"+8\"},\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+9\",\"athletics\":\"+5\",\"medicine\":\"+8\",\"religion\":\"+6\",\"stealth\":\"+9\"},\"passive\":13,\"resist\":[\"poison\",\"thunder\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\"],\"languages\":[\"Auran\",\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"13\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (2/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If Bak Mei fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Special Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"Bak Mei carries a staff of striking with 10 charges.\"]},{\"name\":\"Unarmored Defense\",\"entries\":[\"While Bak Mei is wearing no armor and wielding no shield, his AC includes his Wisdom modifier.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Bak Mei attacks three times: twice with Thunder Strike and once with his staff of striking.\"]},{\"name\":\"Thunder Strike\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}15 ({@damage 2d10 + 4}) thunder damage, and if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 17} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition deafened} and {@condition stunned} until the start of Bak Mei's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Staff of Striking\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d6}) bludgeoning damage, or 4 ({@damage 1d8}) bludgeoning damage when used with two hands, and Bak Mei can expend up to 3 of the staff's charges. For each expended charge, the target takes an extra {@damage 1d6} force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Heal Self (Recharges after a Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"Bak Mei regains {@dice 2d8 + 4} hit points, and all levels of {@condition exhaustion} end on him.\"]}],\"bonus\":[{\"name\":\"Nimble Escape\",\"entries\":[\"Bak Mei takes the Disengage or Hide action.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Deflect Missile\",\"entries\":[\"In response to being hit by a ranged weapon attack, Bak Mei deflects the missile. The damage he takes from the attack is reduced by {@dice 1d10 + 12}. If the damage is reduced to 0, Bak Mei catches the missile if it's small enough to hold in one hand and Bak Mei has a hand free.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Crane Dance\",\"entries\":[\"Bak Mei moves up to 20 feet. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Thunder Strike (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Bak Mei uses Thunder Strike.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AU\",\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"T\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"deafened\",\"stunned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Canopic Golem\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":179,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":252,\"formula\":\"24d10 + 120\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":20,\"dex\":10,\"con\":20,\"int\":7,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":1,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+3\",\"wis\":\"+5\",\"cha\":\"+0\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"deafened\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"cr\":\"13\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Limited Spell Immunity\",\"entries\":[\"The golem automatically succeeds on saving throws against spells of 7th level or lower, and the attack rolls of such spells always miss it.\"]},{\"name\":\"Unusual Nature\",\"entries\":[\"The golem doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The golem makes two attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Slam\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}27 ({@damage 4d10 + 5}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Crystal Dart\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 10} to hit, range 120 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 2d8 + 5}) force damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Spell Deflection\",\"entries\":[\"In response to a spell attack missing the golem, it causes that spell to hit another creature within 120 feet of it that it can see.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Chwinga\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Chwinga\",\"source\":\"ToA\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Cloud Giant Ghost\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":146,\"size\":\"H\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":104,\"formula\":\"16d12\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":0,\"fly\":{\"number\":40,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":27,\"dex\":11,\"con\":10,\"int\":12,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":17,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+7\",\"cha\":\"+7\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+7\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":17,\"resist\":[\"cold\"],\"immune\":[\"necrotic\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"grappled\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\",\"restrained\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Giant\"],\"cr\":\"9\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The ghost casts one of the following spells, using Charisma as the spellcasting ability and requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell fog cloud}\"],\"daily\":{\"1\":[\"{@spell control weather}\"],\"3\":[\"{@spell telekinesis}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\",\"displayAs\":\"action\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Ethereal Sight\",\"entries\":[\"The ghost can see 120 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.\"]},{\"name\":\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"entries\":[\"The ghost can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.\"]},{\"name\":\"Regeneration\",\"entries\":[\"The ghost regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn. If the ghost takes radiant damage or damage from a magic weapon, this trait doesn't function at the start of the ghost's next turn. The ghost dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The ghost makes two melee attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Spectral Weapon\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 12} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}21 ({@damage 3d8 + 8}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Etherealness\",\"entries\":[\"The ghost enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet it can't affect or be affected by anything on the other plane.\"]},{\"name\":\"Wind Howl {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"The ghost emits a dreadful howl that summons a cold, biting wind. This wind engulfs up to three creatures of the ghost's choice that it can see within 60 feet of it. Each target is pulled up to 20 feet toward the ghost and must make a {@dc 15} Constitution saving throw, taking 16 ({@damage 3d10}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"Regeneration\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"GI\"],\"damageTags\":[\"C\",\"O\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Constructed Commoner\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":149,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":6,\"formula\":\"1d8 + 2\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":25},\"str\":10,\"dex\":10,\"con\":15,\"int\":10,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":10,\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"exhaustion\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"0\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Unusual Nature\",\"entries\":[\"The commoner doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep, and it gains no benefit from finishing a short or long rest. When it drops to 0 hit points, it becomes a lifeless object.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Club\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d4}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Corrupted Avatar of Lurue\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":123,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":90,\"formula\":\"12d10 + 24\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":50,\"fly\":{\"number\":50,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":18,\"dex\":14,\"con\":15,\"int\":11,\"wis\":17,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+3\",\"wis\":\"+6\",\"cha\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Celestial\",\"Elvish\",\"Sylvan\",\"telepathy 60 ft.\"],\"cr\":\"8\",\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The avatar makes two attacks: one with its hooves and one with its horn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hooves\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}32 ({@damage 8d6 + 4}) necrotic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Horn\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}32 ({@damage 8d6 + 4}) necrotic damage. If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Wisdom saving throw or be transformed into a wolf under the avatar's control. This transformation lasts for 1 hour, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The target's game statistics are replaced by the wolf's statistics, but it retains its hit points. The target is limited in the actions it can perform by the nature of its wolf form, and it can't speak, cast spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech. The target's gear melds into the new form, and it can't activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CE\",\"E\",\"S\",\"TP\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Dragon Tortoise\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":205,\"size\":\"G\",\"type\":\"dragon\",\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":20,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":341,\"formula\":\"22d20 + 110\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20},\"str\":25,\"dex\":10,\"con\":20,\"int\":10,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":12,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+6\",\"con\":\"+11\",\"wis\":\"+7\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":11,\"resist\":[\"fire\"],\"languages\":[\"Draconic\",\"Terran\"],\"cr\":\"17\",\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The dragon tortoise makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws. It can make one tail attack in place of its two claw attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}26 ({@damage 3d12 + 7}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}16 ({@damage 2d8 + 7}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}26 ({@damage 3d12 + 7}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 20} Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 10 feet away from the dragon tortoise and knocked {@condition prone}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Steam Breath {@recharge 5}\",\"entries\":[\"The dragon tortoise exhales abrasive sand in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a {@dc 18} Constitution saving throw, taking 52 ({@damage 15d6}) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"DR\",\"T\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Faerl\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":104,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"{@item breastplate|PHB}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":9,\"formula\":\"2d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":11,\"dex\":12,\"con\":11,\"int\":12,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":16,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+5\",\"insight\":\"+4\",\"persuasion\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"1/8\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Faerl has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put him to sleep.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Rapier\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d8 + 1}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Parry\",\"entries\":[\"Faerl adds 2 to his AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, he must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Parry\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Fungal Servant\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":217,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":97,\"formula\":\"13d8 + 39\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20},\"str\":18,\"dex\":10,\"con\":17,\"int\":11,\"wis\":18,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+8\",\"int\":\"+5\",\"wis\":\"+9\",\"cha\":\"+8\"},\"skill\":{\"history\":\"+5\",\"religion\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"immune\":[\"necrotic\",\"poison\",{\"immune\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"vulnerable\":[\"fire\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"The languages it knew in life\"],\"cr\":\"15\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The fungal servant is a 10th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 17}, {@hit 9} to hit with spell attacks). The fungal servant has the following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell sacred flame}\",\"{@spell thaumaturgy}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell command}\",\"{@spell guiding bolt}\",\"{@spell shield of faith}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell hold person}\",\"{@spell silence}\",\"{@spell spiritual weapon}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell animate dead}\",\"{@spell dispel magic}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell divination}\",\"{@spell guardian of faith}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell contagion}\",\"{@spell insect plague}\"]},\"6\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell harm}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The fungal servant has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rejuvenation\",\"entries\":[\"A destroyed fungal servant gains a new body in 24 hours if its heart is intact, regaining all its hit points and becoming active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of the fungal servant's heart.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The fungal servant can use its Dreadful Glare and makes one attack with its rotting fist.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rotting Fist\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 3d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage plus 21 ({@damage 6d6}) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Constitution saving throw or be cursed with mummy rot. The cursed target can't regain hit points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10 ({@dice 3d6}) for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body turns to spores. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dreadful Glare\",\"entries\":[\"The fungal servant targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. If the target can see the fungal servant, it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become {@condition frightened} until the end of the fungal servant's next turn. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also {@condition paralyzed} for the same duration. A target that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Dreadful Glare of all fungal servants for the next 24 hours.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Attack\",\"entries\":[\"The fungal servant makes one attack with its rotting fist or uses its Dreadful Glare.\"]},{\"name\":\"Blinding Spores\",\"entries\":[\"Blinding spores swirls magically around the fungal servant. Each creature within 5 feet of the fungal servant must succeed on a {@dc 16} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition blinded} until the end of the creature's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Blasphemous Word (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"The fungal servant utters a blasphemous word. Each non-undead creature within 10 feet of the fungal servant that can hear the magical utterance must succeed on a {@dc 16} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until the end of the fungal servant's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Channel Negative Energy (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"The fungal servant magically unleashes negative energy. Creatures within 60 feet of the fungal servant, including ones behind barriers and around corners, can't regain hit points until the end of the fungal servant's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Whirlwind of Spores (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"The fungal servant magically transforms into a whirlwind of spores, moves up to 60 feet, and reverts to its normal form. While in whirlwind form, the fungal servant is immune to all damage, and it can't be {@condition grappled}, {@condition petrified}, knocked {@condition prone}, {@condition restrained}, or {@condition stunned}. Equipment worn or carried by the fungal servant remain in its possession.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\",\"Rejuvenation\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"LF\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"N\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"blinded\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"stunned\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"blinded\",\"deafened\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\",\"stunned\"]},{\"name\":\"Gingwatzim\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":27,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"aberration\",\"tags\":[\"shapechanger\"]},\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":39,\"formula\":\"6d6 + 18\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"fly\":{\"number\":30,\"condition\":\"(hover) in its true form only\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":3,\"dex\":15,\"con\":16,\"int\":4,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":6,\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"telepathy 60 ft.\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Alternate Forms\",\"entries\":[\"The gingwatzim has two alternate forms, both of which are chosen by its creator when the gingwatzim comes into being. One form is an exact duplicate of a Tiny nonmagical object (such as a book, dagger, or gemstone) that its creator is carrying or wearing when the gingwatzim is conjured. The other form can be any Tiny beast. Once these alternate forms are chosen, they can't be changed.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Energy Drain (True Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}16 ({@damage 4d6 + 2}) necrotic damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 12} Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of {@condition exhaustion}. When the target finishes a short or long rest, the target loses every level of {@condition exhaustion} gained from this attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Change Shape\",\"entries\":[\"The gingwatzim changes from its true form—a 3-foot-diameter sphere of luminous ectoplasm—into one of its two alternate forms, or from one of those forms back into its true form. In object form, it can't move or make attacks but otherwise retains its statistics, and it is indistinguishable from the thing it is imitating. In beast form, it retains its hit points but otherwise uses the stat block of the beast it is imitating. When it dies, the gingwatzim reverts to its true form and then vanishes.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Shapechanger\"],\"languageTags\":[\"TP\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"exhaustion\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Grippli Warrior\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":99,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"grippli\"]},\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":13,\"formula\":\"3d6 + 3\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"climb\":30,\"swim\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":15,\"con\":12,\"int\":10,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":10,\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+2\",\"stealth\":\"+4\",\"survival\":\"+4\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Grippli plus one other language (usually Common, Draconic, or Primordial)\"],\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Hold Breath\",\"entries\":[\"The grippli can hold its breath for 20 minutes.\"]},{\"name\":\"Standing Leap\",\"entries\":[\"The grippli can leap 30 feet horizontally or 20 feet vertically from a standing position.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The grippli makes one attack with its tongue. If this attack hits, the grippli can make a melee attack using its trident against the same target.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tongue\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one Medium or smaller creature. {@h}The target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 12}). Until this grapple ends, the target is {@condition restrained}, and the grippli can't grab another creature.\"]},{\"name\":\"Trident\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage, or 6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack, plus 2 ({@damage 1d4}) piercing damage if the grippli had advantage on the attack roll.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shortbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage, plus 2 ({@damage 1d4}) piercing damage if the grippli had advantage on the attack roll.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Hold Breath\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\",\"P\",\"X\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Hag of the Fetid Gaze\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":76,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"fey\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":82,\"formula\":\"11d8 + 33\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":18,\"dex\":12,\"con\":16,\"int\":13,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":14,\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+3\",\"deception\":\"+4\",\"perception\":\"+4\",\"stealth\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Sylvan\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 12}). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell dancing lights}\",\"{@spell minor illusion}\",\"{@spell vicious mockery}\"],\"ability\":\"cha\"},{\"name\":\"Shared Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"While all three members of the Fetid Gaze are within 30 feet of one another, they can each cast the following spells from the wizard's spell list but must share the spell slots among themselves:\"],\"spells\":{\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell charm person}\",\"{@spell witch bolt}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell alter self}\",\"{@spell suggestion}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell glyph of warding}\",\"{@spell slow}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell blight}\",\"{@spell polymorph}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell dominate person}\",\"{@spell seeming}\"]},\"6\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell Otto's irresistible dance}\"]}},\"footerEntries\":[\"For casting these spells, each hag is a 12th-level spellcaster that uses Intelligence as her spellcasting ability. The spell save DC is 12 + the hag's Intelligence modifier, and the spell attack bonus is 4 + the hag's Intelligence modifier.\"]}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Amphibious\",\"entries\":[\"The hag can breathe air and water.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mimicry\",\"entries\":[\"The hag can mimic animal sounds and humanoid voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful {@dc 14} Wisdom (Insight) check.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d8 + 4}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Illusory Appearance\",\"entries\":[\"The hag covers herself and anything she is wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that makes her look like another creature of her general size and humanoid shape. The illusion ends if the hag takes a bonus action to end it or if she dies.\",\"The changes wrought by this effect fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, the hag could appear to have smooth skin, but someone touching her would feel her rough flesh. Otherwise, a creature must take an action to visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a {@dc 20} Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that the hag is disguised.\"]},{\"name\":\"Invisible Passage\",\"entries\":[\"The hag magically turns {@condition invisible} until she attacks or casts a spell, or until her concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). While {@condition invisible}, she leaves no physical evidence of her passage, so she can be tracked only by magic. Any equipment she wears or carries is {@condition invisible} with her.\"]}],\"traitTags\":[\"Amphibious\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\",\"S\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\",\"I\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"charmed\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Immortal Lotus Monk\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":165,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"unarmored defense\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":65,\"formula\":\"10d8 + 20\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":12,\"dex\":16,\"con\":14,\"int\":11,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":10,\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+6\",\"perception\":\"+5\",\"stealth\":\"+6\"},\"passive\":15,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Unarmored Defense\",\"entries\":[\"While the monk is wearing no armor and wielding no shield, its AC includes its Wisdom modifier.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The monk makes two attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Force Strike\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) force damage, and if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 14} Dexterity saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dart\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 6} to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d4 + 3}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"prone\"]},{\"name\":\"Jade Tigress\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":166,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"unarmored defense\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":71,\"formula\":\"11d8 + 21\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":18,\"dex\":14,\"con\":15,\"int\":11,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":11,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+7\",\"con\":\"+5\"},\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+7\",\"insight\":\"+6\",\"intimidation\":\"+3\",\"perception\":\"+6\"},\"passive\":16,\"resist\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"8\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Unarmored Defense\",\"entries\":[\"While Jade Tigress is wearing no armor and wielding no shield, her AC includes her Wisdom modifier.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Jade Tigress makes three attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Force Strike\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d8 + 4}) force damage, and if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 15} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until the of Jade Tigress's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Poisoned Dart\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 5} to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage plus 7 ({@damage 3d4}) poison damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 15} Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of {@condition exhaustion}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Heal Self (Recharges after a Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"Jade Tigress regains {@dice 2d8 + 2} hit points, and all levels of {@condition exhaustion} end on her.\"]}],\"bonus\":[{\"name\":\"Nimble Escape\",\"entries\":[\"Jade Tigress takes the Disengage or Hide action.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Deflect Missile\",\"entries\":[\"In response to being hit by a ranged weapon attack, Jade Tigress deflects the missile. The damage she takes from the attack is reduced by {@dice 1d10 + 9}. If the damage is reduced to 0, Jade Tigress catches the missile if it's small enough to hold in one hand and Jade Tigress has a hand free.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"I\",\"O\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"exhaustion\",\"stunned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"K'Tulah\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":64,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"tabaxi\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[11],\"hp\":{\"average\":27,\"formula\":\"5d8 + 5\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":12,\"con\":13,\"int\":12,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":11,\"skill\":{\"medicine\":\"+4\",\"nature\":\"+3\",\"perception\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Druidic\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"K'Tulah is a 4th-level spellcaster. K'Tulah's spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 12}, {@hit 4} to hit with spell attacks). K'Tulah has the following druid spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell druidcraft}\",\"{@spell produce flame}\",\"{@spell shillelagh}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell entangle}\",\"{@spell longstrider}\",\"{@spell speak with animals}\",\"{@spell thunderwave}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell animal messenger}\",\"{@spell barkskin}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Feline Agility\",\"entries\":[\"When K'Tulah moves on her turn in combat, she can double her speed until the end of the turn. Once she uses this ability, K'Tulah can't use it again until she moves 0 feet on one of her turns.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Quarterstaff\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit ({@hit 4} to hit with shillelagh), reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d6}) bludgeoning damage, 4 ({@damage 1d8}) bludgeoning damage if wielded with two hands, or 6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) bludgeoning damage with shillelagh.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d4}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DU\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CD\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Kiddywidget\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":136,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":15,\"formula\":\"2d6 + 8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20,\"climb\":20},\"str\":6,\"dex\":14,\"con\":18,\"int\":1,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":1,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"lightning\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"deafened\",\"exhaustion\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Skitterwidget\"],\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Unusual Nature\",\"entries\":[\"The kiddywidget doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The kiddywidget makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it is {@condition grappled} by the kiddywidget (escape {@dc 8}).\"]},{\"name\":\"Tail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage plus 2 ({@damage 1d4}) lightning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"L\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Lichen Lich\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":223,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":20,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":225,\"formula\":\"30d8 + 90\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":11,\"dex\":16,\"con\":16,\"int\":14,\"wis\":20,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+9\",\"int\":\"+8\",\"wis\":\"+11\",\"cha\":\"+9\"},\"skill\":{\"medicine\":\"+11\",\"nature\":\"+14\",\"perception\":\"+11\",\"survival\":\"+11\"},\"senses\":[\"truesight 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":21,\"resist\":[\"cold\",\"necrotic\"],\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\",\"stunned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Druidic\",\"Sylvan\"],\"cr\":\"18\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The lich casts one of the following spells using Wisdom as the spellcasting ability (save {@dc 19}):\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell druidcraft}\"],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell fog cloud}\",\"{@spell pass without trace}\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell antilife shell}\",\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell speak with plants}\",\"{@spell transport via plants}\",{\"entry\":\"{@spell fire storm}\",\"hidden\":true}]},\"ability\":\"wis\",\"displayAs\":\"action\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If the lich fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rejuvenation\",\"entries\":[\"If it has a phylactery, a destroyed lich gains a new body in {@dice 1d10} days, regaining all its hit points and becoming active again. The new body appears within 5 feet of the phylactery.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The lich makes four attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Poisonous Touch\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. {@h}17 ({@damage 5d6}) poison damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 19} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Wither\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 9} to hit, range 60 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 4d6}) necrotic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fire Storm (7th-Level Spell; 1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"The lich fills up to ten 10-foot cubes with fire. Every cube must be within 150 feet of the lich and occupy a space the lich can see, and each cube must have at least one face adjacent to the face of another cube. Each creature in the area must make a {@dc 19} Dexterity saving throw, taking 38 ({@damage 7d10}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried. If the lich chooses, plant life in the area is unaffected by the spell.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Attack\",\"entries\":[\"The lich makes an attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Poison Prick (Cost 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"The lich targets one {@condition poisoned} creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 19} Constitution saving throw or fall {@condition unconscious} until the {@condition poisoned} condition ends on it.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sap Life (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"The lich targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 19} Constitution saving throw or take 11 ({@damage 2d10}) necrotic damage. The lich regains a number of hit points equal to the amount of damage that the creature takes.\"]}],\"legendaryGroup\":{\"name\":\"Lichen Lich\",\"source\":\"CM\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Rejuvenation\"],\"senseTags\":[\"U\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DU\",\"S\"],\"damageTags\":[\"F\",\"I\",\"N\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"poisoned\",\"unconscious\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Lightning Golem\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":129,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[9],\"hp\":{\"average\":93,\"formula\":\"11d8 + 44\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":19,\"dex\":9,\"con\":18,\"int\":6,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":5,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"lightning\",\"poison\",{\"immune\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine\",\"cond\":true}],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands the languages of its creator but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Berserk\",\"entries\":[\"Whenever the golem starts its turn with 40 hit points or fewer, roll a {@dice d6}. On a 6, the golem goes berserk. On each of its turns while berserk, the golem attacks the nearest creature it can see. If no creature is near enough to move to and attack, the golem attacks an object, with preference for an object smaller than itself. Once the golem goes berserk, it continues to do so until it is destroyed or regains all its hit points.\",\"The golem's creator, if within 60 feet of the berserk golem, can try to calm it by speaking firmly and persuasively. The golem must be able to hear its creator, who must take an action to make a {@dc 15} Charisma (Persuasion) check. If the check succeeds, the golem ceases being berserk. If it takes damage while still at 40 hit points or fewer, the golem might go berserk again.\"]},{\"name\":\"Immutable Form\",\"entries\":[\"The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.\"]},{\"name\":\"Lightning Absorption\",\"entries\":[\"Whenever the golem is subjected to lightning damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the lightning damage dealt.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Weapons\",\"entries\":[\"The golem's weapon attacks are magical.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The golem makes two slam attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Slam\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d8 + 4}) lightning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Damage Absorption\",\"Immutable Form\",\"Magic Resistance\",\"Magic Weapons\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"L\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Master Sage\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":9,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"any race\"]},\"ac\":[10],\"hp\":{\"average\":54,\"formula\":\"12d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":8,\"dex\":10,\"con\":10,\"int\":20,\"wis\":18,\"cha\":11,\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+11\",\"history\":\"+11\",\"insight\":\"+7\",\"investigation\":\"+11\",\"medicine\":\"+10\",\"nature\":\"+11\",\"religion\":\"+11\"},\"passive\":14,\"languages\":[\"Common plus any five languages\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The sage casts one of the following spells, using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (save {@dc 14}, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks):\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell mending}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\",{\"entry\":\"{@spell shocking grasp}\",\"hidden\":true}],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell comprehend languages}\",\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell dispel magic}\",{\"entry\":\"{@spell fireball}\",\"hidden\":true},\"{@spell identify}\",\"{@spell levitate}\",\"{@spell locate object}\",{\"entry\":\"{@spell shield}\",\"hidden\":true},\"{@spell Tenser's Floating Disk}\",\"{@spell unseen servant}\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell banishment}\",\"{@spell contact other plane}\",\"{@spell Drawmij's instant summons}\",\"{@spell legend lore}\",\"{@spell locate creature}\",\"{@spell planar binding}\",\"{@spell polymorph}\",\"{@spell protection from evil and good}\",\"{@spell scrying}\",\"{@spell sending}\",\"{@spell true seeing}\"]},\"ability\":\"int\",\"displayAs\":\"action\"}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Shocking Grasp (Cantrip)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk ms} {@hit 8} to hit (with advantage if the target is wearing armor made of metal), reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}13 ({@damage 3d8}) lightning damage, and the target can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fireball (3rd-Level Spell; 3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"The sage creates a fiery explosion centered on a point it can see within 150 feet of it. Each creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point must make a {@dc 14} Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 ({@damage 8d6}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The fire spreads around corners and ignites flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Shield (1st-Level Spell; 3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"When the sage is hit by an attack or targeted by a magic missile spell, it calls forth an {@condition invisible} barrier of magical force that protects it. Until the start of its next turn, the sage has a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and it takes no damage from magic missile.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"X\"],\"damageTags\":[\"F\",\"L\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Miirym\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":16,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"ac\":[10],\"hp\":{\"average\":262,\"formula\":\"25d10 + 125\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":0,\"fly\":{\"number\":60,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":17,\"dex\":10,\"con\":20,\"int\":18,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":23,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+7\",\"con\":\"+12\",\"int\":\"+11\",\"wis\":\"+9\",\"cha\":\"+13\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+11\",\"history\":\"+11\",\"perception\":\"+16\",\"stealth\":\"+14\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft.\",\"darkvision 120 ft.; see also \\\"x-ray vision\\\" below\"],\"passive\":26,\"resist\":[\"acid\",\"fire\",\"lightning\",\"thunder\"],\"immune\":[\"cold\",\"necrotic\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"grappled\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\",\"restrained\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\"],\"cr\":\"22\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Miirym casts one of the following spells, using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (save {@dc 21}) and requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell dancing lights}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\"],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell detect thoughts}\",\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell locate creature}\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell dispel evil and good}\",\"{@spell wall of force}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\",\"displayAs\":\"action\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Bound to Candlekeep\",\"entries\":[\"Miirym can't leave Candlekeep and is immune to any effect that would place her in a location outside it, including an extradimensional space. If she dies, Miirym regains her form and all her hit points after {@dice 1d10} days, reappearing in the location where she died or in the nearest unoccupied space.\"]},{\"name\":\"Regeneration\",\"entries\":[\"Miirym regains 40 hit points at the start of her turn. If Miirym takes damage from a magic weapon or a spell, this trait doesn't function at the start of Miirym's next turn. Miirym dies only if she starts her turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.\"]},{\"name\":\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"entries\":[\"Miirym can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. She takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if she ends her turn inside an object.\"]},{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If Miirym fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"X-Ray Vision\",\"entries\":[\"Miirym can see through solid matter out to a range of 60 feet. To her, opaque creatures, objects, and obstacles within that distance appear transparent and don't prevent light from passing through them. This vision can penetrate 5 feet of stone, 3 inches of common metal, and up to 10 feet of wood or dirt. Thicker substances block this vision, as does a thin sheet of lead.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}34 ({@damage 9d6 + 3}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Breath Weapon {@recharge 5}\",\"entries\":[\"Miirym uses one of the following breath weapons:\"]},{\"name\":\"Cold Breath\",\"entries\":[\"Miirym exhales an icy blast in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a {@dc 21} Constitution saving throw, taking 67 ({@damage 15d8}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]},{\"name\":\"Necrotic Breath\",\"entries\":[\"Miirym exhales a bolt of necrotic energy in a 120-foot line that is 10 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a {@dc 21} Dexterity saving throw, taking 82 ({@damage 15d10}) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]},{\"name\":\"Paralyzing Breath\",\"entries\":[\"Miirym exhales paralyzing gas in a 90-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a {@dc 21} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Frightful Presence\",\"entries\":[\"Each creature of Miirym's choice that is within 120 feet of her and aware of her must succeed on a {@dc 21} Wisdom saving throw or become {@condition frightened} for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to Miirym's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"Miirym makes a bite attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Teleport (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Miirym magically teleports up to 120 feet to an unoccupied space she can see.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Regeneration\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\",\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Frightful Presence\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"C\",\"N\",\"O\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Mimic Chair\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":22,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"tags\":[\"shapechanger\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":12,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":30,\"formula\":\"9d8 + 18\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":15},\"str\":17,\"dex\":12,\"con\":15,\"int\":5,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":8,\"skill\":{\"stealth\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":11,\"immune\":[\"acid\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"prone\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Shapechanger\",\"entries\":[\"The mimic can use its action to polymorph into an object or back into its true, amorphous form. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.\"]},{\"name\":\"Adhesive (Object Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"The mimic adheres to anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature adhered to the mimic is also {@condition grappled} by it (escape {@dc 10}). Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage.\"]},{\"name\":\"False Appearance (Object Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"While the mimic remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from an ordinary object.\"]},{\"name\":\"Grappler\",\"entries\":[\"The mimic has advantage on attack rolls against any creature {@condition grappled} by it.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Pseudopod\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) bludgeoning damage. If the mimic is in object form, the target is subjected to its Adhesive trait.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) piercing damage plus 4 ({@damage 1d8}) acid damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"False Appearance\",\"Shapechanger\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"damageTags\":[\"A\",\"B\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\"]},{\"name\":\"Nintra Siotta\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":197,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"fey\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[17],\"hp\":{\"average\":306,\"formula\":\"36d10 + 108\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40,\"fly\":{\"number\":40,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":16,\"dex\":24,\"con\":16,\"int\":17,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":24,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+8\",\"dex\":\"+12\",\"wis\":\"+7\"},\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+12\",\"insight\":\"+7\",\"perception\":\"+7\"},\"senses\":[\"truesight 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":17,\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"stunned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\",\"Sylvan\"],\"cr\":\"16\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Nintra casts one of the following spells, using Charisma as the spellcasting ability (save {@dc 20}) and requiring no material components:\"],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell faerie fire}\",\"{@spell mirror image}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\",\"displayAs\":\"action\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If Nintra fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Nintra makes two attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 12} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d4 + 7}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shard of Shadow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 12} to hit, range 120 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 1d6 + 7}) necrotic damage, and if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 20} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} until the end of its next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Storm of Shattered Glass {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"Nintra targets a point she can see within 60 feet of her and creates a 20-foot-radius sphere of swirling glass shards centered on that point. Each creature in the sphere must make a {@dc 20} Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 ({@damage 8d6}) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save. If Nintra is in the sphere, the shards deal no damage to her.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Attack\",\"entries\":[\"Nintra makes one attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fey Step\",\"entries\":[\"Nintra teleports to an unoccupied space she can see within 30 feet of her.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shadow Strikes (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Provided she is in bright or dim light, Nintra causes her shadow to attack a creature within 10 feet of her. Her shadow makes two claw attacks, each attack identical to Nintra's claw attack except that it deals psychic damage instead of piercing damage.\"]}],\"legendaryGroup\":{\"name\":\"Nintra Siotta\",\"source\":\"CM\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\"],\"senseTags\":[\"U\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\",\"S\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"poisoned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Parasite-infested Behir\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":220,\"size\":\"H\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":168,\"formula\":\"16d12 + 64\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":50,\"climb\":40},\"str\":23,\"dex\":16,\"con\":18,\"int\":7,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":12,\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+6\",\"stealth\":\"+7\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 90 ft.\"],\"passive\":16,\"immune\":[\"lightning\"],\"languages\":[\"Draconic\"],\"cr\":\"11\",\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The behir makes two attacks: one with its bite and one to constrict.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}22 ({@damage 3d10 + 6}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Constrict\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one Large or smaller creature. {@h}17 ({@damage 2d10 + 6}) bludgeoning damage plus 17 ({@damage 2d10 + 6}) slashing damage. The target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 16}) if the behir isn't already constricting a creature, and the target is {@condition restrained} until this grapple ends.\"]},{\"name\":\"Lightning Breath {@recharge 5}\",\"entries\":[\"The behir exhales a line of lightning that is 20 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a {@dc 16} Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 ({@damage 12d10}) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]},{\"name\":\"Swallow\",\"entries\":[\"The behir makes one bite attack against a Medium or smaller target it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target is also swallowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the target is {@condition blinded} and {@condition restrained}, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the behir, and it takes 21 ({@damage 6d6}) acid damage at the start of each of the behir's turns. A behir can have only one creature swallowed at a time.\",\"Any creature swallowed by a parasite-infested behir must succeed on a {@dc 19} Constitution saving throw at the start of each of the behir's turns or be feasted upon by blood parasites, taking 36 ({@damage 8d8}) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save. This damage is in addition to the damage caused by the behir's digestive acids.\",\"If the behir takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from the swallowed creature, the behir must succeed on a {@dc 14} Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate the creature, which falls {@condition prone} in a space within 10 feet of the behir. If the behir dies, a swallowed creature is no longer {@condition restrained} by it and can escape from the corpse by using 15 feet of movement, exiting {@condition prone}.\"]}],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\",\"Swallow\"],\"languageTags\":[\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"A\",\"B\",\"L\",\"N\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"blinded\",\"grappled\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Ram Sugar\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":132,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"dragonborn\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":13,\"from\":[\"{@item leather armor|PHB}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":33,\"formula\":\"6d8 + 6\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":11,\"dex\":14,\"con\":12,\"int\":10,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":14,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+4\",\"persuasion\":\"+4\",\"religion\":\"+2\"},\"passive\":11,\"resist\":[\"fire\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Ram Sugar is a 4th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 11}, {@hit 3} to hit with spell attacks). Ram Sugar has the following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell sacred flame}\",\"{@spell thaumaturgy}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell command}\",\"{@spell inflict wounds}\",\"{@spell shield of faith}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell hold person}\",\"{@spell spiritual weapon}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Dark Devotion\",\"entries\":[\"Ram Sugar has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed} or {@condition frightened}.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Ram Sugar makes two melee attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one creature. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Breath Weapon (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"Ram Sugar exhales fire in a 30-foot-long line that is 5 feet wide. Any creature in the line must make a {@dc 11} Dexterity saving throw, taking 7 ({@damage 2d6}) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"F\",\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"paralyzed\",\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Sage\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":9,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"any race\"]},\"ac\":[10],\"hp\":{\"average\":22,\"formula\":\"5d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":8,\"dex\":10,\"con\":10,\"int\":18,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":11,\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+8\",\"history\":\"+8\",\"insight\":\"+4\",\"investigation\":\"+8\",\"medicine\":\"+6\",\"nature\":\"+8\",\"religion\":\"+8\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common plus any four languages\"],\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The sage casts one of the following spells, using Intelligence as the spellcasting ability (save {@dc 14}, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks):\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell mending}\",{\"entry\":\"{@spell shocking grasp}\",\"hidden\":true}],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell comprehend languages}\",\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell identify}\",{\"entry\":\"{@spell shield}\",\"hidden\":true}],\"1e\":[\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell levitate}\",\"{@spell locate object}\",\"{@spell see invisibility}\",\"{@spell sending}\",\"{@spell tongues}\",\"{@spell unseen servant}\"]},\"ability\":\"int\",\"displayAs\":\"action\"}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Shocking Grasp (Cantrip)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk ms} {@hit 6} to hit (with advantage if the target is wearing armor made of metal), reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}9 ({@damage 2d8}) lightning damage, and the target can't take reactions until the start of its next turn.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Shield (1st-Level Spell; 3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"When the sage is hit by an attack or targeted by a magic missile spell, it calls forth an {@condition invisible} barrier of magical force that protects it. Until the start of its next turn, the sage has a +5 bonus to AC, including against the triggering attack, and it takes no damage from magic missile.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"X\"],\"damageTags\":[\"L\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Sapphire Sentinel\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":201,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":178,\"formula\":\"17d10 + 85\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":22,\"dex\":9,\"con\":20,\"int\":3,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":1,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\",{\"immune\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks that aren't adamantine\",\"cond\":true}],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Common but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"10\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Immutable Form\",\"entries\":[\"The golem is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Weapons\",\"entries\":[\"The golem's weapon attacks are magical.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The golem makes two slam attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Slam\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}19 ({@damage 3d8 + 6}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Slow {@recharge 5}\",\"entries\":[\"The golem targets one or more creatures it can see within 10 feet of it. Each target must make a {@dc 17} Wisdom saving throw against this magic. On a failed save, a target can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can't make more than one attack on its turn. In addition, the target can take either an action or a bonus action on its turn, not both. These effects last for 1 minute. A target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sapphire\",\"entries\":[\"The sapphire has 3 charges. As an action, the golem can expend 1 charge to cast dispel magic (as a 9th-level spell) from the sapphire using Constitution as its spellcasting ability. The sapphire ceases to glow if all its charges are expended, but it regains {@dice 1d3} expended charges daily at dawn and glows again once it has 1 or more charges.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Immutable Form\",\"Magic Resistance\",\"Magic Weapons\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Shemshime\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":69,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"ac\":[13],\"hp\":{\"average\":31,\"formula\":\"7d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":0,\"fly\":{\"number\":40,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":6,\"dex\":17,\"con\":10,\"int\":17,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+5\",\"wis\":\"+4\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+4\",\"stealth\":\"+7\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"resist\":[\"acid\",\"bludgeoning\",\"fire\",\"lightning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\",\"thunder\"],\"immune\":[\"cold\",\"necrotic\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"grappled\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\",\"restrained\"],\"languages\":[\"telepathy 60 ft.\"],\"cr\":\"4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Crushing End\",\"entries\":[\"If damage reduces Shemshime to 0 hit points, Shemshime instead drops to 1 hit point unless the damage is the result of Shemshime being crushed by an object weighing at least 1,000 pounds.\"]},{\"name\":\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"entries\":[\"Shemshime can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Maddening Touch\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk ms} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 4d6 + 3}) psychic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Whispers of Violence\",\"entries\":[\"Shemshime chooses up to two creatures it can see within 60 feet of it. Each target must succeed on a {@dc 13} Wisdom saving throw, or that target takes 7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) psychic damage and must use its reaction to make a melee weapon attack against one creature it can reach (Shemshime's choice) that Shemshime can see.\"]},{\"name\":\"Howling Babble {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"Shemshime targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The creature must make a {@dc 13} Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 21 ({@damage 4d8 + 3}) psychic damage and is {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn. On a successful save, it takes half as much damage and isn't {@condition stunned}.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Incorporeal Movement\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"languageTags\":[\"TP\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\",\"Y\"],\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Skitterwidget\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":136,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":85,\"formula\":\"10d8 + 40\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"climb\":30},\"str\":16,\"dex\":14,\"con\":18,\"int\":3,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":1,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"lightning\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"deafened\",\"exhaustion\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Skitterwidget\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Lightning Absorption\",\"entries\":[\"Whenever the skitterwidget is subjected to lightning damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of hit points equal to the lightning damage dealt.\"]},{\"name\":\"Unusual Nature\",\"entries\":[\"The skitterwidget doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The skitterwidget makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 2d6 + 3}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it is {@condition grappled} by the skitterwidget (escape {@dc 13}).\"]},{\"name\":\"Tail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) piercing damage plus 10 ({@damage 3d6}) lightning damage, and if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 15} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until the end of its next turn.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Good Parent\",\"entries\":[\"The skitterwidget imposes disadvantage on one attack roll made against a kiddywidget it can see within 5 feet of it.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Damage Absorption\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"L\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\",\"stunned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Steel Crane\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":164,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"unarmored defense\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":76,\"formula\":\"9d8 + 36\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":13,\"dex\":18,\"con\":18,\"int\":13,\"wis\":17,\"cha\":14,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+7\",\"int\":\"+4\"},\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+7\",\"deception\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+6\",\"stealth\":\"+7\"},\"passive\":16,\"resist\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"8\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Unarmored Defense\",\"entries\":[\"While Steel Crane is wearing no armor and wielding no shield, his AC includes his Wisdom modifier.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Steel Crane makes three attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Force Strike\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) force damage, and if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 15} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until the start of Steel Crane's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Whip\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) slashing damage or, if the target is a creature, Steel Crane can grapple the target instead (escape {@dc 15}). Steel Crane can't make attacks with the whip while using it to grapple a creature. Anytime on his turn, he can release a creature {@condition grappled} by the whip (no action required).\"]},{\"name\":\"Heal Self (Recharges after a Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"Steel Crane regains {@dice 2d8 + 4} hit points, and all levels of {@condition exhaustion} end on him.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Deflect Missile\",\"entries\":[\"In response to being hit by a ranged weapon attack, Steel Crane deflects the missile. The damage he takes from the attack is reduced by {@dice 1d10 + 10}. If the damage is reduced to 0, Steel Crane catches the missile if it's small enough to hold in one hand and Steel Crane has a hand free.\"]},{\"name\":\"Slow Descent (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"When Steel Crane falls, he can slow his descent, taking no damage from the fall.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"stunned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Storm Giant Skeleton\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":208,\"size\":\"H\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":13,\"from\":[\"armor scraps\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":204,\"formula\":\"24d12 + 48\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":50},\"str\":29,\"dex\":14,\"con\":15,\"int\":3,\"wis\":8,\"cha\":1,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+14\",\"con\":\"+7\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"resist\":[\"cold\"],\"immune\":[\"lightning\",\"poison\",\"thunder\"],\"vulnerable\":[\"bludgeoning\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"exhaustion\",\"poisoned\"],\"cr\":\"16\",\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The giant makes two attacks with its greatsword or hurls two rocks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Greatsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 14} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}30 ({@damage 6d6 + 9}) slashing damage plus 18 ({@damage 4d8}) necrotic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rock\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 14} to hit, reach 60/240 ft., one target. {@h}35 ({@damage 4d12 + 9}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Lightning Strike {@recharge 5}\",\"entries\":[\"The giant hurls a magical lightning bolt at a point it can see within 500 feet of it. Each creature within 10 feet of that point must make a {@dc 15} Dexterity saving throw, taking 54 ({@damage 12d8}) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"L\",\"N\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RCH\",\"RW\"]},{\"name\":\"Swarm of Animated Books\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":19,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"construct\",\"swarmSize\":\"T\"},\"ac\":[{\"ac\":12,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":22,\"formula\":\"4d8 + 4\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":0,\"fly\":{\"number\":30,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":10,\"dex\":13,\"con\":12,\"int\":1,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":1,\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"vulnerable\":[\"fire\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"grappled\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\",\"restrained\",\"stunned\"],\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"False Objects\",\"entries\":[\"If the swarm is motionless at the start of combat, it has advantage on its initiative roll. Moreover, if a creature hasn't observed the swarm move or act, that creature must succeed on a {@dc 15} Wisdom (Perception) check to discern that the swarm is animate.\"]},{\"name\":\"Swarm\",\"entries\":[\"The swarm can occupy another creature's space and vice versa, and the swarm can move through any opening large enough for a 1-foot-tall, 8-inch-wide, 2-inch-thick object. The swarm can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Book Club\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 0 ft., one target in the swarm's space. {@h}6 ({@damage 2d4 + 1}) bludgeoning damage, or 3 ({@damage 1d4 + 1}) bludgeoning damage if the swarm has half its hit points or fewer.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Valin Sarnaster\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":182,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":97,\"formula\":\"13d8 + 39\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20},\"str\":18,\"dex\":10,\"con\":17,\"int\":11,\"wis\":18,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+8\",\"int\":\"+5\",\"wis\":\"+9\",\"cha\":\"+8\"},\"skill\":{\"history\":\"+5\",\"religion\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"immune\":[\"necrotic\",\"poison\",{\"immune\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"vulnerable\":[\"fire\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"The languages it knew in life\"],\"cr\":\"16\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Valin Sarnaster is a 10th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 17}, {@hit 9} to hit with spell attacks). Valin has the following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell sacred flame}\",\"{@spell thaumaturgy}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell command}\",\"{@spell guiding bolt}\",\"{@spell shield of faith}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell hold person}\",\"{@spell silence}\",\"{@spell spiritual weapon}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell clairvoyance}\",\"{@spell dispel magic}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell divination}\",\"{@spell dimension door}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell contagion}\",\"{@spell scrying}\"]},\"6\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell harm}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"Valin has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rejuvenation\",\"entries\":[\"While her heart remains in Alessia's body, Valin re-forms inside her sarcophagus, regaining all her hit points and becoming active again.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Valin can use her Dreadful Glare and makes one attack with her rotting fist.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rotting Fist\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 3d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage plus 21 ({@damage 6d6}) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Constitution saving throw or be cursed with mummy rot. The cursed target can't regain hit points, and its hit point maximum decreases by 10 ({@dice 3d6}) for every 24 hours that elapse. If the curse reduces the target's hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and its body turns to dust. The curse lasts until removed by the remove curse spell or other magic.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dreadful Glare\",\"entries\":[\"Valin targets one creature she can see within 60 feet of her. If the target can see Valin, it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Wisdom saving throw against this magic or become {@condition frightened} until the end of Valin's next turn. If the target fails the saving throw by 5 or more, it is also {@condition paralyzed} for the same duration. A target that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to the Dreadful Glare of all mummies and mummy lords for the next 24 hours.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Attack\",\"entries\":[\"Valin makes one attack with her rotting fist or uses her Dreadful Glare.\"]},{\"name\":\"Blinding Dust\",\"entries\":[\"Blinding dust and sand swirls magically around Valin. Each creature within 5 feet of Valin must succeed on a {@dc 16} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition blinded} until the end of her next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Blasphemous Word (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Valin utters a blasphemous word. Each non-undead creature within 10 feet of Valin that can hear the magical utterance must succeed on a {@dc 16} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until the end of Valin's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Channel Negative Energy (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Valin magically unleashes negative energy. Creatures within 60 feet of Valin, including ones behind barriers and around corners, can't regain hit points until the end of Valin's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Whirlwind of Sand (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Valin magically transforms into a whirlwind of sand, moves up to 60 feet, and reverts to her normal form. While in whirlwind form, Valin is immune to all damage, and it can't be {@condition grappled}, {@condition petrified}, knocked {@condition prone}, {@condition restrained}, or {@condition stunned}. Equipment worn or carried by Valin remain in her possession.\"]}],\"legendaryGroup\":{\"name\":\"Valin Sarnaster\",\"source\":\"CM\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\",\"Rejuvenation\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"LF\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"N\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"blinded\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"stunned\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"blinded\",\"deafened\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\",\"stunned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Varnyr\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":63,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"{@item breastplate|PHB}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":9,\"formula\":\"2d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":11,\"dex\":12,\"con\":11,\"int\":12,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":16,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+5\",\"insight\":\"+4\",\"persuasion\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"1/8\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Varnyr has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put Varnyr to sleep.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Varnyr makes two attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Cane\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d4}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Parry\",\"entries\":[\"Varnyr adds 2 to their AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, Varnyr must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\",\"Parry\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Wood Elf Wizard\",\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":187,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":45,\"formula\":\"10d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":9,\"dex\":14,\"con\":10,\"int\":17,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":12,\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+6\",\"deception\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+4\",\"stealth\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"languages\":[\"Elvish\",\"Undercommon\"],\"cr\":\"7\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The wood elf's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 12}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell dancing lights}\"],\"daily\":{\"1e\":[\"{@spell darkness}\",\"{@spell faerie fire}\",\"{@spell levitate} (self only)\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"},{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The wood elf is a 10th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 14}, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks). The wood elf has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell minor illusion}\",\"{@spell poison spray}\",\"{@spell ray of frost}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell mage armor}\",\"{@spell magic missile}\",\"{@spell shield}\",\"{@spell witch bolt}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell alter self}\",\"{@spell misty step}\",\"{@spell web}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell fly}\",\"{@spell lightning bolt}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell Evard's black tentacles}\",\"{@spell greater invisibility}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cloudkill}\"]}},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"The wood elf has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put the wood elf to sleep.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Staff\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d6 - 1}) bludgeoning damage, or 3 ({@damage 1d8 - 1}) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands, plus 3 ({@damage 1d6}) poison damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Summon Demon (1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"The wood elf magically summons a quasit, or attempts to summon a shadow demon with a 50 percent chance of success. The summoned demon appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of its summoner, acts as an ally of its summoner, and can't summon other demons. It remains for 10 minutes, until it or its summoner dies, or until its summoner dismisses it as an action.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"languageTags\":[\"E\",\"U\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"I\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\",\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"invisible\",\"restrained\"]},{\"name\":\"Zikran\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":145,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Archmage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_trait\":{\"name\":\"Water Genasi\",\"source\":\"EEPC\"},\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the archmage\",\"with\":\"Zikran\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"_\":{\"mode\":\"addSpells\",\"spells\":{\"5\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell conjure elemental}\"]}}}}},\"hp\":{\"average\":144,\"formula\":\"18d8 + 18\"},\"languages\":[\"Aquan\",\"Common\",\"Primordial\",\"Sahuagin\",\"Undercommon\"],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Amphibious\",\"Magic Resistance\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AQ\",\"C\",\"OTH\",\"P\",\"U\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Zikzokrishka\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"CM\",\"page\":209,\"size\":\"H\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":19,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":225,\"formula\":\"18d12 + 108\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40,\"burrow\":30,\"fly\":80},\"str\":25,\"dex\":10,\"con\":23,\"int\":16,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":19,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+6\",\"con\":\"+12\",\"wis\":\"+8\",\"cha\":\"+10\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+14\",\"stealth\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft.\",\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":24,\"resist\":[\"necrotic\"],\"immune\":[\"lightning\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\"],\"cr\":\"17\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If Zikzokrishka fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"Zikzokrishka has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Zikzokrishka can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}18 ({@damage 2d10 + 7}) piercing damage plus 5 ({@damage 1d10}) lightning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 2d6 + 7}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}16 ({@damage 2d8 + 7}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Frightful Presence\",\"entries\":[\"Each creature of Zikzokrishka's choice that is within 120 feet of the Zikzokrishka and aware of it must succeed on a {@dc 18} Wisdom saving throw or become {@condition frightened} for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the Zikzokrishka's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.\"]},{\"name\":\"Lightning Breath {@recharge 5}\",\"entries\":[\"Zikzokrishka exhales lightning in a 90-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a {@dc 20} Dexterity saving throw, taking 66 ({@damage 12d10}) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Detect\",\"entries\":[\"Zikzokrishka makes a Wisdom (Perception) check.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tail Attack\",\"entries\":[\"Zikzokrishka makes a tail attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Zikzokrishka beats its tattered wings. Each creature within 10 feet of Zikzokrishka must succeed on a {@dc 21} Dexterity saving throw or take 14 ({@damage 2d6 + 7}) bludgeoning damage and be knocked {@condition prone}. After beating its wings this way, Zikzokrishka can fly up to half its flying speed.\"]}],\"legendaryGroup\":{\"name\":\"Zikzokrishka\",\"source\":\"CM\"},\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\",\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Frightful Presence\",\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"L\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"frightened\",\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true}]}");
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Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 17}, {@hit 9} to hit with spell attacks). Baba Lysaga has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell acid splash}\",\"{@spell fire bolt}\",\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell magic missile}\",\"{@spell sleep}\",\"{@spell witch bolt}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell crown of madness}\",\"{@spell enlarge/reduce}\",\"{@spell misty step}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell fireball}\",\"{@spell lightning bolt}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell blight}\",\"{@spell Evard's black tentacles}\",\"{@spell polymorph}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cloudkill}\",\"{@spell geas}\",\"{@spell scrying}\"]},\"6\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell programmed illusion}\",\"{@spell true seeing}\"]},\"7\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell finger of death}\",\"{@spell mirage arcane}\"]},\"8\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell power word stun}\"]}},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Shapechanger\",\"entries\":[\"Baba Lysaga can use an action to polymorph into a swarm of insects (flies), or back into her true form. While in swarm form, she has a walking speed of 5 feet and a flying speed of 30 feet. Anything she is wearing transforms with her, but nothing she is carrying does.\"]},{\"name\":\"Blessing of Mother Night\",\"entries\":[\"Baba Lysaga is shielded against divination magic, as though protected by a {@spell nondetection} spell.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Baba Lysaga makes three attacks with her quarterstaff.\"]},{\"name\":\"Quarterstaff\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage, or 8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) bludgeoning damage if wielded with two hands.\"]},{\"name\":\"Summon Swarms of Insects (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"Baba Lysaga summons {@dice 1d4} swarms of insects. A summoned swarm appears in an unoccupied space within 60 feet of Baba Lysaga and acts as her ally. It remains until it dies or until Baba Lysaga dismisses it as an action.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Shapechanger\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"C\",\"D\",\"DR\",\"GI\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baba Lysaga's Creeping Hut\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":226,\"size\":\"G\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":263,\"formula\":\"17d20 + 85\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":26,\"dex\":7,\"con\":20,\"int\":1,\"wis\":3,\"cha\":3,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+9\",\"wis\":\"+0\",\"cha\":\"+0\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":6,\"immune\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"deafened\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"prone\"],\"cr\":\"11\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Constructed Nature\",\"entries\":[\"An animated object doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.\",\"The magic that animates an object is dispelled when the construct drops to 0 hit points. An animated object reduced to 0 hit points becomes inanimate and is too damaged to be of much use or value to anyone.\"]},{\"name\":\"Antimagic Susceptibility\",\"entries\":[\"The hut is {@condition incapacitated} while the magic gem that animates it is in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the hut must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall {@condition unconscious} for 1 minute.\"]},{\"name\":\"Siege Monster\",\"entries\":[\"The hut deals double damage to objects and structures.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The hut makes three attacks with its roots. It can replace one of these attacks with a rock attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Root\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 12} to hit, reach 60 ft., one target. {@h}30 ({@damage 4d10 + 8}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rock\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 12} to hit, range 120 ft., one target. {@h}21 ({@damage 3d8 + 8}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Antimagic Susceptibility\",\"Siege Monster\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Baron Vargas Vallakovich\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":105,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Noble\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the noble\",\"with\":\"Vargas\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Barovian Commoner\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":29,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Commoner\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Pitchfork\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d6}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"damageTags\":[\"P\"]},{\"name\":\"Barovian Scout\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":29,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Scout\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"action\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Longbow\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Light Crossbows\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, ranged 80/320 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}}}},\"hasToken\":true,\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\"]},{\"name\":\"Barovian Witch\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":229,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[10],\"hp\":{\"average\":16,\"formula\":\"3d8 + 3\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":7,\"dex\":11,\"con\":13,\"int\":14,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":12,\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+4\",\"perception\":\"+2\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The witch is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 12}, {@hit 4} to hit with spell attacks). The witch has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\",\"{@spell ray of frost}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell ray of sickness}\",\"{@spell sleep}\",\"{@spell Tasha's hideous laughter}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell alter self}\",\"{@spell invisibility}\"]}},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Claws (Requires Alter Self)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d6 + 1}) slashing damage. This attack is magical.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d4}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Beucephalus\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":93,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Nightmare\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the nightmare\",\"with\":\"Beucephalus\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hp\":{\"average\":104,\"formula\":\"8d10 + 24\"},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Bluto Krogarov\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":38,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Commoner\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Broom of Animated Attack\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":226,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":17,\"formula\":\"5d6\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":0,\"fly\":{\"number\":50,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":10,\"dex\":17,\"con\":10,\"int\":1,\"wis\":5,\"cha\":1,\"senses\":[\"blindsight 30 ft. 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If targeted by dispel magic, the broom must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall {@condition unconscious} for 1 minute.\"]},{\"name\":\"False Appearance\",\"entries\":[\"While the broom remains motionless and isn't flying, it is indistinguishable from a normal broom.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The broom makes two melee attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Broomstick\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d4 + 3}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Animated Attack\",\"entries\":[\"If the broom is motionless and a creature grabs hold of it, the broom makes a Dexterity check contested by the creature's Strength check. If the broom wins the contest, it flies out of the creature's grasp and makes a melee attack against it with advantage on the attack roll.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Antimagic Susceptibility\",\"False Appearance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Clovin Belview\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":147,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mongrelfolk\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mongrelfolk\",\"with\":\"Clovin\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"trait\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Extraordinary Feature\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Two-Headed\",\"entries\":[\"The mongrelfolk has advantage on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks and on saving throws against being {@condition blinded}, {@condition charmed}, {@condition deafened}, {@condition frightened}, {@condition stunned}, or knocked {@condition unconscious}.\"]}}}},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Cyrus Belview\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":77,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mongrelfolk\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mongrelfolk\",\"with\":\"Cyrus\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"trait\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Extraordinary Feature\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Keen Hearing and Smell\",\"entries\":[\"The mongrelfolk has advantage on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks that rely on hearing or smell.\"]}}}},\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Keen Senses\"]},{\"name\":\"Davian Martikov\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":173,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Wereraven\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the wereraven\",\"with\":\"Davian\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Distended Corpse\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":165,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Commoner\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20},\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\"],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Snake-Swollen\",\"entries\":[\"When a corpse is reduced to 0 hit points, it splits open, disgorging a {@creature swarm of poisonous snakes}. 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Ezmerelda has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell fire bolt}\",\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell protection from evil and good}\",\"{@spell magic missile}\",\"{@spell shield}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell darkvision}\",\"{@spell knock}\",\"{@spell mirror image}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell clairvoyance}\",\"{@spell lightning bolt}\",\"{@spell magic circle}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell greater invisibility}\"]}},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Special Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"In addition to her magic armor and weapons, Ezmerelda has two {@item potion of greater healing||potions of greater healing}, six {@item holy water (flask)|phb|vials of holy water}, and three wooden stakes.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Ezmerelda makes three attacks: two with her +1 rapier and one with her +1 handaxe or her silvered shortsword.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rapier +1\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d8 + 5}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Handaxe +1\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Silvered Shortsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d6 + 4}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Curse (Recharges after a Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"Ezmerelda targets one creature that she can see within 30 feet of her. 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Once a target succeeds on a saving throw against this effect, it is immune to the Evil Eye power of all Vistani for 24 hours.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"invisible\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Gadof Blinsky\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":118,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Commoner\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"G\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Gertruda\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":68,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Commoner\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"G\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Guardian Portrait\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":227,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":5,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":22,\"formula\":\"5d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":0},\"str\":1,\"dex\":1,\"con\":10,\"int\":14,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":10,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"grappled\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\",\"restrained\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"plus up to two other languages\"],\"cr\":\"1\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The portrait's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 12}). 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If targeted by dispel magic, the portrait must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or become {@condition unconscious} for 1 minute.\"]},{\"name\":\"False Appearance\",\"entries\":[\"While the figure in the portrait remains motionless, the portrait is indistinguishable from a normal painting.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Antimagic Susceptibility\",\"False Appearance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"X\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"charmed\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Helga Ruvak\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":64,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Vampire Spawn\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the vampire\",\"with\":\"Helga\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Henrik van der Voort\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":116,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Commoner\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Ireena Kolyana\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":44,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Noble\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the noble\",\"with\":\"Ireena\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"G\"],\"hp\":{\"average\":14,\"formula\":\"2d8\"},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Ismark Kolyanovich\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":43,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Veteran\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the veteran\",\"with\":\"Ismark\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"G\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Izek Strazni\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":232,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":112,\"formula\":\"15d8 + 45\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":18,\"dex\":15,\"con\":16,\"int\":10,\"wis\":9,\"cha\":15,\"skill\":{\"intimidation\":\"+8\",\"perception\":\"+2\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Brute\",\"entries\":[\"A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when Izek hits with it (included in the attack).\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Izek makes two attacks with his battleaxe.\"]},{\"name\":\"Battleaxe\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d8 + 4}) slashing damage, or 15 ({@dice 2d10 + 4}) when used with two hands.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hurl Flame\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 5} to hit, range 60 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 3d6}) fire damage. If the target is a flammable object that isn't being worn or carried, it catches fire.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Brute\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"F\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Kasimir Velikov\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":233,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mage\",\"with\":\"Kasimir\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"trait\":{\"mode\":\"appendArr\",\"items\":[{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Kasimir has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put the him to sleep.\"]},{\"name\":\"Special Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"Kasimir wears a {@item ring of warmth} and carries a spellbook containing all the spells he has prepared plus the following spells: {@spell arcane lock}, {@spell comprehend languages}, {@spell hold person}, {@spell identify}, {@spell locate object}, {@spell nondetection}, {@spell polymorph}, {@spell protection from evil and good}, {@spell ray of frost}, and {@spell wall of stone}.\"]}]}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"dusk elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Kasimir is a 9th-level spellcaster. 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If the target is a creature against which the knight has sworn vengeance, the target takes an extra 14 ({@damage 4d6}) slashing damage.\"]}}]}},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":13,\"from\":[\"broken chainmail\"]}],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"S\"]},{\"name\":\"Lady Fiona Wachter\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":110,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Priest\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the priest\",\"with\":\"Fiona\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[10],\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Fiona is a 5th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). 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The target must succeed on a {@dc 17} Wisdom saving throw or be cursed. While cursed, the target is {@condition blinded} and {@condition deafened}. The curse lasts until ended with a greater restoration spell, a {@spell remove curse} spell, or similar magic. When the curse ends, Madam Eva takes {@dice 5d6} psychic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Evil Eye (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"Madam Eva targets one creature that she can see within 10 feet of her and casts one of the following spells on the target (save {@dc 17}), requiring neither somatic nor material components to do so: {@spell animal friendship}, {@spell charm person}, or {@spell hold person}. If the target succeeds on the initial saving throw, Madam Eva is {@condition blinded} until the end of her next turn. Once a target succeeds on a saving throw against this effect, it is immune to the Evil Eye power of all Vistani for 24 hours.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"C\",\"E\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"blinded\",\"deafened\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Majesto\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":115,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Imp\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the imp\",\"with\":\"Majesto\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Marzena Belview\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":150,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mongrelfolk\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mongrelfolk\",\"with\":\"Marzena\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"trait\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Extraordinary Feature\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Flight\",\"entries\":[\"The mongrelfolk has leathery wings and a flying speed of 40 feet.\"]}}}},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20,\"fly\":40},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Milivoj\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":97,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Commoner\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"str\":15,\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Shovel\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Mishka Belview\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":150,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mongrelfolk\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mongrelfolk\",\"with\":\"Mishka\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"trait\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Extraordinary Feature\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Spider Climb\",\"entries\":[\"The mongrelfolk can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.\"]}}}},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Spider Climb\"]},{\"name\":\"Mongrelfolk\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":234,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"mongrelfolk\"]},\"alignment\":[\"A\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":11,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":26,\"formula\":\"4d8 + 8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20},\"str\":12,\"dex\":9,\"con\":15,\"int\":9,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":6,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+2\",\"perception\":\"+2\",\"stealth\":\"+3\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Extraordinary Feature\",\"entries\":[\"The mongrelfolk has one of the following extraordinary features, determined randomly by rolling a {@dice d20} or chosen by the DM:\",\"1–3: Amphibious. The mongrelfolk can breathe air and water.\",\"4–9: Darkvision. The mongrelfolk has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.\",\"10: Flight. The mongrelfolk has leathery wings and a flying speed of 40 feet.\",\"11–15: Keen Hearing and Smell. The mongrelfolk has advantage on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks that rely on hearing or smell.\",\"16–17: Spider Climb. The mongrelfolk can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.\",\"18–19: Standing Leap. The mongrelfolk's long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.\",\"20: Two-Headed. The mongrelfolk has advantage on Wisdom ({@skill Perception}) checks and on saving throws against being {@condition blinded}, {@condition charmed}, {@condition deafened}, {@condition frightened}, {@condition stunned}, or knocked {@condition unconscious}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mimicry\",\"entries\":[\"The mongrelfolk can mimic any sounds it has heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful {@dc 12} Wisdom (Insight) check.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The mongrelfolk makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claw or dagger.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d4 + 1}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d4 + 1}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d4 + 1}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Morgantha\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":48,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Night Hag\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the hag\",\"with\":\"Morgantha\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Nikolai Wachter\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":110,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Noble\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the noble\",\"with\":\"Nikolai\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"N\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Otto Belview\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":147,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mongrelfolk\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mongrelfolk\",\"with\":\"Otto\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"trait\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Extraordinary Feature\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Standing Leap\",\"entries\":[\"The mongrelfolk's long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.\"]}}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Parriwimple\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":43,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Gladiator\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the gladiator\",\"with\":\"Parriwimple\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"int\":6,\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Patrina Velikovna\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":89,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Archmage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the archmage\",\"with\":\"Patrina\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"dusk elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Phantom Warrior\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":235,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"A\"],\"ac\":[16],\"hp\":{\"average\":45,\"formula\":\"6d8 + 18\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":16,\"dex\":11,\"con\":16,\"int\":8,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":15,\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+2\",\"stealth\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":12,\"resist\":[{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"cold\",\"necrotic\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"grappled\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\",\"restrained\"],\"languages\":[\"any languages it knew in life\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Ethereal Sight\",\"entries\":[\"The phantom warrior can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.\"]},{\"name\":\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"entries\":[\"The phantom warrior can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.\"]},{\"name\":\"Spectral Armor and Shield\",\"entries\":[\"The phantom warrior's AC accounts for its spectral armor and shield.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The phantom warrior makes two attacks with its spectral longsword.\"]},{\"name\":\"Spectral Longsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Etherealness\",\"entries\":[\"The phantom warrior enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet it can't affect or be affected by anything on the other plane.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Incorporeal Movement\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"LF\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Piccolo\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":118,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Baboon\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the baboon\",\"with\":\"Piccolo\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Pidlwick II\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":236,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":10,\"formula\":\"3d6\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":14,\"con\":11,\"int\":8,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":10,\"skill\":{\"performance\":\"+2\"},\"passive\":11,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Common but doesn't speak and can't read or write\"],\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Ambusher\",\"entries\":[\"During the first round of combat, Pidlwick II has advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't had a turn yet.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Club\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d4}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dart\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Ambusher\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Rahadin\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":237,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":135,\"formula\":\"18d8 + 54\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":35},\"str\":14,\"dex\":22,\"con\":17,\"int\":15,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":18,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+7\",\"wis\":\"+7\"},\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+8\",\"insight\":\"+7\",\"intimidation\":\"+12\",\"perception\":\"+11\",\"stealth\":\"+14\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":21,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"10\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Rahadin's innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence. 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Each creature takes 16 ({@damage 3d10}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Rahadin has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put him to sleep.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mask of the Wild\",\"entries\":[\"Rahadin can attempt to hide even when he is only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Rahadin attacks three times with his scimitar, or twice with his {@condition poisoned} darts.\"]},{\"name\":\"Scimitar\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d6 + 6}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Poisoned Dart\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 10} to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d4 + 6}) piercing damage plus 5 ({@damage 2d4}) poison damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"I\",\"P\",\"S\",\"Y\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Rictavio\",\"alias\":[\"Rudolph van Richten\"],\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":238,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":12,\"from\":[\"{@item leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":77,\"formula\":\"14d8 + 14\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":9,\"dex\":12,\"con\":13,\"int\":16,\"wis\":18,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+4\",\"wis\":\"+7\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+9\",\"insight\":\"+7\",\"medicine\":\"+7\",\"perception\":\"+7\",\"religion\":\"+6\",\"sleight of hand\":\"+4\"},\"passive\":17,\"languages\":[\"Abyssal\",\"Common\",\"Elvish\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Rictavio is a 9th-level spellcaster. 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Rictavio has the following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell guidance}\",\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell mending}\",\"{@spell thaumaturgy}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cure wounds}\",\"{@spell detect evil and good}\",\"{@spell protection from evil and good}\",\"{@spell sanctuary}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell augury}\",\"{@spell lesser restoration}\",\"{@spell protection from poison}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell magic circle}\",\"{@spell remove curse}\",\"{@spell speak with dead}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell death ward}\",\"{@spell freedom of movement}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell dispel evil and good}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Special Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"In addition to his sword cane, Rictavio wears a {@item hat of disguise} and a {@item ring of mind shielding}, and he carries a {@item spell scroll (5th level)||spell scroll} of {@spell raise dead}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Undead Slayer\",\"entries\":[\"When Rictavio hits an undead with a weapon attack, the undead takes an extra 10 ({@dice 3d6}) damage of the weapon's type.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Rictavio makes two attacks with his sword cane.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sword Cane\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d6 + 1}) bludgeoning damage (wooden cane) or piercing damage (silvered sword).\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"C\",\"E\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Rosavalda \\\"Rose\\\" Durst\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":217,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Ghost\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the ghost\",\"with\":\"Rose\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"action\":{\"mode\":\"removeArr\",\"names\":\"Horrifying Visage\"}}},\"size\":\"S\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"G\"],\"hp\":{\"average\":35,\"formula\":\"10d6\"},\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\"]},{\"name\":\"Sangzor\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":160,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Giant Goat\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the goat\",\"with\":\"Sangzor\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hp\":{\"average\":33,\"formula\":\"3d10 + 3\"},\"int\":6,\"resist\":[{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"cr\":\"1\",\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Savid\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":133,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Scout\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the scout\",\"with\":\"Savid\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"dusk elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Sir Godfrey Gwilym\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":139,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Knight of the Order\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the revenant\",\"with\":\"Sir Godfrey\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"cr\":\"6\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Sir Godfrey is a 16th-level spellcaster. 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The target must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.\"]}}}},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"immune\":[\"cold\",\"necrotic\",\"poison\"],\"hasToken\":true,\"damageTags\":[\"C\",\"O\"]},{\"name\":\"Stanimir\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":20,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mage\",\"with\":\"Stanimir\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"N\"],\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The mage is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 14}, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks). 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His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 18}, {@hit 10} to hit with spell attacks). He has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\",\"{@spell ray of frost}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell comprehend languages}\",\"{@spell fog cloud}\",\"{@spell sleep}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell detect thoughts}\",\"{@spell gust of wind}\",\"{@spell mirror image}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell animate dead}\",\"{@spell fireball}\",\"{@spell nondetection}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell blight}\",\"{@spell greater invisibility}\",\"{@spell polymorph}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell animate objects}\",\"{@spell scrying}\"]}},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Shapechanger\",\"entries\":[\"If Strahd isn't in running water or sunlight, he can use his action to polymorph into a Tiny bat, a Medium wolf, or a Medium cloud of mist, or back into his true form.\",\"While in bat or wolf form, Strahd can't speak. In bat form, his walking speed is 5 feet, and he has a flying speed of 30 feet. In wolf form, his walking speed is 40 feet. His statistics, other than his size and speed, are unchanged. Anything he is wearing transforms with him, but nothing he is carrying does. He reverts to his true form if he dies.\",\"While in mist form, Strahd can't take any actions, speak, or manipulate objects. He is weightless, has a flying speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there. In addition, if air can pass through a space, the mist can do so without squeezing, and he can't pass through water. He has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws, and he is immune to all nonmagical damage, except the damage he takes from sunlight.\"]},{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If Strahd fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Misty Escape\",\"entries\":[\"When Strahd drops to 0 hit points outside his coffin, he transforms into a cloud of mist (as in the Shapechanger trait) instead of falling {@condition unconscious}, provided that he isn't in running water or sunlight. If he can't transform, he is destroyed.\",\"While he has 0 hit points in mist form, he can't revert to his vampire form, and he must reach his coffin within 2 hours or be destroyed. Once in his coffin, he reverts to his vampire form. He is then {@condition paralyzed} until he regains at least 1 hit point. After 1 hour in his coffin with 0 hit points, he regains 1 hit point.\"]},{\"name\":\"Regeneration\",\"entries\":[\"Strahd regains 20 hit points at the start of his turn if he has at least 1 hit point and isn't in running water or sunlight. If he takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start of his next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Spider Climb\",\"entries\":[\"Strahd can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without having to make an ability check.\"]},{\"name\":\"Vampire Weaknesses\",\"entries\":[\"Strahd has the following flaws:\",\"{@i Forbiddance.} He can't enter a residence without an invitation from one of the occupants.\",\"{@i Harmed by Running Water.} He takes 20 acid damage if he ends his turn in running water.\",\"{@i Stake to the Heart.} If a piercing weapon made of wood is driven into his heart while he is {@condition incapacitated} in his coffin, he is {@condition paralyzed} until the stake is removed.\",\"{@i Sunlight Hypersensitivity.} While in sunlight, Strahd takes 20 radiant damage at the start of his turn, and he has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack (Vampire Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"Strahd makes two attacks, only one of which can be a bite attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Unarmed Strike (Vampire or Wolf Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) slashing damage, plus 14 ({@damage 4d6}) necrotic damage. If the target is a creature, Strahd can grapple it (escape {@dc 18}) instead of dealing the slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature that is {@condition grappled} by Strahd, {@condition incapacitated}, or {@condition restrained}. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d6 + 4}) piercing damage plus 10 ({@damage 3d6}) necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and Strahd regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if its hit point maximum is reduced to 0. A humanoid slain in this way and then buried in the ground rises the following night as a {@creature vampire spawn} under Strahd's control.\"]},{\"name\":\"Charm\",\"entries\":[\"Strahd targets one humanoid he can see within 30 feet of him. If the target can see Strahd, the target must succeed on a {@dc 17} Wisdom saving throw against this magic or be {@condition charmed}. The {@condition charmed} target regards Strahd as a trusted friend to be heeded and protected. The target isn't under Strahd's control, but it takes Strahd's requests and actions in the most favorable way and lets Strahd bite it.\",\"Each time Strahd or his companions do anything harmful to the target, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or until Strahd is destroyed, is on a different plane of existence than the target, or takes a bonus action to end the effect.\"]},{\"name\":\"Children of the Night (1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"Strahd magically calls {@dice 2d4} {@creature swarm of bats||swarms of bats} or {@creature swarm of rats||swarms of rats}, provided that the sun isn't up. While outdoors, Strahd can call {@dice 3d6} {@creature wolf||wolves} instead. The called creatures arrive in {@dice 1d4} rounds, acting as allies of Strahd and obeying his spoken commands. The beasts remain for 1 hour, until Strahd dies, or until he dismisses them as a bonus action.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Move\",\"entries\":[\"Strahd moves up to his speed without provoking opportunity attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Unarmed Strike\",\"entries\":[\"Strahd makes one unarmed strike.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Strahd makes one bite attack.\"]}],\"legendaryGroup\":{\"name\":\"Strahd von Zarovich\",\"source\":\"CoS\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Regeneration\",\"Shapechanger\",\"Spider Climb\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"C\",\"DR\",\"E\",\"GI\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"charmed\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"invisible\",\"unconscious\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Strahd Zombie\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":241,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[8],\"hp\":{\"average\":30,\"formula\":\"4d8 + 12\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20},\"str\":13,\"dex\":6,\"con\":16,\"int\":3,\"wis\":6,\"cha\":5,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+0\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":8,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands the languages it knew in life but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"1\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Loathsome Limbs\",\"entries\":[\"Whenever the zombie takes at least 5 bludgeoning or slashing damage at one time, roll a {@dice d20} to determine what else happens to it:\",\"1–8: One leg is severed from the zombie if it has any legs left.\",\"9–16: One arm is severed from the zombie if it has any arms left.\",\"17–20: The zombie is decapitated.\",\"If the zombie is reduced to 0 hit points, all parts of it die. Until then, a severed part acts on the zombie's initiative and has its own action and movement. A severed part has AC 8. Any damage it takes is subtracted from the zombie's hit points.\",\"A severed leg is unable to attack and has a speed of 5 feet.\",\"A severed arm has a speed of 5 feet and can make one claw attack on its turn, with disadvantage on the attack roll. Each time the zombie loses an arm, it loses a claw attack.\",\"If its head is severed, the zombie loses its bite attack and its body is {@condition blinded} unless the head can see it. The severed head has a speed of 0 feet. It can make a bite attack, but only against a target in its space.\",\"The zombie's speed is halved if it's missing a leg. If it loses both legs, it falls {@condition prone}. If it has both arms, it can crawl. With only one arm, it can still crawl, but its speed is halved. With no arms or legs, its speed is 0 feet, and it can't benefit from bonuses to speed.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The zombie makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d4 + 1}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 3} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d6 + 1}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"LF\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Strahd's Animated Armor\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":227,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":21,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":112,\"formula\":\"15d8 + 45\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":17,\"dex\":13,\"con\":16,\"int\":9,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":9,\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+3\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":13,\"resist\":[\"cold\",\"fire\"],\"immune\":[\"lightning\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"deafened\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Common but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"6\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Constructed Nature\",\"entries\":[\"An animated object doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep.\",\"The magic that animates an object is dispelled when the construct drops to 0 hit points. An animated object reduced to 0 hit points becomes inanimate and is too damaged to be of much use or value to anyone.\"]},{\"name\":\"Antimagic Susceptibility\",\"entries\":[\"The armor is {@condition incapacitated} while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by dispel magic, the armor must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall {@condition unconscious} for 1 minute.\"]},{\"name\":\"False Appearance\",\"entries\":[\"While the armor remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a normal suit of armor.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The armor makes two melee attacks or uses Shocking Bolt twice.\"]},{\"name\":\"Greatsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 2d6 + 3}) slashing damage plus 3 ({@damage 1d6}) lightning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shocking Bolt\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 4} to hit (with advantage on the attack roll if the target is wearing armor made of metal), range 60 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 3d6}) lightning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Antimagic Susceptibility\",\"False Appearance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"L\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Szoldar Szoldarovich\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":100,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Scout\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the scout\",\"with\":\"Szoldar\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"The Abbot\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":151,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Deva\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the deva\",\"with\":\"The Abbot\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"The Mad Mage of Mount Baratok\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":39,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Archmage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the archmage\",\"with\":\"The Mad Mage\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"N\"],\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The mad mage is an 18th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 17}, {@hit 9} to hit with spell attacks). He can cast {@spell disguise self} and {@spell invisibility} at will and has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell fire bolt}\",\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\",\"{@spell shocking grasp}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell mage armor}\",\"{@spell magic missile}\",\"{@spell shield}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell mirror image}\",\"{@spell misty step}\",\"{@spell web}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell counterspell}\",\"{@spell fly}\",\"{@spell lightning bolt}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell Mordenkainen's faithful hound}\",\"{@spell polymorph}\",\"{@spell stoneskin}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell Bigby's hand}\",\"{@spell cone of cold}\",\"{@spell scrying}\"]},\"6\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell true seeing}\"]},\"7\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion}\"]},\"8\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell mind blank}\"]},\"9\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell time stop}\"]}},\"will\":[\"{@spell disguise self}\",\"{@spell invisibility}\"],\"hidden\":[\"will\"],\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Thornboldt \\\"Thorn\\\" Durst\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":217,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Ghost\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the ghost\",\"with\":\"Thorn\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"action\":{\"mode\":\"removeArr\",\"names\":\"Horrifying Visage\"}}},\"size\":\"S\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"G\"],\"hp\":{\"average\":35,\"formula\":\"10d6\"},\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\"]},{\"name\":\"Tree Blight\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":230,\"size\":\"H\",\"type\":\"plant\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":149,\"formula\":\"13d12 + 65\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":23,\"dex\":10,\"con\":20,\"int\":6,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":3,\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":10,\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"deafened\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Common and Druidic but doesn't speak\"],\"cr\":\"7\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"False Appearance\",\"entries\":[\"While the blight remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from a dead tree.\"]},{\"name\":\"Siege Monster\",\"entries\":[\"The blight deals double damage to objects and structures.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The blight makes four attacks: two with its branches and two with its grasping roots. If it has a target {@condition grappled}, the blight can also make a bite attack against that target as a bonus action.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}19 ({@damage 3d8 + 6}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Branch\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}16 ({@damage 3d6 + 6}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Grasping Root\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 15 ft., one creature not {@condition grappled} by the blight. {@h}The target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 15}). Until the grapple ends, the target takes 9 ({@damage 1d6 + 6}) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns. The root has AC 15 and can be severed by dealing 6 slashing damage or more to it at once. Cutting the root doesn't hurt the blight, but ends the grapple.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"False Appearance\",\"Siege Monster\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DU\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Vasilka\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":151,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Flesh Golem\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the golem\",\"with\":\"Vasilka\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Victor Vallakovich\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":105,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mage\",\"with\":\"Victor\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Vilnius\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":185,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mage\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mage\",\"with\":\"Vilnius\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Vladimir Horngaard\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":241,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"{@item half plate armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":192,\"formula\":\"16d8 + 64\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":18,\"dex\":14,\"con\":18,\"int\":13,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":18,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+7\",\"con\":\"+7\",\"wis\":\"+6\",\"cha\":\"+7\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"resist\":[\"necrotic\",\"psychic\"],\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\",\"stunned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\"],\"cr\":\"7\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Regeneration\",\"entries\":[\"Vladimir regains 10 hit points at the start of his turn. If he takes fire or radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of his next turn. Vladimir's body is destroyed only if he starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rejuvenation\",\"entries\":[\"When Vladimir's body is destroyed, his soul lingers. After 24 hours, the soul inhabits and animates another corpse on the same plane of existence and regains all its hit points. While the soul is bodiless, a {@spell wish} spell can be used to force the soul to go to the afterlife and not return.\"]},{\"name\":\"Special Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"Vladimir wields a +2 greatsword with a hilt sculpted to resemble silver dragon wings and a pommel shaped like a silver dragon's head clutching a black opal between its teeth. \"]},{\"name\":\"Turn Immunity\",\"entries\":[\"Vladimir is immune to effects that turn undead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Vengeful Tracker\",\"entries\":[\"Vladimir knows the distance to and direction of Strahd, even if Strahd and Vladimir are on different planes of existence. If Strahd is destroyed, Vladimir knows.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Vladimir makes two fist attacks or two attacks with his +2 Greatsword.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fist\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage. Strahd, the target of Vladimir's sworn vengeance, takes an extra 14 ({@damage 4d6}) bludgeoning damage. Instead of dealing damage, Vladimir can grapple the target (escape {@dc 14}) provided the target is Large or smaller.\"]},{\"name\":\"Greatsword +2\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}20 ({@damage 4d6 + 6}) slashing damage. Against Strahd, Vladimir deals an extra 14 ({@damage 4d6}) slashing damage with this weapon.\"]},{\"name\":\"Vengeful Glare\",\"entries\":[\"Vladimir can target Strahd within 30 feet provided he can see Strahd. Strahd must make a {@dc 15} Wisdom saving throw. One a failure, Strahd is {@condition paralyzed} until Vladimir deals damage to him, or until the end of Vladimir's next turn. When the paralysis ends, Strahd is {@condition frightened} of Vladimir for 1 minute. Strahd can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of his turns, with disadvantage if he can see Vladimir, ending the {@condition frightened} condition on itself on a success.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Regeneration\",\"Rejuvenation\",\"Turn Immunity\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Volenta Popofsky\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":93,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Vampire Spawn\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the vampire\",\"with\":\"Volenta\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Wereraven\",\"group\":\"Lycanthropes\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":242,\"otherSources\":[{\"source\":\"CM\"}],\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\",\"shapechanger\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":31,\"formula\":\"7d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":{\"number\":30,\"condition\":\"(fly 50 ft. in raven and hybrid forms)\"}},\"str\":10,\"dex\":15,\"con\":11,\"int\":13,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":14,\"skill\":{\"insight\":\"+4\",\"perception\":\"+6\"},\"passive\":16,\"languages\":[\"Common (can't speak in raven form)\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Shapechanger\",\"entries\":[\"The wereraven can use its action to polymorph into a raven-humanoid hybrid or into a raven, or back into its human form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its human form if it dies.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mimicry\",\"entries\":[\"The wereraven can mimic simple sounds it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a successful {@dc 10} Wisdom (Insight) check.\"]},{\"name\":\"Regeneration\",\"entries\":[\"The wereraven regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn. If the wereraven takes damage from a silvered weapon or a spell, this trait doesn't function at the start of the wereraven's next turn. The wereraven dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack (Human or Hybrid Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"The wereraven makes two weapon attacks, one of which can be with its hand crossbow.\"]},{\"name\":\"Beak (Raven or Hybrid Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 piercing damage in raven form, or 4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage in hybrid form. If the target is humanoid, it must succeed on a {@dc 10} Constitution saving throw or be cursed with wereraven lycanthropy.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shortsword (Human or Hybrid Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hand Crossbow (Human or Hybrid Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Regeneration\",\"Shapechanger\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Yevgeni Krushkin\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":100,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Scout\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the scout\",\"with\":\"Yevgeni\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Zuleika Toranescu\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":204,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Werewolf\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the werewolf\",\"with\":\"Zuleika\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Zygfrek Belview\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"CoS\",\"page\":148,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Mongrelfolk\",\"source\":\"CoS\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the mongrelfolk\",\"with\":\"Zygfrek\",\"flags\":\"i\"},\"trait\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Extraordinary Feature\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Darkvision\",\"entries\":[\"The mongrelfolk has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.\"]}}}},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"]}]}");
JSON_DATA[`data/bestiary/bestiary-dc.json`] = JSON.parse("{\"_meta\":{\"otherSources\":{\"monster\":{\"SKT\":\"DC\",\"MM\":\"DC\",\"MTF\":\"DC\",\"VGM\":\"DC\",\"TftYP\":\"DC\",\"GoS\":\"DC\",\"DIP\":\"DC\",\"RoT\":\"DC\"}}},\"monster\":[{\"name\":\"Ebondeath\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"DC\",\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"A\"],\"ac\":[15],\"hp\":{\"average\":225,\"formula\":\"10d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":0,\"fly\":40},\"str\":7,\"dex\":13,\"con\":10,\"int\":10,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":17,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":11,\"resist\":[\"acid\",\"fire\",\"lightning\",\"thunder\",{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"cold\",\"necrotic\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"grappled\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\",\"restrained\"],\"languages\":[\"Any languages it knew in life\"],\"cr\":\"4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Ethereal Sight\",\"entries\":[\"Ebondeath can see 60 feet into the Ethereal Plane when it is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.\"]},{\"name\":\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"entries\":[\"Ebondeath can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.\"]},{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If the dragon fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Withering Touch\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 4d6 + 3}) necrotic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Etherealness\",\"entries\":[\"Ebondeath enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the Material Plane while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet it can't affect or be affected by anything on the other plane.\"]},{\"name\":\"Horrifying Visage\",\"entries\":[\"Each non-undead creature within 60 feet of Ebondeath that can see it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition frightened} for 1 minute. If the save fails by 5 or more, the target also ages {@dice 1d4 × 10} years. A {@condition frightened} target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the {@condition frightened} condition on itself on a success. If a target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, the target is immune to this Ebondeath's Horrifying Visage for the next 24 hours. The aging effect can be reversed with a greater restoration spell, but only within 24 hours of it occurring.\"]},{\"name\":\"Possession {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"One humanoid that Ebondeath can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 20} Charisma saving throw or be possessed by Ebondeath; Ebondeath then disappears, and the target is {@condition incapacitated} and loses control of its body. Ebondeath now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. Ebondeath can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, except ones that turn undead, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being {@condition charmed} and {@condition frightened}. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, including gaining access to the target's knowledge, class features, and proficiencies.\",\"The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, Ebondeath ends it as a bonus action, or Ebondeath is turned or forced out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell. When the possession ends, Ebondeath reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to Ebondeath Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"Legendary Resistances\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"LF\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\",\"O\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"frightened\",\"incapacitated\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Expert\",\"source\":\"DC\",\"level\":11,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":66,\"formula\":\"12d8 + 12\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":20,\"con\":12,\"int\":14,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":14,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+9\"},\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+13\",\"performance\":\"+6\",\"persuasion\":\"+6\",\"sleight of hand\":\"+9\",\"stealth\":\"+13\"},\"passive\":10,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"plus one of your choice\"],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Helpful\",\"entries\":[\"The expert can take the Help action as a bonus action, and the creature who receives the help gains a {@dice 1d6} bonus to the {@dice d20} roll. If that roll is an attack roll, the creature can forgo adding the bonus to it, and then if the attack hits, the creature can add the bonus to the attack's damage roll against one target.\"]},{\"name\":\"Evasion\",\"entries\":[\"When the expert is not {@condition incapacitated} and subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it failed.\"]},{\"name\":\"Reliable Talent\",\"entries\":[\"Whenever the expert makes an ability check that includes its whole proficiency bonus, it can treat a {@dice d20} roll of 9 or lower as a 10.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tools\",\"entries\":[\"The expert has {@item thieves' tools|phb} and a musical instrument.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Extra Attack\",\"entries\":[\"The expert can attack twice, instead of once, whenever it takes the attack action on its turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shortsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d6 + 5}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d4 + 5}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shortbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 9} to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d6 + 5}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\",\"THW\"]},{\"name\":\"Spellcaster (Healer)\",\"source\":\"DC\",\"level\":11,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":13,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|PHB|studded leather}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":54,\"formula\":\"12d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":12,\"con\":10,\"int\":15,\"wis\":18,\"cha\":13,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+8\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+6\",\"investigation\":\"+6\",\"religion\":\"+6\"},\"passive\":14,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"plus one of your choice\"],\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting (Healer)\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The spellcaster's spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 16}, {@hit 8} to hit with spell attacks). The spellcaster has following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell guidance}\",\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell resistance}\",\"{@spell sacred flame}\",\"{@spell spare the dying}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell bless}\",\"{@spell cure wounds}\",\"{@spell shield of faith}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell aid}\",\"{@spell lesser restoration}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell protection from energy}\",\"{@spell revivify}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell banishment}\",\"{@spell death ward}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell greater restoration}\",\"{@spell mass cure wounds}\"]},\"6\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell heal}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Empowered Spells\",\"entries\":[\"Whenever the spellcaster casts a spell of the evocation school by expending a spell slot, the spellcaster can add its spellcasting ability modifier to the spell's damage roll or healing roll, if any.\"]},{\"name\":\"Potent Cantrip\",\"entries\":[\"The spellcaster can add its spellcasting ability modifier to the damage it deals with any cantrip.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Quarterstaff\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d6}) bludgeoning damage, or 4 ({@damage 1d8}) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CC\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"incapacitated\"]},{\"name\":\"Spellcaster (Mage)\",\"source\":\"DC\",\"level\":11,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":13,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|PHB|studded leather}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":54,\"formula\":\"12d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":10,\"dex\":12,\"con\":10,\"int\":18,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":14,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+6\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+8\",\"investigation\":\"+8\",\"religion\":\"+8\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"plus one of your choice\"],\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting (Mage)\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The spellcaster's spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 16}, {@hit 8} to hit with spell attacks). The spellcaster has following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell fire bolt}\",\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell minor illusion}\",\"{@spell shocking grasp}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell burning hands}\",\"{@spell shield}\",\"{@spell sleep}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell flaming sphere}\",\"{@spell invisibility}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell fireball}\",\"{@spell fly}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell polymorph}\",\"{@spell wall of fire}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cone of cold}\",\"{@spell hold monster}\"]},\"6\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell chain lightning}\"]}},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Empowered Spells\",\"entries\":[\"Whenever the spellcaster casts a spell of the evocation school by expending a spell slot, the spellcaster can add its spellcasting ability modifier to the spell's damage roll or healing roll, if any.\"]},{\"name\":\"Potent Cantrip\",\"entries\":[\"The spellcaster can add its spellcasting ability modifier to the damage it deals with any cantrip.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Quarterstaff\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d6}) bludgeoning damage, or 4 ({@damage 1d8}) bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"invisible\",\"paralyzed\",\"unconscious\"]},{\"name\":\"Warrior\",\"source\":\"DC\",\"level\":11,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"ac\":[{\"ac\":21,\"from\":[\"{@item plate armor|PHB|plate}\",\"{@item shield|PHB}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":78,\"formula\":\"12d8 + 24\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":18,\"dex\":14,\"con\":14,\"int\":10,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":10,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+6\"},\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+8\",\"perception\":\"+5\",\"survival\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":15,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"plus one of your choice\"],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Battle Readiness\",\"entries\":[\"The warrior has advantage on initiative rolls.\"]},{\"name\":\"Improved Critical\",\"entries\":[\"The warrior's attack rolls score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the {@dice d20}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Improved Defense\",\"entries\":[\"The warrior's AC increases by 1.\"]},{\"name\":\"Indomitable (1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"The warriorcan reroll a saving throw that it fails, but it must use the new result.\"]},{\"name\":\"Martial Role\",\"entries\":[\"The warrior has one of the following traits of your choice:\"]},{\"name\":\"Attacker\",\"entries\":[\"The warrior gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls.\"]},{\"name\":\"Defender\",\"entries\":[\"The warrior gains the Protection reaction below.\"]},{\"name\":\"Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"The warrior can use a bonus action on its turn to regain hit points equal to {@dice 1d10} + its level.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Extra Attack\",\"entries\":[\"The warrior can attack three times, instead of once, whenever it takes the attack action on its turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) slashing damage, or 9 ({@damage 1d10 + 4}) slashing damage if used with two hands.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 6} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Protection (Defender Only)\",\"entries\":[\"When a creature the warrior can see attacks a target other than the warrior that is within 5 feet of the warrior, the warrior can use their reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. The warrior must be wielding a shield.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"]}]}");
JSON_DATA[`data/bestiary/bestiary-dip.json`] = JSON.parse("{\"_meta\":{\"otherSources\":{\"monster\":{\"MM\":\"DC\",\"MTF\":\"DC\",\"VGM\":\"DC\"}}},\"monster\":[{\"name\":\"Anchorite of Talos\",\"source\":\"DIP\",\"page\":51,\"otherSources\":[{\"source\":\"DC\"},{\"source\":\"SDW\"}],\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"half-orc\",\"shapechanger\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":13,\"from\":[\"{@item hide armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":58,\"formula\":\"9d8 + 18\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":16,\"dex\":13,\"con\":14,\"int\":9,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":12,\"skill\":{\"nature\":\"+1\",\"stealth\":\"+3\",\"survival\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Orc\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The anchorite's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 12}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"daily\":{\"3\":[\"{@spell thunderwave} ({@dice 2d8} damage)\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell augury}\",\"{@spell bless}\",\"{@spell lightning bolt} ({@dice 8d6} damage)\",\"{@spell revivify}\"]},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Shapechanger\",\"entries\":[\"The anchorite can use its action to polymorph into a boar or back into its true form, which is humanoid. Its statistics are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Clawed Gauntlet (Humanoid Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d4 + 3}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tusk (Boar Form Only)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Shapechanger\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"O\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Don-Jon Raskin\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"DIP\",\"page\":56,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[10],\"hp\":{\"average\":44,\"formula\":\"8d8 + 8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":11,\"dex\":10,\"con\":13,\"int\":12,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":14,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+2\",\"con\":\"+3\"},\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+4\",\"persuasion\":\"+4\"},\"passive\":10,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Dwarvish\"],\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Brave\",\"entries\":[\"Don-Jon has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition frightened}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Not Dead Yet (Recharges after a Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"If damage reduces Don-Jon to 0 hit points, he drops to 1 hit point instead and gains advantage on attack rolls until the end of his next turn.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Don-Jon makes three melee attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d4}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sling\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 2} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d4}) bludgeoning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"D\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Falcon the Hunter\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"DIP\",\"page\":56,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":112,\"formula\":\"15d8 + 45\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":14,\"dex\":15,\"con\":16,\"int\":11,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":15,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+4\",\"wis\":\"+5\"},\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+4\",\"perception\":\"+7\",\"survival\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":17,\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Archer\",\"entries\":[\"A longbow or shortbow deals one extra die of its damage when Falcon hits with it (included in his longbow attack).\"]},{\"name\":\"Sharpshooter\",\"entries\":[\"Falcon's ranged weapon attacks ignore half cover and three-quarters cover.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Falcon makes three melee attacks or two ranged attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) slashing damage, or 7 ({@damage 1d10 + 2}) slashing damage if used with two hands.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d8 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Gorthok the Thunder Boar\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"DIP\",\"page\":58,\"size\":\"H\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":73,\"formula\":\"7d12 + 28\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":50},\"str\":20,\"dex\":11,\"con\":19,\"int\":6,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":14,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"resist\":[{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"lightning\",\"thunder\"],\"cr\":\"6\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Relentless (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"If Gorthok takes 27 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1 hit point instead.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Gorthok makes two melee attacks: one with its lightning tusks and one with its thunder hooves.\"]},{\"name\":\"Lightning Tusks\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d6 + 5}) slashing damage plus 7 ({@damage 2d6}) lightning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Thunder Hooves\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d6 + 5}) bludgeoning damage plus 7 ({@damage 2d6}) thunder damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Lightning Bolt {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"Gorthok shoots a bolt of lightning at one creature it can see within 120 feet of it. The target must make a {@dc 15} Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 ({@damage 4d8}) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"L\",\"S\",\"T\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Rock Gnome Recluse\",\"source\":\"DIP\",\"page\":62,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"gnome\"]},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"N\"],\"ac\":[10,{\"ac\":13,\"condition\":\"with {@spell mage armor}\",\"braces\":true}],\"hp\":{\"average\":7,\"formula\":\"2d6\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":25},\"str\":6,\"dex\":11,\"con\":10,\"int\":15,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":13,\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+4\",\"history\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Gnomish\"],\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The gnome is a 2nd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 12}, {@hit 4} to hit with spell attacks). It has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\",\"{@spell ray of frost} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell mage armor}\",\"{@spell magic missile} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\",\"{@spell shield}\"]}},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Gnome Cunning\",\"entries\":[\"The gnome has advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Missile (Expends a 1st-Level Spell Slot)\",\"entries\":[\"The gnome creates three magical darts. Each dart hits a creature the gnome chooses within 120 feet of it and deals 3 ({@damage 1d4 + 1}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Ray of Frost\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 4} to hit, range 60 ft., one creature. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d8}) cold damage, and the target's speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of the gnome's next turn.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"G\"],\"damageTags\":[\"C\",\"O\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CW\"],\"hasFluff\":true}]}");
JSON_DATA[`data/bestiary/bestiary-dmg.json`] = JSON.parse("{\"monster\":[{\"name\":\"Avatar of Death\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":164,\"srd\":true,\"otherSources\":[{\"source\":\"TCE\"}],\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[20],\"hp\":{\"special\":\"half the hit point maximum of its summoner\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":60,\"fly\":{\"number\":60,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":16,\"dex\":16,\"con\":16,\"int\":16,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":16,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\",\"truesight 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"immune\":[\"necrotic\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\",\"unconscious\"],\"languages\":[\"all languages known to its summoner\"],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"entries\":[\"The avatar can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.\"]},{\"name\":\"Turn Immunity\",\"entries\":[\"The avatar is immune to features that turn undead.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Reaping Scythe\",\"entries\":[\"The avatar sweeps its spectral scythe through a creature within 5 feet of it, dealing 7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) slashing damage plus 4 ({@damage 1d8}) necrotic damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"Turn Immunity\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\",\"U\"],\"languageTags\":[\"XX\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\",\"O\",\"S\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Giant Fly\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":169,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"beast\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[11],\"hp\":{\"average\":19,\"formula\":\"3d10 + 3\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"fly\":60},\"str\":14,\"dex\":13,\"con\":13,\"int\":2,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":3,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"]},{\"name\":\"Larva\",\"source\":\"DMG\",\"page\":63,\"otherSources\":[{\"source\":\"BGDIA\"}],\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"fiend\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[9],\"hp\":{\"average\":9,\"formula\":\"2d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20},\"str\":9,\"dex\":9,\"con\":10,\"int\":6,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":2,\"passive\":10,\"languages\":[\"understands the languages it knew in life but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"0\",\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 1} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}1 ({@damage 1d4 - 1}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"LF\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"]}]}");
JSON_DATA[`data/bestiary/bestiary-egw.json`] = JSON.parse("{\"_meta\":{\"dependencies\":{\"monster\":[\"MM\"]},\"otherSources\":{\"monster\":{\"MM\":\"EGW\",\"TftYP\":\"EGW\"}},\"internalCopies\":[\"monster\"]},\"monster\":[{\"name\":\"Aeorian Absorber\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":283,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":171,\"formula\":\"18d10 + 72\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":21,\"dex\":18,\"con\":18,\"int\":6,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":8,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+6\",\"cha\":\"+3\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+6\",\"stealth\":\"+8\",\"survival\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":16,\"immune\":[\"necrotic\",\"radiant\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Draconic but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"10\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The absorber has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Pounce\",\"entries\":[\"If the absorber moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits its claws attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a {@dc 17} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}. If the target is {@condition prone}, the absorber can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The absorber makes three attacks: one with its bite or Mind Bolt and two with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}10 ({@damage 1d10 + 5}) piercing damage plus 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d6 + 5}) slashing damage plus 3 ({@damage 1d6}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mind Bolt\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 8} to hit, range 120 ft., one creature. {@h}22 ({@damage 4d10}) psychic damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Tail Ray\",\"entries\":[\"When the absorber takes damage from a spell, the absorber takes only half the triggering damage. If the spellcaster is within 60 feet of the absorber, the absorber can force the caster to make a {@dc 16} Dexterity saving throw. Unless the save succeeds, the caster takes the other half of the damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\",\"Pounce\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\",\"P\",\"S\",\"Y\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Aeorian Nullifier\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":283,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":180,\"formula\":\"19d10 + 76\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":19,\"dex\":14,\"con\":18,\"int\":7,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":18,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+6\",\"cha\":\"+8\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+6\",\"survival\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":16,\"immune\":[\"necrotic\",\"radiant\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Draconic but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"12\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The nullifier's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 16}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell counterspell} (see \\\"Reactions\\\" below)\",\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell see invisibility}\"],\"daily\":{\"1\":[\"{@spell antimagic field}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Horrid Gnashing\",\"entries\":[\"The nullifier's mouths gnash incoherently while it can see any enemies. Each creature that starts its turn within 20 feet of the nullifier and can hear it must make a {@dc 16} Wisdom saving throw. Unless the save succeeds, the creature rolls a {@dice d8} to determine what it does during the current turn:\",\"1-4: The creature is {@condition stunned} until the end of the turn.\",\"5-6: The creature is {@condition frightened} until the end of the turn and uses its movement to get as far as possible from the nullifier.\",\"7-8: The creature doesn't move, and it uses its action to make one melee attack against a random creature (other than itself) if one is within reach. It otherwise does nothing.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The nullifier has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The nullifier makes three attacks: one with its bites and two with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bites\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}17 ({@damage 2d12 + 4}) piercing damage plus 11 ({@damage 2d10}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) slashing damage plus 11 ({@damage 2d10}) force damage, and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 16}) if it's a creature. The nullifier has two claws, each of which can grapple one creature.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Counterspell\",\"entries\":[\"The nullifier attempts to interrupt a creature that it can see within 60 feet in the process of casting a spell. If the creature is casting a spell of 3rd level or lower, its spell fails and has no effect. If it is casting a spell of 4th level or higher, the nullifier makes a Charisma check with a DC equal to 10 + the spell's level. On a success, the creature's spell fails and has no effect.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Aeorian Reverser\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":284,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":133,\"formula\":\"14d10 + 56\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40,\"climb\":40},\"str\":21,\"dex\":16,\"con\":18,\"int\":6,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":8,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+5\",\"cha\":\"+2\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+5\",\"stealth\":\"+6\",\"survival\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":15,\"immune\":[\"necrotic\",\"radiant\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Draconic but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"8\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The reverser has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The reverser makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, range 5 ft., one creature. {@h}11 ({@damage 1d12 + 5}) piercing damage plus 6 ({@damage 1d12}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d6 + 5}) slashing damage plus 7 ({@damage 2d6}) force damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Reversal\",\"entries\":[\"When a creature the reverser can see within 30 feet of it regains hit points, the reverser reduces the number of hit points regained to 0, and the reverser deals 13 ({@damage 3d8}) force damage to the creature.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Allowak Abominable Yeti\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":126,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Abominable Yeti\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"int\":16,\"cha\":10,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Yeti\"],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"OTH\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Allowak Yeti\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":126,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Yeti\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"int\":16,\"cha\":10,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Yeti\"],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"OTH\"]},{\"name\":\"Animated Knife\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":248,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Flying Sword\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"sword\",\"with\":\"knife\"},\"action\":{\"mode\":\"replaceArr\",\"replace\":\"Longsword\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}3 ({@damage 1d4 + 1}) piercing damage.\"]}}}},\"size\":\"T\",\"hp\":{\"average\":12,\"formula\":\"5d4\"},\"cr\":\"1/8\",\"hasToken\":true,\"damageTags\":[\"P\"]},{\"name\":\"Animated Tree\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":130,\"otherSources\":[{\"source\":\"MOT\"}],\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Treant\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"treant\",\"with\":\"tree\"},\"resist\":{\"mode\":\"appendArr\",\"items\":[\"necrotic\",\"radiant\"]}}},\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Common, Druidic, Elvish, and Sylvan but cannot speak\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Blood Hunter\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":284,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"any race\"]},\"alignment\":[\"A\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"{@item half plate armor|PHB|half plate}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":65,\"formula\":\"10d8 + 20\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":18,\"dex\":12,\"con\":15,\"int\":9,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":11,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+7\",\"wis\":\"+6\"},\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+4\",\"insight\":\"+6\",\"perception\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":16,\"languages\":[\"any one language (usually Common)\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting (1/Day)\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The blood hunter can innately cast {@spell hex}. Its innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence.\"],\"ability\":\"int\",\"will\":[\"{@spell hex}\"],\"hidden\":[\"will\"]}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Blood Curse of Binding (1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, the blood hunter targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 14} Strength saving throw or have its speed reduced to 0 and be unable to take reactions. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Blood Frenzy\",\"entries\":[\"The blood hunter has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The blood hunter has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The blood hunter attacks twice with a weapon.\"]},{\"name\":\"Greatsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) slashing damage plus 3 ({@damage 1d6}) fire damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Heavy Crossbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d10 + 1}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"X\"],\"damageTags\":[\"F\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Bol'bara\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":261,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"goblinoid\"]},\"alignment\":[{\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"G\"],\"note\":\"chaotic evil when fully possessed\"}],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":13,\"from\":[\"{@item leather armor|PHB}\"]},{\"ac\":15,\"condition\":\"with {@spell mage armor}\",\"braces\":true}],\"hp\":{\"average\":40,\"formula\":\"9d6 + 9\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":11,\"dex\":14,\"con\":12,\"int\":10,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":14,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":11,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Goblin\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Bol'bara's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 12}, {@hit 4} to hit with spell attacks). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell eldritch blast}\",\"{@spell false life}\",\"{@spell mage armor}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\"],\"daily\":{\"1e\":[\"{@spell charm person}\",\"{@spell hex}\",\"{@spell hold person}\",\"{@spell invisibility}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Dark One's Blessing\",\"entries\":[\"When Bol'bara reduces a hostile creature to 0 hit points, she gains 6 temporary hit points.\"]},{\"name\":\"Nimble Escape\",\"entries\":[\"Bol'bara can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of her turns.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Bol'bara makes two melee attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Eldritch Blast (Cantrip)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 4} to hit, range 120 ft., one creature. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d10 + 2}) force damage.\"]}],\"legendaryActions\":2,\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Incorporeal Dash\",\"entries\":[\"Bol'bara moves up to her speed. She can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. She takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if she ends her turn inside an object.\"]},{\"name\":\"Zone of Calamity (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"A 15-foot-radius sphere of magical confusion extends from a point Bol'bara can see within 60 feet of her and spreads around corners. Each creature that starts its turn in that area is treated as if targeted by the {@spell confusion} spell (save {@dc 12}). The sphere lasts as long as Bol'bara maintains concentration, up to 1 minute (as if concentrating on a spell).\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"GO\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\",\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"]},{\"name\":\"Bristled Moorbounder\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":295,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"beast\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":52,\"formula\":\"7d10 + 14\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":70},\"str\":18,\"dex\":14,\"con\":14,\"int\":2,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":5,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":11,\"cr\":\"3\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Bladed Hide\",\"entries\":[\"At the start of each of its turns, the moorbounder deals 5 ({@damage 2d4}) piercing damage to any creature grappling it.\"]},{\"name\":\"Standing Leap\",\"entries\":[\"The moorbounder's long jump is up to 40 feet and its high jump is up to 20 feet, with or without a running start.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The moorbounder makes two attacks: one with its blades and one with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Blades\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 4d4 + 4}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Core Spawn Crawler\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":286,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":21,\"formula\":\"6d6\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":7,\"dex\":14,\"con\":10,\"int\":9,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":6,\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\",\"tremorsense 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":15,\"immune\":[\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Deep Speech but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"1\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Pack Tactics\",\"entries\":[\"The crawler has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the crawler's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The crawler makes four attacks: one with its bite, two with its claws, and one with its tail.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage and the target must succeed on a {@dc 11} Wisdom saving throw or become {@condition frightened} until the start of the crawler's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Pack Tactics\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\",\"T\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"DS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"frightened\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Core Spawn Emissary\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":286,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":102,\"formula\":\"12d8 + 48\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40,\"fly\":{\"number\":60,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":17,\"dex\":15,\"con\":18,\"int\":8,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":8,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+5\",\"wis\":\"+4\",\"cha\":\"+2\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 30 ft.\",\"tremorsense 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"immune\":[\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\"],\"languages\":[\"telepathy 120 ft.\",\"understands Deep Speech but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"6\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The emissary has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The emissary makes three talons attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Talons\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}14 ({@damage 2d10 + 3}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Alluring Thrum (Recharges 5-6)\",\"entries\":[\"The emissary emits a dreadful yet alluring hum. Each creature within 20 feet of the emissary that can hear it and that isn't an aberration must succeed on a {@dc 14} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition charmed} for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Crystal Spores {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"A 15-foot-radius cloud of toxic crystalline spores extends out from the emissary. The spores spread around corners. Each creature in the area must succeed on a {@dc 14} Constitution saving throw or become {@condition poisoned}. While {@condition poisoned} in this way, a creature takes 11 ({@damage 2d10}) poison damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\",\"T\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"DS\",\"TP\"],\"damageTags\":[\"I\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"charmed\",\"poisoned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Core Spawn Seer\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":286,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":153,\"formula\":\"18d8 + 72\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":14,\"dex\":12,\"con\":18,\"int\":22,\"wis\":19,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"dex\":\"+6\",\"int\":\"+11\",\"wis\":\"+9\",\"cha\":\"+8\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+9\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft.\",\"tremorsense 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":19,\"immune\":[\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Deep Speech\",\"telepathy 120 ft.\",\"Undercommon\"],\"cr\":\"13\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Earth Glide\",\"entries\":[\"The seer can traverse through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the seer doesn't disturb the material it moves through.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The seer has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The seer uses Fission Staff twice, Psychedelic Orb twice, or each one once.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fission Staff\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d6 + 6}) bludgeoning damage plus 18 ({@damage 4d8}) radiant damage, and the target is knocked {@condition prone}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Psychedelic Orb\",\"entries\":[\"The seer hurls a glimmering orb at one creature it can see within 120 of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 19} Wisdom saving throw or take 27 ({@damage 5d10}) psychic damage and suffer a random condition until the start of the seer's next turn. Roll a {@dice d6} for the condition: (1-2) {@condition blinded}, (3-4) {@condition frightened}, or (5-6) {@condition stunned}.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Fuse Damage\",\"entries\":[\"When the seer is hit by an attack, it takes only half of the triggering damage. The first time the seer hits with a melee attack on its next turn, the target takes an extra {@damage 1d6} radiant damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\",\"T\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DS\",\"TP\",\"U\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"R\",\"Y\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Core Spawn Worm\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":287,\"size\":\"G\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":279,\"formula\":\"18d20 + 90\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":60,\"burrow\":40},\"str\":26,\"dex\":5,\"con\":20,\"int\":6,\"wis\":8,\"cha\":4,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+10\",\"wis\":\"+4\"},\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 30 ft.\",\"tremorsense 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":14,\"immune\":[\"fire\",\"psychic\"],\"vulnerable\":[\"cold\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Deep Speech but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"15\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Illumination\",\"entries\":[\"The worm sheds dim light in a 20-foot radius.\"]},{\"name\":\"Radiant Mirror\",\"entries\":[\"If the worm takes radiant damage, each creature within 20 feet of it takes that damage as well.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tunneler\",\"entries\":[\"The worm can burrow through solid rock at half its burrowing speed and leaves a 10-foot-diameter tunnel in its wake.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The worm makes two attacks: one with its barbed tentacles and one with its bite.\"]},{\"name\":\"Barbed Tentacles\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. {@h}25 ({@damage 5d6 + 8}) piercing damage, and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 18}). Until this grapple ends, the target is {@condition restrained}. The tentacles can grapple only one creature at a time.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}30 ({@damage 5d8 + 8}) piercing damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 18} Dexterity saving throw or be swallowed by the worm. A swallowed creature is {@condition blinded} and {@condition restrained}, has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the worm, and takes 21 ({@damage 6d6}) fire damage at the start of each of the worm's turns.\",\"If the worm takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the worm must succeed on a {@dc 21} Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall {@condition prone} in a space within 10 feet of the worm. If the worm dies, a swallowed creature is no longer {@condition restrained} by it and can escape from the corpse by using 20 feet of movement, exiting {@condition prone}.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Illumination\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\",\"T\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\",\"Swallow\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"DS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"F\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"blinded\",\"grappled\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Damaged Flesh Golem\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":248,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Flesh Golem\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"action\":{\"mode\":\"removeArr\",\"names\":\"Multiattack\"}}},\"hp\":{\"average\":5,\"formula\":\"11d8 + 44\"},\"cr\":\"1\",\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[]},{\"name\":\"Ferol Sal\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":249,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Wight\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the wight\",\"with\":\"Ferol\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"int\":16,\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Frost Giant Zombie\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":288,\"size\":\"H\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"patchwork armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":138,\"formula\":\"12d12 + 60\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":23,\"dex\":6,\"con\":21,\"int\":3,\"wis\":6,\"cha\":5,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+2\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":8,\"immune\":[\"cold\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Giant but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"9\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Numbing Aura\",\"entries\":[\"Any creature that starts its turn within 10 feet of the zombie must make a {@dc 17} Constitution saving throw. Unless the save succeeds, the creature can't make more than one attack, or take a bonus action on that turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Undead Fortitude\",\"entries\":[\"If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is fire, radiant, or from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The zombie makes two weapon attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Greataxe\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 10} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}25 ({@damage 3d12 + 6}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hurl Rock\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 10} to hit, range 60/240 ft., one target. {@h}28 ({@damage 4d10 + 6}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Freezing Stare\",\"entries\":[\"The zombie targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 17} Constitution saving throw or take 35 ({@damage 10d6}) cold damage and be {@condition paralyzed} until the end of its next turn.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Undead Fortitude\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"GI\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"C\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\",\"RW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"paralyzed\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Frost Worm\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":289,\"size\":\"G\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":264,\"formula\":\"16d20 + 96\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40,\"burrow\":30},\"str\":28,\"dex\":8,\"con\":22,\"int\":1,\"wis\":5,\"cha\":5,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+12\",\"wis\":\"+3\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 30 ft.\",\"tremorsense 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":7,\"immune\":[\"cold\"],\"vulnerable\":[\"fire\"],\"cr\":\"17\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Freezing Body\",\"entries\":[\"A creature that touches the worm or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 10 ({@damage 3d6}) cold damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Death Burst\",\"entries\":[\"When the worm dies, it explodes in a burst of frigid energy. Each creature within 60 feet of it must make a {@dc 20} Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 ({@damage 8d6}) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Creatures inside the worm when it dies automatically fail this saving throw.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tunneler\",\"entries\":[\"The worm can burrow through solid rock at half its burrowing speed and leaves a 10-foot-diameter tunnel in its wake.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The worm makes two bite attacks, or uses its Trill and makes a bite attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 15} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}22 ({@damage 3d8 + 9}) piercing damage plus 10 ({@damage 3d6}) cold damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 20} Dexterity saving throw or be swallowed by the worm. A swallowed creature is {@condition blinded} and {@condition restrained}, has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the worm, and takes 10 ({@damage 3d6}) acid damage and 10 ({@damage 3d6}) cold damage at the start of each of the worm's turns.\",\"If the worm takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the worm must succeed on a {@dc 20} Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall {@condition prone} in a space within 10 feet of the worm.\"]},{\"name\":\"Trill\",\"entries\":[\"The frost worm emits a haunting cry. Each creature within 60 feet of the worm that can hear it must succeed on a {@dc 20} Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition stunned} for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw each time it takes damage and at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. Once a creature successfully saves against this effect, or if this effect ends for it, that creature is immune to the Trill of all frost worms for the next 24 hours. Frost worms are immune to this effect.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Death Burst\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\",\"T\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\",\"Swallow\"],\"damageTags\":[\"A\",\"C\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"blinded\",\"restrained\",\"stunned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Gearkeeper Construct\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":290,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":161,\"formula\":\"17d10 + 68\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":60},\"str\":20,\"dex\":16,\"con\":18,\"int\":3,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":1,\"senses\":[\"blindsight 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"resist\":[{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"fire\",\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands the languages of its creator but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"10\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Immutable Form\",\"entries\":[\"The gearkeeper is immune to any spell or effect that would alter its form.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rapid Shifting\",\"entries\":[\"Opportunity attacks made against the gearkeeper have disadvantage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Whirling Blades\",\"entries\":[\"Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the gearkeeper takes 4 ({@damage 1d8}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The gearkeeper makes two Arm Blade attacks, or one Arm Blade attack and one Spear Launcher attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Arm Blade\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}18 ({@damage 3d8 + 5}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Spear Launcher\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 9} to hit, range 90 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d6 + 5}) piercing damage, and the target is knocked {@condition prone}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shrapnel Blast {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"The gearkeeper jettisons a spray of jagged metal in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a {@dc 15} Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 ({@damage 6d6}) piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Immutable Form\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Gloomstalker\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":291,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":90,\"formula\":\"12d10 + 24\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40,\"fly\":80},\"str\":22,\"dex\":16,\"con\":14,\"int\":5,\"wis\":17,\"cha\":14,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+9\",\"dex\":\"+6\"},\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+9\",\"intimidation\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+6\",\"stealth\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 240 ft\"],\"passive\":16,\"vulnerable\":[\"radiant\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Common but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"6\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Shadowstep\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, the gloomstalker can teleport up to 40 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sunlight Sensitivity\",\"entries\":[\"While in sunlight, the gloomstalker has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The gloomstalker makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}15 ({@damage 2d8 + 6}) piercing damage plus 7 ({@damage 2d6}) necrotic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d6 + 6}) slashing damage plus 7 ({@damage 2d6}) necrotic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Snatch\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 9} to hit, reach 5 ft., one Medium or smaller creature. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d6 + 6}) slashing damage plus 7 ({@damage 2d6}) necrotic damage, and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 17}). While {@condition grappled} in this way, the target is {@condition restrained}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shriek {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"The gloomstalker emits a terrible shriek. Each enemy within 60 feet of the gloomstalker that can hear it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition paralyzed} until the end of the enemy's next turn.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Sunlight Sensitivity\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\",\"paralyzed\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Guardian Wolf\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":272,\"size\":\"H\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":66,\"formula\":\"7d12 + 21\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":60},\"str\":22,\"dex\":14,\"con\":16,\"int\":5,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":8,\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+5\",\"stealth\":\"+4\"},\"passive\":15,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Keen Hearing and Smell\",\"entries\":[\"The wolf has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.\"]},{\"name\":\"Pack Tactics\",\"entries\":[\"The wolf has advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the wolf's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The wolf makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 1d10 + 6}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}15 ({@damage 2d8 + 6}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Keen Senses\",\"Pack Tactics\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"prone\"]},{\"name\":\"Horizonback Tortoise\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":292,\"size\":\"G\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]},{\"ac\":22,\"condition\":\"while in its shell\"}],\"hp\":{\"average\":227,\"formula\":\"13d20 + 91\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20},\"str\":28,\"dex\":3,\"con\":25,\"int\":4,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":5,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+12\",\"con\":\"+10\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands Goblin but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"7\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Amphibious\",\"entries\":[\"The tortoise can breathe air and water.\"]},{\"name\":\"Massive Frame\",\"entries\":[\"The tortoise can carry up to 20,000 pounds of weight atop its shell, but moves at half speed if the weight exceeds 10,000 pounds. Medium or smaller creatures can move underneath the tortoise while it's not {@condition prone}.\",\"Any creature under the tortoise when it falls {@condition prone} is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 18}). Until the grapple ends, the creature is {@condition prone} and {@condition restrained}.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 12} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}28 ({@damage 3d12 + 9}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shell Defense {@recharge 4}\",\"entries\":[\"The tortoise withdraws into its shell, falls {@condition prone}, and gains a +5 bonus to AC. While the tortoise is in its shell, its speed is 0 and can't increase. The tortoise can emerge from its shell as an action, whereupon it is no longer {@condition prone}.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Amphibious\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"GO\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"prone\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Hulil Lutan\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":240,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Cult Fanatic\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_trait\":{\"name\":\"Mountain Dwarf\",\"source\":\"PHB\"},\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the fanatic\",\"with\":\"Hulil\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"speed\":{\"walk\":15},\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Husk Zombie\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":293,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[10],\"hp\":{\"average\":37,\"formula\":\"5d8 + 15\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":35},\"str\":16,\"dex\":10,\"con\":16,\"int\":3,\"wis\":6,\"cha\":5,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+5\",\"wis\":\"+0\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":8,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands the languages it knew in life but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"1\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Curse of the Husk\",\"entries\":[\"A humanoid slain by a melee attack from the zombie revives as a husk zombie on its next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Undead Fortitude\",\"entries\":[\"If damage reduces the zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The zombie makes two claw attacks. For each of these attacks that reduces a creature to 0 hit points, the zombie can make an additional claw attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"variant\":[{\"type\":\"variant\",\"name\":\"Husk Zombie Bursters\",\"entries\":[\"Some husk zombies become bloated with disease and bile, their frenzied state pushing them to rush other living creatures, explode, and spread their horrid infection. A husk zombie burster has the following additional action option:\",{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Burst\",\"entries\":[\"The zombie explodes and is destroyed. Each creature within 5 feet of it must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking 14 ({@damage 4d6}) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A humanoid creature killed by this damage rises as a husk zombie after 1 minute.\"]}]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Undead Fortitude\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\",\"LF\"],\"damageTags\":[\"I\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Ishel\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":231,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Drow\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the drow\",\"with\":\"Ishel\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hp\":{\"average\":24,\"formula\":\"3d8\"},\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"hasToken\":true,\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Karkethzerethzerus, the Sable Despoiler\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":158,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Ancient Silver Dragon\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_trait\":{\"name\":\"Shadow Dragon\",\"source\":\"MM\"}},\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Sunlight Sensitivity\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"N\",\"P\",\"S\"]},{\"name\":\"Kobold Underling\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":221,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"kobold\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[13],\"hp\":{\"average\":7,\"formula\":\"3d6 - 3\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":7,\"dex\":16,\"con\":9,\"int\":8,\"wis\":9,\"cha\":8,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":9,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\"],\"cr\":\"1/8\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Messy End\",\"entries\":[\"The kobold explodes 3 rounds after it dies, or immediately if it was killed by a critical hit. The explosion destroys the kobold's body, leaving its equipment behind. Each creature within 5 feet of the exploding kobold must make a {@dc 10} Dexterity saving throw, taking 4 ({@damage 1d8}) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]},{\"name\":\"Pack Tactics\",\"entries\":[\"The kobold has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the kobold's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sunlight Sensitivity\",\"entries\":[\"While in sunlight, the kobold has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Shortsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hand Crossbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 5} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Pack Tactics\",\"Sunlight Sensitivity\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Merrow Shallowpriest\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":294,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":75,\"formula\":\"10d10 + 20\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":10,\"swim\":40},\"str\":18,\"dex\":14,\"con\":15,\"int\":11,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":9,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Abyssal\",\"Aquan\"],\"cr\":\"4\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The merrow is a 6th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). The merrow has the following druid spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell druidcraft}\",\"{@spell minor illusion}\",\"{@spell shocking grasp}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cure wounds}\",\"{@spell fog cloud}\",\"{@spell thunderwave}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell hold person}\",\"{@spell mirror image}\",\"{@spell misty step}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell lightning bolt} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\",\"{@spell sleet storm}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Amphibious\",\"entries\":[\"The merrow can breathe air and water.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Harpoon\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) piercing damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, the merrow can pull it 10 feet closer.\"]},{\"name\":\"Lightning Bolt (3rd-Level Spell; Requires a Spell Slot)\",\"entries\":[\"The merrow unleashes a stroke of lightning in a line 100 feet long and 5 feet wide. Each creature in the line must make a {@dc 13} Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 ({@damage 8d6}) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Amphibious\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AB\",\"AQ\"],\"damageTags\":[\"L\",\"P\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CD\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Moorbounder\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":295,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":\"beast\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":13,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":30,\"formula\":\"4d10 + 8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":70},\"str\":18,\"dex\":14,\"con\":14,\"int\":2,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":5,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":11,\"cr\":\"1\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Standing Leap\",\"entries\":[\"The moorbounder's long jump is up to 40 feet and its high jump is up to 20 feet, with or without a running start.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 4d4 + 4}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Mossback Steward\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":256,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Horizonback Tortoise\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the tortoise\",\"with\":\"Mossback Steward\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"int\":12,\"wis\":17,\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+5\",\"insight\":\"+7\",\"nature\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+7\",\"persuasion\":\"+5\"},\"languages\":[\"telepathy 120 ft\",\"understands Goblin, Common, and Primordial but can't speak\"],\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Mossback Steward's innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 15}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components.\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell friends}\"],\"rest\":{\"1\":[\"{@spell suggestion}\",\"{@spell divination}\"]}}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"GO\",\"P\",\"TP\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Nergaliid\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":296,\"size\":\"L\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"fiend\",\"tags\":[\"devil\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":12,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":42,\"formula\":\"4d10 + 20\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":18,\"dex\":12,\"con\":20,\"int\":12,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":12,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+2\",\"stealth\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":12,\"resist\":[\"cold\",{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered\",\"cond\":true}],\"immune\":[\"fire\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Shadow Stealth\",\"entries\":[\"While in dim light or darkness, the nergaliid can take the Hide action as a bonus action.\"]},{\"name\":\"Standing Leap\",\"entries\":[\"The nergaliid's long jump is up to 30 feet and its high jump is up to 20 feet, with or without a running start.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d8 + 4}) piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a {@dc 15} Constitution saving throw or become {@condition poisoned} for 1 minute. The {@condition poisoned} creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tongue Lash\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. {@h}10 ({@damage 1d12 + 4}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Siphon Life {@recharge 4}\",\"entries\":[\"The nergaliid magically draws the life from a humanoid it can see within 40 feet of it. The target must make a {@dc 15} Wisdom saving throw. An {@condition incapacitated} target fails the save automatically. On a failed save, the creature takes 10 ({@damage 3d6}) psychic damage, and the nergaliid gains temporary hit points equal to the damage taken. On a successful save, the target takes half as much damage, and the nergaliid doesn't gain temporary hit points. If this damage kills the target, its body rises at the end of the nergaliid's current turn as a husk zombie (see earlier in this chapter).\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"P\",\"Y\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"poisoned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Ogre Lord Buhfal II\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":251,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Ogre\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the ogre\",\"with\":\"Lord Buhfal\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"int\":10,\"hasToken\":true,\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Old Croaker\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":240,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Giant Toad\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the toad\",\"with\":\"Old Croaker\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"immune\":[\"cold\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Oracs the Enduring\",\"isNpc\":true,\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":154,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Ancient Black Dragon\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_trait\":{\"name\":\"Dracolich\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the dracolich\",\"with\":\"Oracs\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Magic Resistance\"]},{\"name\":\"Parson Pellinost\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":261,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Priest\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the priest\",\"with\":\"Pellinost\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Pellinost is a 5th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). Pellinost has the following cleric spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell light}\",\"{@spell sacred flame}\",\"{@spell spare the dying}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell command}\",\"{@spell cure wounds}\",\"{@spell guiding bolt}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell lesser restoration}\",\"{@spell spiritual weapon}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell dispel magic}\",\"{@spell revivify}\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"hasToken\":true,\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Raegrin Mau\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":240,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Cultist\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_trait\":{\"name\":\"Wood Elf\",\"source\":\"PHB\"},\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the cultist\",\"with\":\"Raegrin\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\"]},{\"name\":\"Sahuagin Warlock of Uk'otoa\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":297,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"sahuagin\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":22,\"formula\":\"5d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"swim\":40},\"str\":14,\"dex\":10,\"con\":11,\"int\":8,\"wis\":8,\"cha\":16,\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+1\",\"persuasion\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":9,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Sahuagin\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The warlock's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 13}, {@hit 5} to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell eldritch blast} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\",\"{@spell minor illusion}\"],\"daily\":{\"1e\":[\"{@spell armor of Agathys}\",\"{@spell arms of Hadar}\",\"{@spell counterspell}\",\"{@spell crown of madness}\",\"{@spell invisibility}\",\"{@spell hunger of Hadar}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Blood Frenzy\",\"entries\":[\"The warlock has advantage on melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have all its hit points.\"]},{\"name\":\"Limited Amphibiousness\",\"entries\":[\"The warlock can breathe air and water, but it needs to be submerged at least once every 4 hours to avoid suffocating.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shark Telepathy\",\"entries\":[\"The warlock can magically command any shark within 120 feet of it, using a limited telepathy.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The warlock makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its Sword of Fathoms.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Sword of Fathoms\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d10 + 2}) slashing damage, and if the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Constitution saving throw or begin choking. The choking creature is {@condition incapacitated} until the end of its next turn, when the effect ends on it.\"]},{\"name\":\"Eldritch Blast (Cantrip)\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 5} to hit, range 120 ft., one creature. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage.\"]}],\"variant\":[{\"type\":\"variant\",\"name\":\"Rod of Retribution\",\"entries\":[\"Sahuagin warlocks of Uk'otoa who have exceptional potential in the eyes of the leviathan lord are granted a {@item rod of retribution|egw} in addition to Uk'otoa's typical blessing, the Sword of Fathoms. A sahuagin warlock of Uk'otoa holding this rod gains the following reaction:\",{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Retribution (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"When a creature the warlock can see within 60 feet of it damages the warlock, the creature must make a {@dc 13} Dexterity saving throw, taking 11 ({@damage 2d10}) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]}]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"OTH\"],\"damageTags\":[\"L\",\"O\",\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CL\",\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"incapacitated\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"invisible\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Sea Fury\",\"group\":\"Hags\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":299,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"fey\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":105,\"formula\":\"14d8 + 42\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"swim\":50},\"str\":19,\"dex\":15,\"con\":16,\"int\":12,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":18,\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+8\",\"insight\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+5\",\"stealth\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":15,\"immune\":[\"cold\",\"fire\",\"poison\",{\"immune\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks that aren't silvered\",\"cond\":true}],\"conditionImmune\":[\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Aquan\",\"Common\",\"Giant\"],\"cr\":{\"cr\":\"12\",\"lair\":\"14\"},\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The sea fury's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 16}, {@hit 8} to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell witch bolt}\"],\"daily\":{\"1e\":[\"{@spell bestow curse}\",\"{@spell fear}\",\"{@spell thunderwave}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Amphibious\",\"entries\":[\"The sea fury can breathe air and water.\"]},{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If the sea fury fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The sea fury has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The sea fury makes two attacks with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}13 ({@damage 2d8 + 4}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Death Glare\",\"entries\":[\"The sea fury targets one {@condition frightened} creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 16} Wisdom saving throw or drop to 0 hit points.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"As Water\",\"entries\":[\"The sea fury transforms into a wave of foaming seawater, along with whatever it is wearing or carrying, and moves up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks. While in this form, it can't be {@condition grappled} or {@condition restrained}. It reverts to its true form at the end of this movement.\"]},{\"name\":\"Fearsome Apparition (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"The sea fury conjures an apparition of one of its dead sisters, which appears in an unoccupied space the sea fury can see within 30 feet of it. Enemies of the sea fury that can see the apparition must succeed on a {@dc 16} Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition frightened} of it until it vanishes at the end of the sea fury's next turn.\"]},{\"name\":\"Conjure Snakes (Costs 3 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"The sea fury disgorges a swarm of poisonous snakes, which occupies the same space as the sea fury, acts on its own initiative count, and attacks as directed by the sea fury. The sea fury can control up to three of these swarms at a time.\"]}],\"legendaryGroup\":{\"name\":\"Sea Fury\",\"source\":\"EGW\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Amphibious\",\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"AQ\",\"C\",\"GI\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictLegendary\":[\"prone\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"frightened\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Shadowghast\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":299,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[15],\"hp\":{\"average\":49,\"formula\":\"9d8 + 9\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":35},\"str\":14,\"dex\":20,\"con\":12,\"int\":12,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":8,\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+3\",\"stealth\":\"+8\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"resist\":[\"necrotic\"],\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"poisoned\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Stench\",\"entries\":[\"Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of the shadowghast must succeed on a {@dc 12} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition poisoned} until the start of its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the creature is immune to this Stench for 24 hours.\"]},{\"name\":\"Shadow Stealth\",\"entries\":[\"While in dim light or darkness, the shadowghast can take the Hide action as a bonus action.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The shadowghast makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d8 + 2}) slashing damage plus 5 ({@damage 1d10}) necrotic damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 2d6 + 5}) slashing damage. If the target is a creature other than an undead, it must succeed on a {@dc 12} Constitution saving throw or be {@condition paralyzed} for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"paralyzed\",\"poisoned\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Sharkbody Abomination\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":215,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Hunter Shark\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"shark\",\"with\":\"abomination\"},\"trait\":{\"mode\":\"appendArr\",\"items\":{\"name\":\"Limited Amphibiousness\",\"entries\":[\"The abomination can breathe air and water, but it needs to be submerged at least once every 4 hours to avoid suffocating.\"]}}}},\"type\":\"aberration\",\"speed\":{\"walk\":20,\"swim\":40},\"hasToken\":true,\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Sken Zabriss\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":221,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"goliath\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"{@item breastplate|PHB}\",\"{@item shield|PHB}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":45,\"formula\":\"7d8 + 14\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":16,\"dex\":11,\"con\":15,\"int\":13,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":12,\"passive\":10,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Giant\"],\"cr\":\"1\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Powerful Build\",\"entries\":[\"Sken counts as one size larger when determining her carrying capacity and the weight she can push, drag, or lift.\"]},{\"name\":\"Special Equipment\",\"entries\":[\"Sken wears a ring of obscuring. With it, she can cast the fog cloud spell centered on herself three times per day. The cloud lasts for 1 minute (no concentration required).\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Longsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) slashing damage, or 8 ({@damage 1d10 + 3}) slashing damage when used with two hands.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Stone's Endurance (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"When Sken takes damage, she can use her reaction to reduce the damage taken by 8 ({@dice 1d12 + 2}).\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"DR\",\"GI\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"]},{\"name\":\"Skr'a S'orsk\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":254,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Lizardfolk Shaman\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the lizardfolk\",\"with\":\"Skr'a S'orsk\"}}},\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting (Lizardfolk Form Only)\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Skr'a S'orsk is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save {@dc 12}, {@hit 4} to hit with spell attacks). Skr'a S'orsk has the following druid spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell produce flame}\",\"{@spell resistance}\",\"{@spell thorn whip}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell entangle}\",\"{@spell fog cloud}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell blindness/deafness}\",\"{@spell spike growth}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell animate dead}\",\"{@spell conjure animals} (reptiles only)\"]}},\"ability\":\"wis\"}],\"hasToken\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Swarm of Undead Snakes\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":247,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Swarm of Poisonous Snakes\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_mod\":{\"conditionImmune\":{\"mode\":\"appendArr\",\"items\":\"poisoned\"}}},\"type\":{\"type\":\"undead\",\"swarmSize\":\"T\"},\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Swavain Basilisk\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":300,\"size\":\"H\",\"type\":\"monstrosity\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":85,\"formula\":\"10d12 + 20\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":15,\"swim\":40},\"str\":15,\"dex\":16,\"con\":15,\"int\":2,\"wis\":8,\"cha\":7,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":9,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"poisoned\"],\"cr\":\"7\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Amphibious\",\"entries\":[\"The basilisk can breathe air and water.\"]},{\"name\":\"Petrifying Secretions\",\"entries\":[\"A creature must make a {@dc 13} Constitution saving throw if it hits the basilisk with a weapon attack while within 5 feet of it or if it starts its turn {@condition grappled} by the basilisk. Unless the save succeeds, the creature magically begins to turn to stone and is {@condition restrained}, and it must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a successful save, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is {@condition petrified}.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The basilisk makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its tail.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}13 ({@damage 3d6 + 3}) piercing damage plus 10 ({@damage 3d6}) poison damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tail\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}14 ({@damage 2d10 + 3}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 12}).\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Amphibious\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"I\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\",\"petrified\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Three Earrings\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":211,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Bandit Captain\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_trait\":{\"name\":\"Tabaxi\",\"source\":\"VGM\"},\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the captain\",\"with\":\"Three Earrings\"}}},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"hasToken\":true,\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Udaak\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":301,\"size\":\"G\",\"type\":\"fiend\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":165,\"formula\":\"10d20 + 60\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":50},\"str\":26,\"dex\":14,\"con\":22,\"int\":3,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":10,\"save\":{\"str\":\"+13\",\"con\":\"+11\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"poison\",{\"immune\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"vulnerable\":[\"thunder\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"frightened\",\"grappled\",\"poisoned\",\"restrained\"],\"cr\":\"16\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Charge\",\"entries\":[\"If the udaak moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a slam attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 27 ({@damage 6d8}) bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 21} Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 20 feet away from the udaak and knocked {@condition prone}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Siege Monster\",\"entries\":[\"The udaak deals double damage to objects and structures.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The udaak makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its slam.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}21 ({@damage 2d12 + 8}) piercing damage, and the target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 21}). Until this grapple ends, the target is {@condition restrained}, and the udaak can't bite another target.\"]},{\"name\":\"Slam\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}21 ({@damage 3d8 + 8}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Swallow\",\"entries\":[\"The udaak makes one bite attack against a Large or smaller target it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target is also swallowed, and the grapple ends. A swallowed creature is {@condition blinded} and {@condition restrained}, it has total cover against attacks and other effects outside the udaak, and it takes 21 ({@damage 6d6}) acid damage at the start of each of the udaak's turns.\",\"If the udaak takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from a creature inside it, the udaak must succeed on a {@dc 21} Constitution saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which fall {@condition prone} in a space within 10 feet of the udaak. If the udaak dies, a swallowed creature is no longer {@condition restrained} by it and can escape from the corpse by using 20 feet of movement, exiting {@condition prone}.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Charge\",\"Siege Monster\"],\"senseTags\":[\"SD\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\",\"Swallow\"],\"damageTags\":[\"A\",\"B\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"blinded\",\"grappled\",\"prone\",\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Vox Seeker\",\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":270,\"size\":\"T\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":14,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":7,\"formula\":\"2d4 + 2\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":20,\"climb\":20},\"str\":2,\"dex\":10,\"con\":12,\"int\":1,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":1,\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":10,\"immune\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"deafened\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\"],\"cr\":\"1/8\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Voice Lock\",\"entries\":[\"The vox seeker must move toward and attack the source of the nearest voice within 60 feet of it, to the exclusion of all other targets, for as long as it remains operational.\"]},{\"name\":\"Spider Climb\",\"entries\":[\"The vox seeker can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Pincer\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 2} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}2 ({@damage 1d4}) piercing damage plus 3 lightning damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Spider Climb\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"damageTags\":[\"L\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"]},{\"name\":\"Yinra Emberwind\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"EGW\",\"page\":223,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"elf\"]},\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"G\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"{@item studded leather armor|PHB|studded leather}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":16,\"formula\":\"3d8 + 3\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":11,\"dex\":16,\"con\":12,\"int\":14,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":11,\"skill\":{\"investigation\":\"+4\",\"perception\":\"+3\",\"stealth\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Fey Ancestry\",\"entries\":[\"Yinra has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition charmed}, and magic can't put her to sleep.\"]},{\"name\":\"Keen Hearing and Sight\",\"entries\":[\"Yinra has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or sight.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Shortsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 5} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Fey Ancestry\",\"Keen Senses\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"]}]}");
JSON_DATA[`data/bestiary/bestiary-erlw.json`] = JSON.parse("{\"_meta\":{\"otherSources\":{\"monster\":{\"MM\":\"ERLW\",\"VGM\":\"ERLW\",\"TCE\":\"ERLW\"}},\"dependencies\":{\"monster\":[\"MM\"]}},\"monster\":[{\"name\":\"Belashyrra\",\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":286,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":19,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":304,\"formula\":\"32d8 + 160\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40,\"fly\":{\"number\":40,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":24,\"dex\":21,\"con\":20,\"int\":25,\"wis\":22,\"cha\":23,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+14\",\"wis\":\"+13\",\"cha\":\"+13\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+14\",\"perception\":\"+13\"},\"senses\":[\"truesight 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":23,\"resist\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\"],\"languages\":[\"Deep Speech\",\"telepathy 120 ft.\"],\"cr\":{\"cr\":\"22\",\"lair\":\"23\"},\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Alien Mind\",\"entries\":[\"If a creature tries to read Belashyrra's thoughts or deals psychic damage to it, that creature must succeed on a {@dc 22} Intelligence saving throw or be {@condition stunned} for 1 minute. The {@condition stunned} creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Eye Thief\",\"entries\":[\"Belashyrra can see through the eyes of all creatures within 120 feet of it. It can use its Eye Ray through any creature within 120 feet of it, as though it were in that creature's space.\"]},{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If Belashyrra fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"Belashyrra has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Regeneration\",\"entries\":[\"Belashyrra regains 20 hit points at the start of its turn. If it takes radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of its next turn. Belashyrra dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.\"]},{\"name\":\"Teleport\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, Belashyrra can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Belashyrra makes two attacks with its claws and uses its Eye Ray once.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 14} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}17 ({@damage 3d6 + 7}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Eye Ray\",\"entries\":[\"Belashyrra shoots one of the following magical eye rays of its choice, targeting one creature it can see within 120 feet of it:\",{\"type\":\"list\",\"style\":\"list-hang-notitle\",\"items\":[{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"1. Psyche-Reconstruction Ray.\",\"style\":\"italic\",\"entry\":\"The target must make a {@dc 22} Wisdom saving throw, taking 49 ({@damage 9d10}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it dies and transforms into a spectator under Belashyrra's control and acts immediately after Belashyrra in the initiative order. The target can't be returned to its original form by any means short of a wish spell.\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"2. Domination Ray.\",\"style\":\"italic\",\"entry\":\"The target must succeed on a {@dc 22} Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition charmed} by Belashyrra for 1 minute or until the target takes damage. Belashyrra can issue telepathic commands to the {@condition charmed} creature (no action required), which it does its best to obey.\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"3. Mind-Weakening Ray.\",\"style\":\"italic\",\"entry\":\"The target must succeed on a {@dc 22} Intelligence saving throw or take 36 ({@damage 8d8}) psychic damage and be unable to cast spells or activate magic items for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"},{\"type\":\"item\",\"name\":\"4. Blinding Ray.\",\"style\":\"italic\",\"entry\":\"The target and each creature within 10 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 22} Constitution saving throw or take 19 ({@damage 3d12}) radiant damage and be {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. Until this blindness ends, Belyshyrra can see through the {@condition blinded} creature's eyes. The {@condition blinded} creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"}]}]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Claw\",\"entries\":[\"Belashyrra makes one claw attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Implant Fear (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Belashyrra targets a creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 22} Wisdom saving throw or take 22 ({@damage 4d10}) psychic damage and immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from Belashyrra.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rend Reality (Costs 3 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Belashyrra rips at the bonds of reality in its immediate area. Each creature within 10 feet of Belashyrra must succeed on a {@dc 22} Constitution saving throw or take 19 ({@damage 3d12}) force damage and gain one level of {@condition exhaustion}.\"]}],\"legendaryGroup\":{\"name\":\"Belashyrra\",\"source\":\"ERLW\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Magic Resistance\",\"Regeneration\"],\"senseTags\":[\"U\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"DS\",\"TP\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\",\"R\",\"S\",\"Y\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"stunned\"],\"conditionInflictLegendary\":[\"charmed\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Bone Knight\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":316,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"any race\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"NX\",\"C\",\"NY\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":20,\"from\":[\"bonecraft armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":84,\"formula\":\"13d8 + 26\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":18,\"dex\":13,\"con\":14,\"int\":12,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+5\",\"cha\":\"+6\"},\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+7\",\"deception\":\"+6\",\"intimidation\":\"+6\"},\"passive\":12,\"resist\":[\"necrotic\",\"poison\"],\"languages\":[\"any one language (usually Common)\"],\"cr\":\"5\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The knight is an 8th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 14}, {@hit 6} to hit with spell attacks). It has the following paladin spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell command}\",\"{@spell compelled duel}\",\"{@spell hellish rebuke}\",\"{@spell wrathful smite}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell branding smite}\",\"{@spell crown of madness}\",\"{@spell darkness}\",\"{@spell find steed}\",\"{@spell magic weapon}\"]}},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Commander of Bones\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, the knight can target one skeleton or zombie it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must make a {@dc 14} Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target must obey the knight's commands until the knight dies or until the knight releases it as a bonus action. The knight can command up to twelve undead at a time this way.\"]},{\"name\":\"Master of the Pallid Banner\",\"entries\":[\"While within 60 feet of the knight, any undead ally of the knight has advantage on saving throws against any effect that turns undead.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The knight attacks twice with one of its weapons.\"]},{\"name\":\"Greatsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}11 ({@damage 2d6 + 4}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d8 + 1}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"X\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"CP\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Changeling\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":317,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"changeling\",\"shapechanger\"]},\"alignment\":[\"A\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":13,\"from\":[\"{@item leather armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":22,\"formula\":\"4d8 + 4\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":8,\"dex\":15,\"con\":12,\"int\":14,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":16,\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+4\",\"deception\":\"+5\",\"insight\":\"+2\",\"perception\":\"+2\",\"persuasion\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":12,\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Dwarvish\",\"Elvish\",\"Halfling\",\"Thieves' cant\"],\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Change Appearance\",\"entries\":[\"The changeling can use its action to polymorph into a Medium humanoid it has seen, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other than its size, are the same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The changeling makes two attacks with its dagger.\"]},{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Unsettling Visage (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)\",\"entries\":[\"Each creature within 30 feet of the changeling must succeed on a {@dc 13} Wisdom saving throw or be {@condition frightened} for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"D\",\"E\",\"H\",\"TC\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"frightened\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Clawfoot\",\"group\":\"Dinosaurs\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":289,\"otherSources\":[{\"source\":\"UAWGE\",\"page\":81}],\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"beast\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[13],\"hp\":{\"average\":19,\"formula\":\"3d8 + 6\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":12,\"dex\":16,\"con\":14,\"int\":4,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":10,\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+3\",\"stealth\":\"+5\"},\"passive\":13,\"cr\":\"1\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Pack Tactics\",\"entries\":[\"The clawfoot has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the clawfoot's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Pounce\",\"entries\":[\"If the clawfoot moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a {@dc 11} Strength saving throw or be knocked {@condition prone}. If the target is {@condition prone}, the clawfoot can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The clawfoot makes two attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws.\"]},{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) slashing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"altArt\":[{\"name\":\"Clawfoot Raptor\",\"source\":\"WGE\"}],\"traitTags\":[\"Pack Tactics\",\"Pounce\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"prone\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Corrin Delmaco\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":271,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Spy\",\"source\":\"MM\",\"_trait\":{\"name\":\"Stout Halfling\",\"source\":\"PHB\"},\"_mod\":{\"*\":{\"mode\":\"replaceTxt\",\"replace\":\"the spy\",\"with\":\"Corrin\",\"flags\":\"i\"}}},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"hp\":{\"average\":21,\"formula\":\"6d6\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"H\",\"X\"]},{\"name\":\"Dolgaunt\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":290,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":16,\"from\":[\"Unarmored Defense\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":33,\"formula\":\"6d8 + 6\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":14,\"dex\":18,\"con\":12,\"int\":13,\"wis\":14,\"cha\":11,\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+6\",\"perception\":\"+4\",\"stealth\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 120 ft. (blind beyond this radius)\"],\"passive\":14,\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\"],\"languages\":[\"Deep Speech\",\"Goblin\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Evasion\",\"entries\":[\"If the dolgaunt is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, the dolgaunt instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails. It can't use this trait if it's {@condition incapacitated}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Unarmored Defense\",\"entries\":[\"While the dolgaunt is wearing no armor and wielding no shield, its AC includes its Wisdom modifier.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The dolgaunt makes two tentacle attacks and two unarmed strikes. Up to two tentacle attacks can be replaced by Vitality Drain.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tentacle\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d6 + 4}) bludgeoning damage. The target is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 12}) if it is a Large or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the dolgaunt can't use the same tentacle on another target. The dolgaunt has two tentacles.\"]},{\"name\":\"Unarmed Strike\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d4 + 4}) bludgeoning damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Vitality Drain\",\"entries\":[\"One creature {@condition grappled} by a tentacle of the dolgaunt must make a {@dc 11} Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes 9 ({@damage 2d8}) necrotic damage, and the dolgaunt regains a number of hit points equal to half the necrotic damage taken.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\",\"Tentacles\"],\"languageTags\":[\"DS\",\"GO\"],\"damageTags\":[\"B\",\"N\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Dolgrim\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":291,\"size\":\"S\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":15,\"from\":[\"natural armor\",\"{@item shield|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":13,\"formula\":\"3d6 + 3\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":15,\"dex\":14,\"con\":12,\"int\":8,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":8,\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":10,\"languages\":[\"Deep Speech\",\"Goblin\"],\"cr\":\"1/2\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Dual Consciousness\",\"entries\":[\"The dolgrim has advantage on saving throws against being {@condition blinded}, {@condition charmed}, {@condition deafened}, {@condition frightened}, {@condition stunned}, and knocked {@condition unconscious}.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The dolgrim makes three attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Morningstar\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Spear\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage, or 6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack.\"]},{\"name\":\"Hand Crossbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"DS\",\"GO\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Dusk Hag\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":292,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"fey\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":82,\"formula\":\"15d8 + 15\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":11,\"dex\":14,\"con\":12,\"int\":17,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":18,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+6\",\"wis\":\"+6\"},\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+7\",\"insight\":\"+6\",\"perception\":\"+6\"},\"senses\":[\"blindsight 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":16,\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"frightened\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Giant\",\"Infernal\"],\"cr\":\"6\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The hag's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 15}). She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell detect magic}\",\"{@spell disguise self}\"],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell dream}\",\"{@spell hypnotic pattern}\",\"{@spell sleep} ({@dice 9d8})\"],\"1e\":[\"{@spell legend lore}\",\"{@spell scrying}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The hag has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The hag makes two Nightmare Touch attacks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Claws\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d6 + 2}) slashing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Nightmare Touch\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk ms} {@hit 7} to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. {@h}18 ({@damage 4d6 + 4}) psychic damage. If the target is {@condition unconscious}, it takes an extra 10 ({@damage 3d6}) psychic damage and is cursed until the hag dies or the curse is removed. The cursed creature's hit point maximum decreases by 5 ({@dice 1d10}) whenever it finishes a long rest.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Dream Eater\",\"entries\":[\"When an {@condition unconscious} creature the hag can see within 30 feet of her regains consciousness, the hag can force the creature to make a {@dc 15} Wisdom saving throw. Unless the save succeeds, the creature takes 11 ({@damage 2d10}) psychic damage, and the hag regains hit points equal to the amount of damage taken.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"B\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"GI\",\"I\"],\"damageTags\":[\"S\",\"Y\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"charmed\",\"incapacitated\",\"unconscious\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Dyrrn\",\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":288,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":21,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":325,\"formula\":\"31d8 + 186\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40,\"fly\":{\"number\":40,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":26,\"dex\":21,\"con\":22,\"int\":26,\"wis\":23,\"cha\":24,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+15\",\"wis\":\"+13\",\"cha\":\"+14\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+15\",\"history\":\"+15\",\"insight\":\"+13\",\"perception\":\"+13\"},\"senses\":[\"truesight 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":23,\"resist\":[\"poison\",\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"poisoned\",\"prone\"],\"languages\":[\"Deep Speech\",\"telepathy 120 ft.\"],\"cr\":\"24\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Alien Mind\",\"entries\":[\"If a creature tries to read Dyrrn's thoughts or deals psychic damage to it, that creature must succeed on a {@dc 23} Intelligence saving throw or be {@condition stunned} for 1 minute. The {@condition stunned} creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If Dyrrn fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"Dyrrn has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Regeneration\",\"entries\":[\"Dyrrn regains 20 hit points at the start of its turn. If Dyrrn takes radiant damage, this trait doesn't function at the start of its next turn. Dyrrn dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate.\"]},{\"name\":\"Teleport\",\"entries\":[\"As a bonus action, Dyrrn can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space it can see.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"Dyrrn makes one Tentacle Whip attack and uses its Corruption once. Dyrrn can replace its Tentacle Whip attack with Extract Brain if it has a creature {@condition grappled}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Tentacle Whip\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 15} to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. {@h}24 ({@damage 3d10 + 8}) slashing damage. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it is {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 23}), pulled into an unoccupied space within 5 feet of Dyrrn, and must succeed on a {@dc 23} Intelligence saving throw or be {@condition stunned} until this grapple ends. Dyrrn can't use the same tentacle whip on another target until this grapple ends. Dyrrn has two tentacle whips.\"]},{\"name\":\"Corruption\",\"entries\":[\"Dyrrn targets one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 23} Constitution saving throw or take 22 ({@damage 4d6 + 8}) necrotic damage and become corrupted for 1 minute.\",\"A corrupted creature's flesh twists in alien ways. The creature has disadvantage on attack rolls, its speed is reduced by half, and if it tries to cast a spell, it must first succeed on a {@dc 15} Intelligence check or the spell fails and is wasted. The corrupted creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Extract Brain\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 15} to hit, reach 5 ft., one {@condition incapacitated} creature {@condition grappled} by Dyrrn. {@h}55 ({@damage 10d10}) piercing damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, Dyrrn kills the target by extracting and devouring its brain.\"]}],\"legendary\":[{\"name\":\"Tentacle Whip\",\"entries\":[\"Dyrrn makes one attack with its Tentacle Whip.\"]},{\"name\":\"Spawn Aberration (Costs 2 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Dyrrn regurgitates an intellect devourer in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of it. The intellect devourer is under Dyrrn's control and acts immediately after Dyrrn in the initiative order.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mind Blast (Costs 3 Actions)\",\"entries\":[\"Dyrrn magically emits psychic energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a {@dc 23} Intelligence saving throw or take 30 ({@damage 5d8 + 8}) psychic damage and be {@condition stunned} for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]}],\"legendaryGroup\":{\"name\":\"Dyrrn\",\"source\":\"ERLW\"},\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Legendary Resistances\",\"Magic Resistance\",\"Regeneration\"],\"senseTags\":[\"U\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"DS\",\"TP\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\",\"P\",\"S\",\"Y\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\",\"MW\",\"RCH\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\",\"stunned\"],\"conditionInflictLegendary\":[\"restrained\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Expeditious Messenger\",\"group\":\"Homunculi\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":293,\"size\":\"T\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[13],\"hp\":{\"average\":7,\"formula\":\"2d4 + 2\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":25,\"fly\":60},\"str\":6,\"dex\":16,\"con\":13,\"int\":8,\"wis\":12,\"cha\":7,\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+5\",\"stealth\":\"+5\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":11,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"exhaustion\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"one language spoken by its creator\"],\"cr\":\"1/8\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Flyby\",\"entries\":[\"The messenger doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy's reach.\"]},{\"name\":\"Telepathic Bond\",\"entries\":[\"While the messenger is on the same plane of existence as its master, it can magically convey what it senses to its master, and the two can communicate telepathically.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}5 ({@damage 1d4 + 3}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Flyby\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true},{\"name\":\"Fastieth\",\"group\":\"Dinosaurs\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":289,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"beast\",\"alignment\":[\"U\"],\"ac\":[14],\"hp\":{\"average\":9,\"formula\":\"2d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":50},\"str\":12,\"dex\":18,\"con\":10,\"int\":4,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":4,\"passive\":10,\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Quickness {@recharge 5}\",\"entries\":[\"The fastieth can take the Dodge action as a bonus action.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 6} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}8 ({@damage 1d8 + 4}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Garra\",\"isNpc\":true,\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":272,\"_copy\":{\"name\":\"Half-Ogre (Ogrillon)\",\"source\":\"MM\"},\"alignment\":[\"C\",\"E\"],\"int\":14,\"hasToken\":true},{\"name\":\"Hashalaq Quori\",\"group\":\"Quori\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":305,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":99,\"formula\":\"18d8 + 18\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":12,\"dex\":14,\"con\":13,\"int\":18,\"wis\":16,\"cha\":18,\"save\":{\"wis\":\"+7\",\"cha\":\"+8\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+12\",\"history\":\"+12\",\"insight\":\"+11\",\"persuasion\":\"+8\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"resist\":[\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Quori\"],\"cr\":\"9\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The quori's spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 16}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell charm person}\"],\"daily\":{\"1\":[\"{@spell dominate person}\",\"{@spell dream}\"],\"3e\":[\"{@spell detect thoughts}\",\"{@spell disguise self}\",\"{@spell suggestion}\"]},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The quori uses its Mind Thrust twice.\"]},{\"name\":\"Idyllic Touch\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk ms} {@hit 8} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}9 ({@damage 1d10 + 4}) force damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Wisdom saving throw or fall {@condition prone} in a fit of laughter.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mind Thrust\",\"entries\":[\"The quori targets a creature it can see within 60 feet of it. The target must make a {@dc 16} Wisdom saving throw, taking 18 ({@damage 4d8}) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.\"]},{\"name\":\"Possession {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"One humanoid that the quori can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 16} Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the quori; the quori then disappears, and the target is {@condition incapacitated} and loses control of its body. The quori now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being {@condition charmed} and {@condition frightened}. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.\",\"The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is forced out by an effect like the {@spell dispel evil and good} spell. When the possession ends, the quori reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to this quori's Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Empathic Feedback\",\"entries\":[\"When the quori takes damage from a creature it can see within 60 feet of it, the quori can force that creature to succeed on a {@dc 16} Intelligence saving throw or take 11 ({@damage 2d10}) psychic damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\",\"Y\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\",\"P\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"incapacitated\",\"prone\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"charmed\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Inspired\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":294,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"human\"]},\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[12,{\"ac\":15,\"condition\":\"with {@spell mage armor}\",\"braces\":true}],\"hp\":{\"average\":40,\"formula\":\"9d8\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":11,\"dex\":14,\"con\":10,\"int\":16,\"wis\":10,\"cha\":16,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+5\",\"wis\":\"+2\"},\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+7\",\"insight\":\"+2\",\"persuasion\":\"+7\"},\"passive\":10,\"resist\":[\"psychic\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Quori\"],\"cr\":\"2\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The Inspired's spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 13}). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell vicious mockery} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\"],\"daily\":{\"1e\":[\"{@spell charm person}\",\"{@spell dissonant whispers}\",\"{@spell hex}\",\"{@spell hold person}\",\"{@spell mage armor}\"]},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Dual Mind\",\"entries\":[\"The Inspired has advantage on Wisdom saving throws.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The Inspired makes two crysteel dagger attacks. It can replace one attack with vicious mockery.\"]},{\"name\":\"Crysteel Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage plus 10 ({@damage 3d6}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Vicious Mockery (Cantrip)\",\"entries\":[\"The Inspired unleashes a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at one creature it can see within 60 feet of it. If the target can hear the Inspired, the target must succeed on a {@dc 13} Wisdom saving throw or take 2 ({@damage 1d4}) psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.\"]}],\"variant\":[{\"type\":\"variant\",\"name\":\"Quori Vessel\",\"entries\":[\"The Inspired are vessels for quori spirits, allowing the quori to manifest a portion of their power while the vessel is possessed. An Inspired can gain benefits depending on the type of quori possessing it. The quori also gains access to the Inspired's knowledge and features.\",{\"type\":\"variantInner\",\"name\":\"Hashalaq\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Suggestion (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"The Inspired can cast the {@spell suggestion} spell (spell save {@dc 13}), requiring no material components.\"]}]},{\"type\":\"variantInner\",\"name\":\"Kalaraq\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"All Around Vision\",\"entries\":[\"The Inspired can't be surprised.\"]},{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Arcane Eye (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"The Inspired can cast the {@spell arcane eye} spell, requiring no material components.\"]}]},{\"type\":\"variantInner\",\"name\":\"Tsucora\",\"entries\":[{\"type\":\"entries\",\"name\":\"Fear (1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"The Inspired can cast the {@spell fear} spell (spell save {@dc 13}), requiring no material components.\"]}]}]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"O\",\"P\",\"Y\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Iron Defender\",\"group\":\"Homunculi\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":293,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"construct\",\"alignment\":[\"N\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":30,\"formula\":\"4d8 + 12\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":40},\"str\":16,\"dex\":14,\"con\":16,\"int\":8,\"wis\":11,\"cha\":7,\"skill\":{\"perception\":\"+4\",\"stealth\":\"+4\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"immune\":[\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"exhaustion\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"understands the languages of its creator but can't speak\"],\"cr\":\"1\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Keen Senses\",\"entries\":[\"The defender has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.\"]},{\"name\":\"Telepathic Bond\",\"entries\":[\"While the defender is on the same plane of existence as its master, it can magically convey what it senses to its master, and the two can communicate telepathically.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Bite\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d6 + 3}) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a {@dc 13} Strength saving throw or take an extra 3 ({@damage 1d6}) piercing damage and be {@condition grappled} (escape {@dc 13}). The defender can have only one creature {@condition grappled} in this way at a time.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Keen Senses\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"languageTags\":[\"CS\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"grappled\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Kalaraq Quori\",\"group\":\"Quori\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":306,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"aberration\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":18,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":161,\"formula\":\"19d8 + 76\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"fly\":{\"number\":60,\"condition\":\"(hover)\"},\"canHover\":true},\"str\":12,\"dex\":21,\"con\":18,\"int\":23,\"wis\":24,\"cha\":25,\"save\":{\"int\":\"+12\",\"wis\":\"+13\",\"cha\":\"+13\"},\"skill\":{\"deception\":\"+13\",\"perception\":\"+13\",\"persuasion\":\"+13\"},\"senses\":[\"truesight 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":23,\"resist\":[\"cold\",\"necrotic\",\"poison\",\"psychic\",{\"resist\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"grappled\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"prone\",\"restrained\"],\"languages\":[\"all\",\"telepathy 120 ft.\"],\"cr\":\"19\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Innate Spellcasting (Psionics)\",\"headerEntries\":[\"The quori's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save {@dc 21}, {@hit 13} to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components:\"],\"will\":[\"{@spell arcane eye}\"],\"daily\":{\"3e\":[\"{@spell clairvoyance}\",\"{@spell confusion}\",\"{@spell dream}\",\"{@spell eyebite}\"]},\"ability\":\"cha\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"All-Around Vision\",\"entries\":[\"The quori can't be surprised while it isn't {@condition incapacitated}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"entries\":[\"The quori can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 ({@damage 1d10}) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"The quori has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The quori makes two Soul Binding attacks. Alternatively, it can make four attacks with Arcane Blast.\"]},{\"name\":\"Arcane Blast\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rs} {@hit 13} to hit, range 120 ft., one target. {@h}12 ({@damage 1d10 + 7}) force damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Soul Binding\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk ms} {@hit 13} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}29 ({@damage 4d10 + 7}) necrotic damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points from this attack dies and has its soul imprisoned in one of the quori's eyes. The target can't be revived by any means short of a wish spell until the quori is destroyed.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mind Seed (1/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"The quori touches one humanoid, which must succeed on a {@dc 21} Intelligence saving throw or be cursed. The curse lasts until it's removed by a remove curse or greater restoration spell.\",\"The cursed target suffers 1 level of {@condition exhaustion} every 24 hours, and finishing a long rest doesn't reduce its {@condition exhaustion}. If the cursed target reaches {@condition exhaustion} level 6, it doesn't die; it instead becomes a thrall under the quori's control, and all its {@condition exhaustion} is removed. Only the {@spell wish} spell can free the thrall from this control.\"]},{\"name\":\"Swarm of Eyes {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"The quori creates a swarm of spectral eyes that fills a 30-foot-radius sphere centered on a point it can see within 60 feet of it. Each creature in that area must make a {@dc 21} Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 45 ({@damage 10d8}) psychic damage, and it is {@condition blinded} for 1 minute. On a success, a creature takes half as much damage and isn't {@condition blinded}. A {@condition blinded} creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.\"]},{\"name\":\"Possession {@recharge}\",\"entries\":[\"One humanoid that the quori can see within 5 feet of it must succeed on a {@dc 21} Charisma saving throw or be possessed by the quori; the quori then disappears, and the target is {@condition incapacitated} and loses control of its body. The quori now controls the body but doesn't deprive the target of awareness. The quori can't be targeted by any attack, spell, or other effect, and it retains its alignment, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and immunity to being {@condition charmed} and {@condition frightened}. It otherwise uses the possessed target's statistics, but doesn't gain access to the target's knowledge, class features, or proficiencies.\",\"The possession lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, the quori ends it as a bonus action, or the quori is forced out by an effect like the {@spell dispel evil and good} spell. When the possession ends, the quori reappears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the body. The target is immune to this quori's Possession for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or after the possession ends.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Incorporeal Movement\",\"Magic Resistance\"],\"senseTags\":[\"U\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\"],\"languageTags\":[\"TP\",\"XX\"],\"damageTags\":[\"N\",\"O\",\"Y\"],\"spellcastingTags\":[\"I\",\"P\"],\"miscTags\":[\"AOE\"],\"conditionInflict\":[\"blinded\",\"incapacitated\"],\"conditionInflictSpell\":[\"frightened\",\"unconscious\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Kalashtar\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":317,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"humanoid\",\"tags\":[\"kalashtar\"]},\"alignment\":[\"A\"],\"ac\":[12],\"hp\":{\"average\":16,\"formula\":\"3d8 + 3\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":12,\"dex\":14,\"con\":12,\"int\":13,\"wis\":15,\"cha\":15,\"skill\":{\"acrobatics\":\"+4\",\"insight\":\"+4\",\"persuasion\":\"+6\"},\"passive\":12,\"resist\":[\"psychic\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"telepathy 20 ft.\"],\"cr\":\"1/4\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Dual Mind\",\"entries\":[\"The kalashtar has advantage on Wisdom saving throws.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Dagger\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw,rw} {@hit 4} to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. {@h}4 ({@damage 1d4 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]},{\"name\":\"Mind Thrust\",\"entries\":[\"The kalashtar targets a creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target must succeed on a {@dc 12} Wisdom saving throw or take 11 ({@damage 2d10}) psychic damage.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"languageTags\":[\"C\",\"TP\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"Y\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RW\",\"THW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Karrnathi Undead Soldier\",\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":295,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"L\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":17,\"from\":[\"{@item half plate armor|phb}\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":52,\"formula\":\"7d8 + 21\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30},\"str\":16,\"dex\":14,\"con\":16,\"int\":12,\"wis\":13,\"cha\":5,\"skill\":{\"athletics\":\"+5\",\"perception\":\"+3\"},\"senses\":[\"darkvision 60 ft.\"],\"passive\":13,\"resist\":[\"cold\",\"poison\"],\"conditionImmune\":[\"charmed\",\"frightened\",\"poisoned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\"],\"cr\":\"3\",\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Pack Tactics\",\"entries\":[\"The soldier has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the soldier's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't {@condition incapacitated}.\"]},{\"name\":\"Undead Fortitude\",\"entries\":[\"If damage reduces the soldier to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a success, the soldier drops to 1 hit point instead.\"]}],\"action\":[{\"name\":\"Multiattack\",\"entries\":[\"The soldier attacks three times with one of its weapons.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longsword\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk mw} {@hit 5} to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. {@h}7 ({@damage 1d8 + 3}) slashing damage, or 8 ({@damage 1d10 + 3}) slashing damage if used with two hands.\"]},{\"name\":\"Longbow\",\"entries\":[\"{@atk rw} {@hit 4} to hit, range 150/600 ft., one target. {@h}6 ({@damage 1d8 + 2}) piercing damage.\"]}],\"reaction\":[{\"name\":\"Parry\",\"entries\":[\"The soldier adds 3 to its AC against one melee attack that would hit it. To do so, the soldier must see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.\"]}],\"hasToken\":true,\"traitTags\":[\"Pack Tactics\",\"Undead Fortitude\"],\"senseTags\":[\"D\"],\"actionTags\":[\"Multiattack\",\"Parry\"],\"languageTags\":[\"C\"],\"damageTags\":[\"P\",\"S\"],\"miscTags\":[\"MW\",\"RNG\",\"RW\"],\"hasFluff\":true,\"hasFluffImages\":true},{\"name\":\"Lady Illmarrow\",\"isNamedCreature\":true,\"source\":\"ERLW\",\"page\":296,\"size\":\"M\",\"type\":\"undead\",\"alignment\":[\"N\",\"E\"],\"ac\":[{\"ac\":19,\"from\":[\"natural armor\"]}],\"hp\":{\"average\":199,\"formula\":\"21d8 + 105\"},\"speed\":{\"walk\":30,\"fly\":40},\"str\":16,\"dex\":16,\"con\":20,\"int\":27,\"wis\":21,\"cha\":24,\"save\":{\"con\":\"+12\",\"int\":\"+15\",\"wis\":\"+12\"},\"skill\":{\"arcana\":\"+15\",\"history\":\"+15\",\"insight\":\"+12\",\"perception\":\"+12\"},\"senses\":[\"truesight 120 ft.\"],\"passive\":22,\"resist\":[\"cold\",\"lightning\"],\"immune\":[\"necrotic\",\"poison\",{\"immune\":[\"bludgeoning\",\"piercing\",\"slashing\"],\"note\":\"from nonmagical attacks\",\"cond\":true}],\"conditionImmune\":[\"blinded\",\"charmed\",\"deafened\",\"exhaustion\",\"frightened\",\"paralyzed\",\"petrified\",\"poisoned\",\"stunned\"],\"languages\":[\"Common\",\"Draconic\",\"Elvish\"],\"cr\":\"22\",\"spellcasting\":[{\"name\":\"Spellcasting\",\"headerEntries\":[\"Illmarrow is a 20th-level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save {@dc 23}, {@hit 15} to hit with spell attacks). Illmarrow has the following wizard spells prepared:\"],\"spells\":{\"0\":{\"spells\":[\"{@spell chill touch} (see \\\"Actions\\\" below)\",\"{@spell fire bolt}\",\"{@spell mage hand}\",\"{@spell prestidigitation}\",\"{@spell ray of frost}\"]},\"1\":{\"slots\":4,\"spells\":[\"{@spell magic missile}\",\"{@spell shield}\",\"{@spell sleep}\"]},\"2\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell blur}\",\"{@spell detect thoughts}\",\"{@spell mirror image}\"]},\"3\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell animate dead}\",\"{@spell counterspell}\",\"{@spell fireball}\",\"{@spell fly}\",\"{@spell lightning bolt}\"]},\"4\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell blight}\",\"{@spell confusion}\",\"{@spell polymorph}\"]},\"5\":{\"slots\":3,\"spells\":[\"{@spell cloudkill}\",\"{@spell cone of cold}\",\"{@spell hold monster}\",\"{@spell scrying}\"]},\"6\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell chain lightning}\",\"{@spell circle of death}\",\"{@spell create undead}\",\"{@spell scrying}\"]},\"7\":{\"slots\":2,\"spells\":[\"{@spell finger of death}\",\"{@spell forcecage}\",\"{@spell prismatic spray}\"]},\"8\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell incendiary cloud}\",\"{@spell maze}\"]},\"9\":{\"slots\":1,\"spells\":[\"{@spell power word kill}\",\"{@spell time stop}\"]}},\"ability\":\"int\"}],\"trait\":[{\"name\":\"Legendary Resistance (3/Day)\",\"entries\":[\"If Illmarrow fails a saving throw, she can choose to succeed instead.\"]},{\"name\":\"Magic Resistance\",\"entries\":[\"Illmarrow has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.\"]},{\"name\":\"Rejuvenation\",\"entries\":[\"Illmarrow's body turns to dust when she drops to 0 hit points, and her equipment is left behind. She gains a new body after {@
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