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Created April 20, 2018 11:49
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$ docker exec -it salt-master bash (git) 0dd843a8ba93 salt-47117
root@salt-master:/# salt napalm test.versions_report
Salt Version:
Salt: 2018.3.0
Dependency Versions:
cffi: 1.11.5
cherrypy: Not Installed
dateutil: 2.5.3
docker-py: Not Installed
gitdb: Not Installed
gitpython: Not Installed
ioflo: Not Installed
Jinja2: 2.9.4
libgit2: Not Installed
libnacl: Not Installed
M2Crypto: Not Installed
Mako: Not Installed
msgpack-pure: Not Installed
msgpack-python: 0.4.8
mysql-python: Not Installed
pycparser: 2.18
pycrypto: 2.6.1
pycryptodome: Not Installed
pygit2: Not Installed
Python: 2.7.13 (default, Nov 24 2017, 17:33:09)
python-gnupg: Not Installed
PyYAML: 3.12
PyZMQ: 16.0.2
RAET: Not Installed
smmap: Not Installed
timelib: Not Installed
Tornado: 4.4.3
ZMQ: 4.2.1
System Versions:
dist: debian 9.4
locale: ascii
machine: x86_64
release: 4.9.41-moby
system: Linux
version: debian 9.4
root@salt-master:/# salt napalm pip.freeze
- absl-py==0.2.0
- asn1crypto==0.24.0
- backports-abc==0.5
- bcrypt==3.1.4
- -e git+
- cffi==1.11.5
- chardet==2.3.0
- croniter==0.3.12
- cryptography==2.2.2
- enum34==1.1.6
- funcsigs==1.0.2
- future==0.16.0
- futures==3.0.5
- idna==2.6
- ipaddr==2.2.0
- ipaddress==1.0.22
- Jinja2==2.9.4
- jtextfsm==0.3.1
- junos-eznc==2.1.7
- keyring==10.1
- keyrings.alt==1.3
- lxml==4.2.1
- MarkupSafe==0.23
- mock==2.0.0
- msgpack-python==0.4.8
- napalm==2.3.1
- ncclient==0.5.3
- netaddr==0.7.19
- netmiko==2.1.1
- paramiko==2.4.1
- pbr==4.0.2
- pip==9.0.1
- ply==3.9
- psutil==5.0.1
- pyasn1==0.1.9
- pycparser==2.18
- pycrypto==2.6.1
- pyeapi==0.8.2
- pygobject==3.22.0
- pyIOSXR==0.53
- PyNaCl==1.2.1
- pynxos==0.0.3
- pyOpenSSL==16.2.0
- pyserial==3.4
- python-apt==1.4.0b3
- python-dateutil==2.5.3
- pytz==2016.7
- pyxdg==0.25
- PyYAML==3.12
- pyzmq==16.0.2
- requests==2.12.4
- salt==2018.3.0
- scp==0.10.2
- SecretStorage==2.3.1
- setuptools==39.0.1
- singledispatch==
- six==1.11.0
- systemd-python==233
- textfsm==0.4.1
- tornado==4.4.3
- urllib3==1.19.1
- wheel==0.29.0
root@salt-master:/# salt napalm capirca.get_term_config juniper my-filter my-term pillar_key=firewall
firewall {
family inet {
** $Date: 2018/04/20 $
filter my-filter {
term my-term {
from {
source-address {;;
source-port 1234;
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