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add_filter('wcv_commission_rate', 'm_commission_update', 20, 5);
* @param $commission
* @param $product_id
* @param $product_price
* @param $order WC_Order
* @param $qty
* @return float
function m_commission_update($commission, $product_id, $product_price, $order, $qty) {
$countries = array('US', 'UK');
$author = WCV_Vendors::get_vendor_from_product( $product_id );
if ( WCV_Vendors::is_vendor( $author ) ) {
// check the order location
if ( in_array($order->get_billing_country(), $countries) ) {
// the commission you want to add - switch to whatever logic fits
$card_commission_rate = 5;
// add the contry specific commission
$card_commission = $product_price * ( intval( $card_commission_rate ) / 100 );
$card_commission = round( $card_commission, 2 );
// notice the + - add to the actual commission so they get more money
$commission += $card_commission;
return $commission;
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