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MarkerClustererPlus for Google Maps V3 / v2.1.2
* @name MarkerClustererPlus for Google Maps V3
* @version 2.1.2 [May 28, 2014]
* @author Gary Little
* @fileoverview
* The library creates and manages per-zoom-level clusters for large amounts of markers.
* <p>
* This is an enhanced V3 implementation of the
* <a href=""
* >V2 MarkerClusterer</a> by Xiaoxi Wu. It is based on the
* <a href=""
* >V3 MarkerClusterer</a> port by Luke Mahe. MarkerClustererPlus was created by Gary Little.
* <p>
* v2.0 release: MarkerClustererPlus v2.0 is backward compatible with MarkerClusterer v1.0. It
* adds support for the <code>ignoreHidden</code>, <code>title</code>, <code>batchSizeIE</code>,
* and <code>calculator</code> properties as well as support for four more events. It also allows
* greater control over the styling of the text that appears on the cluster marker. The
* documentation has been significantly improved and the overall code has been simplified and
* polished. Very large numbers of markers can now be managed without causing Javascript timeout
* errors on Internet Explorer. Note that the name of the <code>clusterclick</code> event has been
* deprecated. The new name is <code>click</code>, so please change your application code now.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @name ClusterIconStyle
* @class This class represents the object for values in the <code>styles</code> array passed
* to the {@link MarkerClusterer} constructor. The element in this array that is used to
* style the cluster icon is determined by calling the <code>calculator</code> function.
* @property {string} url The URL of the cluster icon image file. Required.
* @property {number} height The display height (in pixels) of the cluster icon. Required.
* @property {number} width The display width (in pixels) of the cluster icon. Required.
* @property {Array} [anchorText] The position (in pixels) from the center of the cluster icon to
* where the text label is to be centered and drawn. The format is <code>[yoffset, xoffset]</code>
* where <code>yoffset</code> increases as you go down from center and <code>xoffset</code>
* increases to the right of center. The default is <code>[0, 0]</code>.
* @property {Array} [anchorIcon] The anchor position (in pixels) of the cluster icon. This is the
* spot on the cluster icon that is to be aligned with the cluster position. The format is
* <code>[yoffset, xoffset]</code> where <code>yoffset</code> increases as you go down and
* <code>xoffset</code> increases to the right of the top-left corner of the icon. The default
* anchor position is the center of the cluster icon.
* @property {string} [textColor="black"] The color of the label text shown on the
* cluster icon.
* @property {number} [textSize=11] The size (in pixels) of the label text shown on the
* cluster icon.
* @property {string} [textDecoration="none"] The value of the CSS <code>text-decoration</code>
* property for the label text shown on the cluster icon.
* @property {string} [fontWeight="bold"] The value of the CSS <code>font-weight</code>
* property for the label text shown on the cluster icon.
* @property {string} [fontStyle="normal"] The value of the CSS <code>font-style</code>
* property for the label text shown on the cluster icon.
* @property {string} [fontFamily="Arial,sans-serif"] The value of the CSS <code>font-family</code>
* property for the label text shown on the cluster icon.
* @property {string} [backgroundPosition="0 0"] The position of the cluster icon image
* within the image defined by <code>url</code>. The format is <code>"xpos ypos"</code>
* (the same format as for the CSS <code>background-position</code> property). You must set
* this property appropriately when the image defined by <code>url</code> represents a sprite
* containing multiple images. Note that the position <i>must</i> be specified in px units.
* @name ClusterIconInfo
* @class This class is an object containing general information about a cluster icon. This is
* the object that a <code>calculator</code> function returns.
* @property {string} text The text of the label to be shown on the cluster icon.
* @property {number} index The index plus 1 of the element in the <code>styles</code>
* array to be used to style the cluster icon.
* @property {string} title The tooltip to display when the mouse moves over the cluster icon.
* If this value is <code>undefined</code> or <code>""</code>, <code>title</code> is set to the
* value of the <code>title</code> property passed to the MarkerClusterer.
* A cluster icon.
* @constructor
* @extends google.maps.OverlayView
* @param {Cluster} cluster The cluster with which the icon is to be associated.
* @param {Array} [styles] An array of {@link ClusterIconStyle} defining the cluster icons
* to use for various cluster sizes.
* @private
function ClusterIcon(cluster, styles) {
cluster.getMarkerClusterer().extend(ClusterIcon, google.maps.OverlayView);
this.cluster_ = cluster;
this.className_ = cluster.getMarkerClusterer().getClusterClass();
this.styles_ = styles;
this.center_ = null;
this.div_ = null;
this.sums_ = null;
this.visible_ = false;
this.setMap(cluster.getMap()); // Note: this causes onAdd to be called
* Adds the icon to the DOM.
ClusterIcon.prototype.onAdd = function () {
var cClusterIcon = this;
var cMouseDownInCluster;
var cDraggingMapByCluster;
this.div_ = document.createElement("div");
this.div_.className = this.className_;
if (this.visible_) {;
// Fix for Issue 157
this.boundsChangedListener_ = google.maps.event.addListener(this.getMap(), "bounds_changed", function () {
cDraggingMapByCluster = cMouseDownInCluster;
google.maps.event.addDomListener(this.div_, "mousedown", function () {
cMouseDownInCluster = true;
cDraggingMapByCluster = false;
google.maps.event.addDomListener(this.div_, "click", function (e) {
cMouseDownInCluster = false;
if (!cDraggingMapByCluster) {
var theBounds;
var mz;
var mc = cClusterIcon.cluster_.getMarkerClusterer();
* This event is fired when a cluster marker is clicked.
* @name MarkerClusterer#click
* @param {Cluster} c The cluster that was clicked.
* @event
google.maps.event.trigger(mc, "click", cClusterIcon.cluster_);
google.maps.event.trigger(mc, "clusterclick", cClusterIcon.cluster_); // deprecated name
// The default click handler follows. Disable it by setting
// the zoomOnClick property to false.
if (mc.getZoomOnClick()) {
// Zoom into the cluster.
mz = mc.getMaxZoom();
theBounds = cClusterIcon.cluster_.getBounds();
// There is a fix for Issue 170 here:
setTimeout(function () {
// Don't zoom beyond the max zoom level
if (mz !== null && (mc.getMap().getZoom() > mz)) {
mc.getMap().setZoom(mz + 1);
}, 100);
// Prevent event propagation to the map:
e.cancelBubble = true;
if (e.stopPropagation) {
google.maps.event.addDomListener(this.div_, "mouseover", function () {
var mc = cClusterIcon.cluster_.getMarkerClusterer();
* This event is fired when the mouse moves over a cluster marker.
* @name MarkerClusterer#mouseover
* @param {Cluster} c The cluster that the mouse moved over.
* @event
google.maps.event.trigger(mc, "mouseover", cClusterIcon.cluster_);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(this.div_, "mouseout", function () {
var mc = cClusterIcon.cluster_.getMarkerClusterer();
* This event is fired when the mouse moves out of a cluster marker.
* @name MarkerClusterer#mouseout
* @param {Cluster} c The cluster that the mouse moved out of.
* @event
google.maps.event.trigger(mc, "mouseout", cClusterIcon.cluster_);
* Removes the icon from the DOM.
ClusterIcon.prototype.onRemove = function () {
if (this.div_ && this.div_.parentNode) {
this.div_ = null;
* Draws the icon.
ClusterIcon.prototype.draw = function () {
if (this.visible_) {
var pos = this.getPosFromLatLng_(this.center_); = pos.y + "px"; = pos.x + "px";
* Hides the icon.
ClusterIcon.prototype.hide = function () {
if (this.div_) { = "none";
this.visible_ = false;
* Positions and shows the icon.
*/ = function () {
if (this.div_) {
var img = "";
// NOTE: values must be specified in px units
var bp = this.backgroundPosition_.split(" ");
var spriteH = parseInt(bp[0].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), 10);
var spriteV = parseInt(bp[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""), 10);
var pos = this.getPosFromLatLng_(this.center_); = this.createCss(pos);
img = "<img src='" + this.url_ + "' style='position: absolute; top: " + spriteV + "px; left: " + spriteH + "px; ";
if (!this.cluster_.getMarkerClusterer().enableRetinaIcons_) {
img += "clip: rect(" + (-1 * spriteV) + "px, " + ((-1 * spriteH) + this.width_) + "px, " +
((-1 * spriteV) + this.height_) + "px, " + (-1 * spriteH) + "px);";
img += "'>";
this.div_.innerHTML = img + "<div style='" +
"position: absolute;" +
"top: " + this.anchorText_[0] + "px;" +
"left: " + this.anchorText_[1] + "px;" +
"color: " + this.textColor_ + ";" +
"font-size: " + this.textSize_ + "px;" +
"font-family: " + this.fontFamily_ + ";" +
"font-weight: " + this.fontWeight_ + ";" +
"font-style: " + this.fontStyle_ + ";" +
"text-decoration: " + this.textDecoration_ + ";" +
"text-align: center;" +
"width: " + this.width_ + "px;" +
"line-height:" + this.height_ + "px;" +
"'>" + this.sums_.text + "</div>";
if (typeof this.sums_.title === "undefined" || this.sums_.title === "") {
this.div_.title = this.cluster_.getMarkerClusterer().getTitle();
} else {
this.div_.title = this.sums_.title;
} = "";
this.visible_ = true;
* Sets the icon styles to the appropriate element in the styles array.
* @param {ClusterIconInfo} sums The icon label text and styles index.
ClusterIcon.prototype.useStyle = function (sums) {
this.sums_ = sums;
var index = Math.max(0, sums.index - 1);
index = Math.min(this.styles_.length - 1, index);
var style = this.styles_[index];
this.url_ = style.url;
this.height_ = style.height;
this.width_ = style.width;
this.anchorText_ = style.anchorText || [0, 0];
this.anchorIcon_ = style.anchorIcon || [parseInt(this.height_ / 2, 10), parseInt(this.width_ / 2, 10)];
this.textColor_ = style.textColor || "black";
this.textSize_ = style.textSize || 11;
this.textDecoration_ = style.textDecoration || "none";
this.fontWeight_ = style.fontWeight || "bold";
this.fontStyle_ = style.fontStyle || "normal";
this.fontFamily_ = style.fontFamily || "Arial,sans-serif";
this.backgroundPosition_ = style.backgroundPosition || "0 0";
* Sets the position at which to center the icon.
* @param {google.maps.LatLng} center The latlng to set as the center.
ClusterIcon.prototype.setCenter = function (center) {
this.center_ = center;
* Creates the cssText style parameter based on the position of the icon.
* @param {google.maps.Point} pos The position of the icon.
* @return {string} The CSS style text.
ClusterIcon.prototype.createCss = function (pos) {
var style = [];
style.push("cursor: pointer;");
style.push("position: absolute; top: " + pos.y + "px; left: " + pos.x + "px;");
style.push("width: " + this.width_ + "px; height: " + this.height_ + "px;");
return style.join("");
* Returns the position at which to place the DIV depending on the latlng.
* @param {google.maps.LatLng} latlng The position in latlng.
* @return {google.maps.Point} The position in pixels.
ClusterIcon.prototype.getPosFromLatLng_ = function (latlng) {
var pos = this.getProjection().fromLatLngToDivPixel(latlng);
pos.x -= this.anchorIcon_[1];
pos.y -= this.anchorIcon_[0];
pos.x = parseInt(pos.x, 10);
pos.y = parseInt(pos.y, 10);
return pos;
* Creates a single cluster that manages a group of proximate markers.
* Used internally, do not call this constructor directly.
* @constructor
* @param {MarkerClusterer} mc The <code>MarkerClusterer</code> object with which this
* cluster is associated.
function Cluster(mc) {
this.markerClusterer_ = mc;
this.map_ = mc.getMap();
this.gridSize_ = mc.getGridSize();
this.minClusterSize_ = mc.getMinimumClusterSize();
this.averageCenter_ = mc.getAverageCenter();
this.markers_ = [];
this.center_ = null;
this.bounds_ = null;
this.clusterIcon_ = new ClusterIcon(this, mc.getStyles());
* Returns the number of markers managed by the cluster. You can call this from
* a <code>click</code>, <code>mouseover</code>, or <code>mouseout</code> event handler
* for the <code>MarkerClusterer</code> object.
* @return {number} The number of markers in the cluster.
Cluster.prototype.getSize = function () {
return this.markers_.length;
* Returns the array of markers managed by the cluster. You can call this from
* a <code>click</code>, <code>mouseover</code>, or <code>mouseout</code> event handler
* for the <code>MarkerClusterer</code> object.
* @return {Array} The array of markers in the cluster.
Cluster.prototype.getMarkers = function () {
return this.markers_;
* Returns the center of the cluster. You can call this from
* a <code>click</code>, <code>mouseover</code>, or <code>mouseout</code> event handler
* for the <code>MarkerClusterer</code> object.
* @return {google.maps.LatLng} The center of the cluster.
Cluster.prototype.getCenter = function () {
return this.center_;
* Returns the map with which the cluster is associated.
* @return {google.maps.Map} The map.
* @ignore
Cluster.prototype.getMap = function () {
return this.map_;
* Returns the <code>MarkerClusterer</code> object with which the cluster is associated.
* @return {MarkerClusterer} The associated marker clusterer.
* @ignore
Cluster.prototype.getMarkerClusterer = function () {
return this.markerClusterer_;
* Returns the bounds of the cluster.
* @return {google.maps.LatLngBounds} the cluster bounds.
* @ignore
Cluster.prototype.getBounds = function () {
var i;
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(this.center_, this.center_);
var markers = this.getMarkers();
for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
return bounds;
* Removes the cluster from the map.
* @ignore
Cluster.prototype.remove = function () {
this.markers_ = [];
delete this.markers_;
* Adds a marker to the cluster.
* @param {google.maps.Marker} marker The marker to be added.
* @return {boolean} True if the marker was added.
* @ignore
Cluster.prototype.addMarker = function (marker) {
var i;
var mCount;
var mz;
if (this.isMarkerAlreadyAdded_(marker)) {
return false;
if (!this.center_) {
this.center_ = marker.getPosition();
} else {
if (this.averageCenter_) {
var l = this.markers_.length + 1;
var lat = ( * (l - 1) + marker.getPosition().lat()) / l;
var lng = (this.center_.lng() * (l - 1) + marker.getPosition().lng()) / l;
this.center_ = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
marker.isAdded = true;
mCount = this.markers_.length;
mz = this.markerClusterer_.getMaxZoom();
if (mz !== null && this.map_.getZoom() > mz) {
// Zoomed in past max zoom, so show the marker.
if (marker.getMap() !== this.map_) {
} else if (mCount < this.minClusterSize_) {
// Min cluster size not reached so show the marker.
if (marker.getMap() !== this.map_) {
} else if (mCount === this.minClusterSize_) {
// Hide the markers that were showing.
for (i = 0; i < mCount; i++) {
} else {
return true;
* Determines if a marker lies within the cluster's bounds.
* @param {google.maps.Marker} marker The marker to check.
* @return {boolean} True if the marker lies in the bounds.
* @ignore
Cluster.prototype.isMarkerInClusterBounds = function (marker) {
return this.bounds_.contains(marker.getPosition());
* Calculates the extended bounds of the cluster with the grid.
Cluster.prototype.calculateBounds_ = function () {
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(this.center_, this.center_);
this.bounds_ = this.markerClusterer_.getExtendedBounds(bounds);
* Updates the cluster icon.
Cluster.prototype.updateIcon_ = function () {
var mCount = this.markers_.length;
var mz = this.markerClusterer_.getMaxZoom();
if (mz !== null && this.map_.getZoom() > mz) {
if (mCount < this.minClusterSize_) {
// Min cluster size not yet reached.
var numStyles = this.markerClusterer_.getStyles().length;
var sums = this.markerClusterer_.getCalculator()(this.markers_, numStyles);
* Determines if a marker has already been added to the cluster.
* @param {google.maps.Marker} marker The marker to check.
* @return {boolean} True if the marker has already been added.
Cluster.prototype.isMarkerAlreadyAdded_ = function (marker) {
var i;
if (this.markers_.indexOf) {
return this.markers_.indexOf(marker) !== -1;
} else {
for (i = 0; i < this.markers_.length; i++) {
if (marker === this.markers_[i]) {
return true;
return false;
* @name MarkerClustererOptions
* @class This class represents the optional parameter passed to
* the {@link MarkerClusterer} constructor.
* @property {number} [gridSize=60] The grid size of a cluster in pixels. The grid is a square.
* @property {number} [maxZoom=null] The maximum zoom level at which clustering is enabled or
* <code>null</code> if clustering is to be enabled at all zoom levels.
* @property {boolean} [zoomOnClick=true] Whether to zoom the map when a cluster marker is
* clicked. You may want to set this to <code>false</code> if you have installed a handler
* for the <code>click</code> event and it deals with zooming on its own.
* @property {boolean} [averageCenter=false] Whether the position of a cluster marker should be
* the average position of all markers in the cluster. If set to <code>false</code>, the
* cluster marker is positioned at the location of the first marker added to the cluster.
* @property {number} [minimumClusterSize=2] The minimum number of markers needed in a cluster
* before the markers are hidden and a cluster marker appears.
* @property {boolean} [ignoreHidden=false] Whether to ignore hidden markers in clusters. You
* may want to set this to <code>true</code> to ensure that hidden markers are not included
* in the marker count that appears on a cluster marker (this count is the value of the
* <code>text</code> property of the result returned by the default <code>calculator</code>).
* If set to <code>true</code> and you change the visibility of a marker being clustered, be
* sure to also call <code>MarkerClusterer.repaint()</code>.
* @property {string} [title=""] The tooltip to display when the mouse moves over a cluster
* marker. (Alternatively, you can use a custom <code>calculator</code> function to specify a
* different tooltip for each cluster marker.)
* @property {function} [calculator=MarkerClusterer.CALCULATOR] The function used to determine
* the text to be displayed on a cluster marker and the index indicating which style to use
* for the cluster marker. The input parameters for the function are (1) the array of markers
* represented by a cluster marker and (2) the number of cluster icon styles. It returns a
* {@link ClusterIconInfo} object. The default <code>calculator</code> returns a
* <code>text</code> property which is the number of markers in the cluster and an
* <code>index</code> property which is one higher than the lowest integer such that
* <code>10^i</code> exceeds the number of markers in the cluster, or the size of the styles
* array, whichever is less. The <code>styles</code> array element used has an index of
* <code>index</code> minus 1. For example, the default <code>calculator</code> returns a
* <code>text</code> value of <code>"125"</code> and an <code>index</code> of <code>3</code>
* for a cluster icon representing 125 markers so the element used in the <code>styles</code>
* array is <code>2</code>. A <code>calculator</code> may also return a <code>title</code>
* property that contains the text of the tooltip to be used for the cluster marker. If
* <code>title</code> is not defined, the tooltip is set to the value of the <code>title</code>
* property for the MarkerClusterer.
* @property {string} [clusterClass="cluster"] The name of the CSS class defining general styles
* for the cluster markers. Use this class to define CSS styles that are not set up by the code
* that processes the <code>styles</code> array.
* @property {Array} [styles] An array of {@link ClusterIconStyle} elements defining the styles
* of the cluster markers to be used. The element to be used to style a given cluster marker
* is determined by the function defined by the <code>calculator</code> property.
* The default is an array of {@link ClusterIconStyle} elements whose properties are derived
* from the values for <code>imagePath</code>, <code>imageExtension</code>, and
* <code>imageSizes</code>.
* @property {boolean} [enableRetinaIcons=false] Whether to allow the use of cluster icons that
* have sizes that are some multiple (typically double) of their actual display size. Icons such
* as these look better when viewed on high-resolution monitors such as Apple's Retina displays.
* Note: if this property is <code>true</code>, sprites cannot be used as cluster icons.
* @property {number} [batchSize=MarkerClusterer.BATCH_SIZE] Set this property to the
* number of markers to be processed in a single batch when using a browser other than
* Internet Explorer (for Internet Explorer, use the batchSizeIE property instead).
* @property {number} [batchSizeIE=MarkerClusterer.BATCH_SIZE_IE] When Internet Explorer is
* being used, markers are processed in several batches with a small delay inserted between
* each batch in an attempt to avoid Javascript timeout errors. Set this property to the
* number of markers to be processed in a single batch; select as high a number as you can
* without causing a timeout error in the browser. This number might need to be as low as 100
* if 15,000 markers are being managed, for example.
* @property {string} [imagePath=MarkerClusterer.IMAGE_PATH]
* The full URL of the root name of the group of image files to use for cluster icons.
* The complete file name is of the form <code>imagePath</code>n.<code>imageExtension</code>
* where n is the image file number (1, 2, etc.).
* @property {string} [imageExtension=MarkerClusterer.IMAGE_EXTENSION]
* The extension name for the cluster icon image files (e.g., <code>"png"</code> or
* <code>"jpg"</code>).
* @property {Array} [imageSizes=MarkerClusterer.IMAGE_SIZES]
* An array of numbers containing the widths of the group of
* <code>imagePath</code>n.<code>imageExtension</code> image files.
* (The images are assumed to be square.)
* Creates a MarkerClusterer object with the options specified in {@link MarkerClustererOptions}.
* @constructor
* @extends google.maps.OverlayView
* @param {google.maps.Map} map The Google map to attach to.
* @param {Array.<google.maps.Marker>} [opt_markers] The markers to be added to the cluster.
* @param {MarkerClustererOptions} [opt_options] The optional parameters.
function MarkerClusterer(map, opt_markers, opt_options) {
// MarkerClusterer implements google.maps.OverlayView interface. We use the
// extend function to extend MarkerClusterer with google.maps.OverlayView
// because it might not always be available when the code is defined so we
// look for it at the last possible moment. If it doesn't exist now then
// there is no point going ahead :)
this.extend(MarkerClusterer, google.maps.OverlayView);
opt_markers = opt_markers || [];
opt_options = opt_options || {};
this.markers_ = [];
this.clusters_ = [];
this.listeners_ = [];
this.activeMap_ = null;
this.ready_ = false;
this.gridSize_ = opt_options.gridSize || 60;
this.minClusterSize_ = opt_options.minimumClusterSize || 2;
this.maxZoom_ = opt_options.maxZoom || null;
this.styles_ = opt_options.styles || [];
this.title_ = opt_options.title || "";
this.zoomOnClick_ = true;
if (opt_options.zoomOnClick !== undefined) {
this.zoomOnClick_ = opt_options.zoomOnClick;
this.averageCenter_ = false;
if (opt_options.averageCenter !== undefined) {
this.averageCenter_ = opt_options.averageCenter;
this.ignoreHidden_ = false;
if (opt_options.ignoreHidden !== undefined) {
this.ignoreHidden_ = opt_options.ignoreHidden;
this.enableRetinaIcons_ = false;
if (opt_options.enableRetinaIcons !== undefined) {
this.enableRetinaIcons_ = opt_options.enableRetinaIcons;
this.imagePath_ = opt_options.imagePath || MarkerClusterer.IMAGE_PATH;
this.imageExtension_ = opt_options.imageExtension || MarkerClusterer.IMAGE_EXTENSION;
this.imageSizes_ = opt_options.imageSizes || MarkerClusterer.IMAGE_SIZES;
this.calculator_ = opt_options.calculator || MarkerClusterer.CALCULATOR;
this.batchSize_ = opt_options.batchSize || MarkerClusterer.BATCH_SIZE;
this.batchSizeIE_ = opt_options.batchSizeIE || MarkerClusterer.BATCH_SIZE_IE;
this.clusterClass_ = opt_options.clusterClass || "cluster";
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") !== -1) {
// Try to avoid IE timeout when processing a huge number of markers:
this.batchSize_ = this.batchSizeIE_;
this.addMarkers(opt_markers, true);
this.setMap(map); // Note: this causes onAdd to be called
* Implementation of the onAdd interface method.
* @ignore
MarkerClusterer.prototype.onAdd = function () {
var cMarkerClusterer = this;
this.activeMap_ = this.getMap();
this.ready_ = true;
// Add the map event listeners
this.listeners_ = [
google.maps.event.addListener(this.getMap(), "zoom_changed", function () {
// Workaround for this Google bug: when map is at level 0 and "-" of
// zoom slider is clicked, a "zoom_changed" event is fired even though
// the map doesn't zoom out any further. In this situation, no "idle"
// event is triggered so the cluster markers that have been removed
// do not get redrawn. Same goes for a zoom in at maxZoom.
if (this.getZoom() === (this.get("minZoom") || 0) || this.getZoom() === this.get("maxZoom")) {
google.maps.event.trigger(this, "idle");
google.maps.event.addListener(this.getMap(), "idle", function () {
* Implementation of the onRemove interface method.
* Removes map event listeners and all cluster icons from the DOM.
* All managed markers are also put back on the map.
* @ignore
MarkerClusterer.prototype.onRemove = function () {
var i;
// Put all the managed markers back on the map:
for (i = 0; i < this.markers_.length; i++) {
if (this.markers_[i].getMap() !== this.activeMap_) {
// Remove all clusters:
for (i = 0; i < this.clusters_.length; i++) {
this.clusters_ = [];
// Remove map event listeners:
for (i = 0; i < this.listeners_.length; i++) {
this.listeners_ = [];
this.activeMap_ = null;
this.ready_ = false;
* Implementation of the draw interface method.
* @ignore
MarkerClusterer.prototype.draw = function () {};
* Sets up the styles object.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setupStyles_ = function () {
var i, size;
if (this.styles_.length > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < this.imageSizes_.length; i++) {
size = this.imageSizes_[i];
url: this.imagePath_ + (i + 1) + "." + this.imageExtension_,
height: size,
width: size
* Fits the map to the bounds of the markers managed by the clusterer.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.fitMapToMarkers = function () {
var i;
var markers = this.getMarkers();
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
* Returns the value of the <code>gridSize</code> property.
* @return {number} The grid size.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getGridSize = function () {
return this.gridSize_;
* Sets the value of the <code>gridSize</code> property.
* @param {number} gridSize The grid size.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setGridSize = function (gridSize) {
this.gridSize_ = gridSize;
* Returns the value of the <code>minimumClusterSize</code> property.
* @return {number} The minimum cluster size.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getMinimumClusterSize = function () {
return this.minClusterSize_;
* Sets the value of the <code>minimumClusterSize</code> property.
* @param {number} minimumClusterSize The minimum cluster size.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setMinimumClusterSize = function (minimumClusterSize) {
this.minClusterSize_ = minimumClusterSize;
* Returns the value of the <code>maxZoom</code> property.
* @return {number} The maximum zoom level.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getMaxZoom = function () {
return this.maxZoom_;
* Sets the value of the <code>maxZoom</code> property.
* @param {number} maxZoom The maximum zoom level.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setMaxZoom = function (maxZoom) {
this.maxZoom_ = maxZoom;
* Returns the value of the <code>styles</code> property.
* @return {Array} The array of styles defining the cluster markers to be used.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getStyles = function () {
return this.styles_;
* Sets the value of the <code>styles</code> property.
* @param {Array.<ClusterIconStyle>} styles The array of styles to use.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setStyles = function (styles) {
this.styles_ = styles;
* Returns the value of the <code>title</code> property.
* @return {string} The content of the title text.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getTitle = function () {
return this.title_;
* Sets the value of the <code>title</code> property.
* @param {string} title The value of the title property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setTitle = function (title) {
this.title_ = title;
* Returns the value of the <code>zoomOnClick</code> property.
* @return {boolean} True if zoomOnClick property is set.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getZoomOnClick = function () {
return this.zoomOnClick_;
* Sets the value of the <code>zoomOnClick</code> property.
* @param {boolean} zoomOnClick The value of the zoomOnClick property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setZoomOnClick = function (zoomOnClick) {
this.zoomOnClick_ = zoomOnClick;
* Returns the value of the <code>averageCenter</code> property.
* @return {boolean} True if averageCenter property is set.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getAverageCenter = function () {
return this.averageCenter_;
* Sets the value of the <code>averageCenter</code> property.
* @param {boolean} averageCenter The value of the averageCenter property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setAverageCenter = function (averageCenter) {
this.averageCenter_ = averageCenter;
* Returns the value of the <code>ignoreHidden</code> property.
* @return {boolean} True if ignoreHidden property is set.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getIgnoreHidden = function () {
return this.ignoreHidden_;
* Sets the value of the <code>ignoreHidden</code> property.
* @param {boolean} ignoreHidden The value of the ignoreHidden property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setIgnoreHidden = function (ignoreHidden) {
this.ignoreHidden_ = ignoreHidden;
* Returns the value of the <code>enableRetinaIcons</code> property.
* @return {boolean} True if enableRetinaIcons property is set.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getEnableRetinaIcons = function () {
return this.enableRetinaIcons_;
* Sets the value of the <code>enableRetinaIcons</code> property.
* @param {boolean} enableRetinaIcons The value of the enableRetinaIcons property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setEnableRetinaIcons = function (enableRetinaIcons) {
this.enableRetinaIcons_ = enableRetinaIcons;
* Returns the value of the <code>imageExtension</code> property.
* @return {string} The value of the imageExtension property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getImageExtension = function () {
return this.imageExtension_;
* Sets the value of the <code>imageExtension</code> property.
* @param {string} imageExtension The value of the imageExtension property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setImageExtension = function (imageExtension) {
this.imageExtension_ = imageExtension;
* Returns the value of the <code>imagePath</code> property.
* @return {string} The value of the imagePath property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getImagePath = function () {
return this.imagePath_;
* Sets the value of the <code>imagePath</code> property.
* @param {string} imagePath The value of the imagePath property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setImagePath = function (imagePath) {
this.imagePath_ = imagePath;
* Returns the value of the <code>imageSizes</code> property.
* @return {Array} The value of the imageSizes property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getImageSizes = function () {
return this.imageSizes_;
* Sets the value of the <code>imageSizes</code> property.
* @param {Array} imageSizes The value of the imageSizes property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setImageSizes = function (imageSizes) {
this.imageSizes_ = imageSizes;
* Returns the value of the <code>calculator</code> property.
* @return {function} the value of the calculator property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getCalculator = function () {
return this.calculator_;
* Sets the value of the <code>calculator</code> property.
* @param {function(Array.<google.maps.Marker>, number)} calculator The value
* of the calculator property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setCalculator = function (calculator) {
this.calculator_ = calculator;
* Returns the value of the <code>batchSizeIE</code> property.
* @return {number} the value of the batchSizeIE property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getBatchSizeIE = function () {
return this.batchSizeIE_;
* Sets the value of the <code>batchSizeIE</code> property.
* @param {number} batchSizeIE The value of the batchSizeIE property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setBatchSizeIE = function (batchSizeIE) {
this.batchSizeIE_ = batchSizeIE;
* Returns the value of the <code>clusterClass</code> property.
* @return {string} the value of the clusterClass property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getClusterClass = function () {
return this.clusterClass_;
* Sets the value of the <code>clusterClass</code> property.
* @param {string} clusterClass The value of the clusterClass property.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.setClusterClass = function (clusterClass) {
this.clusterClass_ = clusterClass;
* Returns the array of markers managed by the clusterer.
* @return {Array} The array of markers managed by the clusterer.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getMarkers = function () {
return this.markers_;
* Returns the number of markers managed by the clusterer.
* @return {number} The number of markers.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getTotalMarkers = function () {
return this.markers_.length;
* Returns the current array of clusters formed by the clusterer.
* @return {Array} The array of clusters formed by the clusterer.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getClusters = function () {
return this.clusters_;
* Returns the number of clusters formed by the clusterer.
* @return {number} The number of clusters formed by the clusterer.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getTotalClusters = function () {
return this.clusters_.length;
* Adds a marker to the clusterer. The clusters are redrawn unless
* <code>opt_nodraw</code> is set to <code>true</code>.
* @param {google.maps.Marker} marker The marker to add.
* @param {boolean} [opt_nodraw] Set to <code>true</code> to prevent redrawing.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.addMarker = function (marker, opt_nodraw) {
if (!opt_nodraw) {
* Adds an array of markers to the clusterer. The clusters are redrawn unless
* <code>opt_nodraw</code> is set to <code>true</code>.
* @param {Array.<google.maps.Marker>} markers The markers to add.
* @param {boolean} [opt_nodraw] Set to <code>true</code> to prevent redrawing.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.addMarkers = function (markers, opt_nodraw) {
var key;
for (key in markers) {
if (markers.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
if (!opt_nodraw) {
* Pushes a marker to the clusterer.
* @param {google.maps.Marker} marker The marker to add.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.pushMarkerTo_ = function (marker) {
// If the marker is draggable add a listener so we can update the clusters on the dragend:
if (marker.getDraggable()) {
var cMarkerClusterer = this;
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "dragend", function () {
if (cMarkerClusterer.ready_) {
this.isAdded = false;
marker.isAdded = false;
* Removes a marker from the cluster. The clusters are redrawn unless
* <code>opt_nodraw</code> is set to <code>true</code>. Returns <code>true</code> if the
* marker was removed from the clusterer.
* @param {google.maps.Marker} marker The marker to remove.
* @param {boolean} [opt_nodraw] Set to <code>true</code> to prevent redrawing.
* @return {boolean} True if the marker was removed from the clusterer.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.removeMarker = function (marker, opt_nodraw) {
var removed = this.removeMarker_(marker);
if (!opt_nodraw && removed) {
return removed;
* Removes an array of markers from the cluster. The clusters are redrawn unless
* <code>opt_nodraw</code> is set to <code>true</code>. Returns <code>true</code> if markers
* were removed from the clusterer.
* @param {Array.<google.maps.Marker>} markers The markers to remove.
* @param {boolean} [opt_nodraw] Set to <code>true</code> to prevent redrawing.
* @return {boolean} True if markers were removed from the clusterer.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.removeMarkers = function (markers, opt_nodraw) {
var i, r;
var removed = false;
for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
r = this.removeMarker_(markers[i]);
removed = removed || r;
if (!opt_nodraw && removed) {
return removed;
* Removes a marker and returns true if removed, false if not.
* @param {google.maps.Marker} marker The marker to remove
* @return {boolean} Whether the marker was removed or not
MarkerClusterer.prototype.removeMarker_ = function (marker) {
var i;
var index = -1;
if (this.markers_.indexOf) {
index = this.markers_.indexOf(marker);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < this.markers_.length; i++) {
if (marker === this.markers_[i]) {
index = i;
if (index === -1) {
// Marker is not in our list of markers, so do nothing:
return false;
this.markers_.splice(index, 1); // Remove the marker from the list of managed markers
return true;
* Removes all clusters and markers from the map and also removes all markers
* managed by the clusterer.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.clearMarkers = function () {
this.markers_ = [];
* Recalculates and redraws all the marker clusters from scratch.
* Call this after changing any properties.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.repaint = function () {
var oldClusters = this.clusters_.slice();
this.clusters_ = [];
// Remove the old clusters.
// Do it in a timeout to prevent blinking effect.
setTimeout(function () {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < oldClusters.length; i++) {
}, 0);
* Returns the current bounds extended by the grid size.
* @param {google.maps.LatLngBounds} bounds The bounds to extend.
* @return {google.maps.LatLngBounds} The extended bounds.
* @ignore
MarkerClusterer.prototype.getExtendedBounds = function (bounds) {
var projection = this.getProjection();
// Turn the bounds into latlng.
var tr = new google.maps.LatLng(bounds.getNorthEast().lat(),
var bl = new google.maps.LatLng(bounds.getSouthWest().lat(),
// Convert the points to pixels and the extend out by the grid size.
var trPix = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(tr);
trPix.x += this.gridSize_;
trPix.y -= this.gridSize_;
var blPix = projection.fromLatLngToDivPixel(bl);
blPix.x -= this.gridSize_;
blPix.y += this.gridSize_;
// Convert the pixel points back to LatLng
var ne = projection.fromDivPixelToLatLng(trPix);
var sw = projection.fromDivPixelToLatLng(blPix);
// Extend the bounds to contain the new bounds.
return bounds;
* Redraws all the clusters.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.redraw_ = function () {
* Removes all clusters from the map. The markers are also removed from the map
* if <code>opt_hide</code> is set to <code>true</code>.
* @param {boolean} [opt_hide] Set to <code>true</code> to also remove the markers
* from the map.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.resetViewport_ = function (opt_hide) {
var i, marker;
// Remove all the clusters
for (i = 0; i < this.clusters_.length; i++) {
this.clusters_ = [];
// Reset the markers to not be added and to be removed from the map.
for (i = 0; i < this.markers_.length; i++) {
marker = this.markers_[i];
marker.isAdded = false;
if (opt_hide) {
* Calculates the distance between two latlng locations in km.
* @param {google.maps.LatLng} p1 The first lat lng point.
* @param {google.maps.LatLng} p2 The second lat lng point.
* @return {number} The distance between the two points in km.
* @see
MarkerClusterer.prototype.distanceBetweenPoints_ = function (p1, p2) {
var R = 6371; // Radius of the Earth in km
var dLat = ( - * Math.PI / 180;
var dLon = (p2.lng() - p1.lng()) * Math.PI / 180;
var a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2) +
Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos( * Math.PI / 180) *
Math.sin(dLon / 2) * Math.sin(dLon / 2);
var c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
var d = R * c;
return d;
* Determines if a marker is contained in a bounds.
* @param {google.maps.Marker} marker The marker to check.
* @param {google.maps.LatLngBounds} bounds The bounds to check against.
* @return {boolean} True if the marker is in the bounds.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.isMarkerInBounds_ = function (marker, bounds) {
return bounds.contains(marker.getPosition());
* Adds a marker to a cluster, or creates a new cluster.
* @param {google.maps.Marker} marker The marker to add.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.addToClosestCluster_ = function (marker) {
var i, d, cluster, center;
var distance = 40000; // Some large number
var clusterToAddTo = null;
for (i = 0; i < this.clusters_.length; i++) {
cluster = this.clusters_[i];
center = cluster.getCenter();
if (center) {
d = this.distanceBetweenPoints_(center, marker.getPosition());
if (d < distance) {
distance = d;
clusterToAddTo = cluster;
if (clusterToAddTo && clusterToAddTo.isMarkerInClusterBounds(marker)) {
} else {
cluster = new Cluster(this);
* Creates the clusters. This is done in batches to avoid timeout errors
* in some browsers when there is a huge number of markers.
* @param {number} iFirst The index of the first marker in the batch of
* markers to be added to clusters.
MarkerClusterer.prototype.createClusters_ = function (iFirst) {
var i, marker;
var mapBounds;
var cMarkerClusterer = this;
if (!this.ready_) {
// Cancel previous batch processing if we're working on the first batch:
if (iFirst === 0) {
* This event is fired when the <code>MarkerClusterer</code> begins
* clustering markers.
* @name MarkerClusterer#clusteringbegin
* @param {MarkerClusterer} mc The MarkerClusterer whose markers are being clustered.
* @event
google.maps.event.trigger(this, "clusteringbegin", this);
if (typeof this.timerRefStatic !== "undefined") {
delete this.timerRefStatic;
// Get our current map view bounds.
// Create a new bounds object so we don't affect the map.
// See Comments 9 & 11 on Issue 3651 relating to this workaround for a Google Maps bug:
if (this.getMap().getZoom() > 3) {
mapBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(this.getMap().getBounds().getSouthWest(),
} else {
mapBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(new google.maps.LatLng(85.02070771743472, -178.48388434375), new google.maps.LatLng(-85.08136444384544, 178.00048865625));
var bounds = this.getExtendedBounds(mapBounds);
var iLast = Math.min(iFirst + this.batchSize_, this.markers_.length);
for (i = iFirst; i < iLast; i++) {
marker = this.markers_[i];
if (!marker.isAdded && this.isMarkerInBounds_(marker, bounds)) {
if (!this.ignoreHidden_ || (this.ignoreHidden_ && marker.getVisible())) {
if (iLast < this.markers_.length) {
this.timerRefStatic = setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
} else {
delete this.timerRefStatic;
* This event is fired when the <code>MarkerClusterer</code> stops
* clustering markers.
* @name MarkerClusterer#clusteringend
* @param {MarkerClusterer} mc The MarkerClusterer whose markers are being clustered.
* @event
google.maps.event.trigger(this, "clusteringend", this);
* Extends an object's prototype by another's.
* @param {Object} obj1 The object to be extended.
* @param {Object} obj2 The object to extend with.
* @return {Object} The new extended object.
* @ignore
MarkerClusterer.prototype.extend = function (obj1, obj2) {
return (function (object) {
var property;
for (property in object.prototype) {
this.prototype[property] = object.prototype[property];
return this;
}).apply(obj1, [obj2]);
* The default function for determining the label text and style
* for a cluster icon.
* @param {Array.<google.maps.Marker>} markers The array of markers represented by the cluster.
* @param {number} numStyles The number of marker styles available.
* @return {ClusterIconInfo} The information resource for the cluster.
* @constant
* @ignore
MarkerClusterer.CALCULATOR = function (markers, numStyles) {
var index = 0;
var title = "";
var count = markers.length.toString();
var dv = count;
while (dv !== 0) {
dv = parseInt(dv / 10, 10);
index = Math.min(index, numStyles);
return {
text: count,
index: index,
title: title
* The number of markers to process in one batch.
* @type {number}
* @constant
MarkerClusterer.BATCH_SIZE = 2000;
* The number of markers to process in one batch (IE only).
* @type {number}
* @constant
MarkerClusterer.BATCH_SIZE_IE = 500;
* The default root name for the marker cluster images.
* @type {string}
* @constant
MarkerClusterer.IMAGE_PATH = "";
* The default extension name for the marker cluster images.
* @type {string}
* @constant
MarkerClusterer.IMAGE_EXTENSION = "png";
* The default array of sizes for the marker cluster images.
* @type {Array.<number>}
* @constant
MarkerClusterer.IMAGE_SIZES = [53, 56, 66, 78, 90];
eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('5 G(b,a){b.N().14(G,o.n.31);4.H=b;4.2B=b.N().2q();4.M=a;4.C=u;4.q=u;4.16=u;4.1i=t;4.L(b.w())}G.6.2C=5(){7 d=4;7 g;7 f;4.q=3x.3r("1Z");4.q.5n=4.2B;9(4.1i){4.29()}4.4L().4D.4x(4.q);4.2W=o.n.v.1M(4.w(),"49",5(){f=g});o.n.v.1G(4.q,"3Z",5(){g=I;f=t});o.n.v.1G(4.q,"2L",5(e){g=t;9(!f){7 c;7 b;7 a=d.H.N();o.n.v.12(a,"2L",d.H);o.n.v.12(a,"3T",d.H);9(a.2z()){b=a.1s();c=d.H.1B();a.w().1O(c);1P(5(){a.w().1O(c);9(b!==u&&(a.w().15()>b)){a.w().3C(b+1)}},3w)}e.3t=I;9(e.2g){e.2g()}}});o.n.v.1G(4.q,"2f",5(){7 a=d.H.N();o.n.v.12(a,"2f",d.H)});o.n.v.1G(4.q,"2e",5(){7 a=d.H.N();o.n.v.12(a,"2e",d.H)})};G.6.2Q=5(){9(4.q&&4.q.3h){4.1N();o.n.v.2S(4.2W);o.n.v.55(4.q);4.q.3h.4X(4.q);4.q=u}};G.6.38=5(){9(4.1i){7 a=4.26(4.C);4.q.S.1L=a.y+"B";4.q.S.1I=a.x+"B"}};G.6.1N=5(){9(4.q){4.q.S.3a="2V"}4.1i=t};G.6.29=5(){9(4.q){7 e="";7 c=4.3e.4h(" ");7 b=Y(c[0].3f(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g,""),10);7 d=Y(c[1].3f(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g,""),10);7 a=4.26(4.C);4.q.S.3Y=4.2O(a);e="<3X 3W=\'"+4.2K+"\' S=\'1X: 1W; 1L: "+d+"B; 1I: "+b+"B; ";9(!4.H.N().1d){e+="3V: 3U("+(-1*d)+"B, "+((-1*b)+4.1h)+"B, "+((-1*d)+4.1m)+"B, "+(-1*b)+"B);"}e+="\'>";4.q.3S=e+"<1Z S=\'"+"1X: 1W;"+"1L: "+4.1V[0]+"B;"+"1I: "+4.1V[1]+"B;"+"3P: "+4.2F+";"+"1y-1o: "+4.2v+"B;"+"1y-3J: "+4.2s+";"+"1y-3H: "+4.2p+";"+"1y-S: "+4.2n+";"+"1x-3D: "+4.2l+";"+"1x-3A: 1c;"+"1C: "+4.1h+"B;"+"3v-1A:"+4.1m+"B;"+"\'>"+4.16.1x+"</1Z>";9(2i 4.16.13==="1a"||4.16.13===""){4.q.13=4.H.N().2U()}K{4.q.13=4.16.13}4.q.S.3a=""}4.1i=I};G.6.2M=5(a){4.16=a;7 b=z.3l(0,a.2R-1);b=z.21(4.M.p-1,b);7 c=4.M[b];4.2K=c.3g;4.1m=c.1A;4.1h=c.1C;4.1V=c.5i||[0,0];4.2d=c.5c||[Y(4.1m/2,10),Y(4.1h/2,10)];4.2F=c.54||"4Z";4.2v=c.4W||11;4.2l=c.4Q||"2V";4.2p=c.4N||"4K";4.2n=c.4H||"4F";4.2s=c.4E||"4C,4B-4z";4.3e=c.4y||"0 0"};G.6.30=5(a){4.C=a};G.6.2O=5(b){7 a=[];a.Z("4v: 4t;");a.Z("1X: 1W; 1L: "+b.y+"B; 1I: "+b.x+"B;");a.Z("1C: "+4.1h+"B; 1A: "+4.1m+"B;");j a.4s("")};G.6.26=5(b){7 a=4.39().28(b);a.x-=4.2d[1];a.y-=4.2d[0];a.x=Y(a.x,10);a.y=Y(a.y,10);j a};5 D(a){4.V=a;4.T=a.w();4.U=a.2T();4.X=a.3d();4.19=a.3c();4.k=[];4.C=u;4.2c=u;4.W=F G(4,a.20())}D.6.41=5(){j 4.k.p};D.6.1D=5(){j 4.k};D.6.2P=5(){j 4.C};D.6.w=5(){j 4.T};D.6.N=5(){j 4.V};D.6.1B=5(){7 i;7 b=F o.n.1l(4.C,4.C);7 a=4.1D();A(i=0;i<a.p;i++){b.14(a[i].P())}j b};D.6.1F=5(){4.W.L(u);4.k=[];1Y 4.k};D.6.1E=5(e){7 i;7 c;7 b;9(4.2X(e)){j t}9(!4.C){4.C=e.P();4.24()}K{9(4.19){7 l=4.k.p+1;7 a=(4.C.Q()*(l-1)+e.P().Q())/l;7 d=(4.C.17()*(l-1)+e.P().17())/l;4.C=F o.n.1p(a,d);4.24()}}e.1j=I;4.k.Z(e);c=4.k.p;b=4.V.1s();9(b!==u&&4.T.15()>b){9(e.w()!==4.T){e.L(4.T)}}K 9(c<4.X){9(e.w()!==4.T){e.L(4.T)}}K 9(c===4.X){A(i=0;i<c;i++){4.k[i].L(u)}}K{e.L(u)}4.2J();j I};D.6.2I=5(a){j 4.2c.2H(a.P())};D.6.24=5(){7 a=F o.n.1l(4.C,4.C);4.2c=4.V.2a(a)};D.6.2J=5(){7 c=4.k.p;7 a=4.V.1s();9(a!==u&&4.T.15()>a){4.W.1N();j}9(c<4.X){4.W.1N();j}7 b=4.V.20().p;7 d=4.V.2G()(4.k,b);4.W.30(4.C);4.W.2M(d);4.W.29()};D.6.2X=5(a){7 i;9(4.k.1g){j 4.k.1g(a)!==-1}K{A(i=0;i<4.k.p;i++){9(a===4.k[i]){j I}}}j t};5 8(a,c,b){4.14(8,o.n.31);c=c||[];b=b||{};4.k=[];4.E=[];4.1r=[];4.1f=u;4.1b=t;4.U=b.3R||3Q;4.X=b.3N||2;4.1U=b.2y||u;4.M=b.3K||[];4.1T=b.13||"";4.1v=I;9(b.2x!==1a){4.1v=b.2x}4.19=t;9(b.2w!==1a){4.19=b.2w}4.18=t;9(b.2u!==1a){4.18=b.2u}4.1d=t;9(b.2t!==1a){4.1d=b.2t}4.1t=b.3I||8.2r;4.1u=b.3G||8.2o;4.1e=b.3F||8.2j;4.1S=b.3E||8.2m;4.1Q=b.3B||8.2E;4.1z=b.3z||8.2k;4.1R=b.3y||"O";9(3L.3M.3u().1g("3O")!==-1){4.1Q=4.1z}4.2D();4.2A(c,I);4.L(a)}8.6.2C=5(){7 a=4;4.1f=4.w();4.1b=I;4.1q();4.1r=[o.n.v.1M(4.w(),"3s",5(){a.1w(t);9(4.15()===(4.2h("3q")||0)||4.15()===4.2h("2y")){o.n.v.12(4,"2N")}}),o.n.v.1M(4.w(),"2N",5(){a.1k()})]};8.6.2Q=5(){7 i;A(i=0;i<4.k.p;i++){9(4.k[i].w()!==4.1f){4.k[i].L(4.1f)}}A(i=0;i<4.E.p;i++){4.E[i].1F()}4.E=[];A(i=0;i<4.1r.p;i++){o.n.v.2S(4.1r[i])}4.1r=[];4.1f=u;4.1b=t};8.6.38=5(){};8.6.2D=5(){7 i,1o;9(4.M.p>0){j}A(i=0;i<4.1e.p;i++){1o=4.1e[i];4.M.Z({3g:4.1t+(i+1)+"."+4.1u,1A:1o,1C:1o})}};8.6.3p=5(){7 i;7 a=4.1D();7 b=F o.n.1l();A(i=0;i<a.p;i++){b.14(a[i].P())}4.w().1O(b)};8.6.2T=5(){j 4.U};8.6.3o=5(a){4.U=a};8.6.3d=5(){j 4.X};8.6.40=5(a){4.X=a};8.6.1s=5(){j 4.1U};8.6.3n=5(a){4.1U=a};8.6.20=5(){j 4.M};8.6.3m=5(a){4.M=a};8.6.2U=5(){j 4.1T};8.6.43=5(a){4.1T=a};8.6.2z=5(){j 4.1v};8.6.44=5(a){4.1v=a};8.6.3c=5(){j 4.19};8.6.3k=5(a){4.19=a};8.6.3j=5(){j 4.18};8.6.3i=5(a){4.18=a};8.6.47=5(){j 4.1d};8.6.5m=5(a){4.1d=a};8.6.5l=5(){j 4.1u};8.6.5k=5(a){4.1u=a};8.6.5j=5(){j 4.1t};8.6.5h=5(a){4.1t=a};8.6.5f=5(){j 4.1e};8.6.5e=5(a){4.1e=a};8.6.2G=5(){j 4.1S};8.6.5d=5(a){4.1S=a};8.6.5b=5(){j 4.1z};8.6.5a=5(a){4.1z=a};8.6.2q=5(){j 4.1R};8.6.59=5(a){4.1R=a};8.6.1D=5(){j 4.k};8.6.57=5(){j 4.k.p};8.6.51=5(){j 4.E};8.6.50=5(){j 4.E.p};8.6.1E=5(b,a){4.2b(b);9(!a){4.1k()}};8.6.2A=5(b,a){7 c;A(c 3b b){9(b.4V(c)){4.2b(b[c])}}9(!a){4.1k()}};8.6.2b=5(b){9(b.4U()){7 a=4;o.n.v.1M(b,"4T",5(){9(a.1b){4.1j=t;a.1q()}})}b.1j=t;4.k.Z(b)};8.6.4S=5(c,a){7 b=4.27(c);9(!a&&b){4.1q()}j b};8.6.4O=5(a,c){7 i,r;7 b=t;A(i=0;i<a.p;i++){r=4.27(a[i]);b=b||r}9(!c&&b){4.1q()}j b};8.6.27=5(b){7 i;7 a=-1;9(4.k.1g){a=4.k.1g(b)}K{A(i=0;i<4.k.p;i++){9(b===4.k[i]){a=i;4M}}}9(a===-1){j t}b.L(u);4.k.4J(a,1);j I};8.6.4I=5(){4.1w(I);4.k=[]};8.6.1q=5(){7 a=4.E.4G();4.E=[];4.1w(t);4.1k();1P(5(){7 i;A(i=0;i<a.p;i++){a[i].1F()}},0)};8.6.2a=5(d){7 f=4.39();7 c=F o.n.1p(d.25().Q(),d.25().17());7 a=F o.n.1p(d.22().Q(),d.22().17());7 e=f.28(c);e.x+=4.U;e.y-=4.U;7 g=f.28(a);g.x-=4.U;g.y+=4.U;7 b=f.33(e);7 h=f.33(g);d.14(b);d.14(h);j d};8.6.1k=5(){4.23(0)};8.6.1w=5(a){7 i,J;A(i=0;i<4.E.p;i++){4.E[i].1F()}4.E=[];A(i=0;i<4.k.p;i++){J=4.k[i];J.1j=t;9(a){J.L(u)}}};8.6.32=5(b,e){7 R=4A;7 g=(e.Q()-b.Q())*z.1K/1H;7 f=(e.17()-b.17())*z.1K/1H;7 a=z.1J(g/2)*z.1J(g/2)+z.34(b.Q()*z.1K/1H)*z.34(e.Q()*z.1K/1H)*z.1J(f/2)*z.1J(f/2);7 c=2*z.4w(z.36(a),z.36(1-a));7 d=R*c;j d};8.6.2Z=5(b,a){j a.2H(b.P())};8.6.35=5(c){7 i,d,O,1c;7 a=4u;7 b=u;A(i=0;i<4.E.p;i++){O=4.E[i];1c=O.2P();9(1c){d=4.32(1c,c.P());9(d<a){a=d;b=O}}}9(b&&b.2I(c)){b.1E(c)}K{O=F D(4);O.1E(c);4.E.Z(O)}};8.6.23=5(e){7 i,J;7 d;7 c=4;9(!4.1b){j}9(e===0){o.n.v.12(4,"4P",4);9(2i 4.1n!=="1a"){4R(4.1n);1Y 4.1n}}9(4.w().15()>3){d=F o.n.1l(4.w().1B().22(),4.w().1B().25())}K{d=F o.n.1l(F o.n.1p(2Y.4r,-37.4q),F o.n.1p(-2Y.4p,37.4o))}7 a=4.2a(d);7 b=z.21(e+4.1Q,4.k.p);A(i=e;i<b;i++){J=4.k[i];9(!J.1j&&4.2Z(J,a)){9(!4.18||(4.18&&J.4Y())){4.35(J)}}}9(b<4.k.p){4.1n=1P(5(){c.23(b)},0)}K{1Y 4.1n;o.n.v.12(4,"4n",4)}};8.6.14=5(d,c){j(5(b){7 a;A(a 3b b.6){4.6[a]=b.6[a]}j 4}).4m(d,[c])};8.2m=5(a,c){7 f=0;7 b="";7 d=a.p.4l();7 e=d;52(e!==0){e=Y(e/10,10);f++}f=z.21(f,c);j{1x:d,2R:f,13:b}};8.2E=4k;8.2k=4j;8.2r="4i://o-n-58-4g-4f.4e.4d/4c/4b/4a/5g/m";8.2o="48";8.2j=[53,56,46,45,42];',62,334,'||||this|function|prototype|var|MarkerClusterer|if||||||||||return|markers_|||maps|google|length|div_|||false|null|event|getMap|||Math|for|px|center_|Cluster|clusters_|new|ClusterIcon|cluster_|true|marker|else|setMap|styles_|getMarkerClusterer|cluster|getPosition|lat||style|map_|gridSize_|markerClusterer_|clusterIcon_|minClusterSize_|parseInt|push|||trigger|title|extend|getZoom|sums_|lng|ignoreHidden_|averageCenter_|undefined|ready_|center|enableRetinaIcons_|imageSizes_|activeMap_|indexOf|width_|visible_|isAdded|redraw_|LatLngBounds|height_|timerRefStatic|size|LatLng|repaint|listeners_|getMaxZoom|imagePath_|imageExtension_|zoomOnClick_|resetViewport_|text|font|batchSizeIE_|height|getBounds|width|getMarkers|addMarker|remove|addDomListener|180|left|sin|PI|top|addListener|hide|fitBounds|setTimeout|batchSize_|clusterClass_|calculator_|title_|maxZoom_|anchorText_|absolute|position|delete|div|getStyles|min|getSouthWest|createClusters_|calculateBounds_|getNorthEast|getPosFromLatLng_|removeMarker_|fromLatLngToDivPixel|show|getExtendedBounds|pushMarkerTo_|bounds_|anchorIcon_|mouseout|mouseover|stopPropagation|get|typeof|IMAGE_SIZES|BATCH_SIZE_IE|textDecoration_|CALCULATOR|fontStyle_|IMAGE_EXTENSION|fontWeight_|getClusterClass|IMAGE_PATH|fontFamily_|enableRetinaIcons|ignoreHidden|textSize_|averageCenter|zoomOnClick|maxZoom|getZoomOnClick|addMarkers|className_|onAdd|setupStyles_|BATCH_SIZE|textColor_|getCalculator|contains|isMarkerInClusterBounds|updateIcon_|url_|click|useStyle|idle|createCss|getCenter|onRemove|index|removeListener|getGridSize|getTitle|none|boundsChangedListener_|isMarkerAlreadyAdded_|85|isMarkerInBounds_|setCenter|OverlayView|distanceBetweenPoints_|fromDivPixelToLatLng|cos|addToClosestCluster_|sqrt|178|draw|getProjection|display|in|getAverageCenter|getMinimumClusterSize|backgroundPosition_|replace|url|parentNode|setIgnoreHidden|getIgnoreHidden|setAverageCenter|max|setStyles|setMaxZoom|setGridSize|fitMapToMarkers|minZoom|createElement|zoom_changed|cancelBubble|toLowerCase|line|100|document|clusterClass|batchSizeIE|align|batchSize|setZoom|decoration|calculator|imageSizes|imageExtension|weight|imagePath|family|styles|navigator|userAgent|minimumClusterSize|msie|color|60|gridSize|innerHTML|clusterclick|rect|clip|src|img|cssText|mousedown|setMinimumClusterSize|getSize|90|setTitle|setZoomOnClick|78|66|getEnableRetinaIcons|png|bounds_changed|markerclustererplus|trunk|svn|com|googlecode|v3|library|split|http|500|2000|toString|apply|clusteringend|00048865625|08136444384544|48388434375|02070771743472|join|pointer|40000|cursor|atan2|appendChild|backgroundPosition|serif|6371|sans|Arial|overlayMouseTarget|fontFamily|normal|slice|fontStyle|clearMarkers|splice|bold|getPanes|break|fontWeight|removeMarkers|clusteringbegin|textDecoration|clearTimeout|removeMarker|dragend|getDraggable|hasOwnProperty|textSize|removeChild|getVisible|black|getTotalClusters|getClusters|while||textColor|clearInstanceListeners||getTotalMarkers|utility|setClusterClass|setBatchSizeIE|getBatchSizeIE|anchorIcon|setCalculator|setImageSizes|getImageSizes|images|setImagePath|anchorText|getImagePath|setImageExtension|getImageExtension|setEnableRetinaIcons|className'.split('|'),0,{}))
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