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# get token separately or copy from Graph Explorer
read token
# token should have ExternalConnection.ReadWrite.All in scope
# authorized app id should be the app with ExternalItem.ReadWrite.OwnedBy
curl -X PATCH --location '<YOUR-CONNECTION>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $token" \
--data '{"id": "<YOUR-CONNECTION>", "configuration": {"authorizedAppIds": ["D49F988A-8F92-46C1-922F-42B209B40042"]}}'

ҫиччӗ - 七 (しち)

ӗнчӗ - 真珠(しんじゅ)

анне - 姉 (あね)

different words for elder sister, younger sister, elder brother, younger brother

different words for mom, my mom, dad, my dad

# Configuration
#$clientId = "80af6542-67be-49fe-8b06-d574e318fe78" # Replace with your client ID from Azure Portal
$clientId = "7c98abdd-386f-4aa8-881d-608edf021971" # tolle-aap_2024-02-05_unrestricted
# $clientSecret = "7lD8Q~TST16s1aZcC84O5hchtuO5AhzQSjl9gcqp" # Replace with your client secret from Azure Portal
$clientSecret = ".Cu8Q~T89P6JlSEye63FNsoLspLTPWSb0B3MJcQ"
$tenantId = "12f488e2-8612-483f-ac92-10d86b99f9e3" # Replace with your tenant ID
$recipientEmail = "" # Replace with the recipient's email address
# $fromEmail = ""
$userId = "3cf384a6-a354-44e1-9f96-01e843c50945" # tolle-aap- user
$fromEmail = ""
set up a project
npm init
npm install axios
npm install puppeteer-core
The node version I had in this project is v18.17.1
import bluetooth
import struct
import time
from machine import Pin, ADC
from micropython import const
# Set up the ADC to read the temperature sensor
adc = ADC(4)
conversion_factor = 3.3 / (65535)
"projectFileVersion": "2022-10-01-preview",
"stringIndexType": "Utf16CodeUnit",
"metadata": {
"projectKind": "Conversation",
"settings": {
"confidenceThreshold": 0,
"normalizeCasing": false
"projectName": "Clock",
Write-Host "This will show the Path column to your view"
Write-Host "To do, please copy the edit view you want to update."
Write-Host "Here is how it can look: "
Write-Host ""
$link = Read-Host "Please paste the edit view"
Write-Host "Great, this is an early version and it has no validation, neither checks it whether the Path is already shown or not"
Write-Host "Feel free to reach out to @mirontoli to give feedback or contribute"
$site = $link.Split("/_layouts/15")[0]
Connect-PnPOnline $site -Interactive
//Slightly adjusted from
//The goal is to send an email using Graph API and by authenticating through PnP Management Shell
//Without a custom app registration
//corresponding commands:
using AngleSharp.Dom;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using PnP.Core.Auth;
using PnP.Core.Services;
# for downloading pictures
# first, export gedcom
$urls = gc ".....ged" | ? { $_ -match "2 FILE " } | % { $_.Replace("2 FILE ", "") }
$urls | % { Start-BitsTransfer $_ }
#open in code and replace and strip https parts leaving only filenames by using this regex:
# https:\/\/.*[^\/]\/
# emilie pixel art created
# using
# some blocks needed to be renamed
# saved in a datapack
# %appdata%/.minecraft/saves/pixelart002/datapacks/tolle/data/custom/functions/emilie003.mcfunction
# create even %appdata%/.minecraft/saves/pixelart002/datapacks/tolle/pack.mcmeta w content:
# {"pack":{"pack_format": 7,"description": "<Description>"}}
fill ~ ~ ~-1 ~ ~1 ~-1 minecraft:gray_concrete
fill ~ ~ ~-2 ~ ~ ~-3 minecraft:clay
fill ~ ~ ~-4 ~ ~1 ~-4 minecraft:gray_concrete