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Last active December 14, 2015 08:58
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Save miroslavpopovic/5061310 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A function that's using to display a difference between two strings in a console. Tested on latest versions of Firebug and Chrome Developer Tools. Developer tools in IE 10 and below don't support CSS styles in console.
(function() {
// A function that's using to display a
// difference between two strings in a console.
// Tested on latest versions of Firebug and Chrome Developer Tools.
// Developer tools in IE 10 and below don't support CSS styles in console.
var consoleDiff = function (first, second, diffType) {
var normalStyle = 'color: black; background-color: white; text-decoration: none;',
addStyle = 'color: #406619; background-color: #eaf2c2; text-decoration: none;',
removeStyle = 'color: #b30000; background-color: #fadad7; text-decoration: line-through;',
text = '',
arguments = [],
if (typeof JsDiff === 'undefined') {
throw new Error('jsdiff script not loaded. ' +
'Download diff.js from: ' +
'and include it on the page.');
if (typeof first === 'function') {
first = first();
if (typeof second === 'function') {
second = second();
// diffType can be: diffChars, diffWords and diffLines
diffType = diffType || 'diffWords';
diff = JsDiff[diffType](first, second);
for (var i = 0; i < diff.length; i++) {
// Removed text should in front of added
if (diff[i].added && diff[i + 1] && diff[i + 1].removed) {
var swap = diff[i];
diff[i] = diff[i + 1];
diff[i + 1] = swap;
text = text.concat('%c', diff[i].value);
if (diff[i].removed) {
} else if (diff[i].added) {
} else {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
// Sample 1: simple strings
consoleDiff('My first string', 'My second string');
// Sample 2: more complex strings (JSON)
'{"employeeNumber":101,"ssn":"123-45-6789","firstName":"Bruce","middleInitial":"",' +
'"lastName":"Wayne","address1":"140 Fell Court","address2":"","city":"Gotham",' +
'{"employeeNumber":101,"ssn":"123-45-6789","firstName":"Alfred","middleInitial":"",' +
'"lastName":"Wayne","address1":"142 Fell Court","address2":"","city":"Gotham",' +
// Sample 3: using functions as arguments (they need to return a string)
function () { return 'First function result' },
function () { return 'Second function result' }
// Sample 4: using char diff
consoleDiff('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 'abcdefghijklabcopqrstuvwxyz', 'diffChars');
// This utility is created for debugging ko.dirtyFlag
// One ko.dirtyFlag implementation can be found on:
// It's easy to add a method to it to log the differences between initial and
// current state somewhere in dirtyFlag code, like this
result.log = function() {
consoleDiff(_initialState(), ko.toJSON(root));
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