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Created March 13, 2017 21:23
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#include <functional>
#include <boost/mpl/inherit_linearly.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/inherit.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
template<typename TargetsVector, typename SignatureVector>
struct visit_method;
template<typename TargetType, typename ReturnType, typename ... ArgsTypes>
struct visit_method<TargetType, std::tuple<ReturnType, ArgsTypes ...>> {
virtual void visit(TargetType, ArgsTypes&& ...) = 0;
virtual ~visit_method() {
template<typename T, typename TargetType, typename Signature>
struct inherit_wrapper: boost::mpl::inherit<T,
visit_method<TargetType, Signature>> {
template<typename TargetsVector, typename SignatureVector>
class basic_visitor;
template<typename ... TargetsTypes, typename SignatureVector>
class basic_visitor<std::tuple<TargetsTypes ...>, SignatureVector> : public boost::mpl::inherit_linearly<
boost::mpl::vector<TargetsTypes ...>,
inherit_wrapper<boost::mpl::_1, boost::mpl::_2, SignatureVector>>::type {
template<typename SelfType, typename ReturnType>
class visitable {
template<typename VisitorType, typename ... ArgsTypes>
ReturnType accept(VisitorType& visitor, ArgsTypes&& ... args) {
return visitor.visit(static_cast<SelfType&>(*this), args ...);
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