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Created January 18, 2017 10:42
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Mapbox iOS GeoJSON with clustering example (swift)
// MapViewController.swift
// Mapbox Clustering Test
// Created by Ester Sanchez on 18/01/17.
// Copyright © 2017 All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import Mapbox
class MapViewController: UIViewController, MGLMapViewDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var mapView: MGLMapView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
mapView.delegate = self
// Based on this example:
// Updated for Swift 3 and Mapbox iOS SDK 3.4.0.beta 7 (January 2017)
private func loadGeoJSON() {
let url = URL(string: "")!
let geoJSONSource = MGLShapeSource(identifier: "earthquakes", url: url, options: [.clustered: true, .clusterRadius: 20, .maximumZoomLevelForClustering: 15])
let unclusteredLayer = MGLCircleStyleLayer(identifier: "unclustered", source: geoJSONSource)
unclusteredLayer.circleColor = MGLStyleValue(rawValue: UIColor(colorLiteralRed: 229/255.0, green: 94/255.0, blue: 94/255.0, alpha: 1))
unclusteredLayer.circleRadius = MGLStyleValue(rawValue: 20)
unclusteredLayer.circleBlur = MGLStyleValue(rawValue: 15)
unclusteredLayer.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "%K != YES", argumentArray: ["cluster"])
let layers = [
(150, UIColor(colorLiteralRed: 229/255.0, green: 94/255.0, blue: 94/255.0, alpha: 1)),
(20, UIColor(colorLiteralRed: 249/255.0, green: 136/255.0, blue: 108/255.0, alpha: 1)),
(0, UIColor(colorLiteralRed: 251/255.0, green: 176/255.0, blue: 59/255.0, alpha: 1))
for index in 0..<layers.count {
let circles = MGLCircleStyleLayer(identifier: "cluster-\(index)", source: geoJSONSource)
circles.circleColor = MGLStyleValue(rawValue: layers[index].1)
circles.circleRadius = MGLStyleValue(rawValue: 70)
circles.circleBlur = MGLStyleValue(rawValue: 1)
let gtePredicate = NSPredicate(format: "%K >= %@", argumentArray: ["point_count", layers[index].0])
let allPredicate = index == 0 ?
gtePredicate :
NSCompoundPredicate(andPredicateWithSubpredicates: [gtePredicate, NSPredicate(format: "%K < %@", argumentArray: ["point_count", layers[index - 1].0])])
circles.predicate = allPredicate
//MARK: - MGLMapViewDelegate
func mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap(_ mapView: MGLMapView) {
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Hey, could you update it for Swift 4 and iOS 11 ? This would be extremely useful. 🥇

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