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Last active October 23, 2019 13:16
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
# Usage #
if [ "$1" = "-h" ]; then
cat <<EOF
$0 [CONTEXT] -- Find all (Cluster)RoleBindings applying to unauthenticated users in a Kubernetes cluster
CONTEXT: context to use for kubectl
exit 1
function _kubectl() {
"${kubectl_cmd[@]}" "$@"
if [ ! -z "$1" ]; then
# Tests if the context exists. If it does, all output is suppressed, otherwise we print the error
# from kubectl and exit with an error code.
kubectl config get-contexts --no-headers "$context" >/dev/null || exit 1
set -u
# Check for jq #
if ! command -v jq > /dev/null; then
echo "Please install the jq JSON parser ("
exit 1
# When k8s apiserver is run with the flag "--anonymous-auth=true" (still the
# default as of Kubernetes 1.16), unauthenticated connections are allowed to
# k8s API endpoint, corresponding to the user "system:anonymous" and the
# group "system:unauthenticated" in Kubernetes RBAC.
# See
# When k8s kubelet is run with the flag "--anonymous-auth=true" (still the
# default as of Kubernetes 1.16), unauthenticated connections are allowed to
# kubelet HTTP endpoints. corresponding to the user "system:anonymous" and the
# group "system:unauthenticated" in Kubernetes RBAC.
# See
echo "Checking ClusterRoleBindings"
_kubectl get clusterrolebindings -o json | jq -r '
.items[] | (
(select((.subjects // [])[] | select(.kind == "User" and .name == "system:anonymous") | length > 0) | "ClusterRoleBinding " + + " binds the system:anonymous user"),
(select((.subjects // [])[] | select((.kind == "Group" or .kind == "SystemGroup") and .name == "system:unauthenticated") | length > 0) | "ClusterRoleBinding " + + " binds the system:unauthenticated group")
echo "Checking RoleBindings"
_kubectl get rolebindings --all-namespaces -o json | jq -r '
.items[] | (
(select((.subjects // [])[] | select(.kind == "User" and .name == "system:anonymous") | length > 0) | "RoleBinding " + + " in namespace " + .metadata.namespace + " binds the system:anonymous user"),
(select((.subjects // [])[] | select((.kind == "Group" or .kind == "SystemGroup") and .name == "system:unauthenticated") | length > 0) | "RoleBinding " + + " in namespace " + .metadata.namespace + " binds the system:unauthenticated group")
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