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Last active April 6, 2021 01:44
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Update Lunch Money transactions with Mint data on payees, categories, etc.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# reconcile-mint #
# This script doesn't recreate Mint categories #
# Parsing transactions with multiple tags should work, but is untested #
# You must manually split transactions for this script to recognize them #
# Mint and Lunch Money account names must match (different display names ok) #
# (C) 2021 Mischif #
# Released under version 3.0 of the Non-Profit Open Source License #
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from csv import DictReader
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from itertools import islice
from json import dumps, load
from operator import itemgetter
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
ISO8601 = "%Y-%m-%d"
RFC3339 = "%Y-%m-%dT%X.%fZ"
class LMClient:
def __init__(self, token, version="v1"):
self.api_root = f"{LMClient.API_ROOT}/{version}"
self.req_headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"}
self.accounts = {acct["id"]: acct for acct in self.accounts()}
self.categories = {cat["cat_id"]: cat for cat in self.categories()}
self.tags = {tag["id"]: tag for tag in self.tags()}
def get(self, endpoint):
result = None
url = f"{self.api_root}/{endpoint}"
req = Request(url, headers=self.req_headers)
with urlopen(req) as res:
result = load(res)
except Exception as e:
return result
def put(self, endpoint, data):
result = None
url = f"{self.api_root}/{endpoint}"
if isinstance(data, dict):
data = dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
req = Request(url, headers=self.req_headers, data=data, method="PUT")
with urlopen(req) as res:
result = load(res)
except Exception as e:
return result
def accounts(self):
result = []
data = self.get("plaid_accounts")
if data is not None:
result = [{
"active": True if acct["status"] == "active" else False,
"bal": Decimal(acct["balance"]).normalize(),
"cur": acct["currency"],
"id": acct["id"],
# "imported": datetime.strptime(acct["last_import"], RFC3339)
"institution": acct["institution_name"],
"limit": acct["limit"],
"linked": datetime.strptime(acct["date_linked"],
"mask": acct["mask"],
"name": acct["name"],
"subtype": acct["subtype"],
"type": acct["type"],
"updated": datetime.strptime(acct["balance_last_update"],
} for acct in data["plaid_accounts"]]
return result
def categories(self):
result = []
data = self.get("categories")
if data is not None:
result = [{
"cat_id": cat["id"],
"created": datetime.strptime(cat["created_at"], RFC3339),
"desc": cat["description"],
"grp_id": cat["group_id"],
"is_grp": cat["is_group"],
"in_totals": not cat["exclude_from_totals"],
"in_budgets": not cat["exclude_from_budget"],
"income": cat["is_income"],
"name": cat["name"],
"updated": datetime.strptime(cat["updated_at"], RFC3339),
} for cat in data.get("categories", [])]
return result
def tags(self):
result = []
data = self.get("tags")
if data is not None:
result = [{
"desc": txn["description"],
"id": txn["id"],
"name": txn["name"],
} for txn in data]
return result
def transactions(self, start=None, end=None):
result = []
if start is not None and end is not None:
query = f"transactions?start_date={start}&end_date={end}"
query = "transactions"
data = self.get(query)
if data is not None:
result = [{
"acct_id": txn["plaid_account_id"],
"amt": Decimal(txn["amount"]).normalize(),
"asset_id": txn["asset_id"],
"cat_id": txn["category_id"],
"cur": txn["currency"],
"date": datetime.strptime(txn["date"], ISO8601).date(),
"desc": txn["payee"],
"ext_id": txn["external_id"],
"grp_id": txn["group_id"],
"is_grp": txn["is_group"],
"notes": txn["notes"],
"par_id": txn["parent_id"],
"rcr_id": txn["recurring_id"],
"status": txn["status"],
"tags": txn["tags"],
"txn_id": txn["id"],
} for txn in data.get("transactions", [])]
for txn in result:
if txn["acct_id"] is not None:
txn["acct"] = self.accounts[txn["acct_id"]]["name"]
if txn["cat_id"] is not None:
txn["cat"] = self.categories[txn["cat_id"]]["name"]
return result
def update_txns(self, txns):
for txn in txns:
txn_id = txn.pop("id")
data = self.put(f"transactions/{txn_id}", {"transaction": txn})
if not data.get("updated", False):
print(f"Could not update txn {txn_id} with data {txn}")
def mint_transactions(path):
result = []
with open(path) as f:
csv = DictReader(f)
result = [{
"acct": txn["Account Name"],
"amt": Decimal(txn["Amount"]).normalize(),
"cat": txn["Category"],
"date": datetime.strptime(txn["Date"], "%m/%d/%Y").date(),
"desc": txn["Description"],
"desc_orig": txn["Original Description"],
"lbls": txn["Labels"],
"notes": txn["Notes"],
"type": txn["Transaction Type"],
} for txn in csv]
return result
def match_txns(lm, mint):
result = []
def _build_change_indices(l):
result = {}
cur = None
for (i, txn) in enumerate(l):
if txn["date"] != cur:
result[txn["date"]] = i
cur = txn["date"]
return result
def _txn_slice(txn_list, date_indices, tgt_date):
result = ()
start_date = tgt_date - timedelta(days=1)
if start_date not in date_indices:
if tgt_date in date_indices:
start_date = tgt_date
start_date = None
if start_date:
if max(date_indices) == tgt_date:
end_date = None
end_date = next(filter(lambda d: d > tgt_date, date_indices))
start_idx = date_indices[start_date]
end_idx = None if end_date is None else date_indices[end_date]
result = islice(txn_list, start_idx, end_idx)
return result
lm = sorted(lm, key=itemgetter("date"))
lm_indices = _build_change_indices(lm)
mint = sorted(mint, key=itemgetter("date"))
mint_indices = _build_change_indices(mint)
for lm_txn in lm:
for mint_txn in _txn_slice(mint, mint_indices, lm_txn["date"]):
if (lm_txn["acct"] == mint_txn["acct"]
and lm_txn["amt"].compare_total_mag(mint_txn["amt"]).is_zero()
and (lm_txn["amt"] < 0 and mint_txn["type"] == "credit"
or lm_txn["amt"] > 0 and mint_txn["type"] == "debit")):
result.append((lm_txn, mint_txn))
return result
def unify_txns(matched_txns, categories, tags):
result = []
for (lm, mint) in matched_txns:
def _cat_filter(cat):
return cat["name"].lower() == mint["cat"].lower()
cat_id = next(filter(_cat_filter, categories))["cat_id"]
except StopIteration:
cat_id = lm["cat_id"]
tag_ids = set(lm["tags"] or [])
for lbl in filter(None, mint["lbls"].split(",")):
def _tag_filter(tag):
return tag["name"].lower() == lbl.lower()
tag_id = next(filter(_tag_filter, tags))["id"]
except StopIteration:
unified_txn = {
"cat": next(filter(lambda c: c["cat_id"] == cat_id, categories))["name"],
"id": lm["txn_id"],
"category_id": cat_id,
"payee": mint["desc"][:140],
if mint["notes"]:
unified_txn["notes"] = mint["notes"][:350]
elif lm["notes"]:
unified_txn["notes"] = lm["notes"]
if tag_ids:
unified_txn["tags"] = list(tag_ids)
return result
def parse_args():
parser = ArgumentParser(
epilog="Released under NPOSL-3.0, (C) 2021 Mischif",
"-t", "--token",
help="Lunch Money access token",
help="Path to Mint transaction CSV",
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
args = parse_args()
mint_txns = mint_transactions(args.csv_path)
start_date = str(min(mint_txns, key=itemgetter("date"))["date"])
end_date = str(max(mint_txns, key=itemgetter("date"))["date"])
print(f"Fetching transactions between {start_date} and {end_date}")
c = LMClient(args.token)
lm_txns = c.transactions(start_date, end_date)
matched_txns = match_txns(lm_txns, mint_txns)
unified_txns = unify_txns(matched_txns, c.categories.values(), c.tags.values())
print(f"{len(unified_txns)} transactions to be reconciled")
if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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