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Last active September 27, 2020 17:28
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Thinkful EI - Third Capstone

Third Capstone

App Name: Felix: Personal Finance Assistant

Team: Chatchawan Suwaratana, Gage Migan, James Coffelt, Michelle Colacion Francisco, Muhajir Sayer

Link to live app:

Link to client/web repo:

Link to server repo:

Link to Trello:


  • Felix is a personal finance and savings app which seeks to simplify the cognitive load of the user by aggregating and automating tasks related to personal finance management.

Problem Statement

  • How can a user keep track of growing expenses, services, and subscriptions?
  • How can we make saving money easier

Proposed Solution

  • Aggregate all transactions into one app, allow users to see all financial transactions in one place
  • Aggregate all expenses into one app, allow users to schedule expenses
  • Instead of saving money from what is left over after you spend, allow users to save first, and spend from what's left over

How It Works/User Stories

As the user:

  • I should be able to create an account
  • I should be able to login and see my persisted data
  • I should be able to access my personal information via a dashboard
  • I should be able to create transactions, aggregate all financial transactions in one place, and keep track of money coming in and going out
  • I should be able to create goals for savings
  • I should be able to see a calculated allowance, which will show me how much spending power I have after contributing to my savings goals
  • I should be be able to create planned income and planned expenses
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