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Matt Isenhower misenhower

brb updating my status
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misenhower / gist:9c9693d8f0fb94e2da425800b7c9b887
Created March 21, 2023 00:21 — forked from pvieito/gist:ee6d2c8934a8f84b9aeb467585277b8a
Consumer keys of official Twitter clients

Twitter API Keys

Twitter for iPhone

Consumer key: IQKbtAYlXLripLGPWd0HUA
Consumer secret: GgDYlkSvaPxGxC4X8liwpUoqKwwr3lCADbz8A7ADU

Twitter for Android

Consumer key: 3nVuSoBZnx6U4vzUxf5w
Consumer secret: Bcs59EFbbsdF6Sl9Ng71smgStWEGwXXKSjYvPVt7qys

Twitter for Google TV

Consumer key: iAtYJ4HpUVfIUoNnif1DA

Laravel alternatives in NodeJS

These are alternative packages/frameworks in NodeJS that cover some of the primary features in Laravel. This is by no means a comprehensive list of Laravel features (or a comprehensive list of NodeJS alternatives).

Depending on your perspective, this list either shows how it's possible to switch from Laravel to NodeJS or shows why you'd want to stay with Laravel 😃

Full stack framework alternatives: Nest, Adonis