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Created April 21, 2020 14:51
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import pandas as pds
import numpy as np
import ffx
# Silence SKlearn warning on python3
def warn(*args, **kwargs):
import warnings
warnings.warn = warn
ffx_dir = 'data/ffx'
# Data meant to be used with command line FFX
test_X = (pds.read_csv('{}/natural_data_ffx_test_X.csv'.format(ffx_dir)))
test_Y = pds.read_csv('{}/natural_data_ffx_test_Y.csv'.format(ffx_dir))
train_X = (pds.read_csv('{}/natural_data_ffx_train_X.csv'.format(ffx_dir)))
train_Y = pds.read_csv('{}/natural_data_ffx_train_Y.csv'.format(ffx_dir))
# Train over variables found to be correlated with the Granger analysis
group_1 = ['WMGHG', 'Land_Use', 'Ozone', 'TropAerInd']
all_vars = ['WMGHG', 'Ozone', 'Solar', 'Land_Use', 'SnowAlb_BC', \
predictors = group_1#all_vars
train_X = train_X[predictors]
test_X = test_X[predictors]
# make sure predictors name are for each column are indentical
for i in range(len(predictors)):
assert(train_X.columns[i] == predictors[i])
assert(test_X.columns[i] == predictors[i])
# Merge train-test input and output values and generate them dynamically with
# respect to forecasting year K
data_X = np.append(train_X.to_numpy(), test_X.to_numpy(), axis=0)
data_Y = np.append(train_Y.to_numpy(), test_Y.to_numpy(), axis=0)
# Predict K years ahead
#Ks = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,9]
Ks = range(1,31)#[15,16,17,18,19,20]
Ks = [1] # For debugging purpose
for K in Ks:
print('\nModels Predicting {} years ahead:'.format(K))
# Remove the last K year data from as the Y value is unknown
cur_data_X = data_X[:len(data_X) - K]
# Shift Y values K steps up and remove the last K points.
cur_data_Y = np.roll(data_Y, -K, axis=0)[:len(data_Y) - K]
train_size = int(cur_data_X.shape[0]*0.8) #80%
# Prepare FFX inputs
cur_train_X = cur_data_X[:train_size]
cur_train_Y = cur_data_Y[:train_size]
cur_test_X = cur_data_X[train_size: ]
cur_test_Y = cur_data_Y[train_size: ]
assert(cur_test_X.shape[0] == cur_test_Y.shape[0])
assert(cur_train_X.shape[0] == cur_train_Y.shape[0])
models =, cur_train_Y, cur_test_X, \
cur_test_Y, predictors)
best_performing_model={'sq_err':float('inf'), 'model':None}
for model in models:
yhat = model.simulate(cur_test_X)
y = np.reshape(cur_test_Y, cur_test_Y.shape[0])
print(' * {}'.format(model))
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