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Last active October 4, 2018 18:27
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TribLive priority install
<h3>Nav autosuggest box</h3>
<div id="nav-search-box"></div>
<h3>Results Page</h3>
<div id="results-search-box"></div>
<div id="results-search-response"></div>
var getUrlParam = function(e){var t = new RegExp("[?&]" + e.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&") + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"),a = t.exec(window.location.href);return a && a[2] ? decodeURIComponent(a[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")) : ""};
var setup = function(c,a,f){function g(){var a=[],b=function(){a.push(arguments)};b.arr=a;c.sajari=c.sajari||{};c.sajari.ui=c.sajari.ui||[];c.sajari.ui.push(b);return b}var e=a.createElement("script");e.async=!0;e.src=f;var d=a.createElement("link");"script";d.rel="preload";d.crossorigin=!0;d.href=f;a.head.appendChild(d);a.head.appendChild(e);a=g();a.init=function(a){var b=g();b(a);return b};return a};
var sajari = setup(window, document, "//");
var searchInterface = sajari.init({
mode: "inline",
project: "1534384424562720477", // Set this to your project.
collection: "triblive-com", // Set this to your collection.
pipeline: "website", // Set the search pipeline.
instantPipeline: "autocomplete", // Set the instant pipeline.
attachSearchBox: document.getElementById("results-search-box"), // DOM element to render search box.
attachSearchResponse: document.getElementById("results-search-response"), // DOM element to render search results.
inputPlaceholder: "Search", // Placeholder text for the search box.
inputAutoFocus: false, // Focus the input element on render.
maxSuggestions: 5, // Maximum number of suggestions to show.
results: {"showImages": true }, // Configure the results.
values: {"q.override": true, "resultsPerPage": "10","q": getUrlParam("q"), "recent": true, "sort": "published-date", "fields": "title,description,image,url,author,category,published-date"}, // Set default values.
tabFilters: {defaultTab:"All",tabs:[{title:"All",filter:""},{title:"TribLive",filter:"domain=''"},{title:"Sewickley Herald",filter:"domain=''"},{title:"High School Sports Network",filter:"domain=''"}]}, // User selectable filters
styling: { theme: { colors: { brand: { primary: "#b32025" }}}}
var searchBox = setup(window, document, "//");
var searchBox = sajari.init({
mode: "search-box",
project: "1534384424562720477", // Set this to your project.
collection: "triblive-com", // Set this to your collection.
instantPipeline: "autocomplete", // Pipeline used as you type
inputPlaceholder: "Search", // Input element placeholder
maxSuggestions: 5, // Maximum number of suggestions to show
attachSearchBox: document.getElementById("nav-search-box") // DOM element to attach to
searchBox("sub", "", function (_, query) {
window.location = "/search/?q=" + encodeURIComponent(query.q);
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