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Last active September 8, 2018 03:20
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Dynamic content block
// 1. Assumes the following div exists in the page, note: you can change this using the "attachDynamicContent" setting
// <div id="dynamic-content"></div>
// 2. The "pipeline" parameter controls the query execution, this example uses "popular", this is configurable
// 3. The "values" map controls the query. You don't need the "q" parameter, but can use this to control the context of
// the results. For example you may wish to use the "document.title" to find related content to the current page
// 4. The filter parameter allows any number of filters to be used to filter the query results, e.g. to domains, or sections,
// or any other number of factors
var recommend = setup(window, document, "script", "sajari", "//");
mode: "dynamic-content", // Set the integration mode
project: "1534384424562720477",
collection: "triblive-com",
pipeline: "popular",
attachDynamicContent: document.getElementById("dynamic-content"),
values: {
q: "",
resultsPerPage: "3",
filter: "domain='' AND image!=''"
results: { showImages: true },
tracking: false,
searchOnLoad: true,
styling: {
theme: {
colors: {
brand: {
primary: "#b32025"
components: {
results: {
container: {
'max-width': '300px'
item: {
padding: '0.5rem',
marginBottom: 0
result: {
container: {
'align-items': 'normal',
'order-bottom': '1px solid #ccc'
title: {
'white-space': 'normal',
'overflow-wrap': 'normal',
'font-family': 'Stainless Cond Bd',
'font-style': 'normal',
'font-weight': 'normal',
'font-size': '1.0625em',
'line-height': '1.2942em'
description: {
display: 'none'
url: {
display: 'none',
transition: 'color 200ms'
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