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Created March 4, 2023 04:07
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enum Error {
class Result<T, E> {
T? value;
E? error;
Result.Ok(T value) {
this.value = value;
Result.Err(E error) {
this.error = error;
dynamic then({required Function ok, required Function err}) {
if (this.value != null) {
return ok(value);
if (this.error != null) {
return err(error);
class Record {
int _id;
get getId => _id;
Record({required id}) : _id = id;
String toString() => 'Record(id: $_id)';
class RecordStore {
final _records;
RecordStore({required records}) : _records = records;
Result<Record, Error> getRecordById(int searchId) {
if (searchId <= 0) return Result.Err(Error.notValidId);
for (final record in _records) {
if (record.getId == searchId) return Result.Ok(record);
return Result.Err(Error.recordNotFound);
void main() {
final store = RecordStore(
records: List<Record>.generate(10, (genNum) => Record(id: genNum)));
final result = store.getRecordById(-4);
result.then(ok: (record) {
}, err: (error) {
switch (error) {
case Error.recordNotFound:
print("Nothing to display at this time.");
case Error.notValidId:
"Invalid ID provided. Please enter a positive integer value for the record ID.");
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