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Created January 14, 2016 05:32
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// FutureKit+RAC.swift
// Created by Michael Gray on 9/10/15.
import Foundation
import ReactiveCocoa
import FutureKit
public extension SignalProducerType {
Start a SignalProducer and bind a Future<T> to it's signal.
Signals that complete without a sending a .Next(T) first, will assert on Debug builds, and return .Fail on release builds.
Signals that send .Error will return .Fail
Signals that send .Interrupted will return .Cancelled
public final func startWithFuture() -> Future<Value> {
let p = Promise<Value>()
self.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) -> () in
p.onRequestCancel { _ in
return CancelRequestResponse<Value>.Continue
return p.future
/// Forwards all events onto the given scheduler, instead of whichever
/// scheduler they originally arrived upon.
@warn_unused_result(message="Did you forget to call `start` on the producer?")
public func observeOn(executor: Executor) -> SignalProducer<Value, Error> {
return lift { $0.observeOn(executor) }
/// Forwards all events onto the given scheduler, instead of whichever
/// scheduler they originally arrived upon.
@warn_unused_result(message="Did you forget to call `start` on the producer?")
public func lazy() -> SignalProducer<Value, Error> {
return lift { $0.lazy() }
public extension SignalProducer {
create a SignalProducer, using any block that returns a Future<T>.
The block will be called everytime 'start' is called on the SignalProducer.
SignalProducer<Int,NSError> { () -> Future<Int> in
return functionThatReturnsFutureInt()
FutureResult maps to Event<T,E> as follows:
.Success(T) -> .Next(T)/.Completed
.Fail(errorType) -> .Error(errorType as! E)
.Cancelled -> .Interrupted
Warning: .Fail(errorType) payloads will be converted to E using as!.
This may cause exceptions if the Future returns an illegal errorType.
alternatively use `init(_ futureProducer: () -> Future<T>, mapError : (ErrorType) -> E)`
If SignalProducer defines the .NoError type, than an assertion will fail (in Debug Builds) if the Future returns an Error.
public init(_ futureProducer: () -> Future<Value>) {
self.init { observer, disposable in
let f = futureProducer()
disposable += f.getDisposable()
create a SignalProducer, using any block that returns a Future<T>.
The block will be called everytime 'start' is called on the SignalProducer.
FutureResult maps to Event<T,E> as follows:
.Success(T) -> .Next(T)/.Completed
.Fail(errorType) -> .Error(mapError(errorType))
.Cancelled -> .Interrupted
If SignalProducer defines the .NoError type E, than an assertion will fail (in Debug Builds) if the Future returns an Error.
public init(_ futureProducer: () -> Future<Value>, mapError : (ErrorType) -> Error) {
self.init { observer, disposable in
let f = futureProducer()
disposable += f.getDisposable()
f.completeSignal(observer, mapError: mapError)
extension Future {
public final func signal<E:ErrorType>(mapError : (ErrorType) -> E) -> Signal<T,E> {
let (signal,sink) = Signal<T,E>.pipe()
return signal
public final func signal<E:ErrorType>() -> Signal<T,E> {
let (signal,sink) = Signal<T,E>.pipe()
return signal
func getDisposableIfNotCompleted() -> Disposable? {
return self.getCancelToken()
func getDisposable() -> Disposable {
return self.getCancelToken()
// warning - this is implicity a one to many relationship between a Future and a SignalProducer.
// this may be useful to cache a Future and than generate a
// This will return a new producer that will just bind to this Future everytime start is called.
// If you need to create a new Future everytime 'start' is called on the producer, than use `SignalProducer(_ futureProducer: () -> Future<T>)` instead.
public final func producer<E : ErrorType>(mapError : (ErrorType) -> E) -> SignalProducer<T,E> {
return SignalProducer { sink,disposable in
self.completeSignal(sink, mapError: mapError)
public final func producer<E:ErrorType>() -> SignalProducer<T,E> {
return self.producer { (e) -> E in
return e as! E
extension CancellationToken : Disposable {
public var disposed: Bool {
return !self.cancelCanBeRequested
public func dispose() {
extension SignalType {
/// Forwards all events onto the given scheduler, instead of whichever
/// scheduler they originally arrived upon.
public final func observeOn(executor: Executor) -> Signal<Value, Error> {
return Signal { observer in
return self.observe { event in
executor.execute {
/// will reschedule events to run in the same Execution context, but only after an dispatchAsync()
public final func lazy() -> Signal<Value, Error> {
return observeOn(.CurrentAsync)
/** The extension is defined as internal, since it's actually tricky and dangerous to try to convert a Signal to a future,
unless you guarantee you can call completePromise() before the Signal has started reciving values
Use SignalProducer.startWithFuture() to bind a SignalProducer's Signal to a Future
internal extension SignalType {
internal final func completePromise(promise : Promise<Value>) {
var lastResultSeen : Value?
let disposable = self.observe { event in
switch event {
case .Next(let result):
lastResultSeen = result
case .Failed(let error):
case .Completed:
assert(lastResultSeen != nil, "Signal completed with a result!")
if let result = lastResultSeen {
else {
promise.completeWithFail("Signal completed with any result! (FutureKit Promise has been broken!)")
case .Interrupted:
// if someone requests we cancel the Future, than try to dispose of the future.
if let d = disposable {
promise.onRequestCancel { (options) -> CancelRequestResponse<Value> in
return .Continue // NOTE! We are trusting the Signal to send .Interrupted!
// warning - calling future on a Signal may not work correctly if the Signal is already been completed.
// Care should be taken.
// Consider using `SignalProducer(_ futureProducer: () -> Future<T>)`
internal final var future: Future<Value> {
let p = Promise<Value>()
return p.future
internal extension FutureResult {
func sendResultToObserver<E:ErrorType>(
observer : Observer<T,E>,
mapError : (ErrorType) -> E) {
switch self {
case let .Success(value):
case let .Fail(error):
assert(E.self != NoError.self, "Signal is of type NoError - don't send Errors!")
case .Cancelled:
func sendResultToObserver<E:ErrorType>(
observer : Observer<T,E>) {
return sendResultToObserver(observer, mapError: { (e) -> E in
return e as! E
extension Future {
internal final func completeSignal<E:ErrorType>(
observer : Observer<T,E>,
mapError : (ErrorType) -> E) {
self.onComplete { (result) -> Void in
result.sendResultToObserver(observer, mapError: mapError)
internal final func completeSignal<E:ErrorType>(
observer : Observer<T,E>) {
self.onComplete { (result) -> Void in
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