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Last active August 30, 2018 15:56
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import React, { Fragment } from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { Input, FormFeedback, FormText } from 'reactstrap';
export const renderTextField = ({ input, meta: { touched, error, warning }, ...custom }) => (
<Input {...(touched ? { valid: !error } : {})} {...input} {...custom} />
{error && <FormFeedback>{error}</FormFeedback>}
{!error && warning && <FormText>{warning}</FormText>}
renderTextField.propTypes = {
input: PropTypes.shape().isRequired,
meta: PropTypes.shape().isRequired,
type: PropTypes.string.isRequired
export const renderCheckbox = ({ input: { value, onChange } }) => (
<Input type="checkbox" checked={!!value} onChange={onChange} />
renderCheckbox.propTypes = {
input: PropTypes.shape().isRequired
export const renderSelectField = ({ input, meta: { touched, error }, children, ...custom }) => (
<Input type="select" {...(touched ? { valid: !error } : {})} {...input} {...custom}>
renderSelectField.propTypes = {
input: PropTypes.shape().isRequired,
meta: PropTypes.shape().isRequired,
children: PropTypes.node.isRequired
export const renderRadioField = ({ value, input, ...custom }) => (
<Input type="radio" checked={value === input.value} {...input} {...custom} />
renderRadioField.propTypes = {
input: PropTypes.shape().isRequired,
meta: PropTypes.shape().isRequired,
value: PropTypes.string.isRequired
export const renderField = props => {
switch (props.type) {
case 'text':
case 'textarea':
return renderTextField(props);
case 'select':
return renderSelectField(props);
case 'radio':
return renderRadioField(props);
case 'checkbox':
return renderCheckbox(props);
throw new TypeError('You need to provide simple type for Field component/');
// ....
<Label for="author_id">Select Author</Label>
<Field id="author_id" name="authorId" type="select" component={renderField}>
<option value="">Select Author</option>
{ => (
<option key={} value={}>
{`${author.firstName} ${author.lastName}`}
// ....
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