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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Summary of "Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1" course at Coursera.Org

This course is at an undergraduate level, likely situated in third or fourth year. Students should feel programming language concepts, including recursion, as well as proof techniques, including induction.

Week 1

I. Introduction

  • Why study algorithms, designer's mantra -- CAN WE DO BETTER
  • Karatsuba Multiplication
  • Merge Sort, analysis generalizes to Master Method
  • Merge Sort pseudo code -- recursively sort one half, then second half, finally merge the two sorted halves
  • Merge Sort running time -- 6n * log(n) + 6n

II. Asymptotic Analysis

  • Provides vocabulary for the design and analysis of algorithms
  • Coarse enough to suppress details, sharp enough to make useful comparisons between different algorithms
  • Suppress constant factors and lower-order terms
  • Big-Oh notation -- T(n) = O(f(n)) if for all sufficiently large n, T(n) is bounded above by a constant multiple of f(n)
  • Claim: O(nk) is not O(n(k-1))
  • Omega notation -- T(n) = OM(f(n)) if there exist constant c, n0 such that T(n) >= c * f(n) for every n > n0
  • Theta notation -- T(n) = O(f(n)) and T(n) = OM(f(n))
  • Theta notation -- there exist constants c1, c2, n0 such that c1*f(n) <= T(n) >= c2 * f(n) for every n > n0
  • Little-Oh notation -- T(n) = o(f(n)) if for all constants c>0, there exists a constant n0 such that T(n) <= c * f(n) for every n > n0

III. Divide and Conquer Algorithms

  • Counting inversions
  • Motivation -- numerical similarity measure between two ranked lists, e.g. collaborative filtering
  • Brute force is Theta(n**2), we can do better with Divide + Conquer, piggyback on merge sort
  • Counting the halves is trivial, but CountSplitInv in linear time is the challenge
  • Strassen algorithm for matrix multiplication
    • recursively compute only 7 (cleverly chosen) products
    • do the necessary (clever) additions + substractions
    • still Theta(n**2) time, but better than cubic time
  • Closest Pair Problem
    • input: a set P = { p1, ... , pn) of n points in the plane R**2
    • output: a pair (p,q) of distinct points that minimize the Euclidean distance over all (pi,qi) in the set P
  • Consider the problem in R (linear space) -- O(n**2) but sorting brings that down to O(n)
  • Make copies of points sorted by x and y coordinates, but that is not enough
  • ClosestSplitPair(Px, Py, delta), ... , p and q are at most 7 positions apart

Week 2

IV. The Master Method

  • Simple formulae for calculating Big-O time of algorithms; a black box for solving recurrences
  • Base case: T(n) <= a*T(n/b) + O(n**d), where a is number of recursive calls, b is input size shrinkage factor, d is exponent in running time of "combine step"
  • T(n) depends on the ratio of a and b**d
  • Examples: merge sort, binary search, integer multiplication, Strassen's matrix multiplication algorithm
  • Proof by induction -- base case and inductive step

V. Quicksort Algorithm

  • O(n*log(n)) time on average, works in place
  • Partitioning around a pivot, puts the pivot in its "rightful position, runs in linear time, reduces the problem size
  • Proof of correctness by induction
  • Important to choose good pivot, worst case is O(n**2)
  • Random pivots -- if always get a 25-75 split, good enough for O(n*log(n))

VI. Quicksort Analysis

  • Can not apply Master Method -- random pivot, unbalanced subproblems
  • Key Random Variable -- # of comparisons between two input elements made by QuickSort
  • A Decomposition Principle -- 1) Identify random variable Y that you really care about, 2) Express Y as sum of indicator random variables, 3) Apply Linearity of expectation

VII. Probability Review

  • Sample Spaces Omega -- all possible outcomes, Sum(p(i)) = 1
  • Events -- a subset S of Omega
  • Random Variables -- X is a real-valued function X: Omega -> R
  • Expectation E[X] of X -- average value of X = Sum(X(i) * p(i))
  • Linearity of Expectation -- E[ Sum(Xj) ] = Sum( E[Xj] )
  • Conditional Probability -- Pr[ X|Y ] = Pr[ X and Y ] / Pr[Y]
  • Independence of Events -- iff Pr[ X and Y ] = Pr[X] * Pr[Y]
  • Independence of Random Variables -- Pr[ A == a and B == b ] = Pr[ A == a ] * Pr[ B == b ]

Week 3


  • Randomized Selection Algorithm, reduction to sorting (qsort) leads to O(n*log(n))
  • Partitioning around a pivot, such that left of pivot are "less than pivot", right of pivot ...
  • Randomized selection is correct, running time depends on "quality" of pivot, worst is O(n**2), average is O(n) !
  • Deterministic Linear-Time Selection -- the key is for ChoosePivot() to return pretty good pivot very quickly
  • Use "median of medians" with out-of-place sorting, makes 2 recursive calls
  • Running time is O(n) but the constants are higher so it is not as good as Random Selection
  • Every "comparison-based" sorting has lower bound of O(n*log(n)) -- merge sort, qsort, heap sort
  • When making string assumptions about the sorted data -- Bucket Sort, Counting Sort, Radix Sort


  • Graphs, vertices, edges, dense and sparse graphs, matrix and adjacency list representations
  • Minimum Cut Problem is to find a cut with fewest number of crossing edges
  • Random Contraction Algorithm, what is the probability of success, what could go wrong
  • Low success probability - 1 / n**2, do repeated trials
  • Counting Minimum Cuts

Week 4

X. Graph Search and Connectivity

  • Generic Graph Search -- find everything "findable"
  • Breadth-First Search (BFS) -- explore nodes in "layers", can compute shortest paths, finds connected components of undirected graphs, run-time O(n+m)
  • Depth-First Search (DFS) -- explore aggressively, only backtrack when necessary, run-time is O(n+m), computes:
  • a topological ordering of a directed acyclic graph
  • strongly connected components of directed graphs
  • Topological Sort -- to sequence tasks while respecting all precedence constraints, if there is no directed cycle can compute topological ordering in O(n+m) time
  • Two solutions for Topological Sort -- straightforward and via DFS
  • Strongly Connected Components -- of a directed graph G are the equivalence classes of the following relation: u <-> v iff there is u -> v and v -> u
  • Kosaraju algorithm -- two passed of DFS, plus some clever additional book-keeping
  • Applications of SCC to web -- all 4 parts: one giant SCC, IN, OUT, tubes + tendrils, have roughly the same size, within CORE is very well connected, outside is surprisingly poorly connected

Week 5

XI. Dijkstra's Shortest-path Algorithm

  • Single-source shortest path, when each edge may have different cost, BFS "assumes" when all edges have equal cost
  • Works only if path cost is non-negative
  • Proof of correctness by induction on the number of iterations
  • Naive implementation has runtime O(nm), but by using heap data structure it goes down to O(mlog(n))

XII. Heaps

  • Canonical use -- fast way to do repeated minimum, or maximum but not both, computations
  • Turns Selection Sort O(n**2) into Heap Sort with O(n*log(n))
  • Supported operations -- Insert O(log(n)), Extract-Min O(log(n)), Heapify O(?), Delete O(log(n))
  • Another name is Priority Queue
  • Applications
  • 2-SUM tasks, with alternative solitions 1, 2, 3
  • Median maintenance
  • Dijkstra's shortest-path algorithm

XIII. Balanced Binary Search Trees

  • Better than sorted array, albeit a bit slower, because they support faster insertions and deletions
  • Search trees can degenerate into linked list, affecting the performance of operations, O(tree-height)
  • Red-black trees, also AVL-trees, splay-trees, B-trees
  • Red-black invariants:
  • Each node is red or black
  • Root node is black
  • No two red nodes in a row
  • Every root-NULL path must have the same number of blacks nodes
  • Every red-black tree has Height <= 2 * log(n+1)
  • Key primitives -- left rotation and right rotation
  • Insertions and deletions, not quite simple operations

Week 6

XIV. Hashing: The Basics

  • Purpose -- fast O(1) operations
  • Supported operations
  • Applications -- de-duplication, determine of the sum of 2 integers is in the hash table, symbol tables in compilers
  • Naive implementation -- array, list
  • Birthday paradox
  • Resolving conflicts -- chaining, open addressing (linear probing or double-hashing)
  • What is bad hash function; what makes a good hash function
  • Should "spread data out"
  • Should be easy to evaluate
  • How to choose the number of buckets -- prime number, not too close to power of 2, not too close to power of 10

XV. Universal Hashing

  • The load of the hash table = # of objects / # of buckets, for good performance must control the load factor
  • Hash function with good performance for every data set does not exist; pathological data set
  • Solutions
  • Use cryptographic hash function
  • Use randomization
  • Universal Hash Function -- a set of hash functions H: U -> { 0,1, ..., n } such that for any x,y in U: Pr[ x,y collide } <= 1/n, when h is chosen uniformly at random from H
  • Collision resolution with chaining gives constant-time guarantee -- Carter-Wegman 1979 Theorem
  • Performance of the collision resolution with open address depends on the load factor

XVI. Bloom Filters

  • Pros -- fast inserts and lookups, space efficient, no false negatives
  • Cons -- can't store the object, no deletions, small probability for false positives
  • Applications -- spellcheckers, list of forbidden passwords, internet routing
  • Under the hood -- array of n bits, k hash functions
  • Trade-off between space and error, to minimize the error increase the space
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