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Last active February 14, 2021 23:51
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Summary of "How Google does Machine Learning" from Coursera.Org

What is machine learning, and what kinds of problems can it solve? Google thinks about machine learning slightly differently -- of being about logic, rather than just data. We talk about why such a framing is useful for data scientists when thinking about building a pipeline of machine learning models.

Then, we discuss the five phases of converting a candidate use case to be driven by machine learning, and consider why it is important the phases not be skipped. We end with a recognition of the biases that machine learning can amplify and how to recognize this.

Intro to Specialization

  • In 5 years -- 2012-17 Google has built and deployed over 4000 ML models
  • Google Clould offers great tools and services for deploying ML models to prodiction
  • Goals
    • ML with TensorFlow
    • Improving ML accuracy
    • ML at scale
    • Specialized ML models

Refs: Graffiti Artist Classifier, Pose-Estimator with Move Mirror

Labs and demos: Training Data Analyst

What it means to be AI-first

  • Artificial Intelligence is a discipline; machine learning is a specific way of solving AI problems
  • In ML, machines learn. They don’t start out intelligent, become intelligent.
  • Train an ML model with examples, then predict with a trained model
  • Neural networks is one important technology we use
  • ML replaces heuristics, it converts examples into knowledge
  • Many ML projects fail because of training-serving skew

How Google does ML

  • Google infuses ML into almost all its product
  • The ML surprise
    • Defining KPI’s
    • Collecting data
    • Building infrastructure
    • Optimizing ML algorithm
    • Integration
  • Path to ML: The 5 phases
    • Individual contributor
    • Delegation
    • Digitization
    • Big Data and Analytics
    • Machine learning

Inclusive ML

  • Machine learning and human bias
  • The confusion matrix leads to evaluation metric insights
    • True positives
    • False positives -- Type I error
    • False negatives -- Type II Error
    • True negatives
  • Sometimes false negatives are better than false positives
  • The Equality of Opportunity approach strives to give individuals an equal chance of desired outcome
    • Simulating decisions with no constraints can lead to unequal distribution
    • Simulating decisions with group unaware holds everyone to the same standard, which can be unfair to some groups
  • How to find errors in your dataset using Facets
    • Gives users a quick understanding of the distribution of values across features of their datasets

Python notebooks in the cloud

  • AI Platform Notebooks (formerly Cloud Datalab) are a fully hosted version of the popular JupyterLab notebook environment
  • Compute Engine and Cloud Storage
    • Customizable machine types and flexible compute options
    • Control latency and availability with zones and regions
$ datalab create my-datalab-vm --machine-type n1-highmem-8 --zone us-central1-a

Lab: Geographic data in Datalab

  • Analyzing data using AI Platform Notebooks and BigQuery

Lab: Data Analysis using Datalab and BigQuery, (notebook)

  COUNT(1) AS num_flights,
  APPROX_QUANTILES(arrival_delay, 10) AS arrival_delay_deciles
  num_flights > 100
  departure_delay ASC

from import bigquery
df = bigquery.Client().query(query).to_dataframe()

import pandas as pd
percentiles = df['arrival_delay_deciles'].apply(pd.Series)
percentiles = percentiles.rename(columns = lambda x : str(x*10) + "%")
df = pd.concat([df['departure_delay'], percentiles], axis=1)

without_extremes = df.drop(['0%', '100%'], 1)
without_extremes.plot(x='departure_delay', xlim=(-30,50), ylim=(-50,50));
  • Machine Learning APIs
    • Cloud Vision - Complex image detection with a simple REST request
    • Cloud Video Intelligence - Understands your video entities by shot, frame or video level
    • Cloud Speech - Speech to text transcription in 100+ languages
    • Cloud Translation - Translate text into 100+ languages
    • Cloud Natural Language - Understand text with a simple REST API request

Lab: Invoking Machine Learning APIs, (notebook)


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