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Created November 1, 2016 14:19
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:source-paths #{"src"}
'[[yada "1.1.39" :exclusions [aleph manifold ring-swagger prismatic/schema]]
[aleph "0.4.2-alpha8"]
[manifold "0.1.6-alpha3"]
[metosin/ring-swagger "0.22.12"]
[prismatic/schema "1.1.3"]])
aot {:namespace #{'reproducer}}
jar {:main 'reproducer})
(require '[reproducer :refer [go!]])
(defn- run-system
[& args]
(deftask run
(with-pass-thru _
(ns reproducer
(:require [bidi.bidi :refer [tag]]
[bidi.verbose :as bv]
[ring.swagger.schema :as rss]
[schema.core :as s]
[yada.yada :as yada]))
(defn handler
(prn (get-in ctx [:parameters :query]))
(defn- foo-resource
(yada/resource {:id :reproducer/event
:description "Bogus endpoint"
:responses {400 {:produces #{"text/plain"}
:description "Missing parameters or bad types"
:response (fn [ctx] "")}
200 {:produces #{"text/plain"}
:description "Event recorded"
:response (fn [ctx] "")}}
{:produces #{"application/json;q=0.9"
:consumes #{"*"}
:parameters {:query {:b (rss/field s/Str {:description "Bogus"})}}
:response handler}}
:access-control {:allow-origin "*"}})))
(def routes
(bv/leaf "" (-> (foo-resource)
(yada/swaggered {:info {:title "bogus"
:version "1.0"
:description "bogus"}})
(tag :reproducer/routes)))
(bv/leaf true (yada/handler nil))))
(defn go!
(let [x (promise)]
(yada/listener routes {:port 3232})
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