#!/usr/bin/env ruby -rubygems -w |
# Lookup Travis CI build status of the current branch. |
# Exit with error status if build in progress or has failed. |
# |
# Dependenices: json (on ruby 1.8), hub |
begin |
require 'json' |
require 'time' |
require 'net/http' |
require 'hub/context' |
require 'hub/ssh_config' |
rescue LoadError |
abort $!.to_s |
end |
## helper methods |
include Hub::Context |
def get(url) |
case response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(url)) |
when Net::HTTPSuccess then JSON.parse(response.body) |
when Net::HTTPNotFound then abort "error: project not found on Travis" |
else abort "error: Travis API returned status #{response.code}" |
end |
end |
def to_branch(name) |
name = "refs/heads/#{name}" unless name.include?('/') |
Branch.new(local_repo, name) |
end |
## figure out current repo state |
branch = ARGV[0] ? to_branch(ARGV[0]) : current_branch or abort "no git branch" |
project = current_project or abort "git remote not pointing to a GitHub project" |
upstream = branch.upstream || to_branch("refs/remotes/#{project.remote}/#{branch.short_name}") |
pushed_rev = git_command("rev-parse #{upstream}") or abort "invalid upstream branch: #{upstream}" |
upstream_name = upstream.to_s.sub('refs/remotes/', '') |
## warn about unpushed commits |
if local_commits = git_command("rev-list --cherry #{upstream}...") |
warn "%d commits not yet pushed to %s" % [ |
local_commits.split("\n").size, |
upstream_name |
] |
end |
## talk to Travis |
builds = get('http://travis-ci.org/%s/builds.json' % current_project.name_with_owner) |
if build = builds.find {|b| b['commit'] == pushed_rev } |
if build['result'] |
if build['result'] == 0 |
puts "%s built OK." % upstream_name |
else |
warn "%s build failed." % upstream_name |
exit build['result'] |
end |
else |
started_at = Time.parse build['started_at'] |
seconds = Time.now - started_at |
abort "build in progress (%d seconds)" % seconds |
end |
else |
queue_name = case current_project.owner |
when 'rails', 'spree' then current_project.owner |
else |
conf = '.travis.yml' |
case lang = File.exist?(conf) && File.read(conf) =~ /\blanguage:\s*(\w+)\b/ && $1 |
when 'ruby' then 'common' |
when 'java', 'scala', 'groovy', 'clojure' then 'jvm' |
else |
lang || 'common' |
end |
end |
# check if build is waiting in the queue |
if queue = get("http://travis-ci.org/jobs.json?state=created&queue=builds.#{queue_name}") and !queue.empty? |
repo_id = builds.any? ? builds.first['repository_id'] : |
get('http://travis-ci.org/%s.json' % current_project.name_with_owner)['id'] |
if queue.any? { |b| b['repository_id'] == repo_id } |
abort "builds are waiting in the queue" |
end |
end |
abort "no build for #{upstream_name}" |
end |
Hey, just a heads up that Travis CI now forces HTTPS, so you have to use
and net/https, or the script will fail with a 301 response.See my fork for a fix: https://gist.github.com/1708408