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Last active December 27, 2015 15:39
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Script to help study and understand conversions from binary to decimal or decimal to binary
puts "Do CTRL+C at anytime to end the program.\nCoded by Kenneth Uy / missingno15"
#Option to study Binary→Decimal or Decimal→Binary
puts "\nPress 1 to study Binary→Decimal\nPress 2 to study Decimal→Binary"
print "> "; option = gets.chomp
#Checks to make sure that user input is only either 1 or 2
until option == "1" || option == "2"
puts "\nSorry! Invalid option! Please try again!"
puts "\nPress 1 to study Binary→Decimal\nPress 2 to study Decimal→Binary"
print "> "; option = gets.chomp
if option == "1"
puts "\nBinary→Decimal initialized"
base2 = [0,1]
binary = ""
rand_digit = rand(1..8)
#Generates a binary number up to 8 digits
until binary.length == rand_digit
binary = binary + base2.sample.to_s
loop do
puts "\nWhat is #{binary} in decimal?"
print "> "; answer = gets.chomp
puts "The answer is #{binary.to_i(2)}.\n"
#Resets binary number
binary = ""
until binary.length == rand_digit
binary = binary + base2.sample.to_s
rand_digit = rand(1..8) #Resets random number of digits
puts "\nDecimal→Binary initialized"
#Generates random decimal number
decimal = rand(1..128)
loop do
puts "\nWhat is #{decimal} in binary?"
print "> "; answer = gets.chomp
puts "The answer is #{decimal.to_s(2)}.\n"
decimal = rand(1..256) # Resets binary number
# Links that helped me out:
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