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Last active February 24, 2021 06:52
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adjustments for python 2
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# *************************
# ** Before running this **
# ** code ensure you've **
# ** turned on SPI on **
# ** your Raspberry Pi **
# ** & installed the **
# ** Waveshare library **
# *************************
import os, time, timeit, sys, random, signal
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance
import ffmpeg
from fractions import Fraction
import configargparse
except ImportError:
import argparse
# Ensure this is the correct import for your particular screen
from waveshare_epd import epd7in5_V2 as epd_driver
# Defaults
frameIncrement = 4
timeInterval = 120
contrast = 1.0
fileTypes = [".mp4", ".mkv"]
def exithandler(signum, frame):
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
def clamp(n, smallest, largest):
return max(smallest, min(n, largest))
def generate_frame(in_filename, out_filename, time):
.input(in_filename, ss=time)
.filter("scale", "iw*sar", "ih")
.filter("scale", width, height, force_original_aspect_ratio=1)
.filter("pad", width, height, -1, -1)
.output(out_filename, vframes=1)
.run(capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True)
def check_mp4(value):
if not os.path.isfile(value):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%s does not exist" % value)
if not supported_filetype(value):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%s is not a supported file type" % value)
return value
def supported_filetype(file):
_, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
return ext.lower() in fileTypes
def video_info(file):
videoInfo = ffmpeg.probe(file)
frameCount = int(videoInfo["streams"][0]["nb_frames"])
framerate = videoInfo["streams"][0]["avg_frame_rate"]
framerate = float(Fraction(framerate))
frametime = 1000 / framerate
return frameCount, framerate, frametime
viddir = "Videos"
logdir = "logs"
if "configargparse" in sys.modules:
parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(default_config_files=["slowmovie.conf"])
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-r", "--random", action = "store_true", help = "Display random frames")
parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", type = check_mp4, help = "Specify an MP4 file to play")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--delay", default = timeInterval, type = int, help = "Time between updates, in seconds")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--increment", default = frameIncrement, type = int, help = "Number of frames to advance on update")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--start", type = int, help = "Start at a specific frame")
parser.add_argument("-c", "--contrast", default=contrast, type=float, help = "Adjust image contrast (default: 1.0)")
parser.add_argument("-a", "--adjust-delay", action = "store_true", help = "Reduce delay by the amount of time taken to display a frame.")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--loop", action = "store_true", help = "Loop single video.")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not os.path.isdir(logdir):
if not os.path.isdir(viddir):
# First we try the file argument...
currentVideo = args.file
# ...then the last played file...
if not currentVideo and os.path.isfile("nowPlaying"):
with open("nowPlaying") as file:
lastVideo = file.readline().strip()
if os.path.isfile(lastVideo):
currentVideo = lastVideo
# ...then we look in the videos folder.
if not currentVideo:
videos = os.listdir(viddir)
for file in videos:
if supported_filetype(file):
currentVideo = os.path.join(viddir, file)
# If none of the above worked, exit.
if not currentVideo:
print("No videos found")
print("Update interval: " + str(args.delay))
if not args.random:
print("Frame increment: " + str(args.increment))
with open("nowPlaying", "w") as file:
videoFilename = os.path.basename(currentVideo)
if not args.loop:
viddir = os.path.dirname(currentVideo)
videos = list(filter(supported_filetype, os.listdir(viddir)))
fileIndex = videos.index(videoFilename)
logfile = os.path.join(logdir, videoFilename + ".progress")
epd = epd_driver.EPD()
width = epd.width
height = epd.height
frameCount, framerate, frametime = video_info(currentVideo)
if not args.random:
if args.start:
currentFrame = clamp(args.start, 0, frameCount)
print("Starting at frame " + str(currentFrame))
elif (os.path.isfile(logfile)):
# Open the log file and update the current position
with open(logfile) as log:
currentFrame = int(log.readline())
currentFrame = clamp(currentFrame, 0, frameCount)
except ValueError:
currentFrame = 0
currentFrame = 0
lastVideo = None
while 1:
if lastVideo != currentVideo:
print("Playing '%s'" % videoFilename)
lastVideo = currentVideo
timeStart = timeit.default_timer()
if args.random:
currentFrame = random.randint(0, frameCount)
msTimecode = "%dms" % (currentFrame * frametime)
# Use ffmpeg to extract a frame from the movie, letterbox/pillarbox it and save it as frame.bmp
generate_frame(currentVideo, "/dev/shm/frame.bmp", msTimecode)
# Open frame.bmp in PIL
pil_im ="/dev/shm/frame.bmp")
if args.contrast != 1:
enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(pil_im)
pil_im = enhancer.enhance(args.contrast)
# Dither the image into a 1 bit bitmap
#pil_im = pil_im.convert(mode = "1", dither = Image.FLOYDSTEINBERG)
# display the image
#print("Diplaying frame %d of '%s'" % (currentPosition, videoFilename))
if not args.random:
currentFrame += args.increment
if currentFrame > frameCount:
# end of video
if not args.loop:
# go to next video in folder
fileIndex += 1
if fileIndex >= len(videos):
# last video in folder; go to first
fileIndex = 0
videoFilename = videos[fileIndex]
currentVideo = os.path.join(viddir, videoFilename)
with open("nowPlaying", "w") as file:
# get info for new video
logfile = os.path.join(logdir, videoFilename + ".progress")
frameCount, framerate, frametime = video_info(currentVideo)
currentFrame = 0
with open(logfile, "w") as log:
timeDiff = timeit.default_timer() - timeStart
if args.adjust_delay:
time.sleep(max(args.delay - timeDiff, 0))
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