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Last active July 6, 2024 21:18
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  • Save missnora07/bd6f61e3d9ea9ad57d408d334c87163b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save missnora07/bd6f61e3d9ea9ad57d408d334c87163b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//credits to souravkl11
const {Module} = require('../main');
const {Mimetype} = require('@adiwajshing/baileys');
const fs = require('fs');
const got = require("got");
const axios = require('axios');
const setting = require('../config');
const {getPost,skbuffer} = require('raganork-bot');
const {downloadGram} = require('./misc/misc');
const Config = require('../config');
const s = require('../config');
var need = "*_Need instagram link!_*";
var downloading = "_*Downloading*_";
var need_acc = "*_Need an instagram username!_*";
var fail = "*_Download failed! Check your link and try again_*";
var need_acc_s = "_Need an instagram username or link!_";
let sourav = setting.MODE == 'public' ? false : true
pattern: 'xinsta ?(.*)',
fromMe: sourav,
desc: 'Instagram image downloader',
usage: 'insta link or reply to a link',
use: 'download'
}, (async (msg, query) => {
var q = query[1] || msg.reply_message?.text
if (q && (q.startsWith('l') || q.includes('youtu'))) return;
if (!q) return await msg.sendReply("*Need instagram link*")
if (q.includes("stories")) return await msg.sendReply("*Use .story command!*")
if (q && !q.includes('')) return await msg.client.sendMessage(msg.jid, {
text: need
}, {
var getid = /(?:https?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:instagram\.com(?:\/.+?)?\/(p|reel|tv)\/)([\w-]+)(?:\/)?(\?.*)?$/
var url = getid.exec(q)
if (url != null) {
var res = await downloadGram(url[0])
if (res == false) return await msg.sendReply("*Download failed*");
var quoted = msg.reply_message ? msg.quoted :
for (var i in res) {
await msg.client.sendMessage(msg.jid,{[res[i].includes("mp3")?'audio':'audio']:{url:res[i]}},{quoted})
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