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Last active March 12, 2018 08:49
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Python Tricks
# Different ways to test multiple
# flags at once in Python
x, y, z = 0, 1, 0
if x == 1 or y == 1 or z == 1:
if 1 in (x, y, z):
# These only test for truthiness:
if x or y or z:
if any((x, y, z)):
# How to merge two dictionaries
# in Python 3.5+
>>> x = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> y = {'b': 3, 'c': 4}
>>> z = {**x, **y}
>>> z
{'c': 4, 'a': 1, 'b': 3}
# Using namedtuple is way shorter than
# defining a class manually:
>>> from collections import namedtuple
>>> Car = namedtuple('Car', 'color mileage')
# Our new "Car" class works as expected:
>>> my_car = Car('red', 3812.4)
>>> my_car.color
>>> my_car.mileage
# We get a nice string repr for free:
>>> my_car
Car(color='red' , mileage=3812.4)
# Like tuples, namedtuples are immutable:
>>> my_car.color = 'blue'
AttributeError: "can't set attribute"
# The get() method on dicts
# and its "default" argument
name_for_userid = {
382: "Alice",
590: "Bob",
951: "Dilbert",
def greeting(userid):
return "Hi %s!" % name_for_userid.get(userid, "there")
>>> greeting(382)
"Hi Alice!"
>>> greeting(333333)
"Hi there!"
# Function argument unpacking
def myfunc(x, y, z):
print(x, y, z)
tuple_vec = (1, 0, 1)
dict_vec = {'x': 1, 'y': 0, 'z': 1}
>>> myfunc(*tuple_vec)
1, 0, 1
>>> myfunc(**dict_vec)
1, 0, 1
# In-place value swapping
# Let's say we want to swap
# the values of a and b...
a = 23
b = 42
# The "classic" way to do it
# with a temporary variable:
tmp = a
a = b
b = tmp
# Python also lets us
# use this short-hand:
a, b = b, a
# Functions are first-class citizens in Python.
# They can be passed as arguments to other functions,
# returned as values from other functions, and
# assigned to variables and stored in data structures.
>>> def myfunc(a, b):
... return a + b
>>> funcs = [myfunc]
>>> funcs[0]
<function myfunc at 0x107012230>
>>> funcs[0](2, 3)
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