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Maxime Beauchemin mistercrunch

View GitHub Profile
# * in chrome right click the transscript container
# * inspect the html and copy the html into your clipboard
# * paste into a file, say "/tmp/gongcall.html
# * run `python | pbcopy` to get the transscript in your clipboard
# * paste into GPT "here's a transcript from a sales call, please summarize it"
# * ask follow up questions ...
# Make sure to install the following dep ->
# pip install beautifulsoup4
# Airbnb Almond Cookies
sooo.. i would recommend searching for a ricciarelli recipe that is a much more manageable size then the one i have. most of the recipes I have found on the internet have them as a diamond shaped cookie that is flat. i like to make these with a small muffin scoop so they are domed and you get the balance between crunchy and chewy. can play around with amounts of these
## ./configure:
* 1 pound: almond meal
* 1.25 pounds: powdered sugar
* 1/2 Cup: egg whites
* 1/3 Tablespoon baking powder
* to taste: salt
Given a source table and a DATETIME or DATE column, this macro returns
a DATE `YYYY-MM-DD` pointing the the most recent available day.
For streaming tables that come in impredictable batches, the previous_day
flag when on will very likely point to the latest FULL day as we can
safely assume that if we have received event for a given day, the
previous one is complete.
{%- macro latest_dt(source_table, dttm_column="ds", previous_day=False) -%}
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
from clint.arguments import Args
from clint.textui import puts, colored, indent
# this lives in
class AirbnbAuthRemoteUserView(AuthRemoteUserView):
def add_role_if_missing(self, sm, user_id, role_name):
found_role = sm.find_role(role_name)
session = sm.get_session
user = session.query(sm.user_model).get(user_id)
if found_role and found_role not in user.roles:
user.roles += [found_role]
class AirbnbAuthRemoteUserView(AuthRemoteUserView):
def add_role_if_missing(self, sm, user_id, role_name):
found_role = sm.find_role(role_name)
session = sm.get_session
user = session.query(sm.user_model).get(user_id)
if found_role and found_role not in user.roles:
user.roles += [found_role]

Airflow recap since 1.7.1 (Jun 23rd)

  • 243 PRs by 61 committers
  • 437 messages on the mailing list
  • 40 companies
  • Upcoming unsolicited talk: "A Practical Introduction to Airflow" at PyBay by MattDavis (Clover health)

No wonder it's hard to keep up!

Committers with 1 + Commit

Airflow recap since 1.7.1 (Jun 23rd)

  • 243 PRs by 61 committers
  • 437 messages on the mailing list
  • 40 companies
  • Upcoming unsolicited talk: "A Practical Introduction to Airflow" at PyBay by MattDavis (Clover health)

No wonder it's hard to keep up!

Committers with 1 + Commit

node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --ignore-path=.eslintignore --ext .js . javascripts/SqlLab/components/*.jsx
SELECT generate_aggregate_2_filters( 'video_views_102384', '2016-06-01 00:00:00', '{ ds }' ,'viewer_application_name','viewer_os_version');
should be
SELECT generate_aggregate_2_filters( 'video_views_102384', '2016-06-01 00:00:00', ds ,'viewer_application_name','viewer_os_version');