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Created June 25, 2011 03:45
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fine grained but not micro managed
mistergibson do the engines declare in any explicit way, a list of capabilities - or what it is that it provides (programmatically) ?
ordordord Hello, when someone deletes a page in the backend, that page along with all its children are lost forever. is that correct?
09:14 Kagetsuki mistergibson: If that engine is from a gem you'll get the dependencies when you install the gem - assuming they were properly set
09:15 Kagetsuki however you may need to set up some engines in order if they depend on eachother
mistergibson Kagetsuki: that's not what I mean, wrong context
Kagetsuki I'm sorry, can you clarify?
09:16 mistergibson Kagetsuki: within a deps-in-full satisfied and running state -- does the engine declare : I provide crud on model_a, crud,search on model_b ...
mistergibson ?
mistergibson verb : noun pairs
09:17 mistergibson just speculating
mistergibson I suppose you could just do a list of the engines models and list the methods of them
09:18 mistergibson but that does not provide context as to what is intended as public interface for interaction between itself and other engines
Kagetsuki well I'm assuming if you dug into the controllers and what not you'd be able to figure it out? I don't think I understand your situation well enough.
mistergibson I have no situation yet -- I'm just doing some conceptual modeling now
Kagetsuki perhaps you want to add functionality but aren't sure if an engine already available will provide that?
09:19 mistergibson or
mistergibson I have to establish fine grained permissions to user roles, etc
mistergibson not just 'can access plugin or not'
Kagetsuki aah, I'm working on something like that myself
mistergibson really?
09:20 mistergibson I'm going to be messing with the roles management section
Kagetsuki well probably not in the depth that you are looking for
<- ordordord has disconnected (Quit: ordordord)
Kagetsuki there is refinerycms-members that you could look at. It does not provide the depth of control you are looking for, but it could be a start or a reference
09:21 mistergibson I was wondering about making a formal proposal for what I'm talking about. The trick is to do it in a way that provides enough external hints and guides, without constraining free-form implementation
mistergibson I saw that
Kagetsuki I actually just got rid of it because it did not suite my needs
mistergibson would you consider a discussion with rbriank, myself, and others about this area?
Kagetsuki so you mean to actually propse something for the core
09:22 Kagetsuki I seriously doubt what I am trying to do is worth any consideration for a core implementation
mistergibson I'm not sure how else to do it -- it would require the engines to make some statement about their public interfaces for others to interact with in my estimation
Kagetsuki aaah, now I understand what you are saying
mistergibson that's ok -- what I'm looking for in the discussion is to basically flesh it out and attempt to meet several goal areas at the same time
09:23 Kagetsuki you basically want some way to derive what an engine can do, and without explicitly setting things determine if a user can access that
mistergibson sort of
mistergibson roles get a record of what engines' verb:noun pair are enabled, and that gets used for the user
09:24 mistergibson so... in a helper or controller you simply do current_user.can_do?(:verb, :noun)
Kagetsuki like (:create, :news)?
mistergibson yes
Kagetsuki (:delete, :blog)
mistergibson or even (:some_funky_action, :thingy)
mistergibson yup
09:25 Kagetsuki that's actually interesting, I could easily see using that
mistergibson so, you can list crud +
Kagetsuki :index, :product
09:26 Kagetsuki :reorder, :items
mistergibson it is a set of ideas that gathered around what I see going on. members, members-ci, membership ... this grouped permission thing keeps trying to get into the code --- because it is *needed*
mistergibson exactly
09:27 mistergibson so, instead of forcing everyone to re-invent a wheel : provide a basic one that you can embellish
Kagetsuki I think you'd need to add to existing engines, I can't think of what would provide that grain of detail off hand
mistergibson yes, that's the rub
mistergibson but at least it is early in the life of Refinery
mistergibson a hassle to be sure, but doable
09:28 mistergibson a year from now -- good luck
mistergibson and you'll end up with 5 differing systems for it
mistergibson >ouch<
Kagetsuki but simply having nothing accessable until it was defined would be "secure", and if you had a secondary file that you could use to set those attributes without actually touching the engine you wouldn't have to worry about customizations to engines being destroyed in updates
09:29 mistergibson the roles and permissions are in a table
mistergibson like anything else
mistergibson merged in, seeded with defaults
mistergibson but you'll have to set them when you add an engine, or it must be provided for what defaults are set by a soft policy of some sort
Kagetsuki aah, so if you have a standard set of engines already just adding those defaults to the seeds would be enough
09:30 mistergibson pretty much
Kagetsuki if engines had overrides you could put that in the migration
Kagetsuki clever
mistergibson engines only tell you what they do for you
mistergibson your roles and permissions store how it is set loose
Kagetsuki assuming they tell you
mistergibson well, that's what an admin does -- sets security policy implementations
09:31 mistergibson I'd consider it a part of the setup
Kagetsuki either way I'll be honest and tell you this is a problem beyond me at the moment. I'm still very new to Rails and Refinery
09:32 Kagetsuki I do think that's a very good idea though
mistergibson I'm new to RefineryCMS ... fresh off the boat
Kagetsuki as long as it was unintrusive by default of course
mistergibson but I see the need for this very clearly
mistergibson sure, where possible
09:33 -> veronatii has joined refinerycms
mistergibson the only thing I think I'm really asking from the existing engines, is to give me a bloody hash of what your engine does in verb:noun pairs ... not too much to ask
mistergibson might take them all of 5 minutes?
09:34 mistergibson I'm not asking them to give me a typed arity table or some crap ... just a simple hash of what it will let people do...
Kagetsuki I actually have no idea on that one. I'm assuming you could derive a fair ammount of information from the controllers at least
09:35 Kagetsuki but probably not in the detail or context you would really need
Kagetsuki especially for oddball non CRUD actions
09:36 mistergibson perhaps, but it would be very easy for them to add one method : def capabilities();{:noun => [:action1, :action2, :action3]};end
mistergibson not the full method list, but rather an activity-level :symbol
09:37 mistergibson it won't substitute for your reviewing the engine docs
mistergibson but it will give you a very easy to enforce security model you don't have to micro-manage in the controller, and helpers
Kagetsuki as long as there is a safe fallback and way to set that externally from the engine root I think that's a nice idea
mistergibson safe fallback?
09:38 mistergibson ... and yes - the engine simply makes a declaration via this idea ... it comes from within it
Kagetsuki - if the tags aren't set then have it use a default set of rules that wouldn't present a security threat on a running system
09:39 mistergibson I'd have to explore that
mistergibson crud would be default on any engine model
Kagetsuki well, disabling create and delete for any non-administrator class user by default would probably be good enough
mistergibson but it is up to the helper/controller to enforce the security ... that is where the flexibility comes in
09:40 mistergibson sure, imagine instead of on/off plug-in access you have: read, write, create, destroy, x,y,z
mistergibson with checkboxes
-> nicinabox has joined refinerycms
Kagetsuki right, like how there is the "plugin access" checkboxes there now - add a subset below each checkbox with the permissions
09:41 Kagetsuki having groups would be a good idea as well
mistergibson roles will fill that one
Kagetsuki ah, yes
mistergibson it will be the grouping index
09:42 Kagetsuki sounds solid, I like it
Kagetsuki definitely something worth being in the core functionality
jadams but I'd like to have all of this work nicely together / promote a good memberships engine that's modular and maintained
03:22 mistergibson ok : if we can get any given engine to support a method called capabilities and return a hash like {:model_name_a => [:action1, :action2, :action3], :engine_name => [:action1, :action2]} ...
mistergibson that will supply a much needed set of hints to the roles managment page
03:23 mistergibson where you select more than just plug-in access/or/not but a finer grained permission set for that role group.
mistergibson and then simply add any given user to that role group
mistergibson *then*
03:24 mistergibson in the helpers / controllers you call a method added to current_user : if current_user.can_do?(:noun, :verb);do_this;else;do_that;end
03:25 mistergibson when the user logs in, an OR compiled set of nouns/verbs like in a keychain from the various roles the user is a part of
mistergibson is stored in the session var
mistergibson so there isn't massive repetitive calls to the db slowing the whole affair down
03:26 mistergibson so the security prefs are enforced in the helper (building up the page widgets / editors/ etc)
jadams would we use cancan for can_do?
mistergibson and in the controller (in case someone tries something sneaky)
mistergibson hehe
03:27 mistergibson whatever, it is just intended to be simple
jadams sure
mistergibson that is the nutshell of the idea
mistergibson it would require existing engines to support this method
mistergibson and future ones as well
mistergibson but it is only one method
jadams it wouldn't require it if they just don't use role management, would it?
03:28 mistergibson if your custom uber app doesn't use this feature -- no harm no foul
mistergibson just do as you do -- it does not get in the way
mistergibson but it is always there if you want to mix it in at any point
jadams sure
jadams I like the idea I think
03:29 mistergibson so I'm thinking it provides something basic, without locking you in
jadams would need to see more concrete examples, but I mostly follow
mistergibson this discussion is the prelude to an explanation/pitch paper I'll throw at Phillip and see if it sticks on the wall
03:30 mistergibson the reason I'm proposing it is that I get he sense something like this is trying to emerge ... but from 3 to 5 sources ... all different ...
03:31 mistergibson it is great to be creative in almost every facility except permission systems ... we just can't have 5 of them
mistergibson conflicts, mixed messages to devs
mistergibson members, members-ci, membership ... on and on and sounds like two more I didn't know about
03:32 mistergibson I see trouble going down that road
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03:33 mistergibson so, if core provides a basic system to address it, without micromanaging the deal -- I think all can use it as they please and the area is covered pretty basically and well
mistergibson this can also apply to page access permissions : access based upon roles as group index
03:34 mistergibson but this would be written by the core team, and therefore won't bugger anything unseen
mistergibson your thoughts?
03:35 jadams I support the idea certainly, but parndt/resolve have the vision for the project obv
mistergibson sure, just want to pitch it and see if it sticks
mistergibson I think the mods to do it are so minimal overall, and it is early yet in the engine pool development, that I think the time is now to do *something*
mistergibson we'll see what he says
03:36 mistergibson if you tried that in a year with 50 engines ... much more nasty affair
03:44 mistergibson well, I'm all talked out
03:49 jadams sorry
jadams was afk
jadams lemme read
mistergibson ok
03:50 jadams so the only problem I see is if people want to use it as an app framework for sites they've already started on, it might be hard to for instance change what the 'public facing user class' is called generally
jadams but I guess they can just work around it?
03:51 mistergibson could you characterize a bit?
03:53 <- jswanner has disconnected (Quit: Leaving.)
jadams erm, just if this is going to mean that lots of engines end up expecting a ::Refinery::Member class to be an app's public facing users, but I have an app I want to switch to using refinery that instead has members called Blokes, all those engines cannot easily use my public-facing member class
jadams but I don't know that's a big deal
03:54 mistergibson no, that is what the added method to current_user is for
jadams ahh
mistergibson you call current_user.can_do?(:verb, :noun) or something .. you don't have to map a class dep
03:55 jadams sounds good
mistergibson and permissions are cached in the session var for performance
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