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G. Gibson mistergibson

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mistergibson / gist:976141
Created May 17, 2011 08:17
Letter to Bob
I submit to you that your constant exposure to Rwanda Radio has tinted your lens on this tack, and that yes - even you really do need to turn the damned thing off and approach it from another angle. Rather than promoting the esconcement of armed buzz-cut dick-heads in bunkers or happy bubbles, I'd like to think I'm promoting the most natural form of survival to the greatest number of people -- a community of individuals that support one another, and in aggregate alleviating the suffering of those caught in any future societal fracas. Lets not do Zombie Apocalypse eh? And I think if we work together, many many of us won't have to.
mistergibson / gist:1008562
Created June 5, 2011 01:33
OpenVAS notes - draft 2
OpenVAS setup - Ubuntu
Intro: A procedure and note set for setup and use of OpenVAS by Tim Inkpen and G. Gibson.
Cautions: DO NOT run this against a production machine outside of maintenance windows. It can kill certain processes.
Ensure Ruby 1.9.2 or better is installed:
mistergibson / gist:1021130
Created June 12, 2011 00:56
Prioritized Queues
require 'eventmachine'
module EventMachine
class EventQueuePool
def initialize(settings={}, total_slots=10)
@scheduled = false
@event_count = 0
@slots = 0
@queue_pool = {:main => []}
@allocations = {:main => total_slots}
mistergibson / gist:1024538
Created June 14, 2011 08:49
FF --> tune yerself before you wreck yerse'f !
ADD (in the fucking way) key entry guessing:
Entering text into your address or search box is like having an ADD child hovering over my shoulder guessing my every fucking move, getting it wrong, and INTERFERING with that I'm trying to DO! Could you please get your fucking software out of my way or give me a fucking OFF switch like the good ol' days?!? I don't have a quad core 4Ghz system with auto ass-oiling agents installed ... get real.
Seriously, I'm so ready to dump FF. (I MISS version 1.5 for its raw get-the-job-done design)
Task Scheduling:
Why is it that you place so much importance upon fetching rss feeds, give me no control over that process, such that it dims my lights and renders FF useless until it gets done (succeed or fail)? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Ever heard of the reactor pattern within a pthread and a preference system for the competent? seriously.
<link href="/stylesheets/refinery/site_bar.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="/stylesheets/refinery/refinery.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="/stylesheets/refinery/custom.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="/stylesheets/refinery/ui.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="/stylesheets/refinery/submenu.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="/stylesheets/refinery/tooltips.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="/stylesheets/wymeditor/skins/refinery/skin.css" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="/javascripts/modernizr-min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
There are no users yet, so we'll set you up first.
Remember your Refinery admin area is at:
Alright let's get you setup so you can login...
<script src="/javascripts/refinery/i18n.js" type="text/javas
mistergibson / Gemfile777
Created June 22, 2011 10:54
Gemfile in use, Issue #777
source ''
gem 'rails', '3.0.9'
# Bundle edge Rails instead:
# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://'
gem 'mysql2', '~> 0.2.7'
# Use unicorn as the web server
mistergibson / gist:1046115
Created June 25, 2011 03:45
fine grained but not micro managed
mistergibson do the engines declare in any explicit way, a list of capabilities - or what it is that it provides (programmatically) ?
ordordord Hello, when someone deletes a page in the backend, that page along with all its children are lost forever. is that correct?
09:14 Kagetsuki mistergibson: If that engine is from a gem you'll get the dependencies when you install the gem - assuming they were properly set
09:15 Kagetsuki however you may need to set up some engines in order if they depend on eachother
mistergibson Kagetsuki: that's not what I mean, wrong context
Kagetsuki I'm sorry, can you clarify?
09:16 mistergibson Kagetsuki: within a deps-in-full satisfied and running state -- does the engine declare : I provide crud on model_a, crud,search on model_b ...
mistergibson ?
mistergibson / gist:1085898
Created July 16, 2011 01:38
0ad install issues from PPA on Natty
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
0ad: Depends: libboost-signals1.42.0 (>= 1.42.0-1) but 1.42.0-4ubuntu2 is installed
Depends: libboost-system1.42.0 (>= 1.42.0-1) but 1.42.0-4ubuntu2 is installed
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.11) but 2.13-0ubuntu13 is installed
Depends: libcurl3 (>= 7.16.2-1) but 7.21.3-1ubuntu1.2 is installed
Depends: libenet1a but it is not installed
Depends: libgcc1 (>= 1:4.1.1) but 1:4.5.2-8ubuntu4 is installed
Depends: libilmbase6 (>= 1.0.1) but 1.0.1-3build2 is installed
Depends: libjpeg62 (>= 6b1) but 6b1-1ubuntu1 is installed
mistergibson / gist:1150617
Created August 17, 2011 01:43
Review Welcome
Intent: a simple configuration that handles incoming sip calls.
exten => s,1,Wait,1;
exten => s,2,Dial(SIP/s,30); # not sure if this works.
exten => s,3,Hangup;
# what I need here is a way to handle calls to unknown/undefined (s). I'll probably just playback(not-available) and hang up. Any syntax hints appreciated.
mistergibson / gist:1215357
Created September 13, 2011 22:28
Lua Scripting Suggestion
As I was contemplating the needs I would have for doing entity layer (possibly also gui) lua scripting and how that compares to stock, un-enhanced, lua -- I came up with the following list:
ICU4Lua (full unicode code-point and regex support) :
LOOP (Lua Object-Oriented Programming) :
Without these enhancements, lua seems merely appropriate for wrist watch
programming (only half serious). Case in point: although Lua can *carry* unicode
text, this is just not the same as properly generating it or doing pattern
matching which are rather basic features of a general purpose scripting use case
-- such as entity objects and npc supports will probably be needed. Also, the LOOP