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Last active November 25, 2020 03:38
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YourMembership API Requests in PHP
* Authenticate user via the API
* Documentation:
define( 'API_ENDPOINT', '' );
define( 'API_VERSION', '2.02' );
define( 'API_KEY_PUBLIC', '...' );
define( 'API_KEY_PRIVATE', '...' );
define( 'API_PASSCODE', '...' );
* Pre-define an error code that we know cannot come from the API:
$api_response = new stdClass();
$api_response->ErrCode = 9001;
* Helper method - Sanitize User Input
* Wrapper for htmlspecialchars function:
* @param string $in User-submitted form input
* @return string Sanitized form input
function sanitize_form_field( $in = '' ) {
return htmlspecialchars( $in, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_SUBSTITUTE | ENT_DISALLOWED | ENT_XML1, 'UTF-8' );
* Helper method - Create XML
* Creates the YourMembership XML request object.
* Utilizes DOMDocument:
* @param string $ym_call API call.
* @param string $ym_callID Value for the CallID element.
* @param array $ym_callParams Parameters to be included in the API call.
* @return string String representation of the YourMembership XML request object
function create_xml( $ym_call = '', $ym_callID = '000', $ym_callArgs = array() ) {
// If user didn't make a call, no need to create an XML object
if ( empty( $ym_call ) ) {
return '';
$doc = new DOMDocument( '1.0', 'UTF-8' );
$doc->formatOutput = true; // Human-readable XML. Good for debugging.
$xml = $doc->createElement('YourMembership');
$ver = $doc->createElement( 'Version', API_VERSION );
$apiKey = $doc->createElement( 'ApiKey', API_KEY_PUBLIC );
$callID = $doc->createElement( 'CallID', $ym_callID );
$call = $doc->createElement('Call');
$callAttr = $doc->createAttribute('Method');
$callAttr->value = $ym_call;
$call->appendChild( $callAttr );
if ( count( $ym_callArgs ) ) {
foreach ( $ym_callArgs as $key => $val ) {
// Make sure all call argument data are sanitized
$el = $doc->createElement( $key, sanitize_form_field( $val ) );
$call->appendChild( $el );
$xml->appendChild( $ver );
$xml->appendChild( $apiKey );
$xml->appendChild( $callID );
// If we aren't creating the session in this request, include the SessionID
if ( 'Session.Create' !== $ym_call ) {
$sessionID = $doc->createElement( 'SessionID', $_SESSION['ID'] );
$xml->appendChild( $sessionID );
$xml->appendChild( $call );
$doc->appendChild( $xml );
return $doc->saveXML();
* Helper method - Get API Response
* Makes a HTTP POST request to the API endpoint. Refer to PHP documentation:
* @param string $xml String representation of the XML request
* @return object Type SimpleXMLElement
function get_api_response( $xml = '' ) {
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => $xml
return simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents(
stream_context_create( $options )
* Get SessionID
* Calls Session.Create:
* @return string SessionID if API returns no error; otherwise empty string.
function get_sessionID() {
// Create session if no previous session exists.
if ( 9001 === $api_response->ErrCode ) {
$api_response = get_api_response( create_xml( 'Session.Create', '001' ) );
// Return sessionID if API call did not return error code; else return empty string.
return '' . ( intval( $api_response->ErrCode ) ) ? '' : $api_response->{"Session.Create"}->SessionID;
* Is User Logged In?
* Checks whether a user is logged in. Calls Auth.Authenticate:
* @param string $usr Username
* @param string $pwd Password
* @param string $sessionID SessionID
* @return boolean True if API authenticates the user credentials
function is_user_logged_in( $usr = '', $pwd = '' ) {
// Skip the API call if the user was already authenticated
if ( strlen( $_SESSION['userID'] ) ) {
return true;
$_SESSION['ID'] = get_sessionID();
// Authenticate submitted user credentials if the API created a session without error.
if ( ! intval( $api_response->ErrCode ) ) {
$api_response = get_api_response( create_xml(
'Username' => $usr,
'Password' => $pwd
)) );
// Assign user ID returned from the API to the session variable.
$_SESSION['userID'] = '' . $api_response->{"Auth.Authenticate"}->ID;
// Return true if the API response came with a user ID.
return (bool) strlen( $_SESSION['userID'] );
// The API returned errors. The user couldn't be logged in.
return false;
$usr = '';
$pwd = '';
if ( !empty( $_POST['user'] ) ) {
// User input are always assumed unsafe. Sanitize at the lastest possible.
$usr = $_POST['user'];
$pwd = $_POST['pass'];
$isUserLoggedIn = is_user_logged_in( $usr, $pwd );
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Thank you so much for the feedback. I will follow the PHPDoc standard more closely.

Regarding data sanitization, luckily, this code is still being tested in a local dev environment. Will definitely sanitize POST content before this is deployed live!

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