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Created June 3, 2014 17:18
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crashdumper in flash
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;
import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
import flash.Lib;
import flixel.FlxGame;
import flixel.FlxState;
import openfl.Lib;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import haxe.CallStack;
#if linux
#elseif flash
class Main extends Sprite
private static var endl:String = "\n";
private static var sl:String = "/";
var gameWidth:Int = 640; // Width of the game in pixels (might be less / more in actual pixels depending on your zoom).
var gameHeight:Int = 480; // Height of the game in pixels (might be less / more in actual pixels depending on your zoom).
var initialState:Class<FlxState> = MenuState; // The FlxState the game starts with.
var zoom:Float = -1; // If -1, zoom is automatically calculated to fit the window dimensions.
var framerate:Int = 60; // How many frames per second the game should run at.
var skipSplash:Bool = false; // Whether to skip the flixel splash screen that appears in release mode.
var startFullscreen:Bool = false; // Whether to start the game in fullscreen on desktop targets
// You can pretty much ignore everything from here on - your code should go in your states.
public static function main():Void
Lib.current.addChild(new Main());
Lib.current.loaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents.addEventListener(UncaughtErrorEvent.UNCAUGHT_ERROR, onErrorEvent);
var b:BitmapData = null;
private static function onErrorEvent(e:Dynamic)
private static function crashStr(errorData:Dynamic):String {
return "--------------------------------------" + endl +
"crashed:\t" + + endl +
"error:\t\t" + errorData + endl +
"stack:" + endl + getStackTrace() + endl;
private static function getStackTrace():String
var stack:Array<StackItem> = CallStack.exceptionStack();
var stackTrace:String = "";
var item:StackItem;
for (item in stack)
stackTrace += printStackItem(item) + endl;
return stackTrace;
private static function printStackItem(itm:StackItem):String
var str:String = "";
switch( itm ) {
case CFunction:
str = "a C function";
case Module(m):
str = "module " + m;
case FilePos(itm,file,line):
if( itm != null ) {
str = printStackItem(itm) + " (";
str += file;
str += " line ";
str += line;
if (itm != null) str += ")";
case Method(cname,meth):
str += (cname);
str += (".");
str += (meth);
case LocalFunction(n):
str += ("local function #");
str += (n);
return str;
public function new()
if (stage != null)
addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
private function init(?E:Event):Void
if (hasEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE))
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
private function setupGame():Void
var stageWidth:Int = Lib.current.stage.stageWidth;
var stageHeight:Int = Lib.current.stage.stageHeight;
if (zoom == -1)
var ratioX:Float = stageWidth / gameWidth;
var ratioY:Float = stageHeight / gameHeight;
zoom = Math.min(ratioX, ratioY);
gameWidth = Math.ceil(stageWidth / zoom);
gameHeight = Math.ceil(stageHeight / zoom);
addChild(new FlxGame(gameWidth, gameHeight, initialState, zoom, framerate, framerate, skipSplash, startFullscreen));
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