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Created July 24, 2014 07:36
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hddtemp_smartctl が動かない

root@apricot:/usr/share/munin/plugins# munin-run hddtemp_smartctl
Can't exec "-A": No such file or directory at /etc/munin/plugins/hddtemp_smartctl line 214.
sda.value U
sda.extinfo Command  -A /dev/sda on drive sda failed: -1.  The plugin needs to have read permission on all monitored devices.
[ERROR] Command  -A /dev/sda on drive sda failed: -1.  The plugin needs to have read permission on all monitored devices.
Can't exec "-A": No such file or directory at /etc/munin/plugins/hddtemp_smartctl line 214.
sdb.value U
sdb.extinfo Command  -A /dev/sdb on drive sdb failed: -1.  The plugin needs to have read permission on all monitored devices.
[ERROR] Command  -A /dev/sdb on drive sdb failed: -1.  The plugin needs to have read permission on all monitored devices.

The plugin needs to have read permission on all monitored devices. とのことだったので、パーミッション周りを弄っては、munin を再起動してって感じで試してみたのですがうまくいかず、いろいろ弄った挙句、そもそも smartctl コマンドが無かったので上手く動作しなかったようです… なので、smartctl 導入したら、うまくうごきました。

root@apricot:/usr/share/munin/plugins# munin-run hddtemp_smartctl
sda.value 41
sdb.value 45
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