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Created July 8, 2024 20:32
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Unity3d script, to track sprite used with SpriteAtlas-asset, same way as UI.Image
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.U2D;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace Mitaywalle.UI
public class TrackedSprite
MaskableGraphic _graphic;
// To track textureless images, which will be rebuild if sprite atlas manager registered a Sprite Atlas that will give this image new texture
static List<TrackedSprite> m_TrackedTextureless = new();
static bool s_Initialized;
[SerializeField] Sprite m_Sprite;
// Whether this is being tracked for Atlas Binding.
bool m_Tracked;
public Sprite sprite
get { return m_Sprite; }
if (m_Sprite != null)
if (m_Sprite != value)
m_Sprite = value;
else if (value != null)
m_Sprite = value;
[NonSerialized] Sprite m_OverrideSprite;
public Sprite overrideSprite
get => activeSprite;
if (!SetClass(ref m_OverrideSprite, value)) return;
public Sprite activeSprite => m_OverrideSprite != null ? m_OverrideSprite : sprite;
public bool hasBorder
if (activeSprite != null)
Vector4 v = activeSprite.border;
return v.sqrMagnitude > 0f;
return false;
static void Rebuild(SpriteAtlas spriteAtlas)
for (var i = m_TrackedTextureless.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var tracked = m_TrackedTextureless[i];
if (null != tracked.activeSprite && spriteAtlas.CanBindTo(tracked.activeSprite))
static void Track(TrackedSprite tracked)
if (!s_Initialized)
SpriteAtlasManager.atlasRegistered += Rebuild;
s_Initialized = true;
static void UnTrack(TrackedSprite tracked)
public void OnEnable(MaskableGraphic graphic)
_graphic = graphic;
public void OnDisable()
if (m_Tracked) UnTrack(this);
void TrackSprite()
if (activeSprite == null || activeSprite.texture != null) return;
m_Tracked = true;
static bool SetClass<T>(ref T currentValue, T newValue) where T : class
if ((currentValue == null && newValue == null) || (currentValue != null && currentValue.Equals(newValue)))
return false;
currentValue = newValue;
return true;
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