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Created October 19, 2021 12:14
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A hacky way of setting a custom delegate for QListView
#include <QtWidgets>
#include <QDebug>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QMainWindow mainWindow;
QWidget *centralWidget = new QWidget;
QVBoxLayout *vBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(centralWidget);
auto listView = new QListView(centralWidget);
QStandardItemModel model(100, 1);
for (int row = 0; row < model.rowCount(); ++row) {
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(QString("row %0").arg(row));
model.setItem(row, 0, item);
// This makes the widget always visible, whereas the custom delegate
// approach doesn't, and manages memory better as a result.
// To do it properly, subclass QStyledItemDelegate and reimplement createEditor():
for (int row = 0; row < 10; ++row) {
auto slider = new QSlider;
listView->setIndexWidget(model.index(row, 0), slider);
mainWindow.resize(400, 400);;
return app.exec();
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