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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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Dash xodus wrapper
(ns nl.avisi.xodus.core
(:import [jetbrains.exodus.entitystore PersistentEntityStore StoreTransaction Entity PersistentEntityStoreImpl StoreTransactionalComputable EntityIterable]
[jetbrains.exodus.entitystore.iterate SortIterable])
(:require [ :as log]))
(defn with-transaction!
"Calls the given function with a transaction.
Will revert all changes on exception and throw the exception"
([^PersistentEntityStore store func]
(with-transaction! store func false))
([^PersistentEntityStore store func read-only?]
(let [computable (reify StoreTransactionalComputable
(compute [this ^StoreTransaction tx]
(func tx)))]
(if read-only?
(.computeInReadonlyTransaction store computable)
(.computeInTransaction store computable)))))
(defn set-props! [^Entity entity props]
#(.setProperty entity (name %) (get props %))
(keys props))))
(defn flush-tx [^StoreTransaction tx]
(.flush tx))
(defn map->entity ^Entity [^StoreTransaction transaction entity datum]
(let [ent ^Entity (.newEntity transaction entity)]
(set-props! ent datum)
(defn all [^StoreTransaction transaction entity]
(seq (.getAll transaction entity)))
(defn all-by-property [^StoreTransaction transaction entity property value]
(seq (.find transaction entity (name property) value)))
(defn all-by-props
"Finds an entity by multiple values props-with-vals-tuple should be like [[:prop 1] [:prop2 10]"
[^StoreTransaction transaction entity props-with-vals-tuple]
(let [queries (map (fn [[prop value]]
(.find transaction entity (name prop) value)) props-with-vals-tuple)]
(seq (reduce (fn [^EntityIterable left ^EntityIterable right]
(.intersect left right)) (first queries) (rest queries)))))
(defn entities [^StoreTransaction transaction]
(.getEntityTypes transaction))
(defn all-in-range [^StoreTransaction transaction entity prop inclusive-start inclusive-end]
(seq (.find transaction entity (name prop) inclusive-start inclusive-end)))
(defn all-in-range-sorted [^StoreTransaction transaction entity prop inclusive-start inclusive-end sort-by ascending?]
(seq (.sort
(name sort-by)
(.find transaction entity (name prop) inclusive-start inclusive-end)
(defn all-sorted-by [^StoreTransaction transaction entity prop ascending?]
(seq (.sort transaction entity (name prop) ascending?)))
(defn id [^Entity entity]
(.toIdString entity))
(defn delete [^Entity entity]
(.delete entity))
(defn save!
[^StoreTransaction transaction entity datum]
(let [new-ent ^Entity (map->entity transaction entity datum)]
(.saveEntity transaction new-ent)
(defn save-bulk!
"A shortcut to save a bulk of items, flushes the transaction every 1000 items
for awesome performance"
[^StoreTransaction transaction entity data]
(fn [i datum]
(map->entity transaction entity datum)
(when (= 0 (mod i 1000)) (.flush transaction)))
(ns nl.avisi.xodus.core-test
(:import [jetbrains.exodus.entitystore PersistentEntityStores])
(:require [nl.avisi.xodus.core :refer :all]
[clojure.test :refer :all]
[nl.avisi.fixtures.xodus :as xodus]))
(use-fixtures :each xodus/fixture)
(deftest save-single-items
(testing "Saving a single item"
(with-transaction! xodus/store
(fn [tx]
(let [res (save! tx "test" {"id" 1 "value" 2})]
(is (= 1 (.getProperty res "id")))
(is (= 2 (.getProperty res "value"))))))))
(deftest save-and-get-all-items
(testing "Saving 10 items"
(with-transaction! xodus/store
(fn [tx]
(let [res (save-bulk! tx "test" (repeat 10 {"id" "name"
"value" 10}))]
(is (= 10 (count (all tx "test")))))))))
(deftest get-all-in-range
(testing "getting one item in range"
(with-transaction! xodus/store
(fn [tx]
(save-bulk! tx "test"
[{"value" 10}
{"value" 11}
{"value" 12}
{"value" 13}])
(is (= 3 (count (all-in-range tx "test" "value" 10 12))))))))
(deftest get-all-in-range-sorted
(testing "getting one item in range"
(with-transaction! xodus/store
(fn [tx]
(save-bulk! tx "test"
[{"value" 12}
{"value" 11}
{"value" 10}
{"value" 13}])
(is (= 3 (count (all-in-range-sorted tx "test" "value" 10 12 :value true))))
(is (= '(10 11 12) (map #(.getProperty % "value") (all-in-range-sorted tx "test" "value" 10 12 :value true))))))))
(deftest get-all-entities
(testing "getting two entities"
(with-transaction! xodus/store
(fn [tx]
(save! tx "foo" {"value" 1})
(save! tx "bar" {"value" 2})))
(with-transaction! xodus/store
(fn [tx]
(is (some #{"foo"} (entities tx)))
(is (some #{"bar"} (entities tx)))))))
(deftest get-all-sorted-by
(testing "getting two entities"
(with-transaction! xodus/store
(fn [tx]
(save! tx "foo" {"value" 1})
(save! tx "foo" {"value" 2})
(is (= '(1 2) (map #(.getProperty % "value") (all-sorted-by tx "foo" :value true))))
(is (= '(2 1) (map #(.getProperty % "value") (all-sorted-by tx "foo" "value" false))))))))
(deftest get-by-test
(testing "getting something by a property"
(with-transaction! xodus/store
(fn [tx]
(save! tx "Post" {"title" "My first post"})
(is (= 1 (count (all-by-property tx "Post" "title" "My first post"))))))))
(deftest get-by-multiple-props-test
(testing "getting something by multiple properties property"
(with-transaction! xodus/store
(fn [tx]
(save! tx "Post" {"title" "My first post" "timestamp" 2})
(save! tx "Post" {"title" "My first post" "timestamp" 10})
(let [res (all-by-props tx "Post" [["title" "My first post"] ["timestamp" 10]])]
(is (= (count res) 1))
(is (= (.getProperty (first res) "title") "My first post"))
(is (= (.getProperty (first res) "timestamp") 10)))))))
(deftest save-large-string
(testing "getting something by a property"
(with-transaction! xodus/store
(fn [tx]
(let [big-string (pr-str (map #(hash-map :value %) (range 10000)))]
(save! tx "Post" {"big-string" big-string})
(is (= 1 (count (all-by-property tx "Post" "big-string" big-string)))))))))
(ns nl.avisi.fixtures.xodus
(:import [jetbrains.exodus.entitystore PersistentEntityStores]))
(defn delete-recursively [fname]
(let [func (fn [func f]
(when (.isDirectory f)
(doseq [f2 (.listFiles f)]
(func func f2)))
( f))]
(func func ( fname))))
(def folder "test-data")
(def store nil)
(defn fixture
(fn [_]
(let [store (PersistentEntityStores/newInstance "test-data")
config (.getConfig store)]
(.setCachingDisabled config true)
(.close store)
(catch Throwable e))
(delete-recursively "test-data"))
(ns nl.avisi.xodus.service
(:import [jetbrains.exodus.entitystore PersistentEntityStores StoreTransaction Entity])
(:import [ EntityStoreConfig ])
(:require [ :as log]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :as trapperkeeper]
[ :as tk-services]
[nl.avisi.xodus.core :as core]))
(defprotocol XodusService
(with-transaction! [this func read-only?]))
(trapperkeeper/defservice xodus-service
"Holds a Xodus Persisten Entity Store database"
[[:ConfigService get-in-config]]
(start [this context]
(log/info "Starting Xodus service")
(let [store (PersistentEntityStores/newInstance
(str (get-in-config [:data-directory]) "/xodus"))
config (.getConfig store)]
(.setCachingDisabled config true)
(stop [this context]
(.close (:env context))
(log/info "Stopping Xodus service")
(dissoc context :env))
(with-transaction! [this func read-only?]
(core/with-transaction! (:env (tk-services/service-context this))
func read-only?)))
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